9-11….. Startling New Evidence of a Conspiracy

You mean by pointing out it? Or is that enough? Or do you propose that I arm myself and storm the White House like Don Quixote? Work with me here.......
That's the limit of your intellect? Either you do nothing or you become a one-man army storming the WH? LOL. Okay. Just checking.

Alerting people and writing about it is doing nothing? I beg to differ...look at how I gave you some information that you didn't know before.........it's the ripple effect. You are now wiser for having engaged in a conversation with me...what you choose to do with this new found knowledge is on you. (snick)
You mean by pointing out it? Or is that enough? Or do you propose that I arm myself and storm the White House like Don Quixote? Work with me here.......
That's the limit of your intellect? Either you do nothing or you become a one-man army storming the WH? LOL. Okay. Just checking.

Alerting people and writing about it is doing nothing? I beg to differ...look at how I gave you some information that you didn't know before.........it's the ripple effect. You are now wiser for having engaged in a conversation with me...what you choose to do with this new found knowledge is on you. (snick)

Well i dont know,9/11 is just like the JFK assassination,done and over with and the real killers getting away with it. at this point posters need to stop making threads exposing it,people can accept it or live in denial,we need solutions what to do about it.

as i have said before,9/1 is the least of our problems we have to worry about from the government now.
You mean by pointing out it? Or is that enough? Or do you propose that I arm myself and storm the White House like Don Quixote? Work with me here.......
That's the limit of your intellect? Either you do nothing or you become a one-man army storming the WH? LOL. Okay. Just checking.

Alerting people and writing about it is doing nothing? I beg to differ...look at how I gave you some information that you didn't know before.........it's the ripple effect. You are now wiser for having engaged in a conversation with me...what you choose to do with this new found knowledge is on you. (snick)

Well i dont know,9/11 is just like the JFK assassination,done and over with and the real killers getting away with it. at this point posters need to stop making threads exposing it,people can accept it or live in denial,we need solutions what to do about it.

as i have said before,9/1 is the least of our problems we have to worry about from the government now.

I totally agree with that....the debate was settled for me five years ago that we have a serious fucking problem of monumental proportions and while we were distracted by shit that didn't matter, we are were taken over and consumed in debt from credit extended by nothing tangible or with an intrinsic value....then they started shipping the jobs overseas and if you were one of those unfortunate slobs that had paid twenty years on a thirty year note created from fake money you created with your signature on a Promissory note? The banks got a hard asset and twenty years of your sweat equity and like a game of musical chairs, they start the process all over again. People work harder for less just to try and eek out an existence while the .0001 percent accumulate more and more wealth. I am not advocating socialism but there is a balance that could easily be reached if we could rid ourselves of these parasitic bankers.
Alerting people and writing about it is doing nothing? I beg to differ...look at how I gave you some information that you didn't know before.........it's the ripple effect. You are now wiser for having engaged in a conversation with me...what you choose to do with this new found knowledge is on you. (snick)
Alerting 20+ people on an internet forum is what you consider activism against a traitorous government? LOL I'm sure Patrick Henry is spinning in his grave right now.

Dude, if you feel you're going to take down the evil, traitorous government that murdered 3,000 Americans on 9/11 by "alerting people", then I'm not impressed with your resolve.
Alerting people and writing about it is doing nothing? I beg to differ...look at how I gave you some information that you didn't know before.........it's the ripple effect. You are now wiser for having engaged in a conversation with me...what you choose to do with this new found knowledge is on you. (snick)
Alerting 20+ people on an internet forum is what you consider activism against a traitorous government? LOL I'm sure Patrick Henry is spinning in his grave right now.

Dude, if you feel you're going to take down the evil, traitorous government that murdered 3,000 Americans on 9/11 by "alerting people", then I'm not impressed with your resolve.

You think this is the only place I blog on? I have nearly 600 followers on FB that share what I write on their pages and then people share what was shared to their pages.....see? It's the ripple effect. I have written thousands of posts on other blog-sites in an attempt to wake people up to this debt slavery system and age old Babylonian system of "pledging" one's labor in exchange for a fiat currency only redeemable at what amounts to is the "company store". What do you do to try and wake people up besides lamely attempt to criticize others that do give a shit????

Debate me.....challenge me. Lead, stand beside me or get the fuck out of the way....makes no difference to me.
You think this is the only place I blog on? I have nearly 600 followers on FB that share what I write on their pages and then people share what was shared to their pages.....see? It's the ripple effect. I have written thousands of posts on other blog-sites in an attempt to wake people up to this debt slavery system and age old Babylonian system of "pledging" one's labor in exchange for a fiat currency only redeemable at what amounts to is the "company store". What do you do to try and wake people up besides lamely attempt to criticize others that do give a shit????

