A Day Late And A Dollar Short

Oh it is definitely the Democrats fault a white cop shot an unarmed Blackman in the back 7 times while surrounded by several other officers. View attachment 379182

It's not the Republicans fault that happened either... so both parties need to fix the problem, not blame each other for it.

And here is my analysis of the problem.

There was a time when black Americans were brought up in homes with two parents, I believe I read that at one point had a higher in wedlock birthrate than whites. All changed when Democrats pretended to trying to help this group, whose votes they desired.

So….when the culture veered from the acceptable, Liberals/Democrats treated them as a parent who spoils wayward offspring.

Out of wedlock births…..just fine.

Crime….make excuses for it.

A violent and anti-social culture? Must be due to racial oppression.

Now, if one imagines that the pathologies holding blacks back are inherent, genetic….guess again.

Consider in the heredity vs. environment controversy: females are several times as numerous as males among blacks with high IQs. Witty and Jenkins, "Educational Achievement of a Group of Gifted Negro Children," Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 25, p. 593. They inherit the same genes, are raised in the same homes and neighborhoods......explanations rest on the culture, the excessively 'macho' roles of males associated with and emphasizing certain sociopathologies. Roles that the Left pretends are normal and acceptable, are not.

There is a pathology, abandoning families, that certainly holds some individuals back, and it is one that has been encouraged by the Liberals/Democrats.
“Baby momma” is not a substitute for “wife.”

The only question is, whether the debilitation can be reversed.
You really need to shut your Asian ass up about black families bitch.

Todays lesson:

"Shutting up the mouths of racist Korean bitches pertaining to fake black pathologies."

On June 8, 2015, Charles Blow wrote an article in the New York Times titled, “Black Dads Are Doing Best of All.” McDonald should have read it. This article takes apart the tale of black fathers not being around for their kids. The issue of unwed births really has no relation to whether 2 parents are around. An unwed birth is a child being born and the couple is not married. That does not mean a man and a woman are not together raising the child. The single mother narrative got destroyed long ago, because a single mother does not mean a man will not be around to influence the child as it grows up. One fantastic example is the story Shaquille O’Neill tells about his relationship with Sergeant Phillip Harrison who raised him with his mother. Finally, the appearance of Barack Obama on the world stage allows me to say once and for all that a single parent family is not the cause of the problem. This article shows that the majority of black children in this country live with their fathers or their fathers are active participants in their lives. In reality, not the convoluted racist mind, a mother and father ARE present in the majority of black homes.

Josh Levs points this out in his new book, “All In,” in a chapter titled “How Black Dads Are Doing Best of All (But There’s Still a Crisis).” One fact that Levs quickly establishes is that most black fathers in America live with their children: “There are about 2.5 million black fathers living with their children and about 1.7 million living apart from them.”

Charles Blow

A report titled “Fathers’ Involvement With Their Children: United States, 2006–2010,” was published by the Centers for Disease Control in the National Health Report on December 20, 2013. The findings are interesting for those who have decided they can paint black culture in moral terms. Moral terms that 244 years of American history show whites who have decided they can do the painting, refuse hold themselves to. The findings in this study debunk the standard racist white narrative to the point that it is miseducation, misinformation, lies, or whatever word you want to give to the purposeful deception provided to describe a race of people. Some of the findings are as follows:

A higher percentage of fathers who lived with their children under age 5 fed or ate meals with them daily—72% compared with 7.9% of fathers with noncoresidential children. A higher percentage of fathers living apart from their children did not feed or eat meals with them at all in the last 4 weeks—43% compared with 0.8% of fathers with coresidential children (Table 2). Variation by Hispanic origin and race was seen in the percentages of coresidential fathers who ate meals with their children every day. Specifically, Hispanic fathers were less likely to eat meals with their children every day (64%) than were non-Hispanic white (74%) or non-Hispanic black (78%) fathers.

There was a significant difference by Hispanic origin and race among fathers with coresidential children: Black fathers (70%) were most likely to have bathed, dressed, diapered, or helped their children use the toilet every day compared with white (60%) and Hispanic fathers (45%).

A higher percentage of Hispanic fathers aged 15–44 (52%) had not played with their noncoresidential children in the last 4 weeks compared with white (30%) and black (25%) fathers.

Larger percentages of Hispanic (82%) and white (70%) fathers had not helped their noncoresidential children with homework at all in the last 4 weeks compared with black fathers (56%).

Pew Research estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and 32 percent of Hispanic dads. Evidence shows that a number of black dads living apart from their kids because of structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded racist assumption that African-American men place less or no value on parenting. Black and white fathers agree on the importance of being a father who provides emotional support, instills discipline and moral guidance. Black dads are also more likely to think it is important to provide for his children financially.

Simply put, the unwed, single mom, absent black father is not the cause of crime or violence in black communities. Single mothers have boyfriends, this seems to be ignored and it should not be. Furthermore, whites commit more crimes and that includes violent crimes. Perhaps it is time whites started talking a good long look into their own communities instead of continuing the American tradition of making up stories about how violent and criminal other races are. The question NEVER gets raised by anyone white such as McDonald and our Korean neo nazi as to why whites lead every year in arrests in 90 percent of all crime categories.

“From 1994 to 2015, white-on-white violence (down 79%) and black-on-black violence (down 78%) declined at a similar rate.”

This bit of information comes from a report issued in October of 2017 by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics. The title is, “Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-15.” This report shows that for a 21 year period of time, while people like Poli chic, most of the Fox News prime time lineup, Trump and most of the American media were promoting a narrative of high black on black crime, the reality is that black on black crime was being reduced. It also shows that most crimes are intra-racial and that whites were victimized by other whites primarily and at approximately the same percentage.

“During 2012-15, there were no differences among white, black, and Hispanic intraracial victimizations reported to police.”

These facts show the utter silliness and nonsense poli chic and whites like her share relative to the issue of black on black crime. This information shows that black on black crime had been actually reduced over a 2-decade span and that was due to the very hard work of unknown, not so famous blacks toiling in obscurity in cities/towns all over this country. These are the stories that rarely get told by the media. Instead space is wasted with the opinion of MacDonald and that ilk.

On August 15, 2013, The Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice published a paper by Mike Males entitled, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests.” The data was basically ignored, even by President Obama. But the implications of this study were so important that it was a dereliction of duty to not make this information widely known to the American public.

Americans tend to create nostalgia about the past. The fact is that the good old days never were. I say that as a black citizen of this country, but the good old days never existed for anyone. Males points this out in his report. “For nearly all serious and minor offenses, including homicide, rates among black teenagers nationally were lower in 2011 than when racial statistics were first collected nationally in 1964. Black youths’ murder arrest rates are considerably lower today than back when Bill Cosby was funny (long, long ago).

We don’t associate Jim and Margaret Anderson’s 1950s cherubs with juvenile crime—but that’s based on nostalgia and cultural biases, not fact. Back then, nearly 1 in 10 youth were arrested every year; today, around 3 in 100. Limited statistics of the 1950s show juvenile crime wasn’t just pranks and joyriding; “younger and younger children” are committing “the most wanton and senseless of murders… and mass rape,” the chair of the
Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency warned in 1956.” Whoa! Hold up! Stop! Does this mean that “super predators” existed in the 1950’s? I guess this explains Eddie Haskell. Males presents a point here that requires further investigating.

Our Korean nazi consistently present what is a prevailing opinion held by whites primarily on the right. However, I have heard that same opinion from a few whites who consider themselves liberals. It is the blacks face problems because of unwed births claim. The claim that black youth are unruly because there is no father at home. Individuals making this argument of all races wax nostalgic back to days they claim where all families were the classic mom and dad style. More than once I have been told how blacks did not suffer from the violence and poverty we do today because daddy was living in the house. Mind you, these were white or wannabe white suburban citizens telling me this. When I say they were suburban citizens, I am saying they were born in the suburbs, grew up in the suburbs, got a nice cushy job and purchased property in newer suburban developments where they live today.

The problem with that opinion is that it is untrue. Congressional committees and subcommittees met in the 1940’s and 1950’s to discuss youth violence resulting from reading violent stories in comic books. Superman, Batman, Aqua Man, Captain America and whoever else was a member of the Justice League, were held responsible for the outrageously high rate of violent juvenile delinquency during that period. On June 1, 1953, the United States Senate adopted Senate Resolution 89. This resolution authorized the Senate Judiciary Committee or subcommittees authorized by the Judiciary Committee to study juvenile delinquency in the United States. The primary focus of this study: “(1) determining the extent and character of juvenile delinquency in the United States and its causes and contributing factors, (2) the adequacy of existing Federal laws dealing with youthful offenders, "(3) sentences imposed on, or other correctional action taken with respect to, youthful offenders by Federal laws dealing with youthful offenders, and (4) the extent to which juveniles are violating Federal laws relating to the sale or use of narcotics.”

Let us take a look at some of the findings. “In the 8-year period, from 1948 through 1956, juvenile court cases more than doubled while the child population of that age group increased only 19 percent. As in previous years, the increase is at a much greater rate in rural areas than in urban areas, and the ratio of 5 boy delinquents to eyery 1 girl delinquent is still in evidence.”

“In the year 1956, there were upwards of 1,300,000 boys and girls coming to the attention of local law-enforcement officers. Approximately one-fourth of the police cases are referred to juvenile courts. The remaining juvenile court cases are referred from individuals and other agencies in. the community.”

From 1948 until 1956, juvenile crime rose in rural areas. Juvenile crime was rising faster than juvenile population growth. This was primarily happening in white communities. With mom and pops at home. Before the sexual revolution. Back in the day as we say, the switchblade knife was the cause of a lot of deaths and suffering. There are similarities to the proliferation of switchblade knives in the 1940-1950’s and the increase in military style weapons used on our streets today.

