63 Senators vote to immediately end US support for Saudi Arabia's barbaric, monstrous war in Yemen

The U.S. has taken another master. The Saudi’s will go untouched while Trump is in power. Elections do have consequences.

Which previous presidents have ended our alliance with SA? There have been human rights violations from that nation for many years, not to mention how many of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis. The US government has been ignoring the hardline Islamic stance of the SA government, the links to terrorism or covering up of terrorist acts, the mistreatment and human rights violations the country has been party to, since long before Trump ran for office. It was during Obama's presidency that the US became involved in the war in Yemen. The idea that it is only because Trump is in office that the government is willing to look the other way about Saudi actions is laughable.

Trump is, sadly, merely continuing the same turning-a-blind-eye that US presidents and the US government has been doing for decades.

This is on a magnitude far greater than human rights abuse. If they turned a blind eye to the murder of a American citizen then they should be cursed. However there is no proof as to what you are stating.
The U.S. has taken another master. The Saudi’s will go untouched while Trump is in power. Elections do have consequences.

Which previous presidents have ended our alliance with SA? There have been human rights violations from that nation for many years, not to mention how many of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis. The US government has been ignoring the hardline Islamic stance of the SA government, the links to terrorism or covering up of terrorist acts, the mistreatment and human rights violations the country has been party to, since long before Trump ran for office. It was during Obama's presidency that the US became involved in the war in Yemen. The idea that it is only because Trump is in office that the government is willing to look the other way about Saudi actions is laughable.

Trump is, sadly, merely continuing the same turning-a-blind-eye that US presidents and the US government has been doing for decades.

This is on a magnitude far greater than human rights abuse. If they turned a blind eye to the murder of a American citizen then they should be cursed. However there is no proof as to what you are stating.

This isn't on a magnitude greater than 9/11, and most of the hijackers were Saudis.
In the early 2000s there was a congressional hearing regarding parental abductions of children from America to Saudi Arabia. Kidnapped
The US involvement in Yemen during the Obama administration isn't hidden.
Here's an article with some past issues with SA including possible links to terrorism: All the atrocities Saudi Arabia committed before outrage over Jamal Khashoggi's death reached a fever pitch
Khashoggi himself was critical of the Saudi regime, accusing them of suppressing the media and arresting people who did nothing more than be critical of the rulers: Opinion | Read Jamal Khashoggi’s columns for The Washington Post

The US government has been economically tied to SA for more than 80 years.

I'm not sure just what you need proof of.
They are in a War..............a proxy war with Iran.........Iran moved into Yemen started shit in SA's back yard.............A War that has lasted a few years......

Why the hell would we want .........Death to America........Iran to win...............over one journalist wacked in a area of the world that kills people like this all the time.......not just SA.........................

In regards to the humanitarian costs.............I've posted the links on other threads.......and many reports show millions are in danger of dying from starvation and cholera................
Half the population of Yemen at risk of famine: UN emergency relief chief

Although it is difficult to confirm how many are dying from starvation, or starvation-related disease, the relief chief said that health workers are pointing to a rising number of deaths linked to food-related factors, with one aid agency estimating at the end of 2017 that 130 children were dying every day from extreme hunger and disease: nearly 50,000 during the course of a year.

However, many deaths are hidden: “Only half of health facilities are functioning, and many Yemenis are too poor to access the ones that are open. Unable to reach care, people often die at home. Very few families report these deaths; their stories go unrecorded.”

Mr. Lowcock said the situation in Yemen is now far more serious than in 2017, when warnings of famine led to a dramatic scaling up of the UN coordinated relief effort, because of the large number of people at risk

Always liked that one..............and Yemen has a history of famine and dying there............the fighting is causing supplies to not get through via articles from the UN and other orgs............so millions yet again are in danger of starving to death and the diseases via the War don't care about politics..........they are killing them in droves..................

Here yet again millions could die...................yet again........
Actually it seems that the Saudi's went untouched during Barry Hussein's eight years and nobody on the left seemed to be concerned.
Read the topic. This thread is about trump, not Obama. "Tu quoque" much?

Obama is a lying, warmongering corporate tool. However, trump in two years has done nothing to stop the massacre. It's his war now, not Obama's. Keep to the topic.
Actually it seems that the Saudi's went untouched during Barry Hussein's eight years and nobody on the left seemed to be concerned.
Read the topic. This thread is about trump, not Obama. "Tu quoque" much?

Obama is a lying, warmongering corporate tool. However, trump in two years has done nothing to stop the massacre. It's his war now, not Obama's. Keep to the topic.
Arab Spring............Backing the dictator there...........then getting thrown out of Yemen........and the start of the War was all under Obama.............

Another of Obama's failed policy and his legacy.............Now add to the legacy millions dying........of starvation and disease.......yet again .......

Could he have stopped the proxy War between Iran and SA............not really...........

I just wish they'd end this damned proxy War and duke it out face to face and get it over with..........Iran versus SA............and end all these Wars on others turf......
Actually it seems that the Saudi's went untouched during Barry Hussein's eight years and nobody on the left seemed to be concerned.
Read the topic. This thread is about trump, not Obama. "Tu quoque" much?

Obama is a lying, warmongering corporate tool. However, trump in two years has done nothing to stop the massacre. It's his war now, not Obama's. Keep to the topic.

If our troops are not fighting in it, it is not our war. The war is Shia versus Sunni. If you remove your head from your posterior, you could see that.
this is the worst humanitarian crisis in the history of the world, past, present, and future.
I disagree with this statement, but I agree with the thread premise. It's about time we stopped fueling this Saudi war.
We are not fueling, but selling arms and keeping Americans employed!
Let's take the 'patriotism' thing out of the equation for a minute...

Saudi is using US planes and US parts to continue to wage war in Yemen. Stopping the sale of parts and equipment to keep those planes flying would most certainly end the war...for a while. They would then go buy their weapons of war and supplies from others.

2nd part of your statement - I agree. Saudi purchasing our 'stuff' keeps a lot of Americans working, but it does nothing to take away from the logistical factual point that without parts for their weapons they could not continue to wage war.

Just sayin'...
We are not fueling, but selling arms and keeping Americans employed!
Let's take the 'patriotism' thing out of the equation for a minute...

Saudi is using US planes and US parts to continue to wage war in Yemen. Stopping the sale of parts and equipment to keep those planes flying would most certainly end the war...for a while. They would then go buy their weapons of war and supplies from others.

2nd part of your statement - I agree. Saudi purchasing our 'stuff' keeps a lot of Americans working, but it does nothing to take away from the logistical factual point that without parts for their weapons they could not continue to wage war.

Just sayin'...

Very nice, but your post has absolutely nothing to do with mine.

BTW, ask the Iranians how well that worked out for them with the F-14s we sold them in the 1970s.

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