Debate me.....challenge me. Lead, stand beside me or get the fuck out of the way....makes no difference to me.
LOL. As I expected. Dude, if the gub'mint was as evil as you claim they are, you'd be dead of a heroin overdose, a heart attack or some other tragic "accident". The reality? Nobody gives a shit. Guess why?
You think this is the only place I blog on? I have nearly 600 followers on FB that share what I write on their pages and then people share what was shared to their pages.....see? It's the ripple effect. I have written thousands of posts on other blog-sites in an attempt to wake people up to this debt slavery system and age old Babylonian system of "pledging" one's labor in exchange for a fiat currency only redeemable at what amounts to is the "company store". What do you do to try and wake people up besides lamely attempt to criticize others that do give a shit????

Debate me.....challenge me. Lead, stand beside me or get the fuck out of the way....makes no difference to me.
LOL. As I expected. Dude, if the gub'mint was as evil as you claim they are, you'd be dead of a heroin overdose, a heart attack or some other tragic "accident". The reality? Nobody gives a shit. Guess why?

Nah, I'm small time....they wouldn't waste their time on me when there are bigger truth-telling fish to fry....maybe some day. It's definitely something to shoot for.

You think this is the only place I blog on? I have nearly 600 followers on FB that share what I write on their pages and then people share what was shared to their pages.....see? It's the ripple effect. I have written thousands of posts on other blog-sites in an attempt to wake people up to this debt slavery system and age old Babylonian system of "pledging" one's labor in exchange for a fiat currency only redeemable at what amounts to is the "company store". What do you do to try and wake people up besides lamely attempt to criticize others that do give a shit????

Debate me.....challenge me. Lead, stand beside me or get the fuck out of the way....makes no difference to me.
LOL. As I expected. Dude, if the gub'mint was as evil as you claim they are, you'd be dead of a heroin overdose, a heart attack or some other tragic "accident". The reality? Nobody gives a shit. Guess why?

Nah, I'm small time....they wouldn't waste their time on me when there are bigger truth-telling fish to fry....maybe some day. It's definitely something to shoot for.

1) Agreed 100%. You're small time. (snicker)

2) The evil empire you believe exists doesn't. It's all in your head.
You think this is the only place I blog on? I have nearly 600 followers on FB that share what I write on their pages and then people share what was shared to their pages.....see? It's the ripple effect. I have written thousands of posts on other blog-sites in an attempt to wake people up to this debt slavery system and age old Babylonian system of "pledging" one's labor in exchange for a fiat currency only redeemable at what amounts to is the "company store". What do you do to try and wake people up besides lamely attempt to criticize others that do give a shit????

Debate me.....challenge me. Lead, stand beside me or get the fuck out of the way....makes no difference to me.
LOL. As I expected. Dude, if the gub'mint was as evil as you claim they are, you'd be dead of a heroin overdose, a heart attack or some other tragic "accident". The reality? Nobody gives a shit. Guess why?

Nah, I'm small time....they wouldn't waste their time on me when there are bigger truth-telling fish to fry....maybe some day. It's definitely something to shoot for.

1) Agreed 100%. You're small time. (snicker)

2) The evil empire you believe exists doesn't. It's all in your head.

You certainly have made a compelling argument as to why you believe I am wrong....said no one ever.

In other words, you have nothing to debate over....duly noted.
Now claim you're going to put me on ignore....again. :cuckoo:

I have never put you on "ignore"...I simply stated that you had nothing to come back at me with. There may be things that you may know better than me. I am certainly not contending that I know everything but I do know a great deal because I have worked hard to know the things I do. What I don't care for is people that are not well versed on a topic trying to tell me it isn't true simply because they don't "believe it" or that it "can't be possible" because it conflicts with what they have been programmed to believe.

I know this because I was once there myself........
You mean by pointing out it? Or is that enough? Or do you propose that I arm myself and storm the White House like Don Quixote? Work with me here.......
That's the limit of your intellect? Either you do nothing or you become a one-man army storming the WH? LOL. Okay. Just checking.

