75 Palestinian Schools Named After Terrorists or NAZI’s

RE: 75 Palestinian Schools Named After Terrorists or NAZI’s
※→ fanger, et al,

Yeah, Yeah, This is a temporal designation.



Affirming the right of peoples Israelis include to combat foreign occupation and aggression by whatever means, including armed struggle, in order to liberate their territories and secure their right to self-determination, and independence and to do so in such a manner as to preserve the territorial integrity of each Arab country, of the foregoing being in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and with the Organization's resolutions.​
According to the definition of terrorism adopted by the FBI, George Washington was a terrorist. Indeed, so were Jefferson, Franklin, Adams and all the signatories to the Declaration of Independence. Moreover, all Confederate soldiers, statesmen, and sympathizers were terrorists.​


Depending on your perspective, many separatists and freedom fights could be classified as terrorists; depending on the criteria and definition used.

It is, however, really debatable as to whether women like Dalal Mughrabi who intentionally machine gunned down 25 unarmed adults AND an additional 12 children --- none of which posed any threat to the heavily armed Arab Palestinian - FATAH Terrorists that came ashore in Israel. It is no wonder that the Arab Palestinians turn Dalal Mughrabi into an iconic and celebrated heroin and role model in the three girls school which are named after her.

One can only wonder how much bravery it took to shoot down little children. What it must have sounded like when her bullets ripped through and burst their little bodies part; or to see their little heads explode. This is how the Arab Palestinian exercise their right to self-determination, and their so-called struggle for independence in such a manner as to preserve the territorial integrity in a land the never had sovereignty over to begin with.

It is one thing to experience inadvertent collateral casualties in a hostile engagement with the enemy. It is all together different to intentionally murder (in close proximity) the unarmed men, women and children in what can only be describe as psychotic manner which exhibits the manifestation of a mental or behavioral disorder.

Dalal Mughrabi is an iconic hero and role model that only the Arab Palestinian sociopaths can appreciate.

Just my thought.

Most Respectfully,
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It is one thing to experience inadvertent collateral casualties in a hostile engagement with the enemy. It is all together different to intentionally murder (in close proximity) the unarmed men, women and children in what can only be describe as psychotic manner which exhibits the manifestation of a mental or behavioral disorder.

Dalal Mughrabi is an iconic hero and role model that only the Arab Palestinian sociopaths can appreciate.

Just my thought.

Most Respectfully,
Wounded Knee Massacre - Wikipedia
Yet another thread where Palestinian terrorism is just "propaganda".
LOL, exactly!

I would also love to hear why you think Golda Meir is a terrorist
This is actually the most telling of all your posts I have read thus far. I am pretty sure, that without realizing it, you just ADMITTED (see post 50) that Menachem Begin and David Ben Gurion are terrorists! If you did not do this by accident, then I must applaud your honesty, a rare trait from team Israel in these discussions.

I'm sure many are there. So is the UK Daily Mail. (I know -- owned by Jews. LOL)
Well, I don't know if it's owned by Jews, but I have been told in other forums, by pro-Israelis, that it is both antisemitic and also equivalent to The National Enquirer here in the states. That said, the propaganda it presented comes directly from the same source in the OP. Look at the pics and the website that is printed on them. That is the same "source" that the 60s fan spams the forum here with daily. It debunks itself. It is not news. It does not present facts, certainly not in any fair fashion. When all is said and done, it is part of a propaganda machine used to create and repeat a certain narrative and truth is the last thing palwatch publishes, if ever. How would you like to spend your day debunking links from Jewwatch.com/?

As we have seen, Israelis honor their terrorists by naming schools, buildings, roads, parks, etc. after known mass murderers and they celebrate others regularly. This is yet another thread to demonize a people by labeling them all as terrorists or terrorist supporters. It is hard to find a thread in here where this does not happen and it is all a giant deflection for the true terrorists in that region who will not stop until every inch of Eretz Israel belongs solely to them.

So now maybe we're down from 75 to 24 until someone goes over there and does a survey or Google maps the schools with a translation of the names and plaques.
The OP claimed that:
Any 3 year old can use google.
But hasn't yet done so. :cry:
Yet another thread where Palestinian terrorism is just "propaganda".
LOL, exactly!