“Of the robberies committed in 1956, 43.2 percent were by persons under 21 years of age. A switchblade knife 1s frequently part of the perpetrator's equipment in this type of crime. In New York City alone in 1956, there was an increase of 92.1 percent of those under 16 arrested for the possession of dangerous weapons, one of the most common of which is the switchblade knife.

Out of several hundred questionnaires sent by the subcommittee to purchasers of switchblade knives, whose names were derived from a distributor's mailing list, 133 responses have been received. Seventy--five percent of the purchasers were under 20 years of age, and of this group, 43 percent were between 11 and 15 years of age. Of the persons responding to the questionnaire, only a small portion claimed that the knives were secured for a constructive purpose.

In addition to the interviews with manufacturers and distributors and the receipt of information from questionnaires, staff contact was made with some of the purchasers in the immediate area and numerous retail stores. The proprietors of these stores conceded that the bulk of the demand for switchblade knives came from juveniles, some as young as 8 or 9 years of age.”

“ A major outlet for the switchblade knife are military supply stores which are located near military installations.”

E-commerce via the internet was 40-50 years in the future at this time. Yet kids could order switchblades by mail or purchase them in military supply stores. Just like military style assault weapons can be purchased today. In 1956, not 1996, or during the period of “American Carnage” inaccurately described by president number 45, 43 percent of the robberies in this country were committed by people under the age of 21. With mom and dad at home. When the family did not consist of couples named Adam and Steve or Joni and Jane. The good old days.

Over 1 million incidents between youth and police. Over 500,000 cases in juvenile courts. From 1948 through 1956, there were annual increases in juvenile cases heard before the courts. The investigation is talking about annual increases in juvenile crime by kids from the ages of 8 to 18. The owners of the military supply stores stated to members of the judiciary committee that the majority of switchblade purchases were made by youth. Elementary school children were walking American streets carrying switchblades. These were the good old days. This was before the Great Society programs that have been blamed for the decay of American society and deemed responsible for the destruction of the black family.

Definition of fact: 1 a : something that has actual existence. b : an actual occurrence. 2 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality. 3: the quality of being actual. 4: a thing done. b archaic : action. c obsolete: feat

I presented that bit of information in order to display just how members of this society have chosen to accept a fictional account of the country we live in. It has been accepted to such an extent that our police departments have become militarized despite a national decrease in crime. It is a lie so tough that innocent blacks posing no threat to anyone end up in funeral homes. Mike Males article provides evidence of how a racist society builds a strawman then tries turning that straw into skin and bones.

“Since the sainted Fifties, America has seen rapid teenage population growth and dramatic shifts toward more single parenting, more lethal drugs and weapons, increased middle-aged (that is, parent-age) drug abuse and imprisonment, decreased incarceration of youth, decreased youthful religious affiliation, and more violent and explicit media available to younger ages. Horrifying, as the culture critics far Right to far Left—including Obama, who spends many pages and speeches berating popular culture as some major driver of bad youth behavior—repeatedly insist.

And after 50 years of all these terrible changes in American culture? Today’s young African Americans display the lowest rates of crime and serious risk of any generation that can be reliably assessed.

In the last 20 years in particular, the FBI reports, rates of crime among African American youth have plummeted: All offenses (down 47%), drug offenses (down 50%), property offenses (down 51%), serious Part I offenses (down 53%), assault (down 59%), robbery (down 60%), all violent offenses (down 60%), rape (down 66%), and murder (down 82%).”

Mike Males, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests”

What the article Males wrote did was expose an American pathology concerning race. Specifically, a white racist pathology that needs for there to be an “other” That “other” must always look different from what the so-called white “mainstream” deems to be normal. This applies to more areas than race, but since this book is about racism in 21st century America, I will apply what I am writing about to race.

There has consistently existed a space in white culture where people have believed in the inherent superiority and human perfection of the white race. Included in this space has been a belief in a natural propensity for violence in blacks. Where that belief came from can’t be based in reality. I am assuming since slaves tended to resist their enslavement that white slaveowners decided that since blacks actually enjoyed their enslavement, those who fought were just naturally prone to violence. Such an assumption sounds crazy, right?

It is crazy but that is what scientific racism taught. Today the remnants of such madness continues in books such as “The Bell Curve”, studies such as, “The Color of Crime”, or in the belief that all black men are violent and dangerous. This belief has been maintained for so long that information such as what Males discovered remained outside of mainstream information. For example, when Males published his findings in 2013, he wrote: FBI clearance and arrest tabulations now indicate black youths under age 18 account for just 2% of the nation’s homicides.” “How did America miss this?” You would think this would be cause for celebration.

I find it laughable what so called “conservatives,” claim the media does not cover. So while people like Limbaugh and most right wing were letting sounds flow from their mouths that reflected long held racist opinions, young blacks were described by Males in this manner: Today’s young African Americans display the lowest rates of crime and serious risk of any generation that can be reliably assessed..”

The Myth of the Absent Black Father,
Tara Culp-Ressler, Think Progress, January 16, 2014, The Myth Of The Absent Black Father

Jo Jones, Ph.D., and William D. Mosher, Ph.D., Fathers’ Involvement with Their Children: United States, 2006–2010, National Health Statistics Report, Number 71, December 20, 2013, Division of Vital

U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics., “Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-15.”

Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests”

Juvenile Delinquency Report of the Committee on the Judiciary
, United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, (85th cong., 2d ~ss.), March 27, 1958, pg. 1, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Juvenile Delinquency Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, (85th cong., 2d ~ss.), March 27, 1958, pg. 2, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Juvenile Delinquency Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, (85th cong., 2d ~ss.), March 27, 1958, pg. 6, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Here endeth the lesson.
Think Progress Rag article...................LMAO

Why after blacks moved into my neighborhood did it turn into a shit hole...........not to mention the other house of mother n law that they burned down.....after she left......and after they killed the neighbor for his drugs in his bed............

You educate no one
I don't think think it did. So again I am black. I know what you you say doesn't apply to all blacks or black communities. So take your anecdote elsewhere.
I know it did.........I lived it............why.........no crime before......was a nice place.........everyone in our family wanted to buy it after my parents died...........but no one would do it because the neighborhood was too bad........

Why should I give a damn what you say...........not to mention what happened to our mother n law........we had weapons when we moved her..............

Why is that.????????

Wait, how do we know your neighborhood hadn't become a shithole and that is why a Black family moved in? View attachment 379291
I don't give a shit what you believe..............that is what happened..........and stats show that shit all over the country.

It happened............so I'm asking this guy why...............It fucked up the place I grew up........and we wanted to buy the house but the crime was too bad.

They burned a house down around the corner.........I knew those people.........before my dad passed away........it had a barn.......they broke everything they could in it..........then took a dolly.......and used it to shred the liner in the inground pool.........they threw the dolly into the pool after...........

The house went for 55k..........after he died.....4 bedrooms.....large kitchen.....2 living rooms....a 15 foot by 40 foot patio ...concrete...........a 20 x 40 2 story barn........and a 20 x 40 inground linered pool.

Oh so you think we should care what you say, but you don't care what we say?

Stats say that Blacks have a harder time of getting a loan than whites. So if your neighborhood wasn't a shithole, then it is less likely a Black family could get a loan to move there. It's true. It's true all over the country! It's true I swear it is. How do we know it wasn't you that made it a shithole? How many junk cars do you find when you mow your front yard? Seriously, the stupid comments about a Black family moving in ruins the neighborhood is ridiculous.
Oh it is definitely the Democrats fault a white cop shot an unarmed Blackman in the back 7 times while surrounded by several other officers. View attachment 379182

It's not the Republicans fault that happened either... so both parties need to fix the problem, not blame each other for it.

And here is my analysis of the problem.

There was a time when black Americans were brought up in homes with two parents, I believe I read that at one point had a higher in wedlock birthrate than whites. All changed when Democrats pretended to trying to help this group, whose votes they desired.

So….when the culture veered from the acceptable, Liberals/Democrats treated them as a parent who spoils wayward offspring.

Out of wedlock births…..just fine.

Crime….make excuses for it.

A violent and anti-social culture? Must be due to racial oppression.

Now, if one imagines that the pathologies holding blacks back are inherent, genetic….guess again.

Consider in the heredity vs. environment controversy: females are several times as numerous as males among blacks with high IQs. Witty and Jenkins, "Educational Achievement of a Group of Gifted Negro Children," Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 25, p. 593. They inherit the same genes, are raised in the same homes and neighborhoods......explanations rest on the culture, the excessively 'macho' roles of males associated with and emphasizing certain sociopathologies. Roles that the Left pretends are normal and acceptable, are not.

There is a pathology, abandoning families, that certainly holds some individuals back, and it is one that has been encouraged by the Liberals/Democrats.
“Baby momma” is not a substitute for “wife.”

The only question is, whether the debilitation can be reversed.
You really need to shut your Asian ass up about black families bitch.

Todays lesson:

"Shutting up the mouths of racist Korean bitches pertaining to fake black pathologies."

On June 8, 2015, Charles Blow wrote an article in the New York Times titled, “Black Dads Are Doing Best of All.” McDonald should have read it. This article takes apart the tale of black fathers not being around for their kids. The issue of unwed births really has no relation to whether 2 parents are around. An unwed birth is a child being born and the couple is not married. That does not mean a man and a woman are not together raising the child. The single mother narrative got destroyed long ago, because a single mother does not mean a man will not be around to influence the child as it grows up. One fantastic example is the story Shaquille O’Neill tells about his relationship with Sergeant Phillip Harrison who raised him with his mother. Finally, the appearance of Barack Obama on the world stage allows me to say once and for all that a single parent family is not the cause of the problem. This article shows that the majority of black children in this country live with their fathers or their fathers are active participants in their lives. In reality, not the convoluted racist mind, a mother and father ARE present in the majority of black homes.

