A Federal Whistleblower's Story - The Alarm Has Been Sounded and No One Has Listened


Jun 12, 2005
You may be aware that, as a 28-year veteran of law enforcement, I recently served as the head of one of the top uniformed Federal law enforcement agencies in this country – that is, until I unwittingly became a whistleblower.

Sometime after being permanently silenced in retaliation for speaking with a reporter, I prepared an op-ed, which is copied and pasted beneath this message. It was not prepared as an exclusive for any one media outlet or individual organization. The circumstances of this case and the impact on media and citizens across the United States make that impractical.

I hope that you will find a meaningful use for the document and that you will consider publishing it and/or passing it on to others in whatever forum you deem appropriate. Please know that I am available for interviews, guest appearances, and speaking engagements. My contact information is included below. You can read more about my case at ***** and hear some of the previous stories posted by its webmaster as well as many of my recent media interviews in the audio library, accessed via a button at the top left of the home page.

Please consider keeping this story alive by informing others of these outrageous actions by Federal officials who should be concerned for your safety and who should be upholding the values of freedom of speech and honesty and integrity in government. Feel free to reach out to me for any additional information I can provide.

Thank you for your consideration.

Teresa Chambers



The plight of whistleblowers – those employees who sound the alarm about anything from dangerous conditions in the workplace to missed or ignored intelligence regarding our nation's security – is a story that seems to grow stronger and with more frequency every day. My guess is that those stories have always been there; I suspect I am just paying closer attention to them now.

You see, I joined the "ranks" of whistleblowers on December 2, 2003, when a major newspaper printed a story in which I confirmed for them what many of us already knew – we, the members of the United States Park Police, could no longer provide the level of service that citizens and visitors had grown to expect in our parks and on our parkways in Washington, D.C., New York City, and San Francisco. The world changed for all of us on September 11, 2001, and the expectations of police agencies across the country grew exponentially overnight. As the Chief of the United States Park Police, an organization responsible for the safety and security of some of America's most valued and recognizable symbols of freedom – including such notable sites as the Washington Monument, the Statue of Liberty, and the Golden Gate Bridge area – I knew it was my duty, as chiefs of police across the country do every day, to inform the community of the realities of the situation.

For being candid – for being "honest" – while still being supportive of my superiors, I was, without warning, stripped of my law enforcement authority, badge, and firearm, and escorted from the Department of the Interior by armed special agents of another Federal law enforcement entity in December of 2003. Seven months later, the Department of the Interior terminated me.

Frighteningly, the issues I brought to light about our citizens' and visitors' safety and security and the future of these American icons have not been addressed – other than to silence me. In fact, there are fewer United States Park Police officers today than there were in 2003 when I was sent home for daring to say that we weren't able to properly meet our commitments with existing resources. Other security concerns I raised internally have also gone un-addressed.

Imagine the outcry if I had stayed silent and if one of those symbolic monuments or memorials had been destroyed or the loss of life had occurred to someone visiting one of those locations. I did not want to be standing with my superiors among the ruins of an American icon or in front of a Congressional committee trying to explain why we hadn't asked for help.

Despite the serious First Amendment and security implications of my case for each American, there has been no Congressional intervention, no Congressional hearing, no demand of accountability by elected officials for those who took action to silence me and who have ignored all warnings about the perils to which I alerted them. Through it all, it has become clear that Federal employees have little protection for simply telling the truth. Following my termination and the publicity that accompanied it, it is unlikely that any current Federal employee will be willing to speak up with straightforward, accurate information about the realities of any danger we face now or in the future.

My story is told on a website, *****, established by my husband in December 2003 so that the American people could "witness" the issues in this case. Through the webmaster’s regular updates, the website has provided transparency to my situation by including an audio library and making key documents available for viewing, including the transcripts of depositions of top officials and their testimony during a key administrative hearing.

Suppression of information is spreading – gag orders, nondisclosure agreements, and the government's refusal to turnover documents. In agencies that span Federal service, conscientious public servants are struggling to communicate vital concerns to their true employers – the American public. Is anyone listening?

Teresa Chambers

post edited by moderator to remove links


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We're sorry. Tree police just aren't that important considering the new realities of a war on terror.
Doesn't seem right... makes me wonder if what you're purporting is the "only" reason you were fired.
rtwngAvngr said:
We're sorry. Tree police just aren't that important considering the new realities of a war on terror.

