9 marches set for this weekend by white nationalists

Im hoping to see a snowflake eat a Louisville Slugger this weekend.........like stuffed right down the throat. I little bitty vid that goes viral and sends a message to the progressive fags. Show up? You might be eating a baseball bat!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rock:
Those white men would not be so full of hate if not so insecure. They are always worried about some imaginary threat. Its like they think the boggy man still lives under their bed or in their closet.
They are full of hate because existence is an insult they take personally. They didn't ask to be here, they just got squeezed out into a horrible world that refuses to let them be emperor.
Why are you so afraid of people with triple digit IQs?

oh good god- you don't claim to have a 171 IQ do you????????????
I hope neither of you glorified retards don't claim to have one over 80.

a normal healthy avg 115. you sound just like a poster on an old message board i belonged to. a proud racist from texas who used the 'cuck' term all the time & claimed a 171 IQ. it was extremely obvious that was really not the case with him.

like i said.... you sound just like him.

That low?
I wish you guys got this emotional when it was the left doing it.
When someone wears the uniform of the KKK or the Nazis, they are promoting a history of far worse violence and racial genocide than any of you tards can point to by the BLM.
I wont argue. But the BLM and other fringe groups are current. KKK and NAZI isnt current as far as violence. Except for that asshole from last weekend.
Im hoping to see a snowflake eat a Louisville Slugger this weekend.........like stuffed right down the throat. I little bitty vid that goes viral and sends a message to the progressive fags. Show up? You might be eating a baseball bat!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rock:
Why would you hope for violence?
there is no difference between what happened over the weekend & the terrorists mowing down those people in paris or london. the weapon doesn't have to be an assault rifle or a bomb..... & there's no distinction either if someone murders in the name of religion or an ideology. the only reason why this latest act didn't rack up more dead bodies & become a 'mass' murder was a miracle.
I wish you guys got this emotional when it was the left doing it.

mmm'k..... when a bunch of bleeding hearts decide to take their prius' & go nazi bowling, then i'll be just as outraged.
Yea, this act was so much worse than all the other shit that happened. Like shootings, murders, burning down innocent peoples lives etc.
You are morally superior :udaman:

yes yes.... that happens alllllll the time...... both sides are equal........ lol.... nobody is claiming superiority except the groups you are kinda cheering for there TN.
Im not cheering for them. Just more shit you loons make up

you: "Me too. I also hope they will be able to march without outsiders acting like assholes."

why would you 'hope' they march? why would you 'hope' a bunch of white nationalists march? white nationalists by their very nature feel superior to anyone who isn't white.

lol... you: busted.
I wish you guys got this emotional when it was the left doing it.

mmm'k..... when a bunch of bleeding hearts decide to take their prius' & go nazi bowling, then i'll be just as outraged.
Yea, this act was so much worse than all the other shit that happened. Like shootings, murders, burning down innocent peoples lives etc.
You are morally superior :udaman:

yes yes.... that happens alllllll the time...... both sides are equal........ lol.... nobody is claiming superiority except the groups you are kinda cheering for there TN.
Im not cheering for them. Just more shit you loons make up

you: "Me too. I also hope they will be able to march without outsiders acting like assholes."

why would you 'hope' they march? why would you 'hope' a bunch of white nationalists march? white nationalist by their very nature feel superior to anyone who isn't white?

lol... you: busted.
Did you read the fucking OP playtime? Jesus
"busted" :rofl:
I wish you guys got this emotional when it was the left doing it.
When someone wears the uniform of the KKK or the Nazis, they are promoting a history of far worse violence and racial genocide than any of you tards can point to by the BLM.
I wont argue. But the BLM and other fringe groups are current. KKK and NAZI isnt current as far as violence. Except for that asshole from last weekend.
The KKK and Nazis are not currently as violent as they would like to be, thanks to the federal government.
They are full of hate because existence is an insult they take personally. They didn't ask to be here, they just got squeezed out into a horrible world that refuses to let them be emperor.
Why are you so afraid of people with triple digit IQs?

oh good god- you don't claim to have a 171 IQ do you????????????
I hope neither of you glorified retards don't claim to have one over 80.

a normal healthy avg 115. you sound just like a poster on an old message board i belonged to. a proud racist from texas who used the 'cuck' term all the time & claimed a 171 IQ. it was extremely obvious that was really not the case with him.

like i said.... you sound just like him.

