The Irish Ram

Apr 10, 2011
diagonally parked in a parallel universe
The mark of the beast.
(And that pesky prophesy. Here we go again fulfilling it. Isa. 5:20)

What was wrong is now right. We are heralding a "New Normal". I have a feeling that in order to remove the negative connotation of 666, we will soon glorify that particular number. And the warning will be lost to generations to come, so when they see Satan in the form of man they won't recognize him.

In the original Revelation papyri written by John is a code. Remember that some alphabets also had numerical counterparts, and that to the east of Israel, we read from right to left, and to the west we read from left to right, if you look at the symbols on the papyri they look like 2 crossed swords, (Islam) and an erect bismillah < (In the name of Allah.).
Was John warning us about Islam? Is that what this may mean?

“Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding consider the multitude of the beast: for it is the multitude of a man [Muhammad]: and his multitude [his followers] is encoded in ‘chi, xi, sigma’“

I've done no research on this. I caught the last 5 minutes of a program on TV, and it has got me wondering.
The mark of the beast.
(And that pesky prophesy. Here we go again fulfilling it. Isa. 5:20)

What was wrong is now right. We are heralding a "New Normal". I have a feeling that in order to remove the negative connotation of 666, we will soon glorify that particular number. And the warning will be lost to generations to come, so when they see Satan in the form of man they won't recognize him.

In the original Revelation papyri written by John is a code. Remember that some alphabets also had numerical counterparts, and that to the east of Israel, we read from right to left, and to the west we read from left to right, if you look at the symbols on the papyri they look like 2 crossed swords, (Islam) and an erect bismillah < (In the name of Allah.).
Was John warning us about Islam? Is that what this may mean?

“Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding consider the multitude of the beast: for it is the multitude of a man [Muhammad]: and his multitude [his followers] is encoded in ‘chi, xi, sigma’“

I've done no research on this. I caught the last 5 minutes of a program on TV, and it has got me wondering.

How will we recognie Satan? Will 666 be emblazoned on his forehead?
Watch for the mortal head wound to an arrogant man of power. Miraculously he will appear to "survive" that "mortal" head wound, but he did not. What arises is Satan, indwelling that man's body. He will be the world leader.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZxzXf7rs0Y]Immortal Technique - Mark Of The Beast feat. Akir & Beast 1333 (Prod. The Molemen) Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

Yo the World a Mess
we All Lust the Flesh
I won't Stop till the People
see Success
So Many beat to Death
so Many people Left
With the Mark of the Beast
can't cheat the Test
You bear the Mark
i Bear the Mark
With the blood in the Waters
there for Sharks
Now everybody want to Be Quoting Marx
with a Less of the Bite
And a More the Bark
in A World of Fakes
Here's what it Takes
gotta have Big Balls
Not Baby Grapes
at A Crazy Pace
Let's do it Face to Face
the Whole Race chase Waste
Space Age Sensash
with a Warm embrace
They go and Stab your Back
it's so Wack that the Hacks
Flapjack the Tracks
and When the Bombs attack
We Gon Bomb em Back
wit the Cold Facts Rap Tracks
Catch a Jax
Theres No Latch attached
you Can't Own a Soul
So don't go go scroll po po patrol
lets Go Toe to Toe Like Pro Dojo Throws
Sold your Soul so Don't Go so Slow
no Need to Crow
No Need to Flip
what we Need is a Change in Leadership
Wont even Give a Chance to Plead the Fifth
before the Radar Go From
Bleep to Blip Bitch
666 was a reference to Nero or the Roman ruler at the time Revelation was writtens. It has nothing to do with any anti-christ. This is all christian fairy tale rubbish. It's sad because it makes christians wish for the end of the world, which makes caring about the world impossible. This is the danger of christianity.

"Preterist theologians typically support the numerical interpretation that 666 is the equivalent of the name and title, Nero Caesar (Roman Emperor from 54-68).[17][18][19][20][21][22][23] Charagma is well attested to have been an imperial seal of the Roman Empire used on official documents during the 1st and 2nd centuries.[24] In the reign of Emperor Decius (249&#8211;251 AD), those who did not possess the certificate of sacrifice (libellus) to Caesar could not pursue trades, a prohibition that conceivably goes back to Nero, reminding one of Revelation 13:17.[25]
Preterists argue (with others) that Revelation was written before the destruction of the Temple, with Nero exiling John to Patmos.[26][27] Most scholars, however, argue it was written after Nero committed suicide in AD 68. The Catholic Encyclopedia has noted that Revelation was "written during the latter part of the reign of the Roman Emperor Domitian, probably in A.D. 95 or 96".[28] Additional Protestant scholars are in agreement.[29][30] Because some believe Revelation 13 speaks of a future prophetic event, "All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." (Revelation 13:8 NKJV), some have argued that the interpretation of Nero meeting the fulfillment is an impossibility if Revelation was written around 30 years after the death of Nero.[31][32][33] However, rumors circulated that Nero had not really died and would return to power.[34] It has also been suggested that the numerical reference to Nero was a code to imply but not directly point out emperor Domitian,[35][36] whose style of rulership resembled that of Nero and who put the people of Asia (Lydia), whom the Book of Revelation was primarily addressed to at the time, under heavy taxation.[37] The popular Nero Redivivus legend stating that Nero would return to life can also be noted; "After Nero's suicide in AD 68, there was a widespread belief, especially in the eastern provinces, that he was not dead and somehow would return (Suetonius, LVII; Tacitus, Histories II.8; Dio, LXVI.19.3). Suetonius (XL) relates how court astrologers had predicted Nero's fall but that he would have power in the east. And, indeed, at least three false claimants did present themselves as Nero redivivus (resurrected)."[38]" - wikipedia.org
The mark of the beast.
(And that pesky prophesy. Here we go again fulfilling it. Isa. 5:20)