Alerting people and writing about it is doing nothing? I beg to differ...look at how I gave you some information that you didn't know before.........it's the ripple effect. You are now wiser for having engaged in a conversation with me...what you choose to do with this new found knowledge is on you. (snick)

Well i dont know,9/11 is just like the JFK assassination,done and over with and the real killers getting away with it. at this point posters need to stop making threads exposing it,people can accept it or live in denial,we need solutions what to do about it.

as i have said before,9/1 is the least of our problems we have to worry about from the government now.

I totally agree with that....the debate was settled for me five years ago that we have a serious fucking problem of monumental proportions and while we were distracted by shit that didn't matter, we are were taken over and consumed in debt from credit extended by nothing tangible or with an intrinsic value....then they started shipping the jobs overseas and if you were one of those unfortunate slobs that had paid twenty years on a thirty year note created from fake money you created with your signature on a Promissory note? The banks got a hard asset and twenty years of your sweat equity and like a game of musical chairs, they start the process all over again. People work harder for less just to try and eek out an existence while the .0001 percent accumulate more and more wealth. I am not advocating socialism but there is a balance that could easily be reached if we could rid ourselves of these parasitic bankers.

yep we took that moron troll to school with griffins book and in desperation mode when he knows he is licked,he posts a DEBWUNKER link where all BOTH that poster AND that writer of that link did was debunk THEMSELVES and show he is a fucking liar same as him.thats old debunked stuff that doesnt counter a SINGLE THING in his book,like i said,he only debunked HIMSELF showing he is a government shill working for them. that link did not debunk a fucking thing like he lives in a fantasy wanting to believe..:rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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Hell no.....I was talking about someone else. I like what you post....but I maintain and will go to my grave knowing that 9/11/01 was an inside job....no two ways about it.

WHY do you like what this troll posts,he is the same as rightwinger and say it,a government shill.

I like Pred-Fan.....he's never been contrary to me....he simply doesn't "get it" that 9/11 was a false flag event...eventually he will come to the realization one way or the other and it will happen sooner rather than later. I believe some really bad shit is on the horizon and I don't like the looks of things at all. I don't know if Trump is legit or not but if he is? It's going to take the white hats in all the alphabet agencies to take on the shadow government. We are in a very bad situation right now that is so horrifically teetering on complete collapse (all orchestrated) that 95 percent of the people here couldn'
t even wrap their minds around......it ain't good at all......

You're dreaming on that one dude the fact he STILL thinks oswald was the lone assassin and believes in magic bullets.:lmao::haha:

that is WHY there is no hope for him and WHY there was always hope for you a few years ago since you at LEAST could accept it the CIA killed JFK.:rolleyes:

You obviously have not discussed the JFK case with him because a few years ago when there was a thread on that made here I posted pesky facts he could not get around that proved beyond a doubt oswald was innocent and there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.

He never came back on that thread to refute them after that. i sent a pm to him telling him I was waiting for his reply for him to address it and I think you are already aware of this,that he replied back to me back and started cursing me out in frustration that I owned him and took him to school and he was angry about me proving him wrong so much that ever since then he has had me on ignore.:up:

see you just have not discussed the JFK assassination with him any or shown evidence to him as i did that oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters OTHERWISE he would have done the same thing with you years ago and put you on ignore as well in frustration of being proven wrong.:lmao::rofl::haha:

Ok, I get that but I still think that he has the capacity to "get it...so I am going to make PredFan this offer.....

PredFan...watch this documentary and if afterwards you are not moved or swayed? Let me know....I will send you a fifty dollar gift certificate to any restaurant chain of your choice to compensate you for your time....I will ask you a few simple questions that you would be able to answer if you watched it....just to keep you honest...but I think enough of you to make this offer..

I was introduced to this by a friend that said I would really get something out of it....as soon as I saw that it was 3 and a half hours long? I gave a heavy sigh...but it was given to me by a friend I respected and I made a promise to watch it from beginning to end....but once I started watching it I got so engrossed in it because it is so brilliantly done that I didn't even realize the time. I have watched or listened to it at least 15 times. It's gut wrenching to me and I still get watery eyes when I am taken through the events of that day and what was lost and the coup de'etat that took place that day and the power structure that remains....makes me unbelievably sad for what was lost but it also pisses me off and lights a fire inside me and the only way I will ever stop trying to wake people up is when they haul me away in a body bag...I owe those that did the heavy lifting in order to educate me no less.....I am just paying forward.

Sorry, can't watch it, I can't spend 3.5 hours watching something like that. Tell me, does it explain how a demolition crew can rig two buildings to drop without anyone ever seeing them do it?