That low?

i believe in honesty. & 115 is average. guess you didn't know that... try convincing the board how high your IQ is. we could use the laugh.
Why are you so afraid of people with triple digit IQs?

oh good god- you don't claim to have a 171 IQ do you????????????
I hope neither of you glorified retards don't claim to have one over 80.

a normal healthy avg 115. you sound just like a poster on an old message board i belonged to. a proud racist from texas who used the 'cuck' term all the time & claimed a 171 IQ. it was extremely obvious that was really not the case with him.

like i said.... you sound just like him.

That low?

i believe in honesty. & 115 is average. guess you didn't know that... try convincing the board how high your IQ is. we could use the laugh.
Usually people with 115 IQ can read ;)
mmm'k..... when a bunch of bleeding hearts decide to take their prius' & go nazi bowling, then i'll be just as outraged.
Yea, this act was so much worse than all the other shit that happened. Like shootings, murders, burning down innocent peoples lives etc.
You are morally superior :udaman:

yes yes.... that happens alllllll the time...... both sides are equal........ lol.... nobody is claiming superiority except the groups you are kinda cheering for there TN.
Im not cheering for them. Just more shit you loons make up

you: "Me too. I also hope they will be able to march without outsiders acting like assholes."

why would you 'hope' they march? why would you 'hope' a bunch of white nationalists march? white nationalist by their very nature feel superior to anyone who isn't white?

lol... you: busted.
Did you read the fucking OP playtime? Jesus
"busted" :rofl:

i read it & also saw you use the term 'fake news'. is CNN fake, TN?. btw- i have also read many of your posts & have you sized up pretty well. i do not think you are extremist by any means... but i think you aren't as enlightened as you could be. laziness? comfort in ignorance? i don't know....
These events will proliferate as a sleeping giant has been awaken
Decent, successful and contributory people were quietly going about their lives but libtards have to repeatedly blame their own failures on others until one poke in the eye too many
The main drawback of the Internet is giving voices to deadbeat social disrupters

Those white men would not be so full of hate if not so insecure. They are always worried about some imaginary threat. Its like they think the boggy man still lives under their bed or in their closet.
They are full of hate because existence is an insult they take personally. They didn't ask to be here, they just got squeezed out into a horrible world that refuses to let them be emperor.
Why are you so afraid of people with triple digit IQs?
Look here junior, I really have no desire to heap more abuse on you, I feel life does plenty of that already. Quit being such an obnoxious puss and grow the fuck up.
Those white men would not be so full of hate if not so insecure. They are always worried about some imaginary threat. Its like they think the boggy man still lives under their bed or in their closet.
They are full of hate because existence is an insult they take personally. They didn't ask to be here, they just got squeezed out into a horrible world that refuses to let them be emperor.
Why are you so afraid of people with triple digit IQs?

oh good god- you don't claim to have a 171 IQ do you????????????
I hope neither of you glorified retards don't claim to have one over 80.

a normal healthy avg 115. you sound just like a poster on an old message board i belonged to. a proud racist from texas who used the 'cuck' term all the time & claimed a 171 IQ. it was extremely obvious that was really not the case with him.

like i said.... you sound just like him.
Dissident beliefs and thoughts all sound alike to retards with double digit IQs.

Retards with a double digit IQ also can't understand why words like "cuck" are being used in a appropriate manner on a message board, even when certain posts by the accused point to cuckoldry in a much more literal sense.
Are they 'Nationalist' marches, or 'White Nationalist' marches? I know Democrat Fake News will call them 'White Nationalists' or 'KKK', but there's nothing wrong with Nationalist marches. This nation desperately needs more Nationalism. It's time to beat back the NWO Globalist advance. I'm a proud Nationalist who has nothing to do with 'White Nationalists' or 'KKK.'

Are they any kind of nationalist marches or just white people in the road. The movement is to mark ANY gathering of white people as nazi and kkk. Soon those weddings and birthday parties are going to be attacked by antifa as fascist and there won't be a damn thing you can do about it. Why? Because you gave it up now.
I see someone in a KKK uniform, I think of all the people the KKK and their ilk murdered.

I see someone in a Nazi uniform, I think of the millions and tens of millions of people murdered by Nazis.

And then the little bitches whine when someone punches their fucking faces? Really?
I see someone in a KKK uniform, I think of all the people the KKK and their ilk murdered.

I see someone in a Nazi uniform, I think of the millions and tens of millions of people murdered by Nazis.

And then the little bitches whine when someone punches their fucking faces? Really?

If you are going to prance around with a nazi flag you are asking for violence.

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