A biased view-


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
If you don't believe it, read the comments- Warning! Reading is imperative to cogent replies!

Israel Shows There’s No Escape from Diversity Hell—But At Least It’s Not Importing More!

Crisis in the Middle East! scream the headlines. After all these years—what am I saying? all these decades—editors everywhere must have the phrase “Crisis In The Middle East” set up as a single-key macro. But what they don’t have set up as a macro: “No Escape From Diversity Hell”—the mounting internal problems Israel has because it is an ethnically divided society. Of course, that might mean acknowledging that the U.S. has these problems too. And, unlike Israel, it’s importing more.

But Crisis in the Middle East! Is this week’s news; so with a sigh of weary resignation I hit the pause button on my fantasy about a mud-wrestling contest between Marjorie Taylor Greene and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Marjorie Taylor Greene confronts Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez outside House chamber, CNN, May 13, 2021) and turn my attention to it.

See, that's an attitude founded by an improper education- no, I don't agree with the author since I subscribe to the philosophy that all men are created equal
- I don't subscribe to forced assimilation though- that's what the holier than thou force on the improperly educated,and sadly, the improper education is winning.
"Diversity is our strength" is, as the article says, a mantra among many people.

Other people respectfully & gently disagree.

I have read that Israel has offered financial incentives to undocumented immigrants from sub-Saharan countries if they will voluntarily return to their homelands. Most of them have declined this generous offer. Israel has reportedly agreed to help them find a European country that will welcome them.

I have read that Israel is currently 75% Jewish.

I hope that it can maintain or even increase that percentage.

With all due respect & gentleness, our country shows that diversity may be the opposite of strength.
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No. Improper education says some are better than others- they ain't.
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Most of them have declined this generous offer. Israel has reportedly agreed to help them find a European country that will welcome them.
Jews have been kicked out of every country they've tried to inhabit- why is that?
Yes, that's quite in a nutshell. But that is also the reason in 99.9% if the cases, too.
So, are you saying the behavior had nothing to do with it? Or, just .1%

Some Jews really ARE assholes.

But mostly it's just pure antisemitism, it's just that now they have an "Excuse".

Take a quick look at the demonstrations around the world nowdays. How many of those are about improving the situation in Gaza and how many talk about completely destroying Israel?
Some Jews really ARE assholes.

But mostly it's just pure antisemitism, it's just that now they have an "Excuse".

Take a quick look at the demonstrations around the world nowdays. How many of those are about improving the situation in Gaza and how many talk about completely destroying Israel?
Israel is made up mostly of what ethnicity? Israel creates its own problems with it's holier than thou attitude- read the damn article and the comments for cryin-out-loud- that's why there is a link!

You, nor any other apologist here sees the misery them fuckers cause- and FYI, Iran has more christians than Israel- the pretentiousness of the "chosen" is just that- they are NO better than anyone else- in fact, they are more two faced than most- and they love to play the victim- then whine and cry about anti-semitism-
Some Jews really ARE assholes.

But mostly it's just pure antisemitism, it's just that now they have an "Excuse".

Take a quick look at the demonstrations around the world nowdays. How many of those are about improving the situation in Gaza and how many talk about completely destroying Israel?
Israel is made up mostly of what ethnicity? Israel creates its own problems with it's holier than thou attitude- read the damn article and the comments for cryin-out-loud- that's why there is a link!

You, nor any other apologist here sees the misery them fuckers cause- and FYI, Iran has more christians than Israel- the pretentiousness of the "chosen" is just that- they are NO better than anyone else- in fact, they are more two faced than most- and they love to play the victim- then whine and cry about anti-semitism-

I did read the article, so...?

Didn't bring anything new to the surface.

"Israel is made up mostly of what ethnicity?"

The Jewish nation of course. If that's what you meant. Israel since its establishment very perfectly said its the Jewish homeland. I don't understant what you're trying to say here.

Iran has more Christians than Israel? *applause* It also has more beheadings and whippings than Israel. Again, what's your point? there's an upside and downside to everything.

This arcticle doesn't tell much about Israel's inner conflicts. It's those who are loyal to their homeland vs. those who are not. Again, in a nutshell.
This arcticle doesn't tell much about Israel's inner conflicts. It's those who are loyal to their homeland vs. those who are not. Again, in a nutshell.
And you came away with jews have been kicked out of every country they've inhabited because of what? Xenophobia? What does that tell us about your reading comprehension?
It has nothing to do with "their homeland"- it has everything to do with their ethnicity being better than non-jews, as in christians AND muslims and the christians are too damn head in the sand because- "chosen" and holahoax- while disregarding it in their "home land" by their own damn ancestors- BOTH are two faced and speak with, as my ancestors have been credited with saying- forked tongue- christians and jews believe only they are allowed to be and that every one else is lesser than- that is IMPRPOER education founded on a foundation of shifting sand- that means it's "fluid" and moves with whichever way the wind is blowing to suit an agenda- typically favoring their favorite subject- religion- and that Israel kills and beheads *fewer* people makes them okay in your book? Well, alrighty then-
Yes, that's quite in a nutshell. But that is also the reason in 99.9% if the cases, too.
So, are you saying the behavior had nothing to do with it? Or, just .1%

Some Jews really ARE assholes.

But mostly it's just pure antisemitism, it's just that now they have an "Excuse".

Take a quick look at the demonstrations around the world nowdays. How many of those are about improving the situation in Gaza and how many talk about completely destroying Israel?
Aren't those synonymous?
Yes, that's quite in a nutshell. But that is also the reason in 99.9% if the cases, too.
So, are you saying the behavior had nothing to do with it? Or, just .1%

Some Jews really ARE assholes.

But mostly it's just pure antisemitism, it's just that now they have an "Excuse".

Take a quick look at the demonstrations around the world nowdays. How many of those are about improving the situation in Gaza and how many talk about completely destroying Israel?
Aren't those synonymous?
No. Improving the situation in Gaza implies coming to terms with the retrograde ideology of Islamism.
Most of them have declined this generous offer. Israel has reportedly agreed to help them find a European country that will welcome them.
Jews have been kicked out of every country they've tried to inhabit- why is that?
Because they are a persecuted minority, yet some without irony claim they virtually run the entire world.
He is a classic antisemite. Like all antisemites, he is too stupid to figure out that Jewish people cannot be both at one.

The canards of antisemitism snare a certain type of individual -- the resentful, the paranoid, the underachieving, the superstitious, irrational and just, plain worthless.

Nobody who is well adjusted and with a healthy sense of self esteem falls for it. Only the losers in life do, and that is because the formulaic nature of the antisemitic canards triggers them.
Most of them have declined this generous offer. Israel has reportedly agreed to help them find a European country that will welcome them.
Jews have been kicked out of every country they've tried to inhabit- why is that?
Because they are a persecuted minority, yet some without irony claim they virtually run the entire world.
He is a classic antisemite. Like all antisemites, he is too stupid to figure out that Jewish people cannot be both at one.

The canards of antisemitism snare a certain type of individual -- the resentful, the paranoid, the underachieving, the superstitious, irrational and just, plain worthless.

Nobody who is well adjusted and with a healthy sense of self esteem falls for it. Only the losers in life do, and that is because the formulaic nature of the antisemitic canards triggers them.
It is fun to watch them claim both simultaneously without the slightest indication of the conflict.

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