84 days of Biden historic accomplishments


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
Joe Biden is exceeding all expectations launching historic initiatives after only 84 days.
  1. Stimulus bolstering the economy
  2. Heroic Pandemic management on the way to 200M vaccines in 100 days
  3. Infrastructure bill proposed of epic proportions
  4. Rollback of unpaid tax breaks to rich and corporations
  5. Stock growth and jobs growth
  6. Getting the US out of Afghanistan wars
Even the biggest haters have to admit we are better off now.

What can we expect in the future?
Joe Biden is exceeding all expectations launching historic initiatives after only 84 days.
  1. Stimulus bolstering the economy When trump did that, he was spending like a leftist
  2. Heroic Pandemic management on the way to 200M vaccines in 100 days LMFAO
  3. Infrastructure bill proposed of epic proportions "infrastructure" LOL
  4. Rollback of unpaid tax breaks to rich and corporations ?
  5. Stock growth and jobs growth Steady rise. Thanks previous president!
  6. Getting the US out of Afghanistan wars a lie of course
Even the biggest haters have to admit we are better off now.

What can we expect in the future?
Joe Biden is exceeding all expectations launching historic initiatives after only 84 days.
  1. Stimulus bolstering the economy
  2. Heroic Pandemic management on the way to 200M vaccines in 100 days
  3. Infrastructure bill proposed of epic proportions
  4. Rollback of unpaid tax breaks to rich and corporations
  5. Stock growth and jobs growth
  6. Getting the US out of Afghanistan wars
Even the biggest haters have to admit we are better off now.

What can we expect in the future?

More of the same nonsensical fantasies from you people.
Joe Biden is exceeding all expectations launching historic initiatives after only 84 days.
  1. Stimulus bolstering the economy - It will destroy the economy. GOVERNMENT SPENDING CANNOT SAVE AN ECONOMY.
  2. Heroic Pandemic management on the way to 200M vaccines in 100 days - How is the admin heroic here, specifically?
  3. Infrastructure bill proposed of epic proportions - What are epic proportions? Only 6% goes to infrastructure.
  4. Rollback of unpaid tax breaks to rich and corporations - Reinstatment of SALT DEDUCTIONS. HELPING THE RICH TO LOWER TAXES.
  5. Stock growth and jobs growth - These were trending anyway.
  6. Getting the US out of Afghanistan wars - Trump had a May 1st agreement with the Taliban to withdraw. Biden broke it. The Taliban has now said they will attack our troops if we break the agreement.

You are utterly full of shit and bring nothing of specificity to the table.

What can we expect in the future? A crashed economy, hyperinflation, a complete collapse of our institutions.
Joe Biden is exceeding all expectations launching historic initiatives after only 84 days.
  1. Stimulus bolstering the economy
  2. Heroic Pandemic management on the way to 200M vaccines in 100 days
  3. Infrastructure bill proposed of epic proportions
  4. Rollback of unpaid tax breaks to rich and corporations
  5. Stock growth and jobs growth
  6. Getting the US out of Afghanistan wars
Even the biggest haters have to admit we are better off now.

What can we expect in the future?
Hahahahahaha the only records Pinochijoe has set are for Covid deaths, dirtied Depends, and empty Gerber jars looneytunes.
Joe Biden is exceeding all expectations launching historic initiatives after only 84 days.
  1. Stimulus bolstering the economy
  2. Heroic Pandemic management on the way to 200M vaccines in 100 days
  3. Infrastructure bill proposed of epic proportions
  4. Rollback of unpaid tax breaks to rich and corporations
  5. Stock growth and jobs growth
  6. Getting the US out of Afghanistan wars
Even the biggest haters have to admit we are better off now.

What can we expect in the future?

Gee, you kinda forgot the mess he made of the border. We have thousands of illegals which he has had bussed and flown all over the country. They even have hotel rooms at tax payer expense. Many of these illegals have the Chines virus.

Gee, you forgot the thousands of kids in cages at the detention centers which we tax payers are paying for.

Gee, you forgot the fully funded wall construction which Biden put a stop to so we can have more illegals invade our country. Illegals that cost we tax payers billions each year.

Gee, you forgot he kicked every American taxpayer in the teeth on day one.

Gee, you forgot he dumped over 11,000 workers in the unemployment line when he stopped the Keystone Pipeline.

Gee, you forgot that Chines virus relief bill has very little relief in it. It does, however, have loads of tax dollars going to bail out Union pension funds.

