79% support deal Obama reached on Syria Chemical Weapons. Another success.


Gold Member
Mar 10, 2013
Public Backs Diplomatic Approach in Syria, But Distrusts Syria and Russia | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

The Morning Plum: On Syria, Beltway elites blow it with paint-by-numbers punditry
By Greg Sargent, Published: September 17 at 9:14 amE-mail the writer

There’s a lot to criticize about President Obama’s handling of Syria. He failed to make a strong case for military action and probably should never have entertained bombing without Congress’ support. That said, much Beltway elite criticism, which has focused largely on process and theatrics, is deeply misguided and disconnected from how Americans view the situation. A new Post/ABC News poll illustrates this clearly.

I noticed how the conservative non-stop pity party over bombing Syria died down on this board. Now we know why. The American people are happy with the deal, and don't give a fig how it was reached. Conservative criticism of his handling of the issue have totally flopped, and conservatives have given in. I don't blame you for not complaining anymore, Conservatives. Your preferred aggressive policies on Syria are political suicide in the country since Bush screwed up the Iraq War and made foreign intervention a non-option.
how many feel like obama fell into a bucket of @@@@ and came out smelling like a rose

If McCain or Mittypoo were President, we'd be at war with Syria by now, bogged down in yet another Middle East war. Most Americans are grateful neither of them are President. Don't bother denying it, because I won't be convinced otherwise.
How many times must I keep telling you? OBAMA NEVER BROKERED THE DEAL!

Putin did. How else did Syria suddenly act?

What's that matter? Americans didn't want a war, and he found a way not to get us into one. I don't care how it got that way. The end result is what matters.

If McCan't, Mittypoo or Dumbya were President, who knows what kind of clodhopping acts of diplomatic oafishness the GOP would have committed. We'd be at war on with Syria, that's undeniable.
How many times must I keep telling you? OBAMA NEVER BROKERED THE DEAL!

Putin did. How else did Syria suddenly act?

I did not know you had Top Secret Security clearance. This isn't one of your computer fantasy games. Things happen behind the scenes nobody knows about.
gosh, the stupid cult members don't get it that American people could not care less about the "deals", they are the most happy we are not getting involved in any war.
most are actually thankful to Putin, not Obama ( which I don't share, btw)
how many feel like obama fell into a bucket of @@@@ and came out smelling like a rose

If McCain or Mittypoo were President, we'd be at war with Syria by now, bogged down in yet another Middle East war. Most Americans are grateful neither of them are President. Don't bother denying it, because I won't be convinced otherwise.


If Mitt would have been President, we won't be involved in half of the shitty deals in the ME.

and Christians won't be slaughtered by MB in Egypt.
gosh, the stupid cult members don't get it that American people could not care less about the "deals", they are the most happy we are not getting involved in any war.
most are actually thankful to Putin, not Obama ( which I don't share, btw)

Most Americans agree with Obama that the threat of force played a role in bringing Russia to the table and the Syrians to heel. From the article I linked:

"A plurality thinks the initial threat of missile strikes helped the situation by pressuring Syria to give up its chemical weapons — meaning Americans accept Obama’s argument about the impact of the threat (even if they oppose action) "
How many times must I keep telling you? OBAMA NEVER BROKERED THE DEAL!

Putin did. How else did Syria suddenly act?

I did not know you had Top Secret Security clearance. This isn't one of your computer fantasy games. Things happen behind the scenes nobody knows about.

Inside and out, Obama got his butt handed to him. Common sense tells you that Obama didn't get Syria to act, HE was the one threatening them with strikes. Putin is an ally of Syria, so, they were more bound to listen to Putin than Obama. It's that simple. Deal with it.
How many times must I keep telling you? OBAMA NEVER BROKERED THE DEAL!

Putin did. How else did Syria suddenly act?

What's that matter? Americans didn't want a war, and he found a way not to get us into one. I don't care how it got that way. The end result is what matters.

If McCan't, Mittypoo or Dumbya were President, who knows what kind of clodhopping acts of diplomatic oafishness the GOP would have committed. We'd be at war on with Syria, that's undeniable.