Josh Levs points this out in his new book, “All In,” in a chapter titled “How Black Dads Are Doing Best of All (But There’s Still a Crisis).” One fact that Levs quickly establishes is that most black fathers in America live with their children: “There are about 2.5 million black fathers living with their children and about 1.7 million living apart from them.”

Charles Blow

A report titled “Fathers’ Involvement With Their Children: United States, 2006–2010,” was published by the Centers for Disease Control in the National Health Report on December 20, 2013. The findings are interesting for those who have decided they can paint black culture in moral terms. Moral terms that 244 years of American history show whites who have decided they can do the painting, refuse hold themselves to. The findings in this study debunk the standard racist white narrative to the point that it is miseducation, misinformation, lies, or whatever word you want to give to the purposeful deception provided to describe a race of people. Some of the findings are as follows:

A higher percentage of fathers who lived with their children under age 5 fed or ate meals with them daily—72% compared with 7.9% of fathers with noncoresidential children. A higher percentage of fathers living apart from their children did not feed or eat meals with them at all in the last 4 weeks—43% compared with 0.8% of fathers with coresidential children (Table 2). Variation by Hispanic origin and race was seen in the percentages of coresidential fathers who ate meals with their children every day. Specifically, Hispanic fathers were less likely to eat meals with their children every day (64%) than were non-Hispanic white (74%) or non-Hispanic black (78%) fathers.

There was a significant difference by Hispanic origin and race among fathers with coresidential children: Black fathers (70%) were most likely to have bathed, dressed, diapered, or helped their children use the toilet every day compared with white (60%) and Hispanic fathers (45%).

A higher percentage of Hispanic fathers aged 15–44 (52%) had not played with their noncoresidential children in the last 4 weeks compared with white (30%) and black (25%) fathers.

Larger percentages of Hispanic (82%) and white (70%) fathers had not helped their noncoresidential children with homework at all in the last 4 weeks compared with black fathers (56%).

Pew Research estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and 32 percent of Hispanic dads. Evidence shows that a number of black dads living apart from their kids because of structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded racist assumption that African-American men place less or no value on parenting. Black and white fathers agree on the importance of being a father who provides emotional support, instills discipline and moral guidance. Black dads are also more likely to think it is important to provide for his children financially.

Simply put, the unwed, single mom, absent black father is not the cause of crime or violence in black communities. Single mothers have boyfriends, this seems to be ignored and it should not be. Furthermore, whites commit more crimes and that includes violent crimes. Perhaps it is time whites started talking a good long look into their own communities instead of continuing the American tradition of making up stories about how violent and criminal other races are. The question NEVER gets raised by anyone white such as McDonald and our Korean neo nazi as to why whites lead every year in arrests in 90 percent of all crime categories.

“From 1994 to 2015, white-on-white violence (down 79%) and black-on-black violence (down 78%) declined at a similar rate.”

This bit of information comes from a report issued in October of 2017 by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics. The title is, “Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-15.” This report shows that for a 21 year period of time, while people like Poli chic, most of the Fox News prime time lineup, Trump and most of the American media were promoting a narrative of high black on black crime, the reality is that black on black crime was being reduced. It also shows that most crimes are intra-racial and that whites were victimized by other whites primarily and at approximately the same percentage.

“During 2012-15, there were no differences among white, black, and Hispanic intraracial victimizations reported to police.”

These facts show the utter silliness and nonsense poli chic and whites like her share relative to the issue of black on black crime. This information shows that black on black crime had been actually reduced over a 2-decade span and that was due to the very hard work of unknown, not so famous blacks toiling in obscurity in cities/towns all over this country. These are the stories that rarely get told by the media. Instead space is wasted with the opinion of MacDonald and that ilk.

On August 15, 2013, The Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice published a paper by Mike Males entitled, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests.” The data was basically ignored, even by President Obama. But the implications of this study were so important that it was a dereliction of duty to not make this information widely known to the American public.

Americans tend to create nostalgia about the past. The fact is that the good old days never were. I say that as a black citizen of this country, but the good old days never existed for anyone. Males points this out in his report. “For nearly all serious and minor offenses, including homicide, rates among black teenagers nationally were lower in 2011 than when racial statistics were first collected nationally in 1964. Black youths’ murder arrest rates are considerably lower today than back when Bill Cosby was funny (long, long ago).

We don’t associate Jim and Margaret Anderson’s 1950s cherubs with juvenile crime—but that’s based on nostalgia and cultural biases, not fact. Back then, nearly 1 in 10 youth were arrested every year; today, around 3 in 100. Limited statistics of the 1950s show juvenile crime wasn’t just pranks and joyriding; “younger and younger children” are committing “the most wanton and senseless of murders… and mass rape,” the chair of the
Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency warned in 1956.” Whoa! Hold up! Stop! Does this mean that “super predators” existed in the 1950’s? I guess this explains Eddie Haskell. Males presents a point here that requires further investigating.

Our Korean nazi consistently present what is a prevailing opinion held by whites primarily on the right. However, I have heard that same opinion from a few whites who consider themselves liberals. It is the blacks face problems because of unwed births claim. The claim that black youth are unruly because there is no father at home. Individuals making this argument of all races wax nostalgic back to days they claim where all families were the classic mom and dad style. More than once I have been told how blacks did not suffer from the violence and poverty we do today because daddy was living in the house. Mind you, these were white or wannabe white suburban citizens telling me this. When I say they were suburban citizens, I am saying they were born in the suburbs, grew up in the suburbs, got a nice cushy job and purchased property in newer suburban developments where they live today.

The problem with that opinion is that it is untrue. Congressional committees and subcommittees met in the 1940’s and 1950’s to discuss youth violence resulting from reading violent stories in comic books. Superman, Batman, Aqua Man, Captain America and whoever else was a member of the Justice League, were held responsible for the outrageously high rate of violent juvenile delinquency during that period. On June 1, 1953, the United States Senate adopted Senate Resolution 89. This resolution authorized the Senate Judiciary Committee or subcommittees authorized by the Judiciary Committee to study juvenile delinquency in the United States. The primary focus of this study: “(1) determining the extent and character of juvenile delinquency in the United States and its causes and contributing factors, (2) the adequacy of existing Federal laws dealing with youthful offenders, "(3) sentences imposed on, or other correctional action taken with respect to, youthful offenders by Federal laws dealing with youthful offenders, and (4) the extent to which juveniles are violating Federal laws relating to the sale or use of narcotics.”

Let us take a look at some of the findings. “In the 8-year period, from 1948 through 1956, juvenile court cases more than doubled while the child population of that age group increased only 19 percent. As in previous years, the increase is at a much greater rate in rural areas than in urban areas, and the ratio of 5 boy delinquents to eyery 1 girl delinquent is still in evidence.”

“In the year 1956, there were upwards of 1,300,000 boys and girls coming to the attention of local law-enforcement officers. Approximately one-fourth of the police cases are referred to juvenile courts. The remaining juvenile court cases are referred from individuals and other agencies in. the community.”

From 1948 until 1956, juvenile crime rose in rural areas. Juvenile crime was rising faster than juvenile population growth. This was primarily happening in white communities. With mom and pops at home. Before the sexual revolution. Back in the day as we say, the switchblade knife was the cause of a lot of deaths and suffering. There are similarities to the proliferation of switchblade knives in the 1940-1950’s and the increase in military style weapons used on our streets today.

“Of the robberies committed in 1956, 43.2 percent were by persons under 21 years of age. A switchblade knife 1s frequently part of the perpetrator's equipment in this type of crime. In New York City alone in 1956, there was an increase of 92.1 percent of those under 16 arrested for the possession of dangerous weapons, one of the most common of which is the switchblade knife.

Out of several hundred questionnaires sent by the subcommittee to purchasers of switchblade knives, whose names were derived from a distributor's mailing list, 133 responses have been received. Seventy--five percent of the purchasers were under 20 years of age, and of this group, 43 percent were between 11 and 15 years of age. Of the persons responding to the questionnaire, only a small portion claimed that the knives were secured for a constructive purpose.

In addition to the interviews with manufacturers and distributors and the receipt of information from questionnaires, staff contact was made with some of the purchasers in the immediate area and numerous retail stores. The proprietors of these stores conceded that the bulk of the demand for switchblade knives came from juveniles, some as young as 8 or 9 years of age.”

“ A major outlet for the switchblade knife are military supply stores which are located near military installations.”

E-commerce via the internet was 40-50 years in the future at this time. Yet kids could order switchblades by mail or purchase them in military supply stores. Just like military style assault weapons can be purchased today. In 1956, not 1996, or during the period of “American Carnage” inaccurately described by president number 45, 43 percent of the robberies in this country were committed by people under the age of 21. With mom and dad at home. When the family did not consist of couples named Adam and Steve or Joni and Jane. The good old days.

Over 1 million incidents between youth and police. Over 500,000 cases in juvenile courts. From 1948 through 1956, there were annual increases in juvenile cases heard before the courts. The investigation is talking about annual increases in juvenile crime by kids from the ages of 8 to 18. The owners of the military supply stores stated to members of the judiciary committee that the majority of switchblade purchases were made by youth. Elementary school children were walking American streets carrying switchblades. These were the good old days. This was before the Great Society programs that have been blamed for the decay of American society and deemed responsible for the destruction of the black family.

