61 Percent of Employees Live Paycheck to Paycheck


Free Breast Exam
Oct 10, 2009
In your head
61 Percent of Employees Live Paycheck to Paycheck
One-third reduce long-term savings plans to make ends meet. A majority of American employees are finding themselves hard-pressed to live up to their household budgets, according to a new report from CareerBuilder. The survey of more than 4,400 full-time U.S. staffers found that 61 percent of respondents reported that they always or usually live paycheck to paycheck, an increase from 47 percent in 2008.

One-in-five workers (21 percent) polled said they are taking money from their long-term savings to satisfy financial burdens and have decreased their personal savings or 401(k) contributions over the last six months.

One-third of employees have forgone long-term savings plans. They have increased their savings each month (33 percent) and do not participate in 401(k)s, IRAs or other retirement plans (36 percent). Of those who did attempt to save, 30 percent saved $100 per month and 16 percent saved less than $50 per month.
61 Percent of Employees Live Paycheck to Paycheck
One-third reduce long-term savings plans to make ends meet. A majority of American employees are finding themselves hard-pressed to live up to their household budgets, according to a new report from CareerBuilder. The survey of more than 4,400 full-time U.S. staffers found that 61 percent of respondents reported that they always or usually live paycheck to paycheck, an increase from 47 percent in 2008.

One-in-five workers (21 percent) polled said they are taking money from their long-term savings to satisfy financial burdens and have decreased their personal savings or 401(k) contributions over the last six months.

One-third of employees have forgone long-term savings plans. They have increased their savings each month (33 percent) and do not participate in 401(k)s, IRAs or other retirement plans (36 percent). Of those who did attempt to save, 30 percent saved $100 per month and 16 percent saved less than $50 per month.

Money Management is an individual's responsibility.

It is not the responsibility of Local, State or Federal Government to protect you from your own ignorance.

As I told my SIL and BIL, who lost over 100K in this debacle, a blind man with a third grade education could have seen this economic collapse coming NLT the winter of 2006.

The dead and embalmed could grasp the coming downfall by the spring of 2007.

The lessons that cause you the most "pain" are the ones that will be stored permanently in your memory bank.

Ignorance can be cured. Stupidity is a lifelong affliction. - Pepe's Dad (RIP)
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1) people should move out of their parent's house later in life. I am always amazed at the people that move out just to rent for 5+ years in order to save for an house when 2 or 3 years of saving the money that would have been spent on rent, AC, utilities, etc would be more than enough for a down payment

2) people should stop having kids / families before they have a stable job or at least the ability to get a stable job such as through higher education or technical school

3) people need to learn personal responsibility and stop putting themselves in shitty situations they will never get out of
More like lifestyle management.
Eat better or eat out?
Watch TV or go to movies.
Pay someone to mow the yard and pay for a health spa? Or just mow the yard yourself.
Shop at goodwill. True recycliing.
New car every few years? Or pay one off?
Use coupons and watch sales for groceries.
Let's blame the proletariats for their irresponsibility. You proletariat hard working assholes believed in the economy and your leadership prior to 2007. You wanted better for your families and yourselves and began to see some real gains based on your sweat and toil up to then. You assholes should have foreseen the impending economic malaise due to the greed and corruption of of your political/economic leaders and the precedent propaganda that you bit on, hook-line-sinker! (Even when your poltical/economic leaders NEVER saw it comin'!)
You should've managed money better, lived with your parents' longer, managed your lifestyles better. And now, you proletariat 'live for the moment assholes' will pay as you become lumpenproletariats, you same assholes who ended up bailing out, and continue to bail out banks, financial firms, car companies, and the government itself.
May you ungrateful workers of this country burn in hell for your avarice and shortsightedness, while the ruling/economic class blames YOU!!! (along with some fellow proletariats').
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Let's blame the proletariats for their irresponsibility. You proletariat hard working assholes believed in the economy and your leadership prior to 2007. You wanted better for your families and yourselves and began to see some real gains based on your sweat and toil up to then. You assholes should have foreseen the impending economic malaise due to the greed and corruption of of your political/economic leaders and the precedent propaganda that you bit on, hook-line-sinker! (Even when your poltical/economic leaders NEVER saw it comin'!)
You should've managed money better, lived with your parents' longer, managed your lifestyles better. And now, you proletariat 'live for the moment assholes' will pay as you become lumpenproletariats, you same assholes who ended up bailing out, and continue to bail out banks, financial firms, car companies, and the government itself.
May you ungrateful workers of this country burn in hell for your avarice and shortsightedness, while the ruling/economic class blames YOU!!! (along with some fellow proletariats').

I don't quite understand your rant or to whom it is directed.

Most folks clearly understand that neither of our Political Parties has "middle Amerika's" best interest at heart.

Both are beholden to those with the fat wallets "that brung 'um to the dance."

My remarks were not political or damning to one or the other Parties that comprise the Duopoly we live under.

