A fight against death


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Healthcare Reform is a fight against death. Tomorrow, 122 people will not be alive because their lives will have been aborted today because they do no have healthcare. And each day the Healthcare Reform bill is not passed 122 lives are aborted. And it is the pro-lifers who are stanch opposers of healthcare for all. They put a price on the lives of the uninsured when they complain about the cost of healthcare for them and how much taxes they may have to pay to save their lives.
They oppose aborting the unborn child but not the aborting of the child's life after birth. They just want the baby to take a breath and then it’s own their own.
Death Panels are the private insurance companies.
There will also be more than 122 people killed in automobile crashes that doesn't matter if there is Healthcare Reform or not. Just out of curosity, how did you come up with the number of 122 people (fetuses) that will be aborted because there is no health care reform? I think you have been drinking too strong of a beverage. Actually, I think you are full of bullshit.
Government controlled healthcare will be the death of the US economy. England (and other Western European countries) would love to get rid of their NHS since it is quickly taking their economy down. Why would you want the US to suffer the same fate? European governments are all now starting to turn to the "right". I agree what we have now needs to be reformed but letting the government run our lives is not the way to go. America, the land of the free and let's keep it that way. Government run anything is anathema to the Constitution of the United States.

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