Definition of fact: 1 a : something that has actual existence. b : an actual occurrence. 2 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality. 3: the quality of being actual. 4: a thing done. b archaic : action. c obsolete: feat

I presented that bit of information in order to display just how members of this society have chosen to accept a fictional account of the country we live in. It has been accepted to such an extent that our police departments have become militarized despite a national decrease in crime. It is a lie so tough that innocent blacks posing no threat to anyone end up in funeral homes. Mike Males article provides evidence of how a racist society builds a strawman then tries turning that straw into skin and bones.

“Since the sainted Fifties, America has seen rapid teenage population growth and dramatic shifts toward more single parenting, more lethal drugs and weapons, increased middle-aged (that is, parent-age) drug abuse and imprisonment, decreased incarceration of youth, decreased youthful religious affiliation, and more violent and explicit media available to younger ages. Horrifying, as the culture critics far Right to far Left—including Obama, who spends many pages and speeches berating popular culture as some major driver of bad youth behavior—repeatedly insist.

And after 50 years of all these terrible changes in American culture? Today’s young African Americans display the lowest rates of crime and serious risk of any generation that can be reliably assessed.

In the last 20 years in particular, the FBI reports, rates of crime among African American youth have plummeted: All offenses (down 47%), drug offenses (down 50%), property offenses (down 51%), serious Part I offenses (down 53%), assault (down 59%), robbery (down 60%), all violent offenses (down 60%), rape (down 66%), and murder (down 82%).”

Mike Males, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests”

What the article Males wrote did was expose an American pathology concerning race. Specifically, a white racist pathology that needs for there to be an “other” That “other” must always look different from what the so-called white “mainstream” deems to be normal. This applies to more areas than race, but since this book is about racism in 21st century America, I will apply what I am writing about to race.

There has consistently existed a space in white culture where people have believed in the inherent superiority and human perfection of the white race. Included in this space has been a belief in a natural propensity for violence in blacks. Where that belief came from can’t be based in reality. I am assuming since slaves tended to resist their enslavement that white slaveowners decided that since blacks actually enjoyed their enslavement, those who fought were just naturally prone to violence. Such an assumption sounds crazy, right?

It is crazy but that is what scientific racism taught. Today the remnants of such madness continues in books such as “The Bell Curve”, studies such as, “The Color of Crime”, or in the belief that all black men are violent and dangerous. This belief has been maintained for so long that information such as what Males discovered remained outside of mainstream information. For example, when Males published his findings in 2013, he wrote: FBI clearance and arrest tabulations now indicate black youths under age 18 account for just 2% of the nation’s homicides.” “How did America miss this?” You would think this would be cause for celebration.

I find it laughable what so called “conservatives,” claim the media does not cover. So while people like Limbaugh and most right wing were letting sounds flow from their mouths that reflected long held racist opinions, young blacks were described by Males in this manner: Today’s young African Americans display the lowest rates of crime and serious risk of any generation that can be reliably assessed..”

The Myth of the Absent Black Father,
Tara Culp-Ressler, Think Progress, January 16, 2014, The Myth Of The Absent Black Father

Jo Jones, Ph.D., and William D. Mosher, Ph.D., Fathers’ Involvement with Their Children: United States, 2006–2010, National Health Statistics Report, Number 71, December 20, 2013, Division of Vital

U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics., “Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-15.”

Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests”

Juvenile Delinquency Report of the Committee on the Judiciary
, United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, (85th cong., 2d ~ss.), March 27, 1958, pg. 1, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Juvenile Delinquency Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, (85th cong., 2d ~ss.), March 27, 1958, pg. 2, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Juvenile Delinquency Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, (85th cong., 2d ~ss.), March 27, 1958, pg. 6, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Here endeth the lesson.
Think Progress Rag article...................LMAO

Why after blacks moved into my neighborhood did it turn into a shit hole...........not to mention the other house of mother n law that they burned down.....after she left......and after they killed the neighbor for his drugs in his bed............

You educate no one
I don't think think it did. So again I am black. I know what you you say doesn't apply to all blacks or black communities. So take your anecdote elsewhere.
I know it did.........I lived it............why.........no crime before......was a nice place.........everyone in our family wanted to buy it after my parents died...........but no one would do it because the neighborhood was too bad........

Why should I give a damn what you say...........not to mention what happened to our mother n law........we had weapons when we moved her..............

Why is that.????????

Wait, how do we know your neighborhood hadn't become a shithole and that is why a Black family moved in? View attachment 379291
I don't give a shit what you believe..............that is what happened..........and stats show that shit all over the country.

It happened............so I'm asking this guy why...............It fucked up the place I grew up........and we wanted to buy the house but the crime was too bad.

They burned a house down around the corner.........I knew those people.........before my dad passed away........it had a barn.......they broke everything they could in it..........then took a dolly.......and used it to shred the liner in the inground pool.........they threw the dolly into the pool after...........

The house went for 55k..........after he died.....4 bedrooms.....large kitchen.....2 living rooms....a 15 foot by 40 foot patio ...concrete...........a 20 x 40 2 story barn........and a 20 x 40 inground linered pool.

Oh so you think we should care what you say, but you don't care what we say?

Stats say that Blacks have a harder time of getting a loan than whites. So if your neighborhood wasn't a shithole, then it is less likely a Black family could get a loan to move there. It's true. It's true all over the country! It's true I swear it is. How do we know it wasn't you that made it a shithole? How many junk cars do you find when you mow your front yard? Seriously, the stupid comments about a Black family moving in ruins the neighborhood is ridiculous. View attachment 379333
You basically accused me of lying........so my response was fuck you.............

What you believe or don't believe is NOT MY PROBLEM...............I know what happened......so.....oh well......
Oh it is definitely the Democrats fault a white cop shot an unarmed Blackman in the back 7 times while surrounded by several other officers. View attachment 379182

It's not the Republicans fault that happened either... so both parties need to fix the problem, not blame each other for it.

And here is my analysis of the problem.

There was a time when black Americans were brought up in homes with two parents, I believe I read that at one point had a higher in wedlock birthrate than whites. All changed when Democrats pretended to trying to help this group, whose votes they desired.

So….when the culture veered from the acceptable, Liberals/Democrats treated them as a parent who spoils wayward offspring.

Out of wedlock births…..just fine.

Crime….make excuses for it.

A violent and anti-social culture? Must be due to racial oppression.

Now, if one imagines that the pathologies holding blacks back are inherent, genetic….guess again.

Consider in the heredity vs. environment controversy: females are several times as numerous as males among blacks with high IQs. Witty and Jenkins, "Educational Achievement of a Group of Gifted Negro Children," Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 25, p. 593. They inherit the same genes, are raised in the same homes and neighborhoods......explanations rest on the culture, the excessively 'macho' roles of males associated with and emphasizing certain sociopathologies. Roles that the Left pretends are normal and acceptable, are not.

There is a pathology, abandoning families, that certainly holds some individuals back, and it is one that has been encouraged by the Liberals/Democrats.
“Baby momma” is not a substitute for “wife.”

The only question is, whether the debilitation can be reversed.
You really need to shut your Asian ass up about black families bitch.

Todays lesson:

"Shutting up the mouths of racist Korean bitches pertaining to fake black pathologies."

On June 8, 2015, Charles Blow wrote an article in the New York Times titled, “Black Dads Are Doing Best of All.” McDonald should have read it. This article takes apart the tale of black fathers not being around for their kids. The issue of unwed births really has no relation to whether 2 parents are around. An unwed birth is a child being born and the couple is not married. That does not mean a man and a woman are not together raising the child. The single mother narrative got destroyed long ago, because a single mother does not mean a man will not be around to influence the child as it grows up. One fantastic example is the story Shaquille O’Neill tells about his relationship with Sergeant Phillip Harrison who raised him with his mother. Finally, the appearance of Barack Obama on the world stage allows me to say once and for all that a single parent family is not the cause of the problem. This article shows that the majority of black children in this country live with their fathers or their fathers are active participants in their lives. In reality, not the convoluted racist mind, a mother and father ARE present in the majority of black homes.

Josh Levs points this out in his new book, “All In,” in a chapter titled “How Black Dads Are Doing Best of All (But There’s Still a Crisis).” One fact that Levs quickly establishes is that most black fathers in America live with their children: “There are about 2.5 million black fathers living with their children and about 1.7 million living apart from them.”

Charles Blow

A report titled “Fathers’ Involvement With Their Children: United States, 2006–2010,” was published by the Centers for Disease Control in the National Health Report on December 20, 2013. The findings are interesting for those who have decided they can paint black culture in moral terms. Moral terms that 244 years of American history show whites who have decided they can do the painting, refuse hold themselves to. The findings in this study debunk the standard racist white narrative to the point that it is miseducation, misinformation, lies, or whatever word you want to give to the purposeful deception provided to describe a race of people. Some of the findings are as follows:

A higher percentage of fathers who lived with their children under age 5 fed or ate meals with them daily—72% compared with 7.9% of fathers with noncoresidential children. A higher percentage of fathers living apart from their children did not feed or eat meals with them at all in the last 4 weeks—43% compared with 0.8% of fathers with coresidential children (Table 2). Variation by Hispanic origin and race was seen in the percentages of coresidential fathers who ate meals with their children every day. Specifically, Hispanic fathers were less likely to eat meals with their children every day (64%) than were non-Hispanic white (74%) or non-Hispanic black (78%) fathers.

There was a significant difference by Hispanic origin and race among fathers with coresidential children: Black fathers (70%) were most likely to have bathed, dressed, diapered, or helped their children use the toilet every day compared with white (60%) and Hispanic fathers (45%).

A higher percentage of Hispanic fathers aged 15–44 (52%) had not played with their noncoresidential children in the last 4 weeks compared with white (30%) and black (25%) fathers.

Larger percentages of Hispanic (82%) and white (70%) fathers had not helped their noncoresidential children with homework at all in the last 4 weeks compared with black fathers (56%).

