Video: Israeli's open about their support of genocide


VIP Member
Sep 19, 2017
On the streets of Jerusalem, Abby Martin interviews Jewish Israeli citizens from all walks of life. In several candid interviews, disturbing comments reveal commonly-held views about Palestinians and their future in the region. Israeli-born human rights activist Ronnie Barkan explains why these attitudes dominate Israeli society.

I see this as a result of multi-generational brain washing and it needs stop if there shall ever be peace. And beyond that, how are the Palestinians suppose to deal with people who think like this? I just sit back and try to imagine what it must be like to have these people not only in your neighborhood, but who are also literally ruling over you on your own land... but I can't. :(
I see this as a result of multi-generational brain washing and it needs stop if there shall ever be peace. And beyond that, how are the Palestinians suppose to deal with people who think like this?

They can start by listening to them. When someone says:

"You can't deal with these people. There is no need to try. There's no need to talk to them. What we can do is when they do enough harm -- we retaliate. That's war. And that's the situation that any Jew in Israel has to deal with."

...what do you hear? I hear fear. I hear frustration. I hear echoes of multi-generational trauma. I hear a certain sense of hopelessness.
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I see this as a result of multi-generational brain washing and it needs stop if there shall ever be peace. And beyond that, how are the Palestinians suppose to deal with people who think like this?

They can start by listening to them. When someone says:

"You can't deal with these people. There is no need to try. There's no need to talk to them. What we can do is when they do enough harm -- we retaliate. That's war. And that's the situation that any Jew in Israel has to deal with."

...what do you hear? I hear fear. I hear frustration. I hear echoes of multi-generational trauma. I hear a certain sense of hopelessness.
Sigh... did you watch the video? Did you listen to the Israeli explain it? He was there. He grew up in it. He knows. And what of all the distorted historical views this brainwashing has led to? Some of it would have been funny if it didn't underlie all the death and suffering that Israeli kids today so easily stand behind with not an ounce of shame.
Sigh... did you watch the video? Did you listen to the Israeli explain it? He was there. He grew up in it. He knows. And what of all the distorted historical views this brainwashing has led to? Some of it would have been funny if it didn't underlie all the death and suffering that Israeli kids today so easily stand behind with not an ounce of shame.

I watched the interviews. Not only that, but I made a transcript of what they actually said.

I didn't watch the interview with the Israeli past a few minutes. Been there, heard it all before. Why don't you give me a specific example of one thing the Israeli said that is a "distorted historical view" and we can talk about it.

Meantime, you could answer my question about the specific example I brought up.
Ah. He says, "existence is resistance".

Bingo. You should explore that idea. The Jewish people are the very definition of the idea that existence is resistance. The Jewish people STILL exist. Despite thousands of years of people trying to make us not exist. Despite the rejection of the existence of the Jewish people TO THIS DAY in "Palestine".
Here's another quote from the interviews:

"Its ridiculous what we (Jews) have to do to keep ourselves safe. We don't want to fight with them. But if they ask for it, they will get it. We have behaved very gently."

1. We have to be safe.
2. We don't want to fight them.
3. If they attack us we will respond.
4. We have behaved with restraint.

Why is any of this a problem for you?
I see this as a result of multi-generational brain washing and it needs stop if there shall ever be peace. And beyond that, how are the Palestinians suppose to deal with people who think like this?

They can start by listening to them. When someone says:

"You can't deal with these people. There is no need to try. There's no need to talk to them. What we can do is when they do enough harm -- we retaliate. That's war. And that's the situation that any Jew in Israel has to deal with."

...what do you hear? I hear fear. I hear frustration. I hear echoes of multi-generational trauma. I hear a certain sense of hopelessness.
Sigh... did you watch the video? Did you listen to the Israeli explain it? He was there. He grew up in it. He knows. And what of all the distorted historical views this brainwashing has led to? Some of it would have been funny if it didn't underlie all the death and suffering that Israeli kids today so easily stand behind with not an ounce of shame.

Sigh! It seems to be a pathology shared by the YouTube groupies. There’s an identifiable two of the really, really.... really angry Joooooo haters who spend inordinate amounts of time trolling YouTube for canned videos.

Ar you still confused about why people point and laugh at you?
Sigh... did you watch the video? Did you listen to the Israeli explain it? He was there. He grew up in it. He knows. And what of all the distorted historical views this brainwashing has led to? Some of it would have been funny if it didn't underlie all the death and suffering that Israeli kids today so easily stand behind with not an ounce of shame.

I watched the interviews. Not only that, but I made a transcript of what they actually said.

I didn't watch the interview with the Israeli past a few minutes. Been there, heard it all before. Why don't you give me a specific example of one thing the Israeli said that is a "distorted historical view" and we can talk about it.

Meantime, you could answer my question about the specific example I brought up.
I watched the interviews.
I didn't watch the interview with the Israeli past a few minutes.

So you did/did not
On the streets of Jerusalem, Abby Martin interviews Jewish Israeli citizens from all walks of life. In several candid interviews, disturbing comments reveal commonly-held views about Palestinians and their future in the region. Israeli-born human rights activist Ronnie Barkan explains why these attitudes dominate Israeli society.

I see this as a result of multi-generational brain washing and it needs stop if there shall ever be peace. And beyond that, how are the Palestinians suppose to deal with people who think like this? I just sit back and try to imagine what it must be like to have these people not only in your neighborhood, but who are also literally ruling over you on your own land... but I can't. :(

Not wanting to marry Palestinians, or not trusting them, or retaliating when they kill innocent Jews through terrorism is not "genocide". You are a hack and a moron.
Nowhere as racist as Muslims and Catholics. A brief review of genocides both religions carried out throughout history will prove that to be more than true.

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