I would also love to hear why you think Golda Meir is a terrorist
This is actually the most telling of all your posts I have read thus far. I am pretty sure, that without realizing it, you just ADMITTED (see post 50) that Menachem Begin and David Ben Gurion are terrorists! If you did not do this by accident, then I must applaud your honesty, a rare trait from team Israel in these discussions.

I'm sure many are there. So is the UK Daily Mail. (I know -- owned by Jews. LOL)
Well, I don't know if it's owned by Jews, but I have been told in other forums, by pro-Israelis, that it is both antisemitic and also equivalent to The National Enquirer here in the states. That said, the propaganda it presented comes directly from the same source in the OP. Look at the pics and the website that is printed on them. That is the same "source" that the 60s fan spams the forum here with daily. It debunks itself. It is not news. It does not present facts, certainly not in any fair fashion. When all is said and done, it is part of a propaganda machine used to create and repeat a certain narrative and truth is the last thing palwatch publishes, if ever. How would you like to spend your day debunking links from Jewwatch.com/?

As we have seen, Israelis honor their terrorists by naming schools, buildings, roads, parks, etc. after known mass murderers and they celebrate others regularly. This is yet another thread to demonize a people by labeling them all as terrorists or terrorist supporters. It is hard to find a thread in here where this does not happen and it is all a giant deflection for the true terrorists in that region who will not stop until every inch of Eretz Israel belongs solely to them.

So now maybe we're down from 75 to 24 until someone goes over there and does a survey or Google maps the schools with a translation of the names and plaques.
The OP claimed that:
Any 3 year old can use google.
But hasn't yet done so. :cry:
Foreign Terrorist Organizations
Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Have a nice day!

There's no such thing as a Jew who's Polish, or Russian.
There's no such thing as a Jew who's Polish, or Russian.
The IQ of terrorist lovers.
Foreign Terrorist Organizations
Foreign Terrorist Organizations

Have a nice day!
This is known as "moving the goalpost." You still have not posted the google maps screenshots you promised.

And again, this is a one-sided approach used to demonize a group of people. So, let's be fair.

Jerusalem — ON July 31, in the West Bank village of Duma, 18-month-old
Ali Dawabsheh was burned alive in a fire. All available evidence
<Jewish Arsonists Suspected in West Bank Attack That Killed Palestinian Toddler>
suggests that the blaze was a deliberate act of settler terrorism. More
disturbingly, several of the alleged instigators, currently being
detained indefinitely, are not native-born Israelis — they have American

But there has been little outcry in their communities. Settler rabbis
and the leaders of American immigrant communities in the West Bank have
either played down their crime or offered muted criticism.

It’s worth recalling the response of the former prime minister Yitzhak
<Yitzhak Rabin>
to another heinous attack two decades ago, when an American-born doctor,
Baruch Goldstein, gunned down dozens of Palestinians
<The Palestinian Authority>
while they prayed in Hebron.

“He grew in a swamp whose murderous sources are found here, and across
the sea; they are foreign to Judaism, they are not ours,” thundered
<http://mfa.gov.il/MFA/ForeignPolicy...ent in the Knesset by Prime Minister Rab.aspx>
Mr. Rabin before the Knesset in February 1994. “You are a foreign
implant. You are an errant weed. Sensible Judaism spits you out.”

NY Times - Israeli Terrorists, Born in the USA

Have a nice day too.
This is actually the most telling of all your posts I have read thus far. I am pretty sure, that without realizing it, you just ADMITTED (see post 50) that Menachem Begin and David Ben Gurion are terrorists! If you did not do this by accident, then I must applaud your honesty, a rare trait from team Israel in these discussions.

I did no such thing. However, I am familiar with the arguments that people like you use to label Begin and Ben Gurion as terrorists. And I agree that the organizations they led or belonged to committed a few terrorist acts. And I condemn those acts as I do all others. But I have NEVER heard anyone call Golda Meir a terrorist. So I'm curious why you would think so.