Pew Research estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and 32 percent of Hispanic dads. Evidence shows that a number of black dads living apart from their kids because of structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded racist assumption that African-American men place less or no value on parenting. Black and white fathers agree on the importance of being a father who provides emotional support, instills discipline and moral guidance. Black dads are also more likely to think it is important to provide for his children financially.

Simply put, the unwed, single mom, absent black father is not the cause of crime or violence in black communities. Single mothers have boyfriends, this seems to be ignored and it should not be. Furthermore, whites commit more crimes and that includes violent crimes. Perhaps it is time whites started talking a good long look into their own communities instead of continuing the American tradition of making up stories about how violent and criminal other races are. The question NEVER gets raised by anyone white such as McDonald and our Korean neo nazi as to why whites lead every year in arrests in 90 percent of all crime categories.

“From 1994 to 2015, white-on-white violence (down 79%) and black-on-black violence (down 78%) declined at a similar rate.”

This bit of information comes from a report issued in October of 2017 by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics. The title is, “Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-15.” This report shows that for a 21 year period of time, while people like Poli chic, most of the Fox News prime time lineup, Trump and most of the American media were promoting a narrative of high black on black crime, the reality is that black on black crime was being reduced. It also shows that most crimes are intra-racial and that whites were victimized by other whites primarily and at approximately the same percentage.

“During 2012-15, there were no differences among white, black, and Hispanic intraracial victimizations reported to police.”

These facts show the utter silliness and nonsense poli chic and whites like her share relative to the issue of black on black crime. This information shows that black on black crime had been actually reduced over a 2-decade span and that was due to the very hard work of unknown, not so famous blacks toiling in obscurity in cities/towns all over this country. These are the stories that rarely get told by the media. Instead space is wasted with the opinion of MacDonald and that ilk.

On August 15, 2013, The Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice published a paper by Mike Males entitled, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests.” The data was basically ignored, even by President Obama. But the implications of this study were so important that it was a dereliction of duty to not make this information widely known to the American public.

Americans tend to create nostalgia about the past. The fact is that the good old days never were. I say that as a black citizen of this country, but the good old days never existed for anyone. Males points this out in his report. “For nearly all serious and minor offenses, including homicide, rates among black teenagers nationally were lower in 2011 than when racial statistics were first collected nationally in 1964. Black youths’ murder arrest rates are considerably lower today than back when Bill Cosby was funny (long, long ago).

We don’t associate Jim and Margaret Anderson’s 1950s cherubs with juvenile crime—but that’s based on nostalgia and cultural biases, not fact. Back then, nearly 1 in 10 youth were arrested every year; today, around 3 in 100. Limited statistics of the 1950s show juvenile crime wasn’t just pranks and joyriding; “younger and younger children” are committing “the most wanton and senseless of murders… and mass rape,” the chair of the
Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency warned in 1956.” Whoa! Hold up! Stop! Does this mean that “super predators” existed in the 1950’s? I guess this explains Eddie Haskell. Males presents a point here that requires further investigating.

Our Korean nazi consistently present what is a prevailing opinion held by whites primarily on the right. However, I have heard that same opinion from a few whites who consider themselves liberals. It is the blacks face problems because of unwed births claim. The claim that black youth are unruly because there is no father at home. Individuals making this argument of all races wax nostalgic back to days they claim where all families were the classic mom and dad style. More than once I have been told how blacks did not suffer from the violence and poverty we do today because daddy was living in the house. Mind you, these were white or wannabe white suburban citizens telling me this. When I say they were suburban citizens, I am saying they were born in the suburbs, grew up in the suburbs, got a nice cushy job and purchased property in newer suburban developments where they live today.

The problem with that opinion is that it is untrue. Congressional committees and subcommittees met in the 1940’s and 1950’s to discuss youth violence resulting from reading violent stories in comic books. Superman, Batman, Aqua Man, Captain America and whoever else was a member of the Justice League, were held responsible for the outrageously high rate of violent juvenile delinquency during that period. On June 1, 1953, the United States Senate adopted Senate Resolution 89. This resolution authorized the Senate Judiciary Committee or subcommittees authorized by the Judiciary Committee to study juvenile delinquency in the United States. The primary focus of this study: “(1) determining the extent and character of juvenile delinquency in the United States and its causes and contributing factors, (2) the adequacy of existing Federal laws dealing with youthful offenders, "(3) sentences imposed on, or other correctional action taken with respect to, youthful offenders by Federal laws dealing with youthful offenders, and (4) the extent to which juveniles are violating Federal laws relating to the sale or use of narcotics.”

Let us take a look at some of the findings. “In the 8-year period, from 1948 through 1956, juvenile court cases more than doubled while the child population of that age group increased only 19 percent. As in previous years, the increase is at a much greater rate in rural areas than in urban areas, and the ratio of 5 boy delinquents to eyery 1 girl delinquent is still in evidence.”

“In the year 1956, there were upwards of 1,300,000 boys and girls coming to the attention of local law-enforcement officers. Approximately one-fourth of the police cases are referred to juvenile courts. The remaining juvenile court cases are referred from individuals and other agencies in. the community.”

From 1948 until 1956, juvenile crime rose in rural areas. Juvenile crime was rising faster than juvenile population growth. This was primarily happening in white communities. With mom and pops at home. Before the sexual revolution. Back in the day as we say, the switchblade knife was the cause of a lot of deaths and suffering. There are similarities to the proliferation of switchblade knives in the 1940-1950’s and the increase in military style weapons used on our streets today.

“Of the robberies committed in 1956, 43.2 percent were by persons under 21 years of age. A switchblade knife 1s frequently part of the perpetrator's equipment in this type of crime. In New York City alone in 1956, there was an increase of 92.1 percent of those under 16 arrested for the possession of dangerous weapons, one of the most common of which is the switchblade knife.

Out of several hundred questionnaires sent by the subcommittee to purchasers of switchblade knives, whose names were derived from a distributor's mailing list, 133 responses have been received. Seventy--five percent of the purchasers were under 20 years of age, and of this group, 43 percent were between 11 and 15 years of age. Of the persons responding to the questionnaire, only a small portion claimed that the knives were secured for a constructive purpose.

In addition to the interviews with manufacturers and distributors and the receipt of information from questionnaires, staff contact was made with some of the purchasers in the immediate area and numerous retail stores. The proprietors of these stores conceded that the bulk of the demand for switchblade knives came from juveniles, some as young as 8 or 9 years of age.”

“ A major outlet for the switchblade knife are military supply stores which are located near military installations.”

E-commerce via the internet was 40-50 years in the future at this time. Yet kids could order switchblades by mail or purchase them in military supply stores. Just like military style assault weapons can be purchased today. In 1956, not 1996, or during the period of “American Carnage” inaccurately described by president number 45, 43 percent of the robberies in this country were committed by people under the age of 21. With mom and dad at home. When the family did not consist of couples named Adam and Steve or Joni and Jane. The good old days.

Over 1 million incidents between youth and police. Over 500,000 cases in juvenile courts. From 1948 through 1956, there were annual increases in juvenile cases heard before the courts. The investigation is talking about annual increases in juvenile crime by kids from the ages of 8 to 18. The owners of the military supply stores stated to members of the judiciary committee that the majority of switchblade purchases were made by youth. Elementary school children were walking American streets carrying switchblades. These were the good old days. This was before the Great Society programs that have been blamed for the decay of American society and deemed responsible for the destruction of the black family.

Definition of fact: 1 a : something that has actual existence. b : an actual occurrence. 2 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality. 3: the quality of being actual. 4: a thing done. b archaic : action. c obsolete: feat

I presented that bit of information in order to display just how members of this society have chosen to accept a fictional account of the country we live in. It has been accepted to such an extent that our police departments have become militarized despite a national decrease in crime. It is a lie so tough that innocent blacks posing no threat to anyone end up in funeral homes. Mike Males article provides evidence of how a racist society builds a strawman then tries turning that straw into skin and bones.

“Since the sainted Fifties, America has seen rapid teenage population growth and dramatic shifts toward more single parenting, more lethal drugs and weapons, increased middle-aged (that is, parent-age) drug abuse and imprisonment, decreased incarceration of youth, decreased youthful religious affiliation, and more violent and explicit media available to younger ages. Horrifying, as the culture critics far Right to far Left—including Obama, who spends many pages and speeches berating popular culture as some major driver of bad youth behavior—repeatedly insist.

And after 50 years of all these terrible changes in American culture? Today’s young African Americans display the lowest rates of crime and serious risk of any generation that can be reliably assessed.

In the last 20 years in particular, the FBI reports, rates of crime among African American youth have plummeted: All offenses (down 47%), drug offenses (down 50%), property offenses (down 51%), serious Part I offenses (down 53%), assault (down 59%), robbery (down 60%), all violent offenses (down 60%), rape (down 66%), and murder (down 82%).”

Mike Males, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests”

What the article Males wrote did was expose an American pathology concerning race. Specifically, a white racist pathology that needs for there to be an “other” That “other” must always look different from what the so-called white “mainstream” deems to be normal. This applies to more areas than race, but since this book is about racism in 21st century America, I will apply what I am writing about to race.

There has consistently existed a space in white culture where people have believed in the inherent superiority and human perfection of the white race. Included in this space has been a belief in a natural propensity for violence in blacks. Where that belief came from can’t be based in reality. I am assuming since slaves tended to resist their enslavement that white slaveowners decided that since blacks actually enjoyed their enslavement, those who fought were just naturally prone to violence. Such an assumption sounds crazy, right?

