780,236 COVID deaths in the USA so far

Its about 50/50 today with biden slightly ahead now or withon weeks
there were 429,874 dead the day Tramp left office and 8,832,292 active cases with a 2% death rate which adds 176,646 more deaths to Tramp's total giving him a grand total of 606,520 deaths under his watch plus the anti-vaxers who have died under his influence since and those poisoned by his rushed Trumpcines. There are presently 780,236 dead.
there were 429,874 dead the day Tramp left office and 8,832,292 active cases with a 2% death rate which adds 176,646 more deaths to Tramp's total giving him a grand total of 606,520 deaths under his watch plus the anti-vaxers who have died under his influence since and those poisoned by his rushed Trumpcines. There are presently 780,236 dead.
You dont het to shift deaths under biden over to trump

Trump had 400,000 and biden has 360,000 under much more favorable conditions

YOU are the LIAR. Read these links. You have no links. All you have are lies.
They ALL prove Fauci killed millions of people with his HUBRIS. The coxucker should be shot.

NIH admits US funded gain-of-function in Wuhan — despite Fauci’s denials​

“[Fauci’s] biggest lie was not to Rand Paul and Congress about gain-of-function experimentations, per se. His lie of omission was not to tell us — the president’s task force — in January that he strongly suspected, as he did, that that virus was from a lab in Wuhan, that he had funded that lab, and that he had authorized gain-of-function experiments which can turn harmless bat viruses into human killers.

Approximately 6% of vaccinated can still contract the disease but virtually none have died from it without other illnesses.
The other 94% get virtually no more symptoms than a runny nose etc. They don't die. It has never been claimed any vaccine has 100% success so your argument us a poor one. But if you chose to not gave it to protect yourself and your family, and one of them die, Don't say you weren't warned. The Republican party or God will be nowhere to help you.

Torture your brain and research the number who catch it and die without vaccinations. There's you answer right there. Don't try to be clever. You don't have the smarts.
Every and I mean most every death with Wuhan died from other health issues! So your excuse is stupid!

the fact one person with the vaccine means it doesn’t work. I’m unvaccinated and I have never caught it! And you mandate my choice! With a vaccine that is worse than my own immune system? Fk you and your god
Incorrect and in fact just the opposite.

Nope, you are wrong just like you are about most everything.

Those flu deaths we have all been reading about for decades, about 0% of them are from the flu alone, all are due to complications that the flu caused them to have.

My step father technically died of heart failure, that is what is on the DC as the cause. Then if you look at secondary reasons you find he had cancer in 2/3 of his major organs which caused his heart to fail.
We won't be able to convince them to vax.
Because? They are STOOPID

I don't care if they never get jabbed. Its their choice to die how they like. But the stupidity from th rem is they reject it be abuse Joe is promoting it. Not enough brai s to do the research or listen to th er experts. Nosiree. We must stick along party lines. Theyre stupid alright.
Every and I mean most every death with Wuhan died from other health issues! So your excuse is stupid!

Absolute rubbish, lies and extreme ignorance. You gave no evidence of that.
No self respecting virus would live in an idiot like you. You gave nothing to fear.

the fact one person with the vaccine means it doesn’t work. I’m unvaccinated and I have never caught it! And you mandate my choice! With a vaccine that is worse than my own immune system? Fk you and your god

It has been known since vaccines were invented they are not 100% accurate.
You're using that as a pathetic excuse to not get jabbed. You don't have the courage. You hate anything the democrats advocate. that's real smart.

That aside, I'm an atheist. I didn't rely on God to protect me and my family. Only fools who hate democrats like you do that.
I don't care if they never get jabbed. Its their choice to die how they like. But the stupidity from th rem is they reject it be abuse Joe is promoting it. Not enough brai s to do the research or listen to th er experts. Nosiree. We must stick along party lines. Theyre stupid alright.
I’m not talking it because it doesn’t work
Let’s go Brandon
Approximately 6% of vaccinated can still contract the disease but virtually none have died from it without other illnesses.
The other 94% get virtually no more symptoms than a runny nose etc. They don't die. It has never been claimed any vaccine has 100% success so your argument us a poor one. But if you chose to not gave it to protect yourself and your family, and one of them die, Don't say you weren't warned. The Republican party or God will be nowhere to help you.

Torture your brain and research the number who catch it and die without vaccinations. There's you answer right there. Don't try to be clever. You don't have the smarts.
935 as of today in Illinois! Fk that’s high
Please stop repeating LIES. F'n DUMMIES
I'm sorry you don't like the truth.

People aged 65 and older make up 12.8% of all covid cases
People aged 65 and older make up 76.8% of all covid deaths.
People under 65 make up 87.% of all covid cases - 40,795,000 cases
People under age 65 makeup 23.2% of ll covid deaths - 175,000
175,000 / 40,795,000 = 0.43088% death rate
And so:
99.56% survival rate for people under the age of 65.

And so, my statement stands:
Yes. >The 99.6% survival rate for everyone under the age of 65 is a real monster.

Remember how I asked you to demonstrate your statement to be true?
See above. That's how you do it. Up your game.
You dn't have to, of course - you -are- free to be remain stoopid.
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It has never been claimed any vaccine has 100% success so your argument us a poor one.
Better tell Brandon:
"This is a simple, basic proposition. If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in an ICU unit, and you are not going to die. "

Did Brandon lie, or did he speak from ignorance?
Did - you - lie, or speak from ignorance?
Don't try to be clever - you don't have the smarts.

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