I think you will find that if you argue with me honestly, you will also find me honest. I am perfectly happy to criticize Israel when it warrants it. You, however, have been avoiding my questions.
I did no such thing. However, I am familiar with the arguments that people like you use to label Begin and Ben Gurion as terrorists. And I agree that the organizations they led or belonged to committed a few terrorist acts. And I condemn those acts as I do all others. But I have NEVER heard anyone call Golda Meir a terrorist. So I'm curious why you would think so.

I think you will find that if you argue with me honestly, you will also find me honest. I am perfectly happy to criticize Israel when it warrants it. You, however, have been avoiding my questions.
You've done it again. You keep saying two opposite statements that cannot both be true. Here, you tell us that you are not admitting that they are terrorists and then claiming to know that they led terrorist organizations. It's like when you were telling me the other day how people can return to somewhere where they have never been.
RE: RE: 75 Palestinian Schools Named After Terrorists or NAZI’s
※→ fanger, et al,



There were several difference examples of cowardice in that event; and a group behavior that was psychopathic. No doubt. Any American that looks at that event today, comes away with the knowledge that it was a criminal event.

General Nelson Miles wanted to take disciplinary action against Colonel Forsyth by first relieving him of command pending court-martial. However the internal pressures on the Court of Inquiry softened the outcome and a Court- Martial was not convened. That outcome was readily endorsed by the General Schofield (next in the chain of command for General Miles) Secretary of War. It was decided that the event would be dramatized and portrayed as a heroic action. No one in the chain, at that time, wanted to blemish the record of the 7th CAV. Colonel Forsyth was reinstated as Commander of the 7th Calvary; and medals for heroism and valor were generously spread all around. There is a small monument at Wounded Knee to remember the misdeeds and to honor the innocent that feel.

• There was a cowardice on the part of the soldiers that took part in the action.
• There was a kind of career and personal cowardice on the part of the Inquiry that did a lawful duty in an improper manner; and obstructed the truth of the event and justice in prosecution.
• THEN, there was misfeasance and malfeasance on the part of the Senior Army Command, the Office of the Secretary of War, and the President for political corruption and misconduct unbecoming the offices they held.​

The US was not perfect when it was formed, and it is not perfect now. The US makes mistakes; but we try to get better with time and learn from our mistakes.

Having said that, there is no little to very little evidence that the Arab Palestinian, as a West Bank or Gaza Strip culture, has attempted in any fashion of change for positive development for its people as a potential nation, or as a government of confidence for that potential nation.

Most Respectfully,
I did no such thing. However, I am familiar with the arguments that people like you use to label Begin and Ben Gurion as terrorists. And I agree that the organizations they led or belonged to committed a few terrorist acts. And I condemn those acts as I do all others. But I have NEVER heard anyone call Golda Meir a terrorist. So I'm curious why you would think so.

I think you will find that if you argue with me honestly, you will also find me honest. I am perfectly happy to criticize Israel when it warrants it. You, however, have been avoiding my questions.
You've done it again. You keep saying two opposite statements that cannot both be true. Here, you tell us that you are not admitting that they are terrorists and then claiming to know that they led terrorist organizations. It's like when you were telling me the other day how people can return to somewhere where they have never been.

You need to go back and read my post again because you've misread it. And I'm assuming that you did so deliberately so you can keep attacking me instead of answering my question.
You need to go back and read my post again because you've misread it. And I'm assuming that you did so deliberately so you can keep attacking me instead of answering my question.
OK, done, I still have not seen where you admitted that they are terrorists.

EDIT: And pointing out the hypocrisy in your posts is not "attacking" you.
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RE: 75 Palestinian Schools Named After Terrorists or NAZI’s
※→ Challenger, et al,

Yes, well you need to think about that.

What effect do you think it might have on young children to see terrorists as heroes?

You mean like Avram Stern, Itzhak Shamir, David Raziel, Shlomo Ben-Yosef?

Those guys built a nation; a developing and prosperous nation - greater than any member of the Arab League Community. What did your heroes do other than continue a conflict for seven decades.