It is crazy but that is what scientific racism taught. Today the remnants of such madness continues in books such as “The Bell Curve”, studies such as, “The Color of Crime”, or in the belief that all black men are violent and dangerous. This belief has been maintained for so long that information such as what Males discovered remained outside of mainstream information. For example, when Males published his findings in 2013, he wrote: FBI clearance and arrest tabulations now indicate black youths under age 18 account for just 2% of the nation’s homicides.” “How did America miss this?” You would think this would be cause for celebration.

I find it laughable what so called “conservatives,” claim the media does not cover. So while people like Limbaugh and most right wing were letting sounds flow from their mouths that reflected long held racist opinions, young blacks were described by Males in this manner: Today’s young African Americans display the lowest rates of crime and serious risk of any generation that can be reliably assessed..”

The Myth of the Absent Black Father,
Tara Culp-Ressler, Think Progress, January 16, 2014, The Myth Of The Absent Black Father

Jo Jones, Ph.D., and William D. Mosher, Ph.D., Fathers’ Involvement with Their Children: United States, 2006–2010, National Health Statistics Report, Number 71, December 20, 2013, Division of Vital

U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics., “Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-15.”

Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests”

Juvenile Delinquency Report of the Committee on the Judiciary
, United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, (85th cong., 2d ~ss.), March 27, 1958, pg. 1, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Juvenile Delinquency Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, (85th cong., 2d ~ss.), March 27, 1958, pg. 2, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Juvenile Delinquency Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, (85th cong., 2d ~ss.), March 27, 1958, pg. 6, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Here endeth the lesson.
Think Progress Rag article...................LMAO

Why after blacks moved into my neighborhood did it turn into a shit hole...........not to mention the other house of mother n law that they burned down.....after she left......and after they killed the neighbor for his drugs in his bed............

You educate no one
I don't think think it did. So again I am black. I know what you you say doesn't apply to all blacks or black communities. So take your anecdote elsewhere.
I know it did.........I lived it............why.........no crime before......was a nice place.........everyone in our family wanted to buy it after my parents died...........but no one would do it because the neighborhood was too bad........

Why should I give a damn what you say...........not to mention what happened to our mother n law........we had weapons when we moved her..............

Why is that.????????

Wait, how do we know your neighborhood hadn't become a shithole and that is why a Black family moved in? View attachment 379291
I don't give a shit what you believe..............that is what happened..........and stats show that shit all over the country.

It happened............so I'm asking this guy why...............It fucked up the place I grew up........and we wanted to buy the house but the crime was too bad.

They burned a house down around the corner.........I knew those people.........before my dad passed away........it had a barn.......they broke everything they could in it..........then took a dolly.......and used it to shred the liner in the inground pool.........they threw the dolly into the pool after...........

The house went for 55k..........after he died.....4 bedrooms.....large kitchen.....2 living rooms....a 15 foot by 40 foot patio ...concrete...........a 20 x 40 2 story barn........and a 20 x 40 inground linered pool.

Oh so you think we should care what you say, but you don't care what we say?

Stats say that Blacks have a harder time of getting a loan than whites. So if your neighborhood wasn't a shithole, then it is less likely a Black family could get a loan to move there. It's true. It's true all over the country! It's true I swear it is. How do we know it wasn't you that made it a shithole? How many junk cars do you find when you mow your front yard? Seriously, the stupid comments about a Black family moving in ruins the neighborhood is ridiculous. View attachment 379333
You basically accused me of lying........so my response was fuck you.............

What you believe or don't believe is NOT MY PROBLEM...............I know what happened......so.....oh well......

I didn't call you a liar. I said maybe you didn't understand which came first. It's a chicken and the egg thing.
Oh it is definitely the Democrats fault a white cop shot an unarmed Blackman in the back 7 times while surrounded by several other officers. View attachment 379182

It's not the Republicans fault that happened either... so both parties need to fix the problem, not blame each other for it.

And here is my analysis of the problem.

There was a time when black Americans were brought up in homes with two parents, I believe I read that at one point had a higher in wedlock birthrate than whites. All changed when Democrats pretended to trying to help this group, whose votes they desired.

So….when the culture veered from the acceptable, Liberals/Democrats treated them as a parent who spoils wayward offspring.

Out of wedlock births…..just fine.

Crime….make excuses for it.

A violent and anti-social culture? Must be due to racial oppression.

Now, if one imagines that the pathologies holding blacks back are inherent, genetic….guess again.

Consider in the heredity vs. environment controversy: females are several times as numerous as males among blacks with high IQs. Witty and Jenkins, "Educational Achievement of a Group of Gifted Negro Children," Journal of Educational Psychology, vol. 25, p. 593. They inherit the same genes, are raised in the same homes and neighborhoods......explanations rest on the culture, the excessively 'macho' roles of males associated with and emphasizing certain sociopathologies. Roles that the Left pretends are normal and acceptable, are not.

There is a pathology, abandoning families, that certainly holds some individuals back, and it is one that has been encouraged by the Liberals/Democrats.
“Baby momma” is not a substitute for “wife.”

The only question is, whether the debilitation can be reversed.
You really need to shut your Asian ass up about black families bitch.

Todays lesson:

"Shutting up the mouths of racist Korean bitches pertaining to fake black pathologies."

On June 8, 2015, Charles Blow wrote an article in the New York Times titled, “Black Dads Are Doing Best of All.” McDonald should have read it. This article takes apart the tale of black fathers not being around for their kids. The issue of unwed births really has no relation to whether 2 parents are around. An unwed birth is a child being born and the couple is not married. That does not mean a man and a woman are not together raising the child. The single mother narrative got destroyed long ago, because a single mother does not mean a man will not be around to influence the child as it grows up. One fantastic example is the story Shaquille O’Neill tells about his relationship with Sergeant Phillip Harrison who raised him with his mother. Finally, the appearance of Barack Obama on the world stage allows me to say once and for all that a single parent family is not the cause of the problem. This article shows that the majority of black children in this country live with their fathers or their fathers are active participants in their lives. In reality, not the convoluted racist mind, a mother and father ARE present in the majority of black homes.

Josh Levs points this out in his new book, “All In,” in a chapter titled “How Black Dads Are Doing Best of All (But There’s Still a Crisis).” One fact that Levs quickly establishes is that most black fathers in America live with their children: “There are about 2.5 million black fathers living with their children and about 1.7 million living apart from them.”

Charles Blow

A report titled “Fathers’ Involvement With Their Children: United States, 2006–2010,” was published by the Centers for Disease Control in the National Health Report on December 20, 2013. The findings are interesting for those who have decided they can paint black culture in moral terms. Moral terms that 244 years of American history show whites who have decided they can do the painting, refuse hold themselves to. The findings in this study debunk the standard racist white narrative to the point that it is miseducation, misinformation, lies, or whatever word you want to give to the purposeful deception provided to describe a race of people. Some of the findings are as follows:

A higher percentage of fathers who lived with their children under age 5 fed or ate meals with them daily—72% compared with 7.9% of fathers with noncoresidential children. A higher percentage of fathers living apart from their children did not feed or eat meals with them at all in the last 4 weeks—43% compared with 0.8% of fathers with coresidential children (Table 2). Variation by Hispanic origin and race was seen in the percentages of coresidential fathers who ate meals with their children every day. Specifically, Hispanic fathers were less likely to eat meals with their children every day (64%) than were non-Hispanic white (74%) or non-Hispanic black (78%) fathers.

There was a significant difference by Hispanic origin and race among fathers with coresidential children: Black fathers (70%) were most likely to have bathed, dressed, diapered, or helped their children use the toilet every day compared with white (60%) and Hispanic fathers (45%).

A higher percentage of Hispanic fathers aged 15–44 (52%) had not played with their noncoresidential children in the last 4 weeks compared with white (30%) and black (25%) fathers.

Larger percentages of Hispanic (82%) and white (70%) fathers had not helped their noncoresidential children with homework at all in the last 4 weeks compared with black fathers (56%).

Pew Research estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and 32 percent of Hispanic dads. Evidence shows that a number of black dads living apart from their kids because of structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded racist assumption that African-American men place less or no value on parenting. Black and white fathers agree on the importance of being a father who provides emotional support, instills discipline and moral guidance. Black dads are also more likely to think it is important to provide for his children financially.

Simply put, the unwed, single mom, absent black father is not the cause of crime or violence in black communities. Single mothers have boyfriends, this seems to be ignored and it should not be. Furthermore, whites commit more crimes and that includes violent crimes. Perhaps it is time whites started talking a good long look into their own communities instead of continuing the American tradition of making up stories about how violent and criminal other races are. The question NEVER gets raised by anyone white such as McDonald and our Korean neo nazi as to why whites lead every year in arrests in 90 percent of all crime categories.

“From 1994 to 2015, white-on-white violence (down 79%) and black-on-black violence (down 78%) declined at a similar rate.”

This bit of information comes from a report issued in October of 2017 by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics. The title is, “Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-15.” This report shows that for a 21 year period of time, while people like Poli chic, most of the Fox News prime time lineup, Trump and most of the American media were promoting a narrative of high black on black crime, the reality is that black on black crime was being reduced. It also shows that most crimes are intra-racial and that whites were victimized by other whites primarily and at approximately the same percentage.

“During 2012-15, there were no differences among white, black, and Hispanic intraracial victimizations reported to police.”

These facts show the utter silliness and nonsense poli chic and whites like her share relative to the issue of black on black crime. This information shows that black on black crime had been actually reduced over a 2-decade span and that was due to the very hard work of unknown, not so famous blacks toiling in obscurity in cities/towns all over this country. These are the stories that rarely get told by the media. Instead space is wasted with the opinion of MacDonald and that ilk.

On August 15, 2013, The Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice published a paper by Mike Males entitled, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests.” The data was basically ignored, even by President Obama. But the implications of this study were so important that it was a dereliction of duty to not make this information widely known to the American public.