Did I tell you Dale or did I tell you?:biggrin: I told you this troll predfan wont watch that video.,He is so much in denial he wont even take the time to watch a SHORT video that proves oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters so I could have told you he would never watch this long video.Like that coward Buck,he only sees what he WANTS to see.:rofl:

the ONLY reason predfan did not put you on ignore just now is because you did not send him a pm telling him you were waiting for him to address the facts in the video,had you done THAT,i guarantee you he WOULD have put you on ignore.:haha::lmao:
WHY do you like what this troll posts,he is the same as rightwinger and say it,a government shill.

I like Pred-Fan.....he's never been contrary to me....he simply doesn't "get it" that 9/11 was a false flag event...eventually he will come to the realization one way or the other and it will happen sooner rather than later. I believe some really bad shit is on the horizon and I don't like the looks of things at all. I don't know if Trump is legit or not but if he is? It's going to take the white hats in all the alphabet agencies to take on the shadow government. We are in a very bad situation right now that is so horrifically teetering on complete collapse (all orchestrated) that 95 percent of the people here couldn'
t even wrap their minds around......it ain't good at all......

You're dreaming on that one dude the fact he STILL thinks oswald was the lone assassin and believes in magic bullets.:lmao::haha:

that is WHY there is no hope for him and WHY there was always hope for you a few years ago since you at LEAST could accept it the CIA killed JFK.:rolleyes:

You obviously have not discussed the JFK case with him because a few years ago when there was a thread on that made here I posted pesky facts he could not get around that proved beyond a doubt oswald was innocent and there was a conspiracy to kill JFK.

He never came back on that thread to refute them after that. i sent a pm to him telling him I was waiting for his reply for him to address it and I think you are already aware of this,that he replied back to me back and started cursing me out in frustration that I owned him and took him to school and he was angry about me proving him wrong so much that ever since then he has had me on ignore.:up:

see you just have not discussed the JFK assassination with him any or shown evidence to him as i did that oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters OTHERWISE he would have done the same thing with you years ago and put you on ignore as well in frustration of being proven wrong.:lmao::rofl::haha:

Ok, I get that but I still think that he has the capacity to "get it...so I am going to make PredFan this offer.....

PredFan...watch this documentary and if afterwards you are not moved or swayed? Let me know....I will send you a fifty dollar gift certificate to any restaurant chain of your choice to compensate you for your time....I will ask you a few simple questions that you would be able to answer if you watched it....just to keep you honest...but I think enough of you to make this offer..

I was introduced to this by a friend that said I would really get something out of it....as soon as I saw that it was 3 and a half hours long? I gave a heavy sigh...but it was given to me by a friend I respected and I made a promise to watch it from beginning to end....but once I started watching it I got so engrossed in it because it is so brilliantly done that I didn't even realize the time. I have watched or listened to it at least 15 times. It's gut wrenching to me and I still get watery eyes when I am taken through the events of that day and what was lost and the coup de'etat that took place that day and the power structure that remains....makes me unbelievably sad for what was lost but it also pisses me off and lights a fire inside me and the only way I will ever stop trying to wake people up is when they haul me away in a body bag...I owe those that did the heavy lifting in order to educate me no less.....I am just paying forward.

Sorry, can't watch it, I can't spend 3.5 hours watching something like that. Tell me, does it explain how a demolition crew can rig two buildings to drop without anyone ever seeing them do it?

Did I tell you Dale or did I tell you?:biggrin: I told you this troll predfan wont watch that video.,He is so much in denial he wont even take the time to watch a SHORT video that proves oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters so I could have told you he would never watch this long video.Like that coward Buck,he only sees what he WANTS to see.:rofl:

the ONLY reason predfan did not put you on ignore just now is because you did not send him a pm telling him you were waiting for him to address the facts in the video,had you done THAT,i guarantee you he WOULD have put you on ignore.:haha::lmao:

Why do people like to wallow in ignorance? Isn't knowledge a source of power????
And here's my answer to you. As layers collapse the weight of materials of each floor add up. If you will recall, the planes didn't hit the top floors. The first collapse was a combination of many floors. Plenty of weight to collapse the remaining floors in succession as the weight quickly climbs with each pancaked layer.

And where does the energy come from to crush each level? What is the kinetic energy of the falling mass?

If what you say is true then it should not be difficult to model. Here is a model:

The falling mass looses kinetic energy faster than the mass increases so eventually it no longer has enough energy to crush more levels and so it arrests.

But in FIFTEEN YEARS no engineering school has built a model to demonstrate what you say. Curious that!


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