75 Palestinian Schools Named After Terrorists or NAZI’s

Problem is, any Jew who defends himself is a terrorist in Islamofascist eyes.

Sigh. I know.

Here comes the King David Hotel bombing and the events of 1948 to prove that Israelis are evil.

Don't forget this one.

Deir Yassin massacre - Wikipedia
Other than God sides with Jews and they took few casualties.

So, God sided with Jews in the Holocaust too?

Delusional much?
You really do need to stop playing video games and read the Bible.

Lol, So God created Israel?
Where is your God?

My goodness some people are such morons of Biblical proportions.
Oh look. Yet another thread which opens a discussion on Palestinian behaviour and within a few posts becomes about how evil Israelis are.

Yet another thread where Palestinian terrorism is just "propaganda".


Does anyone want to discuss the topic? Or answer my question about Palestinian heroes?
Sigh. I know.

Here comes the King David Hotel bombing and the events of 1948 to prove that Israelis are evil.

Don't forget this one.

Deir Yassin massacre - Wikipedia
Other than God sides with Jews and they took few casualties.

So, God sided with Jews in the Holocaust too?

Delusional much?
You really do need to stop playing video games and read the Bible.

Lol, So God created Israel?
Where is your God?

My goodness some people are such morons of Biblical proportions.
Is there anything you know?
Other than God sides with Jews and they took few casualties.

So, God sided with Jews in the Holocaust too?

Delusional much?
You really do need to stop playing video games and read the Bible.

Lol, So God created Israel?
Where is your God?

My goodness some people are such morons of Biblical proportions.
Is there anything you know?

Humans many of them Jews created Israel, not God.
Maybe someone will be good enough to answer my question about how it affects Palestinian and Gazan children to grow up being indoctrinated that bombing innocents (or stabbing, car ramming, whatever) is an heroic act.
Probably in a similar fashion to children who are taught they are superior, even "chosen" by god and always the victim
Maybe someone will be good enough to answer my question about how it affects Palestinian and Gazan children to grow up being indoctrinated that bombing innocents (or stabbing, car ramming, whatever) is an heroic act.
Probably in a similar fashion to children who are taught they are superior, even "chosen" by god and always the victim

Even if that is true, and its hella not, you don't see the difference between being the perpetrator and being the victim? Or honoring the perpetrator vs. honoring (or remembering) the victim? Sheesh. There is NO moral equivalence to be found here.

AND you neatly avoided answering my question -- what happens to children who are taught to view murderers as heroes?
Lefty heads explode as they try to tell us names on public buildings mean nothing.

The only thing I find shocking is they have 75 schools period.

75 Palestinian Authority schools named after terrorists and Nazi collaborators and honoring Martyrs and Martyrdom - PMW Bulletins
Does the dumb quat that got run over by a slow moving bulldozer have one named after her?

How about that American chick that went to hitchhike the ME to prove they are tolerant, then ended up raped and murdered by day 3?
Maybe someone will be good enough to answer my question about how it affects Palestinian and Gazan children to grow up being indoctrinated that bombing innocents (or stabbing, car ramming, whatever) is an heroic act.
Probably in a similar fashion to children who are taught they are superior, even "chosen" by god and always the victim

Even if that is true, and its hella not, you don't see the difference between being the perpetrator and being the victim? Or honoring the perpetrator vs. honoring (or remembering) the victim? Sheesh. There is NO moral equivalence to be found here.

AND you neatly avoided answering my question -- what happens to children who are taught to view murderers as heroes?

You mean like these Hitler Youth wannabes fine examples of Arab-Moslem manhood? How many streets, avenues, schools, siblings will be named after these monsters?

I think this all about demonizing one side and using their propaganda machine to accuse Palestine exactly of what the accusers are doing.

I think you are trying to create a false equivalence in order to avoid answering the question. I think you are trying to shift blame in order to avoid examining the Palestinian ideology.
I think this all about demonizing one side and using their propaganda machine to accuse Palestine exactly of what the accusers are doing.

I think you are trying to create a false equivalence in order to avoid answering the question. I think you are trying to shift blame in order to avoid examining the Palestinian ideology.
Then why did you cut my post off in your quote? :eusa_naughty:
Then why did you cut my post off in your quote? :eusa_naughty:

I do this to everyone. Cut out the relevant part of the post to which I am making a response. I do it because it makes for a cleaner reading experience.

Why don't you address my post(s)?
The remaining part of the post is where you create a false equivalence and shift blame.
I would also love to hear why you think Golda Meir is a terrorist and equivalent to women who bombed school buses and pizza parlours and shopping centers full of children.
If you despise terror attacks, why didn't you say so in post #2? Why didn't you just condemn the terrorists and the naming of schools after them?
As explained, the OP was propaganda and I am still waiting for the google maps screen shots.

I'm sure many are there. So is the UK Daily Mail. (I know -- owned by Jews. LOL)

  • Twenty-four schools named after prominent Palestinian terrorists, including four named after the man who planned the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, one after the founder of militant Islamist group Hamas and one after Amin al-Husseini, the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who backed Hitler and helped recruit for the SS.
  • Sports events being regularly named after terrorists. Typical was a football tournament, hosted by a school in al-Bireh, named after a 13-year-old who stabbed two Israeli citizens a few weeks earlier. His 15-year-old friend was shot dead in the attack.
  • Plays put on at schools and summer camps have pupils staging ‘executions’, such as one in Hebron featuring a child draped in Palestinian colours ‘shooting’ another dressed as an Israeli soldier. The images were posted on the school’s Facebook page.
  • The Palestinian ministry of education planted trees to commemorate terrorists killed in ‘the ongoing popular uprising’. It was a means of ‘honouring the martyrs, among them school students, and to strengthen the sense of belonging to the land.’

Read more: Palestinians children pretend to execute Israeli soldier | Daily Mail Online
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Maybe someone will be good enough to answer my question about how it affects Palestinian and Gazan children to grow up being indoctrinated that bombing innocents (or stabbing, car ramming, whatever) is an heroic act.
Probably in a similar fashion to children who are taught they are superior, even "chosen" by god and always the victim
Fuck Iran.

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