82% Of US Voters Believe Inflation Is Fueled By Corporations Jacking Up Prices

Don’t flatter yourself. You are not patriotic. You rationalize your hate as being patriotic. Your orange god is a liar, cheat, and narcissist who refuses to condemn Putin. It's sad that you cannot see that.
What’s sad is that your neighbors are stuck with you. A Xiden worshipping lemming who is okay with all the damage your Dear Leader has done to the country. Flash is patriotic. You on the other hand......
You don’t run anything but your mouth. You don’t have the brains are skills to run a corporation and if you did you wouldn’t be posting here. The only corporate people who are posting here, are retired.

I have a small business on Etsy and last week I raise prices on all of my best selling items because I can and because people are willing to pay the price. After two years with no income from my store at all I’m getting it while I can and so is everyone else.
“I raise prices on all my best selling items because I can and because people are willing to pay the price”. You just nailed Capitalism. Further, do you no how many business owners have stories like yours of no income? Democrats and socialists don’t give a shit about your trials unless you are in the government teet. You raised prices and now you are a greedy capitalist.

Being that you're a Nazi, you lie about absolutely everything.

Here is his avie
Those 82% are dead wrong.

This is a North Korean propaganda site using crap from a radical Marxist site. The "poll" is invalid if ever taken.

When turning to legitimate sources, we get the responses expected.

The North Koreans and the OP are trying to gaslight America to shift the blame from where it belongs - Joe Biden - to some other factor.

Bought and Paid for Biden tried to blame a two week old war for gas prices spiking over a year.

Liars and scumbags - democrats.
Don’t flatter yourself. You are not patriotic. You rationalize your hate as being patriotic. Your orange god is a liar, cheat, and narcissist who refuses to condemn Putin. It's sad that you cannot see that.

Well, you're a fucking liar anyway - you're a Nazi and that's part of it.

"The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a terrible atrocity that should never have been allowed to happen," the former president said minutes later. "It would have never happened. I know I speak for everyone here tonight when I say we are praying for the proud people of Ukraine. They're going through hell. They are fighters, and God bless them all."

Trump then argued that Moscow would have altered its behavior if it was faced with a different U.S. president — more specifically, himself.

"Russia would not have dared to annex one inch of the territory if I was in the White House. In fact, they never did it when I was there," he said before touting his war record. "In fact, I stand as the only president of the 21st century on whose watch Russia did not invade another country, and neither did anyone else. Under our administration, we had peace through strength. Our country was safe and the world was calm because America was strong."}

And Trump is right, Putin has never invaded Ukraine without Biden in the White House.
On the heels of fresh data showing that the U.S. inflation rate jumped to a new 40-year high last month, a new survey found that more than 80% of American voters believe costs are rising in part because "big corporations are jacking up prices" while raking in record profits.

Released Friday by the advocacy group Fight Corporate Monopolies, the poll showed that 82% of registered U.S. voters blame big companies for at least some of the recent inflation spike and want elected officials to "take on powerful CEOs and rein in corporate greed to lower prices."

Looks like the Putin wing of the Republican party is having messaging issues.
This is why Abraham Lincoln put journalist in jail. This is why left-wing publicist need to be put in jail.
Don’t flatter yourself. You are not patriotic. You rationalize your hate as being patriotic. Your orange god is a liar, cheat, and narcissist who refuses to condemn Putin. It's sad that you cannot see that.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness. You really need to see a mental health specialist. Hopefully they can prescribe you a lubrication that can help you to pull your head out of your filthy Libtard ass.
Well, you're a fucking liar anyway - you're a Nazi and that's part of it.

"The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a terrible atrocity that should never have been allowed to happen," the former president said minutes later. "It would have never happened. I know I speak for everyone here tonight when I say we are praying for the proud people of Ukraine. They're going through hell. They are fighters, and God bless them all."

Trump then argued that Moscow would have altered its behavior if it was faced with a different U.S. president — more specifically, himself.

"Russia would not have dared to annex one inch of the territory if I was in the White House. In fact, they never did it when I was there," he said before touting his war record. "In fact, I stand as the only president of the 21st century on whose watch Russia did not invade another country, and neither did anyone else. Under our administration, we had peace through strength. Our country was safe and the world was calm because America was strong."}

And Trump is right, Putin has never invaded Ukraine without Biden in the White House.
Trump would have given it to him. He's in bed with Putin.
Being that you're a Nazi, you lie about absolutely everything.

Here is his avie
View attachment 615445

Once again, the Russian troll calls the Democrats "NAZI's". I guess his following Putin's lead in claiming the President of the Ukraine is a NAZI.

This is the new world war. Putin's Puppets go around the world posting lies and propaganda against western democracies.

Let's see if there is any consistency here. Every prospective employee quotes the highest desired wage that s/he thinks they can get away with.

Every business quotes the highest price that they think the market will tolerate. That's not just big businesses, that's your landscaper, roofer, restaurant, gas station, etc., etc., etc.

It is up to the market to decide whether the quoted price is tolerable. When something costs too much, (a) use less of it, (b) find alternatives, (c) locate a black market. The rules never change.
You fascists stick together, I’ll say that.

I'm not a democrat, shit fer brains.

And I’ve already proved what his avatar really is. It represents nazis over Israelis.

No, you lied.

You're a Nazi - you lie - it's what you do - it's all you do.

Blaming Biden for everything is just far right propaganda.

Xi installed Biden as Resident, he is the responsible party.
Once again, the Russian troll calls the Democrats "NAZI's". I guess his following Putin's lead in claiming the President of the Ukraine is a NAZI.

It's utterly hilarious that you filthy vermin suddenly start calling your enemies - the Americans "Russian" - After you supported Russia for 70 solid years.

You're fools and liar - and you're Nazis.

This is the new world war. Putin's Puppets go around the world posting lies and propaganda against western democracies.

If treason were punishable by death, Obama and Hillary would be worm food, Nazi.
Everything pknopp knows about business is from a Linguist who never held a job outside of academia in his entire life.,

His political blather is so reflexive and it isn't even original. Try reading Bib Laden's letters to America and then read Chomsky on the same subject. All Chomsky does was take Bin Laden's themes and dress them up in that over the top lurid prose of his.

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