As described in the op-ed, the United States Park Police is the organization responsible for policing and protecting some of America's most valued and recognizable symbols of freedom - including such notable sites as the Washington Monument, the Statue of Liberty, and the Golden Gate Bridge area. In fact, it includes the White House area itself as well as five major parkways in and out of Washington, DC. It's a nationwide organization with critical homeland security responsibilities.

A few anecdotal pieces of information: It was the United States Park Police helicopter team whose members were the first on the ground at the Pentagon on 9-11 and who, 20 years earlier, plucked survivors from the icy Potomac River following the Air Florida crash. It was also the United States Park Police helicopter team (a second one) whose members were given control of the airspace over Washington on 9-11 when the smoke was too thick for air traffic controllers at Reagan National Airport to continue their job.

Be sure, on your next visit, to click on the First Time Visitor button. I believe it will answer many questions you might have.
Pale Rider said:
Doesn't seem right... makes me wonder if what you're purporting is the "only" reason you were fired.

Hope you'll take some time to visit ***** and decide based on the actual documents that are included there. Be sure, on your next visit, to click on the First Time Visitor button. I believe it will answer many questions you might have.

Teresa Chambers

post edited by moderator to remove links
HonestChief said:
As described in the op-ed, the United States Park Police is the organization responsible for policing and protecting some of America's most valued and recognizable symbols of freedom - including such notable sites as the Washington Monument, the Statue of Liberty, and the Golden Gate Bridge area. In fact, it includes the White House area itself as well as five major parkways in and out of Washington, DC. It's a nationwide organization with critical homeland security responsibilities.

A few anecdotal pieces of information: It was the United States Park Police helicopter team whose members were the first on the ground at the Pentagon on 9-11 and who, 20 years earlier, plucked survivors from the icy Potomac River following the Air Florida crash. It was also the United States Park Police helicopter team (a second one) whose members were given control of the airspace over Washington on 9-11 when the smoke was too thick for air traffic controllers at Reagan National Airport to continue their job.

Be sure, on your next visit, to click on the First Time Visitor button. I believe it will answer many questions you might have.

It does suck to be canned for telling the truth, I empathize with that.
HonestChief said:
Hope you'll take some time to visit www.Iwannagetbanned.com and decide based on the actual documents that are included there. Be sure, on your next visit, to click on the First Time Visitor button. I believe it will answer many questions you might have.

Teresa Chambers
***** (link removed by moderator)

None of your links to the left of your web page work. "First time visitor" as well as all the others were inop.

It would appear that you have whoever it was that employed you dead to rights, and they shouldn't have fired you. I'd just like to hear a rebuttal to "your side of the story" before I fully believe all the accusations.

mickey moore has his own web page devoted to himself and those dumb enough to swallow his lies too. I'm not saying YOU are lying, I'm just saying that I'm not one to believe EVERYTHING I read without fully looking into the matter at hand.
Pale Rider said:
None of your links to the left of your web page work. "First time visitor" as well as all the others were inop.

Just checked the website, and all the links are working from this end. If you are still having trouble, perhaps you could click the link at the top of the home page (just under the title) that says, "Unable to View This Site Correctly? Click Here."

If you're still having trouble, would you drop an email to me at [COLOR=Red]*****[/COLOR] or to the webmaster at [email][COLOR=Red]*****[/COLOR]? Many thanks.

Teresa Chambers
[COLOR=Red]*****[/COLOR] :salute:

links removed by moderator
After its investigation, the Special Counsel will decide whether to petition the civil service court, called the Merit Systems Protection Board, to order Chief Chambers restored. Left pending, however, are the charges made against Chief Chambers by Deputy Parks Director Don Murphy one week before Christmas. Murphy had earlier offered to forego all charges if Chief Chambers would agree to an unprecedented gag order, restricting her ability to answer media or congressional inquiries without screening by political appointees. Chambers, the first female Park Police chief, refused Murphy's offer.

So what happened?
Pale Rider said:
So what happened?
LONG process. VERY long process.

The Office of Special Counsel drug their feet and did nothing. Finally, I took it to the next step, the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB).