It doesn't matter if you bring home 400/wk or 4000/wk, Money Management is and always will be a Personal Responsibility.
61 Percent of Employees Live Paycheck to Paycheck
One-third reduce long-term savings plans to make ends meet. A majority of American employees are finding themselves hard-pressed to live up to their household budgets, according to a new report from CareerBuilder. The survey of more than 4,400 full-time U.S. staffers found that 61 percent of respondents reported that they always or usually live paycheck to paycheck, an increase from 47 percent in 2008.

One-in-five workers (21 percent) polled said they are taking money from their long-term savings to satisfy financial burdens and have decreased their personal savings or 401(k) contributions over the last six months.

One-third of employees have forgone long-term savings plans. They have increased their savings each month (33 percent) and do not participate in 401(k)s, IRAs or other retirement plans (36 percent). Of those who did attempt to save, 30 percent saved $100 per month and 16 percent saved less than $50 per month.

Money Management is an individual's responsibility.

It is not the responsibility of Local, State or Federal Government to protect you from your own ignorance.

As I told my SIL and BIL, who lost over 100K in this debacle, a blind man with a third grade education could have seen this economic collapse coming NLT the winter of 2006.

The dead and embalmed could grasp the coming downfall by the spring of 2007.

The lessons that cause you the most "pain" are the ones that will be stored permanently in your memory bank.

Ignorance can be cured. Stupidity is a lifelong affliction. - Pepe's Dad (RIP)

You friggin' elitist clown-tard.
"A blind mind with a 3rd grade education.......dead and embalmed could grasp the coming downfall of 2007." Yer' words.
Practically no one saw it coming, but armchair hindsight gurus like you who post the shit you do to make yourself look good!
Hell, if you were that good, you would have been like 1 out of 12 total investors, that made billions, investing in the economic debacle, pointedly in funds, opposed to mortgage derivatives.
But you didn't.
So you post mealy mouthed 'I told you so' bullshit here.
Hell, if you'd been that all-knowing, you wouldn't even be posting here, poser.
At the best, you may own a collection agency, and, at the least, you're just a collecting agent.
And, I'm giving you latitude.

P.S.- The truth, not a rant, was directed at people EXACTLY like you.
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You friggin' elitist clown-tard.
"A blind mind with a 3rd grade education.......dead and embalmed could grasp the coming downfall of 2007." Yer' words.
Practically no one saw it coming, but armchair hindsight gurus like you who post the shit you do to make yourself look good!
Hell, if you were that good, you would have been like 1 out of 12 total investors, that made billions, investing in the economic debacle, pointedly in funds, opposed to mortgage derivatives.
But you didn't.
So you post mealy mouthed 'I told you so' bullshit here.
Hell, if you'd been that all-knowing, you wouldn't even be posting here, poser.
At the best, you may own a collection agency, and, at the least, you're just a collecting agent.
And, I'm giving you latitude.

P.S.- The truth, not a rant, was directed at a people EXACTLY like you.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfascZSTU4o]YouTube - ‪8/28/2006-Peter Schiff Predicts The US Economic Collapse With Unbelievable Accuracy‬‎[/ame]
You friggin' elitist clown-tard.
"A blind mind with a 3rd grade education.......dead and embalmed could grasp the coming downfall of 2007." Yer' words.
Practically no one saw it coming, but armchair hindsight gurus like you who post the shit you do to make yourself look good!
Hell, if you were that good, you would have been like 1 out of 12 total investors, that made billions, investing in the economic debacle, pointedly in funds, opposed to mortgage derivatives.
But you didn't.
So you post mealy mouthed 'I told you so' bullshit here.
Hell, if you'd been that all-knowing, you wouldn't even be posting here, poser.
At the best, you may own a collection agency, and, at the least, you're just a collecting agent.
And, I'm giving you latitude.

P.S.- The truth, not a rant, was directed at a people EXACTLY like you.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfascZSTU4o]YouTube - ‪8/28/2006-Peter Schiff Predicts The US Economic Collapse With Unbelievable Accuracy‬‎[/ame]

So the average working person in 2006 was supposedly to take heed and do something different based on this?
Most average working people didn't even see this, for Chrissakes.
Another armchair Q-back.....I guess.....

This is because the other third of the people are employed by the Government who pays double what the civilians get paid.

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You friggin' elitist clown-tard.
"A blind mind with a 3rd grade education.......dead and embalmed could grasp the coming downfall of 2007." Yer' words.
Practically no one saw it coming, but armchair hindsight gurus like you who post the shit you do to make yourself look good!
Hell, if you were that good, you would have been like 1 out of 12 total investors, that made billions, investing in the economic debacle, pointedly in funds, opposed to mortgage derivatives.
But you didn't.
So you post mealy mouthed 'I told you so' bullshit here.
Hell, if you'd been that all-knowing, you wouldn't even be posting here, poser.
At the best, you may own a collection agency, and, at the least, you're just a collecting agent.
And, I'm giving you latitude.

P.S.- The truth, not a rant, was directed at people EXACTLY like you.

I have no desire to enter into a "flame war" with anyone but my premise still stands.

You are responsible for you and your financial decisions.

Not the City, County, State or Imperial Government in DC nor myself as taxpayer required under the US Constitution to protect you from yourself.

The nation provides equality of opportunity NOT equality of outcomes.

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