Most Respectfully,
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RE: 75 Palestinian Schools Named After Terrorists or NAZI’s
※→ Challenger, et al,

Yes, well you need to think about that.

What effect do you think it might have on young children to see terrorists as heroes?

You mean like Avram Stern, Itzhak Shamir, David Raziel, Shlomo Ben-Yosef?

Those guys built a nation; a developing and prosperous nation - greater than any member of the Arab League Community. What did yours do other than continue a conflict for seven decades.

Most Respectfully,
So you justify terrorism in terms of it's all right if done for a higher purpose?
RE: 75 Palestinian Schools Named After Terrorists or NAZI’s
※→ abi, et al,

When I was assigned to SHAPE, I remember a counterpart agency giving us a course in terrorism/counterterrorism. In the introduction to one of the classes, they flashed a picture up on the screen.


You need to go back and read my post again because you've misread it. And I'm assuming that you did so deliberately so you can keep attacking me instead of answering my question.
OK, done, I still have not seen where you admitted that they are terrorists.

These terrorists (if that is what you want to call them) and there organizations have not been active for 70 years. Menachem Begin died a quarter century ago. Remember the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades (still active) are named after the Palestinian Black Hand.

Do the Arab Palestinians want to build a nation and improve the development of the people.? OR Do the Arab Palestinians want to pull together and work for a better peace?

Most Respectfully,
E: 75 Palestinian Schools Named After Terrorists or NAZI’s
※→ Challenger, et al,

In the history of humanity, terrorism, in one form or another for one cause of another, has been a tool in the tool box. No one is ever going to be able to throw that tool away. But in the 21st Century, there is a political evolution in-progress that says:

RE: 75 Palestinian Schools Named After Terrorists or NAZI’s
※→ Challenger, et al,

Yes, well you need to think about that.

What effect do you think it might have on young children to see terrorists as heroes?

You mean like Avram Stern, Itzhak Shamir, David Raziel, Shlomo Ben-Yosef?

Those guys built a nation; a developing and prosperous nation - greater than any member of the Arab League Community. What did yours do other than continue a conflict for seven decades.

Most Respectfully,
So you justify terrorism in terms of it's all right if done for a higher purpose?

Some cultures will, in the 21st Century, advance with the greater countries. But there will always those countries that fall behind; intellectually, economically and Politically - stragglers. Those that can't keep up will be doomed to an every increase depth of pressure and a disadvantage that will filter them right down the human development scale.

Do the Arab Palestinians want to emulate the likes of North Korea and Yemen? OR would you rather emulate the development of Israel which ranks higher than any member nation in the Arab League?

We will never be able to justify acts of terrorism.

Most Respectfully,
RE: 75 Palestinian Schools Named After Terrorists or NAZI’s
※→ otto105, et al,

When I first arrived at Fort Bragg, I took a walk over to the Fort Bragg and 18th Airborne Corps Museum. I did not know that Ft Bragg was named after a Confederate General Braxton Bragg. But then, I didn't know that Fort Polk was named after General Leonidas Polk Confederate States Army; as well as Fort Hood was named after General John Bell Hood, Confederate States Army.

Lefty heads explode as they try to tell us names on public buildings mean nothing.

The only thing I find shocking is they have 75 schools period.

75 Palestinian Authority schools named after terrorists and Nazi collaborators and honoring Martyrs and Martyrdom - PMW Bulletins

There are over 1250 schools in the south named after Civil War traitors.

Well, maybe they were traitors, and maybe not. But they fought for their country (and States Rights) in a conventional way.

But the idea of pointing fingers and using the justification that "so and so" was a Terrorist, Jihadist, Virulent Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgent, Radicalized Islamist, and Asymmetric Fighters, that makes it OK for me to be one, is simply childish.

Most Respectfully,
Those guys built a nation; a developing and prosperous nation - greater than any member of the Arab League Community. What did your heroes do other than continue a conflict for seven decades.

Most Respectfully,
They built up half the Nation, while leaving the down-trod down, Also They Got it at no money down and with a great financial package from their American Investment Political Activist Corruption AIPAC!

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