We had a hearing in front of an administrative judge of the MSPB in September of 2004. She threw out two of the six administrative charges. (We're one-third of our way to total vindication!) Now, we've asked for a review by the full board. We submitted that in December 2004 and have not heard anything yet. We cannot go into Federal court until we exhaust ALL administrative remedies.

Feel free to click on the "Sign me up" button on the home page of ***** and we'll provide you periodic updates.

Thanks for asking.

Teresa Chambers
links removed by moderator
I did peruse much of what I could in a short period on your website and contained links. At this point, I'd have to say you're being rail roaded, and for some inconspicuous reason, I somehow get the feeling you being a "woman" is part of the reason.
HonestChief said:
LONG process. VERY long process.

The Office of Special Counsel drug their feet and did nothing. Finally, I took it to the next step, the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB).

We had a hearing in front of an administrative judge of the MSPB in September of 2004. She threw out two of the six administrative charges. (We're one-third of our way to total vindication!) Now, we've asked for a review by the full board. We submitted that in December 2004 and have not heard anything yet. We cannot go into Federal court until we exhaust ALL administrative remedies.

Feel free to click on the "Sign me up" button on the home page of *** and we'll provide you periodic updates.

Thanks for asking.

Teresa Chambers

Ms. Chambers, you are coming very close to violating the rules of the board. Your constant references to your website cause me to conclude that your primary purpose here is to advertise, not to inform.

Please review the board rules on the main page, from which the following pertinent items have been extracted.

7- Advertising -There is absolutely no advertising allowed! (Unless you want to pay for such advertising)

8- Links -Links to other boards/forums and discussion pages for the purpose of advertising is forbidden. Linking to a discussion elsewhere to further a point is acceptable.

I will edit your posts to remove the links. If you feel that this action is inappropriate you may appeal to Sir Evil or Jimnyc.
Merlin1047 said:
Ms. Chambers, you are coming very close to violating the rules of the board. Your constant references to your website cause me to conclude that your primary purpose here is to advertise, not to inform.

Please review the board rules on the main page, from which the following pertinent items have been extracted.

I will edit your posts to remove the links. If you feel that this action is inappropriate you may appeal to Sir Evil or Jimnyc.

Editing out the links, I believe, is totally inappropriate. How in the world can I "inform" in a few paragraphs what is there for you and the rest of the public to read for themselves on the HonestChief site?. Rather than editorialize, my husband, the webmaster, has been careful to link the actual documents -- from both sides in this case -- a case that should matter to each of us -- a case of withholding information from the American public. Since you have removed the links, how will your readers be "informed"? Instead, they will have only my version of things watered down to a few, brief paragraphs.

By the way, most dictionaries list as their prominent definition of "advertise" that advertising is done to increase sales. I'm not "selling" anything -- except, perhaps, the upholding of the American Constitution.

If you believe I should appeal to others, please list their email addresses. Or do what's right -- put my website addresses back where they belong. Otherwise, you have done what my "bosses" did 18 months ago. Decided what was unpopular and made it go away.

Thank you for your consideration.

Teresa Chambers
***** advertising links removed by moderator
manu1959 said:
i call :bsflag: unless you drive a humvee or you are highway patrol

I beg to differ. :salute: Best look at the land on which the supports for the bridge sit. Except for those in the water, they are all on the property of the National Park Service -- patrolled by the United States Park Police and by the law enforcement rangers of the National Park Service.

Many folks aren't aware of what we do -- including, unfortunately, Congress.

In addition to Washington, D.C., and New York City, there is an entire command of United States Park Police officers stationed in San Francisco, headquartered in the Presidio.

Teresa Chambers
***** advertising links removed by moderator
HonestChief said:
I beg to differ. :salute: Best look at the land on which the supports for the bridge sit. Except for those in the water, they are all on the property of the National Park Service -- patrolled by the United States Park Police and by the law enforcement rangers of the National Park Service.

Many folks aren't aware of what we do -- including, unfortunately, Congress.

In addition to Washington, D.C., and New York City, there is an entire command of United States Park Police officers stationed in San Francisco, headquartered in the Presidio.