LOL. Minus an argument, plus a deflection, divided by ignorance-- equals a liberal like you.
How many times must I keep telling you? OBAMA NEVER BROKERED THE DEAL!

Putin did. How else did Syria suddenly act?

What's that matter? Americans didn't want a war, and he found a way not to get us into one. I don't care how it got that way. The end result is what matters.

If McCan't, Mittypoo or Dumbya were President, who knows what kind of clodhopping acts of diplomatic oafishness the GOP would have committed. We'd be at war on with Syria, that's undeniable.

LOL. Minus an argument, plus a deflection, divided by ignorance-- equals a liberal like you.

79% support for the deal is all the argument I need.

What would the GOP have done differently? How would it have been better? McCain and Mittens would have us bombing by now. Even years ago. No wonder they lost.

Yeah, he just stepped right into the breach and took control.



Be glad that he had that little heart to heart with your hero.

If this had been left to the R, we would be at war with Syria by now.

Thank you Mr President.
Public Backs Diplomatic Approach in Syria, But Distrusts Syria and Russia | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

The Morning Plum: On Syria, Beltway elites blow it with paint-by-numbers punditry
By Greg Sargent, Published: September 17 at 9:14 amE-mail the writer

There’s a lot to criticize about President Obama’s handling of Syria. He failed to make a strong case for military action and probably should never have entertained bombing without Congress’ support. That said, much Beltway elite criticism, which has focused largely on process and theatrics, is deeply misguided and disconnected from how Americans view the situation. A new Post/ABC News poll illustrates this clearly.

I noticed how the conservative non-stop pity party over bombing Syria died down on this board. Now we know why. The American people are happy with the deal, and don't give a fig how it was reached. Conservative criticism of his handling of the issue have totally flopped, and conservatives have given in. I don't blame you for not complaining anymore, Conservatives. Your preferred aggressive policies on Syria are political suicide in the country since Bush screwed up the Iraq War and made foreign intervention a non-option.


First, the poll doesn't say what you just said, second, it wasn't a success.
how many feel like obama fell into a bucket of @@@@ and came out smelling like a rose

If McCain or Mittypoo were President, we'd be at war with Syria by now, bogged down in yet another Middle East war. Most Americans are grateful neither of them are President. Don't bother denying it, because I won't be convinced otherwise.

And, unlike you, I would oppose it because it is wrong, while you would oppose it because he is a Republican.
How many times must I keep telling you? OBAMA NEVER BROKERED THE DEAL!

Putin did. How else did Syria suddenly act?

I did not know you had Top Secret Security clearance. This isn't one of your computer fantasy games. Things happen behind the scenes nobody knows about.

Oh bullshit. And anyone who isn't a complete partisan down on their knee pads pro Obama poster knows damn well that Putin made the first move.

Try google.


September the 9th headlines:

Putin Offers Surprise Plan For International Control Of Syrian - Forbes
Sep 9, 2013 - Putin Offers Surprise Plan For International Control Of Syrian ... avoiding strikes, we will immediately start working with Damascus. ...


Russia suggests Syria surrender chemical weapons to avoid attack ...
Sep 9, 2013 - The Kremlin offered up a proposal Monday to prevent a U.S.-led ... and the Syrians both make gestures toward dealing with these chemical ...


The list is endless. Obama played checkers. Putin played chess.

gosh, the stupid cult members don't get it that American people could not care less about the "deals", they are the most happy we are not getting involved in any war.
most are actually thankful to Putin, not Obama ( which I don't share, btw)

Most Americans agree with Obama that the threat of force played a role in bringing Russia to the table and the Syrians to heel. From the article I linked:

"A plurality thinks the initial threat of missile strikes helped the situation by pressuring Syria to give up its chemical weapons — meaning Americans accept Obama’s argument about the impact of the threat (even if they oppose action) "

Plurality means more than a different another position, but less than a majority. If you had graduated third grade instead of playing with yourself you would know that.

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