A Civil War if Trump is not reinstated

It's not?

When and where was anyone given the authority to mandate such a thing?

I never ceded that authority over myself to anyone else, except for when I was in the service....... but I'm not there anymore. And most never were.

So where does this supposed authority come from?
What's the source?

What's the origin?
Hutch Starskey

I'd like an answer to this.
We don’t need a CW as tens of millions will die

We need to break this broken hell hole nation into several new ones !!
Heck even give blacks their own little chunk of land

Settle down Rambo. There will be no civil war because you can't accept that idiot was democratically defeated.
There was no election fraud and you know it.
Millions killed? Don't make me vomit.
You had your chance to get rid if Obama who you described as a terrorist, a Muslim and not American yet you big brave republicans never fired a shot. Home if the brave?? I don't think so.
No, it’s not.

The notion is rightwing idiocy just because Republicans lost an election.
You are living in a state of denial.

The United States is headed for a national breakup. Think of a nasty divorce. Or a person with a split personality disorder.

It may not be for ten, twenty, or possibly a hundred more years, but our country is in a vicious toxic relationship with itself. And like any toxic relationship, the only inevitable eventuality, the arc of the falling star, if you will, is that it will mercifully end with a breakup. Counseling won’t help.

It saddens me to have come to this conclusion, but I don’t see any sort of viable path forward at the rate we’re going. Congress is hopelessly deadlocked with both sides convinced they are doing the Lord’s work and that anything less than total, utter legislative victory is a sorry defeat. Likewise, the grassroots on both sides of our country’s ideological divide seem incapable of seeing eye-to-eye.

Our new president isn’t helping matters. After four tumultuous years of Donald Trump, Joe Biden promised to be a breath of fresh air, telling us that he would promote “unity” or at the very least dial down the proverbial heat. We’re nearly two months into his administration, and so far he’s shown little inclination to do either, preferring instead to pander to the progressive base and sign whatever Congressional Democrats shove across his desk.


In short, the whole thing---Washington---has become one big, bureaucratic, crooked mess. The government is too big, bloated, corrupt, and inefficient, and the people running it have lost all sense of purpose. Perhaps then a breakup into a regional confederation, whose leaders would better understand their localized needs and issues, wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

The control freaks causing all of this would never allow it.

"Peacefully" isn't on the table, I'm afraid. They lack the ability to leave people alone.
You may well be right. I have heard liberals threaten to nuke cities to stop an uprising from succeeding.


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