Americans tend to create nostalgia about the past. The fact is that the good old days never were. I say that as a black citizen of this country, but the good old days never existed for anyone. Males points this out in his report. “For nearly all serious and minor offenses, including homicide, rates among black teenagers nationally were lower in 2011 than when racial statistics were first collected nationally in 1964. Black youths’ murder arrest rates are considerably lower today than back when Bill Cosby was funny (long, long ago).

We don’t associate Jim and Margaret Anderson’s 1950s cherubs with juvenile crime—but that’s based on nostalgia and cultural biases, not fact. Back then, nearly 1 in 10 youth were arrested every year; today, around 3 in 100. Limited statistics of the 1950s show juvenile crime wasn’t just pranks and joyriding; “younger and younger children” are committing “the most wanton and senseless of murders… and mass rape,” the chair of the
Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency warned in 1956.” Whoa! Hold up! Stop! Does this mean that “super predators” existed in the 1950’s? I guess this explains Eddie Haskell. Males presents a point here that requires further investigating.

Our Korean nazi consistently present what is a prevailing opinion held by whites primarily on the right. However, I have heard that same opinion from a few whites who consider themselves liberals. It is the blacks face problems because of unwed births claim. The claim that black youth are unruly because there is no father at home. Individuals making this argument of all races wax nostalgic back to days they claim where all families were the classic mom and dad style. More than once I have been told how blacks did not suffer from the violence and poverty we do today because daddy was living in the house. Mind you, these were white or wannabe white suburban citizens telling me this. When I say they were suburban citizens, I am saying they were born in the suburbs, grew up in the suburbs, got a nice cushy job and purchased property in newer suburban developments where they live today.

The problem with that opinion is that it is untrue. Congressional committees and subcommittees met in the 1940’s and 1950’s to discuss youth violence resulting from reading violent stories in comic books. Superman, Batman, Aqua Man, Captain America and whoever else was a member of the Justice League, were held responsible for the outrageously high rate of violent juvenile delinquency during that period. On June 1, 1953, the United States Senate adopted Senate Resolution 89. This resolution authorized the Senate Judiciary Committee or subcommittees authorized by the Judiciary Committee to study juvenile delinquency in the United States. The primary focus of this study: “(1) determining the extent and character of juvenile delinquency in the United States and its causes and contributing factors, (2) the adequacy of existing Federal laws dealing with youthful offenders, "(3) sentences imposed on, or other correctional action taken with respect to, youthful offenders by Federal laws dealing with youthful offenders, and (4) the extent to which juveniles are violating Federal laws relating to the sale or use of narcotics.”

Let us take a look at some of the findings. “In the 8-year period, from 1948 through 1956, juvenile court cases more than doubled while the child population of that age group increased only 19 percent. As in previous years, the increase is at a much greater rate in rural areas than in urban areas, and the ratio of 5 boy delinquents to eyery 1 girl delinquent is still in evidence.”

“In the year 1956, there were upwards of 1,300,000 boys and girls coming to the attention of local law-enforcement officers. Approximately one-fourth of the police cases are referred to juvenile courts. The remaining juvenile court cases are referred from individuals and other agencies in. the community.”

From 1948 until 1956, juvenile crime rose in rural areas. Juvenile crime was rising faster than juvenile population growth. This was primarily happening in white communities. With mom and pops at home. Before the sexual revolution. Back in the day as we say, the switchblade knife was the cause of a lot of deaths and suffering. There are similarities to the proliferation of switchblade knives in the 1940-1950’s and the increase in military style weapons used on our streets today.

“Of the robberies committed in 1956, 43.2 percent were by persons under 21 years of age. A switchblade knife 1s frequently part of the perpetrator's equipment in this type of crime. In New York City alone in 1956, there was an increase of 92.1 percent of those under 16 arrested for the possession of dangerous weapons, one of the most common of which is the switchblade knife.

Out of several hundred questionnaires sent by the subcommittee to purchasers of switchblade knives, whose names were derived from a distributor's mailing list, 133 responses have been received. Seventy--five percent of the purchasers were under 20 years of age, and of this group, 43 percent were between 11 and 15 years of age. Of the persons responding to the questionnaire, only a small portion claimed that the knives were secured for a constructive purpose.

In addition to the interviews with manufacturers and distributors and the receipt of information from questionnaires, staff contact was made with some of the purchasers in the immediate area and numerous retail stores. The proprietors of these stores conceded that the bulk of the demand for switchblade knives came from juveniles, some as young as 8 or 9 years of age.”

“ A major outlet for the switchblade knife are military supply stores which are located near military installations.”

E-commerce via the internet was 40-50 years in the future at this time. Yet kids could order switchblades by mail or purchase them in military supply stores. Just like military style assault weapons can be purchased today. In 1956, not 1996, or during the period of “American Carnage” inaccurately described by president number 45, 43 percent of the robberies in this country were committed by people under the age of 21. With mom and dad at home. When the family did not consist of couples named Adam and Steve or Joni and Jane. The good old days.

Over 1 million incidents between youth and police. Over 500,000 cases in juvenile courts. From 1948 through 1956, there were annual increases in juvenile cases heard before the courts. The investigation is talking about annual increases in juvenile crime by kids from the ages of 8 to 18. The owners of the military supply stores stated to members of the judiciary committee that the majority of switchblade purchases were made by youth. Elementary school children were walking American streets carrying switchblades. These were the good old days. This was before the Great Society programs that have been blamed for the decay of American society and deemed responsible for the destruction of the black family.

Definition of fact: 1 a : something that has actual existence. b : an actual occurrence. 2 : a piece of information presented as having objective reality. 3: the quality of being actual. 4: a thing done. b archaic : action. c obsolete: feat

I presented that bit of information in order to display just how members of this society have chosen to accept a fictional account of the country we live in. It has been accepted to such an extent that our police departments have become militarized despite a national decrease in crime. It is a lie so tough that innocent blacks posing no threat to anyone end up in funeral homes. Mike Males article provides evidence of how a racist society builds a strawman then tries turning that straw into skin and bones.

“Since the sainted Fifties, America has seen rapid teenage population growth and dramatic shifts toward more single parenting, more lethal drugs and weapons, increased middle-aged (that is, parent-age) drug abuse and imprisonment, decreased incarceration of youth, decreased youthful religious affiliation, and more violent and explicit media available to younger ages. Horrifying, as the culture critics far Right to far Left—including Obama, who spends many pages and speeches berating popular culture as some major driver of bad youth behavior—repeatedly insist.

And after 50 years of all these terrible changes in American culture? Today’s young African Americans display the lowest rates of crime and serious risk of any generation that can be reliably assessed.

In the last 20 years in particular, the FBI reports, rates of crime among African American youth have plummeted: All offenses (down 47%), drug offenses (down 50%), property offenses (down 51%), serious Part I offenses (down 53%), assault (down 59%), robbery (down 60%), all violent offenses (down 60%), rape (down 66%), and murder (down 82%).”

Mike Males, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests”

What the article Males wrote did was expose an American pathology concerning race. Specifically, a white racist pathology that needs for there to be an “other” That “other” must always look different from what the so-called white “mainstream” deems to be normal. This applies to more areas than race, but since this book is about racism in 21st century America, I will apply what I am writing about to race.

There has consistently existed a space in white culture where people have believed in the inherent superiority and human perfection of the white race. Included in this space has been a belief in a natural propensity for violence in blacks. Where that belief came from can’t be based in reality. I am assuming since slaves tended to resist their enslavement that white slaveowners decided that since blacks actually enjoyed their enslavement, those who fought were just naturally prone to violence. Such an assumption sounds crazy, right?

It is crazy but that is what scientific racism taught. Today the remnants of such madness continues in books such as “The Bell Curve”, studies such as, “The Color of Crime”, or in the belief that all black men are violent and dangerous. This belief has been maintained for so long that information such as what Males discovered remained outside of mainstream information. For example, when Males published his findings in 2013, he wrote: FBI clearance and arrest tabulations now indicate black youths under age 18 account for just 2% of the nation’s homicides.” “How did America miss this?” You would think this would be cause for celebration.

I find it laughable what so called “conservatives,” claim the media does not cover. So while people like Limbaugh and most right wing were letting sounds flow from their mouths that reflected long held racist opinions, young blacks were described by Males in this manner: Today’s young African Americans display the lowest rates of crime and serious risk of any generation that can be reliably assessed..”

The Myth of the Absent Black Father,
Tara Culp-Ressler, Think Progress, January 16, 2014, The Myth Of The Absent Black Father

Jo Jones, Ph.D., and William D. Mosher, Ph.D., Fathers’ Involvement with Their Children: United States, 2006–2010, National Health Statistics Report, Number 71, December 20, 2013, Division of Vital

U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics., “Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-15.”

Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, “Why the Gigantic, Decades-Long Drop in Black Youth Crime Threatens Major Interests”

Juvenile Delinquency Report of the Committee on the Judiciary
, United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, (85th cong., 2d ~ss.), March 27, 1958, pg. 1, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Juvenile Delinquency Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, (85th cong., 2d ~ss.), March 27, 1958, pg. 2, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Juvenile Delinquency Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency, (85th cong., 2d ~ss.), March 27, 1958, pg. 6, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

Here endeth the lesson.
Think Progress Rag article...................LMAO

Why after blacks moved into my neighborhood did it turn into a shit hole...........not to mention the other house of mother n law that they burned down.....after she left......and after they killed the neighbor for his drugs in his bed............

You educate no one
I don't think think it did. So again I am black. I know what you you say doesn't apply to all blacks or black communities. So take your anecdote elsewhere.
I know it did.........I lived it............why.........no crime before......was a nice place.........everyone in our family wanted to buy it after my parents died...........but no one would do it because the neighborhood was too bad........