Teresa Chambers
***** advertising links removed by moderator

i drive the bridges.....humvees and chp guarding the bridges....yall are just bitching about jursidiction, overtime and pissing rights.....
manu1959 said:
i drive the bridges.....humvees and chp guarding the bridges....yall are just bitching about jursidiction, overtime and pissing rights.....

I don't have a clue what you are talking about with your comment about jurisdiction, overtime, and the like. Clearly, you either haven't read and understood my email or haven't taken the time to visit the website.

When you are ready to visit with the United States Park Police and see what their role is with regard to the protection of LOTS of American icons including their piece of responsibility in the Golden Gate Bridge area, let me know. I'll be glad to call the Major who commands the San Francisco Field Office and arrange for you to visit with him. You'll see theire is no competition. There is plenty of work for all the involved jurisdictions. Plenty . . .

Teresa Chambers :salute:
***** advertising links removed by moderator
HonestChief said:
I beg to differ. :salute: Best look at the land on which the supports for the bridge sit. Except for those in the water, they are all on the property of the National Park Service -- patrolled by the United States Park Police and by the law enforcement rangers of the National Park Service.

Many folks aren't aware of what we do -- including, unfortunately, Congress.

In addition to Washington, D.C., and New York City, there is an entire command of United States Park Police officers stationed in San Francisco, headquartered in the Presidio.

Teresa Chambers
***** advertising links removed by moderator]

Look t. Everyone likes to feel like their narrow slice of the world is the most crucial, but the tree police just aren't crucial. Part of me thinks you just like to criticize The Bush Administration. If you had a case, you'd be in a lawyers office instead of online.
HonestChief said:
Editing out the links, I believe, is totally inappropriate. How in the world can I "inform" in a few paragraphs what is there for you and the rest of the public to read for themselves on the HonestChief site?. If you believe I should appeal to others, please list their email addresses. Or do what's right -- put my website addresses back where they belong. Otherwise, you have done what my "bosses" did 18 months ago. Decided what was unpopular and made it go away.

Thank you for your consideration.

Teresa Chambers
***** advertising links removed by moderator

Ms Chambers, my assessment regarding your use of links for advertising purposes and my decision to remove them is not up for discussion. I will not restore your links and if you post another link in violation of this decision, I will ban you from this board. This is the only warning you will receive, rest assured that I will not argue the point with you any further.

Regarding the e-mail addresses you requested, they are not necessary. If you will simply take a few moments to acquaint yourself with the functions of this board, you will find the means to send a personal message to both of the individuals I mentioned previously. Or you can simply find one of their posts and click on their name and a drop down menu will pop up. One of the options will be "send a personal message to". Utilize this option to pursue your protest. I will tell you that I have already discussed the subject with Sir Evil and he concurs with my decision.

But feel free to plead your case. Meantime - NO MORE LINKS - period.
HonestChief said:
Editing out the links, I believe, is totally inappropriate. How in the world can I "inform" in a few paragraphs what is there for you and the rest of the public to read for themselves on the HonestChief site?. Rather than editorialize, my husband, the webmaster, has been careful to link the actual documents -- from both sides in this case -- a case that should matter to each of us -- a case of withholding information from the American public. Since you have removed the links, how will your readers be "informed"? Instead, they will have only my version of things watered down to a few, brief paragraphs.

By the way, most dictionaries list as their prominent definition of "advertise" that advertising is done to increase sales. I'm not "selling" anything -- except, perhaps, the upholding of the American Constitution.

If you believe I should appeal to others, please list their email addresses. Or do what's right -- put my website addresses back where they belong. Otherwise, you have done what my "bosses" did 18 months ago. Decided what was unpopular and made it go away.

Thank you for your consideration.

Teresa Chambers
***** advertising links removed by moderator

And let me respond on a personal level and not as a moderator.

First, this site is designed for discussion and current events. It is not designed to be the tool for your personal grievances with the government. Once you have stated your case, I very much doubt that other readers are very interested in the minute details of your travails.

Second, if you were as bitchy, pushy and uncooperative with your employers as you have been on this board, then I doubt very much that you were fired for the cause you stated most likely your attitude had something to do with it.

Seems to me, that if you are telling the truth, you simply need to save all those keystrokes you're wasting on this board and type up a transcript for your lawyer and go and have your day in court instead of attempting to try the case on this board.

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