What was wrong is now right. We are heralding a "New Normal". I have a feeling that in order to remove the negative connotation of 666, we will soon glorify that particular number. And the warning will be lost to generations to come, so when they see Satan in the form of man they won't recognize him.

In the original Revelation papyri written by John is a code. Remember that some alphabets also had numerical counterparts, and that to the east of Israel, we read from right to left, and to the west we read from left to right, if you look at the symbols on the papyri they look like 2 crossed swords, (Islam) and an erect bismillah < (In the name of Allah.).
Was John warning us about Islam? Is that what this may mean?

“Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding consider the multitude of the beast: for it is the multitude of a man [Muhammad]: and his multitude [his followers] is encoded in ‘chi, xi, sigma’“

I've done no research on this. I caught the last 5 minutes of a program on TV, and it has got me wondering.

I believe Muhammad was a real prophet, he knew too much to not be a prophet and Islam rose pretty quickly, Muslims will get their reward with God many are very righteous, God isn't unfair he knows who loves him and fears him and who praises him.
666 was a reference to Nero or the Roman ruler at the time Revelation was writtens. It has nothing to do with any anti-christ. This is all christian fairy tale rubbish. It's sad because it makes christians wish for the end of the world, which makes caring about the world impossible. This is the danger of christianity.

"Preterist theologians typically support the numerical interpretation that 666 is the equivalent of the name and title, Nero Caesar (Roman Emperor from 54-68).[17][18][19][20][21][22][23] Charagma is well attested to have been an imperial seal of the Roman Empire used on official documents during the 1st and 2nd centuries.[24] In the reign of Emperor Decius (249–251 AD), those who did not possess the certificate of sacrifice (libellus) to Caesar could not pursue trades, a prohibition that conceivably goes back to Nero, reminding one of Revelation 13:17.[25]
Preterists argue (with others) that Revelation was written before the destruction of the Temple, with Nero exiling John to Patmos.[26][27] Most scholars, however, argue it was written after Nero committed suicide in AD 68. The Catholic Encyclopedia has noted that Revelation was "written during the latter part of the reign of the Roman Emperor Domitian, probably in A.D. 95 or 96".[28] Additional Protestant scholars are in agreement.[29][30] Because some believe Revelation 13 speaks of a future prophetic event, "All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." (Revelation 13:8 NKJV), some have argued that the interpretation of Nero meeting the fulfillment is an impossibility if Revelation was written around 30 years after the death of Nero.[31][32][33] However, rumors circulated that Nero had not really died and would return to power.[34] It has also been suggested that the numerical reference to Nero was a code to imply but not directly point out emperor Domitian,[35][36] whose style of rulership resembled that of Nero and who put the people of Asia (Lydia), whom the Book of Revelation was primarily addressed to at the time, under heavy taxation.[37] The popular Nero Redivivus legend stating that Nero would return to life can also be noted; "After Nero's suicide in AD 68, there was a widespread belief, especially in the eastern provinces, that he was not dead and somehow would return (Suetonius, LVII; Tacitus, Histories II.8; Dio, LXVI.19.3). Suetonius (XL) relates how court astrologers had predicted Nero's fall but that he would have power in the east. And, indeed, at least three false claimants did present themselves as Nero redivivus (resurrected)."[38]" - wikipedia.org

Unless Nero is still alive it has nothing to do with Him. Revelation refers to the revealing of Christ at the end of days. Nero did not take the world to the brink of annihilation which happens in John's prophesy. And Christ has yet to return.
Lots of uninformed have tried to link the number to various rulers, without including the prophesy that surrounds the event. They failed.

And Christians look forward to Christ's return because His return is the only thing that will prevent mankind from extinction. We DO NOT wish for the end of the world, we look forward to the peace on earth that Christ will usher in. Do you see the difference?

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