Why should I give a damn what you say...........not to mention what happened to our mother n law........we had weapons when we moved her..............

Why is that.????????

Wait, how do we know your neighborhood hadn't become a shithole and that is why a Black family moved in? View attachment 379291
I don't give a shit what you believe..............that is what happened..........and stats show that shit all over the country.

It happened............so I'm asking this guy why...............It fucked up the place I grew up........and we wanted to buy the house but the crime was too bad.

They burned a house down around the corner.........I knew those people.........before my dad passed away........it had a barn.......they broke everything they could in it..........then took a dolly.......and used it to shred the liner in the inground pool.........they threw the dolly into the pool after...........

The house went for 55k..........after he died.....4 bedrooms.....large kitchen.....2 living rooms....a 15 foot by 40 foot patio ...concrete...........a 20 x 40 2 story barn........and a 20 x 40 inground linered pool.

Oh so you think we should care what you say, but you don't care what we say?

Stats say that Blacks have a harder time of getting a loan than whites. So if your neighborhood wasn't a shithole, then it is less likely a Black family could get a loan to move there. It's true. It's true all over the country! It's true I swear it is. How do we know it wasn't you that made it a shithole? How many junk cars do you find when you mow your front yard? Seriously, the stupid comments about a Black family moving in ruins the neighborhood is ridiculous. View attachment 379333
You basically accused me of lying........so my response was fuck you.............

What you believe or don't believe is NOT MY PROBLEM...............I know what happened......so.....oh well......

I didn't call you a liar. I said maybe you didn't understand which came first. It's a chicken and the egg thing. View attachment 379344
You accused me of being a liar...........what I said happened..........and me and you are done

My point and question to the other guy stands.
Wisconsin governor Tony Evers ordered 125 National Guard members to the city of Kenosha on Monday, following riots that erupted after police shot a black man while responding to a domestic violence call on Sunday.

The guard members will be charged with “guarding infrastructure and making sure our firefighters and others involved are protected,” Evers told reporters."

The question is, will they have guns and bullets?

The only hope in this post is that the Democrat establishment may recognize and jettison the savages that they have allowed to take over a once fine party.

When was it a fine party? When it was the party of slavery? When it was the party of the KKK? When it was the party of lynching? Or when it was the party of LBJ's "keep them [N-words] voting Democrat for 200 years"?
Here's the thing: does the cop know the black guy is unarmed when he appears to be reaching for something? I've seen that video, and that's not the way you get into your car; you go butt first rather than head first. Waiting to see if the guy has a gun can get you killed if you're a cop.

Wow. The bar is getting lower all the time. It used to be that cops didn't shoot unless the bad guy with a gun actually raised the gun toward the cops. Then they decided that wasn't good enough and started shooting people who had guns pointed to their own heads - can't commit suicide and the cops will kill you if you try.

Then, it went to where the cops had only to know there was a gun in the vicinity and they could shoot the guy

And from there they didn't have to see a gun at all; only something that a legally blind person would know isn't a gun - as long as that thing is black.

Or they shoot people holding religious symbols:

But then the bar was lowered again - and the cops just had to think you might have a gun even though they couldn't see anything they thought was a gun:

But now, you want the bar lowered even more... Now if the suspect can't prove he's unarmed, nay, even that doesn't matter... Just shoot everyone because if you wait to see if they have a gun you might get killed.
Give it a break PoleChick. We get it. You don‘t like Democrats. You post the same shit every single day. Get yourself a hobby. You need one desperately.
After watching the democrat convention and Now just the first night for RNC...I think the DNC won't see a POTUS for a decade.
Give it a break PoleChick. We get it. You don‘t like Democrats. You post the same shit every single day. Get yourself a hobby. You need one desperately.
After watching the democrat convention and Now just the first night for RNC...I think the DNC won't see a POTUS for a decade.
Maybe an S after decade would be more appropriate.

Would you take 7 shots in your person for about 20 million dollars in fees? This guy won the ghetto lotto and lived to talk about it.
Jacob Blake had a warrant out for his arrest for sexual assault, hence the drawn weapons. The cops cannot let him walk free, can you imagine the outcry if they did and the guy sexually assaults someone else? Then the question becomes did he have a weapon? Some reports say the cops were yelling at him to drop the knife, and other reports say that earlier he did have a black gun. Or was he reaching for a weapon in the car when he was shot?

So, we have questions: should the cops shoot somebody who resists arrest and tries to get in his car and leave when they have a warrant for his arrest on charges of 3rd degree sexual assault?

"According to Wisconsin Circuit Court Access online records, a Jacob S. Blake, same age and with an address in the same block where the shooting occurred, had a warrant issued for him on July 7 on pending accusations of misdemeanor criminal trespass to a dwelling with domestic abuse as a modifier; felony third-degree sexual assault with domestic abuse as a modifier; and misdemeanor disorderly conduct with domestic abuse as a modifier. A support action was dismissed, and the only other case that comes up is for not having a driver’s license. "
"Wisconsin Gov. Declares State of Emergency after Kenosha Riots, Doubles National Guard Presence

Wisconsin governor Tony Evers declared a state of emergency on Tuesday afternoon in response to riots in the city of Kenosha, which began after police shot an African American man while responding to a domestic violence call.

The number of National Guard troops in Kenosha will be doubled from 125 to 250 by Tuesday evening.

The Democrat Party brought on and supported the riots and rioters, and now they have a tiger by the tail.

But.....their master would be so proud of them.
Hmmm. People are pissed that a black dude checking on his kids after an altercation with the cops got shot 7 times in the back? If he had a weapon the police would probably have released that information.

Obviously I have know idea what he was doing but the whole thing looks bad. It usually takes a year to get body cams when police screw up but it comes out immediate when the don’t. Might be in for a long wait but guess we’ll see.
Hmmm. People are pissed that a black dude checking on his kids after an altercation with the cops got shot 7 times in the back? If he had a weapon the police would probably have released that information.

Obviously I have know idea what he was doing but the whole thing looks bad. It usually takes a year to get body cams when police screw up but it comes out immediate when the don’t. Might be in for a long wait but guess we’ll see.

I see.

So for Liberals, destroying the lives and property of innocent folks who have nothing to do with the incident......that's how civilization is to be ordered?

I regularly say that Liberals are atavistic pagans whose policies result in death, destruction, and oppression.....but it take one like you to prove it.

Some 30 Americans have been killed in these 'peaceful protests' that the Democrats have unleashed on America.

"Democratic leaders failing to denounce rioting is not a good situation ahead of the 2020 presidential election, said Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway on Wednesday.

“In Portland, some businesses are going to be leaving and there were the stories about all the vacant apartments in New York City. A lot of people are going to be leaving cities and then you’re going to have this increase in violence, that can have an absolutely disastrous effect on cities nationwide.”

... Americans are not surprised by rioting, they are surprised by the public officials who are not clearly denouncing the rioting. She also said that Democratic Party leaders have suggested rioting is a righteous way to push for social change.

... it is the left who is doing this, it’s not the right … It's particularly bad because people are being told that there is nothing they can do about it. I mean, it’s not just that the riots are happening. The police are told that they should stand down against them. District attorneys are not prosecuting these things and we’re told that there is no federal assistance to be had because that would be somehow the worst thing ever. People are watching this happen and being told there is nothing they can do is not a good situation.”

“The media are covering up a lot of the violence -- 30 people have been killed in these protests,” Hemingway said."

Hemingway: Voters don't want to hear that 'there's nothing we can do' about riots
Democratic leaders failing to denounce rioting is not a good situation ahead of the 2020 November presidential election, said Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway on Wednesday.
Hmmm. People are pissed that a black dude checking on his kids after an altercation with the cops got shot 7 times in the back? If he had a weapon the police would probably have released that information.

Obviously I have know idea what he was doing but the whole thing looks bad. It usually takes a year to get body cams when police screw up but it comes out immediate when the don’t. Might be in for a long wait but guess we’ll see.

I see.

So for Liberals, destroying the lives and property of innocent folks who have nothing to do with the incident......that's how civilization is to be ordered?

I regularly say that Liberals are atavistic pagans whose policies result in death, destruction, and oppression.....but it take one like you to prove it.

Some 30 Americans have been killed in these 'peaceful protests' that the Democrats have unleashed on America.

"Democratic leaders failing to denounce rioting is not a good situation ahead of the 2020 presidential election, said Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway on Wednesday.

“In Portland, some businesses are going to be leaving and there were the stories about all the vacant apartments in New York City. A lot of people are going to be leaving cities and then you’re going to have this increase in violence, that can have an absolutely disastrous effect on cities nationwide.”

... Americans are not surprised by rioting, they are surprised by the public officials who are not clearly denouncing the rioting. She also said that Democratic Party leaders have suggested rioting is a righteous way to push for social change.

... it is the left who is doing this, it’s not the right … It's particularly bad because people are being told that there is nothing they can do about it. I mean, it’s not just that the riots are happening. The police are told that they should stand down against them. District attorneys are not prosecuting these things and we’re told that there is no federal assistance to be had because that would be somehow the worst thing ever. People are watching this happen and being told there is nothing they can do is not a good situation.”

“The media are covering up a lot of the violence -- 30 people have been killed in these protests,” Hemingway said."

Hemingway: Voters don't want to hear that 'there's nothing we can do' about riots
Democratic leaders failing to denounce rioting is not a good situation ahead of the 2020 November presidential election, said Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway on Wednesday.
I don’t get it. These people are breaking the law. Biden has not condoned breaking the law... but you know who has condoned breaking the law???? Here is a Trump official talking about Trump’s directive to break the law as well.


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