62 percent of American voters believe that President Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if President Trump were still in office instead of Mr Biden

We'll see, but I think as long as good relations and fair business agreements are made in the region he won't do any land grabbing. The increasing problem he faces is US international treachery. Shall we list all of the dirty deeds meted out by the US in the past 60 years including Cuba, Iran, Vietnam ..... fast-forward to Irak, Afghanistan, Syria, and now Ukraine? Russia has much to be sceptical about and NATO's willingness to do Washington's bidding is a constant reminder that danger is never far away. So, your insinuation is that he'll take the Ukraine AND HOLD IT. Maybe, but I'm not ready to see that as a given.
Ah yes. Evil Americans.
Funny, how much oil do we steal from Iraq every day?
Then 62% of Americans are morons.

They were gonna invade no matter what, and Trump would have defended it, just like he defended their cyberattacks on the US. He looked for reasons not to go after Putin. If he was willing to call US intelligents agents liars on international television, I highly doubt he gave a fuck about them invading Ukraine, He propably would have came on tv and praised it.

All we got in the Trump years was NK going silent and five historical peace agreements in the Middle East.
It is way past your bedtime. :bigbed:
Simple question do you know the difference between democrat and democracy?
When I make this comment
what we do know is that democrat foreign policy making sucks.
And you respond with this tells me you do not know the difference between the two.
"Can you give me an example of Democracy making policy that has been employed lately?"
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