Gee, lets not forget that infrastructure bill they are working on. Only 5% of it is for actual infrastructure repair. The rest is pure pork.

Gee, lets not forget he's added over 1.9 trillion to the debt.

Gee, you forgot he stopped drilling for oil and natural gas on Fed lands and he wants to stop fracking.

Gee, you forgot we have much higher gas prices right now due to his decisions.

Oh yeah. His first 84 days are a show stopper all right. No one but a Bidenista would think we are better off now. We are stuck with that incompetent stuttering fuck for four years. Hope we have a future.
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One can disagree with Biden’s policies, but his accomplishments in such a short period are remarkable. While Trump was stuck on inauguration crowd sizes and tweeting stupidity on a daily basis, Biden is at work. Much of Trump’s “accomplishments” were temporary anyway due to his use of EOs.

The Biden Administration is showing itself to be far more competent that Trump‘s Administration in using the mechanism of government to push his agenda. Biden’s vaccine rollout has been superb. Under Trump our fight against Covid was the mockery of the world, under Biden we are once again showing the world how it is done. Of course the Trump Administration had to over come a major impediment to competent action. That impediment was Donald Trump.

As far as economy, we are all thankful for the one man, who put this country on track after W’s financial meltdown: President Obama. I also agree with the OP that Biden’s infrastructure plan is a very good thing as well.

There is some stuff coming down the pike that I will disagree with, but there is no denying that Biden is like Grant in the Battle of the Wilderness. He will just keep moving forward.
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Joe Biden is exceeding all expectations launching historic initiatives after only 84 days.
  1. Stimulus bolstering the economy
  2. Heroic Pandemic management on the way to 200M vaccines in 100 days
  3. Infrastructure bill proposed of epic proportions
  4. Rollback of unpaid tax breaks to rich and corporations
  5. Stock growth and jobs growth
  6. Getting the US out of Afghanistan wars
Even the biggest haters have to admit we are better off now.

What can we expect in the future?
Hahahahahaha the only records Pinochijoe has set are for Covid deaths, dirtied Depends, and empty Gerber jars looneytunes.
He'll get around to trying to overthrow the govt. like Trump did after he loses the election.
For the first time the U.S. government is taking action against Russia for meddling in the 2020 election.

What were the chances of that happening if Drumpf was reelected? Oh, that's right, it would be…..ZERO percent.
Trump issued like 50 sanctions on russia. Are you ever right about anything? Are you stupid, or just a flat out liar?
For the first time the U.S. government is taking action against Russia for meddling in the 2020 election.

What were the chances of that happening if Drumpf was reelected? Oh, that's right, it would be…..ZERO percent.
Trump issued like 50 sanctions on russia. Are you ever right about anything? Are you stupid, or just a flat out liar?

I'd say all of those supporting that stuttering fuck are liars.

After all he's done nothing but fuck up America for 84 days. They have to lie to themselves so they can believe they voted for a good POTUS.

Anyone with a working brain cell knows different.
For the first time the U.S. government is taking action against Russia for meddling in the 2020 election.

What were the chances of that happening if Drumpf was reelected? Oh, that's right, it would be…..ZERO percent.

You really are a dumbass. Trump had over 50 sanctions against Russia.

Keep lying to yourself. You're good at it.
For the first time the U.S. government is taking action against Russia for meddling in the 2020 election.

What were the chances of that happening if Drumpf was reelected? Oh, that's right, it would be…..ZERO percent.
Russia, Covid, melty glaciers oh Auntie Em, Auntie Em!!!!
For the first time the U.S. government is taking action against Russia for meddling in the 2020 election.

What were the chances of that happening if Drumpf was reelected? Oh, that's right, it would be…..ZERO percent.
Trump issued like 50 sanctions on russia. Are you ever right about anything? Are you stupid, or just a flat out liar?

I'd say all of those supporting that stuttering fuck are liars.

After all he's done nothing but fuck up America for 84 days. They have to lie to themselves so they can believe they voted for a good POTUS.

Anyone with a working brain cell knows different.

Heh heh…. heh heh…… heh heh heh…….
For the first time the U.S. government is taking action against Russia for meddling in the 2020 election.

What were the chances of that happening if Drumpf was reelected? Oh, that's right, it would be…..ZERO percent.
Trump issued like 50 sanctions on russia. Are you ever right about anything? Are you stupid, or just a flat out liar?

Get your facts right, moron, before you call anyone "stupid", especially me. Trump never issued a sanction against Russia for meddling in the 2020 election.

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