61% Americans Say Abortions Should Be Legal!

I think this is a bit of a joke...

I am a Christian and I think I have no right to force my beliefs on others.. Especially one which has been used as a connivence by my religion (Catholic) and Evangelists. Evangelists had no problem with Abortion until 1978, until that time it was considered a Catholic issue.

Truth is, Jesus never mentioned abortion even though it was going on during that time. But did say 'Love thy Neighbour'...

Even the Catholic Church said that Abortion might be murder and we are just making sure. They took this position against their Super Saint Augustine.

This is a political wedge issue, plain and simple. Read up the history..
Evangelists Position Timeline
Catholic Position Timeline

So these positions have been taken at a time of connivence and now they want to force it on to others, something they have only agreed themselves...
instead of abortion why not have legal execution of teenagers.....teens are messy, the smoke dope, they steal from your wallet, they fuck up your car.......lets say at age sixteen you have the option of having a doctor put your teen to sleeep,,,,makes much more sense that murdering a totally innocent baby who only wants to bring love into your life
Go suck an egg. The last person a pregnant woman needs is advice from a dullard male who has to pay to get laid.
I call anyone killing babies baby killers. It's really simple.
As noted above. Abortion was not an issue with “Christian’s” prior to about 1980 when evangelical leaders realized they could use it as a political tool.

You people are being used
As noted above. Abortion was not an issue with “Christian’s” prior to about 1980 when evangelical leaders realized they could use it as a political tool.

You people are being used
Abortion has always been an issue since roe way. To suggest anything else is humorous.
NFBW 23MAY30: “it was Thanksgiving Day 2021 when this message board was blessed with a propaganda barrage by a new poster under the pseudonym Red Storm Rising . By Christmas that same year our Mr redstrmrsng went dark.

Here was that turkey day “SAVING BABY FETUS” post:

#1 sng “This is an abortion. The World needs to see why this is the killing of an unborn baby. Father Frank Pavone​
In that same thread we find this congenial and welcoming exchange from a poster still with us, namely OhPleaseJustQuit :

#53 sng “For a country that murders its children cannot be far from self-destruction.”​
#58 Ms Ohpleasjstqvt “Proven, over and over, for decades.”​
You have cited proof “over decades” Ms Ohpleasjstqvt, so I must ask you for at least a summary of that proof because Mr RedWave is no longer pushing Father Frank Pavone’s “SAVING BABY FETUS” anti-freedom propaganda on this forum anymore.

The reason I am clear you have no proof that women having access to safe legal abortions is destroying the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America is the COMMON LAW in place when American was founded.

It was not considered murdering a person back then if a woman attempted to terminate her fetus before what they called quickening. That would equate to what we refer to today as viability. And abortions after signs of movement in the womb was generally considered a misdemeanor.

So if your argument Ms Ohpleasjstqvt is that a country that murders its unborn ‘not quickened fetuses “cannot be far from self-destruction.” Then there is no rational explanation why America was not destroyed in the few decades after she was founded. On the principle that you need to be born to be a person.
NFBW 23MAY30: “it was Thanksgiving Day 2021 when this message board was blessed with a propaganda barrage by a new poster under the pseudonym Red Storm Rising . By Christmas that same year our Mr redstrmrsng went dark.

Here was that turkey day “SAVING BABY FETUS” post:

#1 sng “This is an abortion. The World needs to see why this is the killing of an unborn baby. Father Frank Pavone​
In that same thread we find this congenial and welcoming exchange from a poster still with us, namely OhPleaseJustQuit :

#53 sng “For a country that murders its children cannot be far from self-destruction.”​
#58 Ms Ohpleasjstqvt “Proven, over and over, for decades.”​
You have cited proof “over decades” Ms Ohpleasjstqvt, so I must ask you for at least a summary of that proof because Mr RedWave is no longer pushing Father Frank Pavone’s “SAVING BABY FETUS” anti-freedom propaganda on this forum anymore.

The reason I am clear you have no proof that women having access to safe legal abortions is destroying the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America is the COMMON LAW in place when American was founded.

It was not considered murdering a person back then if a woman attempted to terminate her fetus before what they called quickening. That would equate to what we refer to today as viability. And abortions after signs of movement in the womb was generally considered a misdemeanor.

So if your argument Ms Ohpleasjstqvt is that a country that murders its unborn ‘not quickened fetuses “cannot be far from self-destruction.” Then there is no rational explanation why America was not destroyed in the few decades after she was founded. On the principle that you need to be born to be a person.

Next time you serve up a word salad that big, please include a LARGE side of balsamic vinaigrette.

I call anyone killing babies baby killers. It's really simple.
That is your belief, which I have shown was manipulated by special interest groups (i.e. Churches for different reasons).

Now you are kind of caught... You can't say your wrong because that would make you look foolish... You have to double down on Abortion because you got nothing else...

Rest of America is now seeing through the fog without the prejudice...

You are caught in a wedge issue, one which you are on the unpopular side, you are effectively owned by the Libs on this one.
First of all the word "choice" is incorrect. The pre-born person does not HAVE a choice.

23MAY30 Think about what you are saying through a biological and neurological scientific examination of what is going on inside a woman’s body when she is 16 weeks pregnant.

If you need a picture, Mr protctnvst we can use one provided by your Mr redstrmrsng’s “SAVING BABY FETUS” propaganda campaign.

00044 Redstrmrsng #44 someone else’s body pavone y21m11d25


At 16 weeks gestation how many functional neurological systems are sustaining life in the image shown above.

Is it ever by this 25th week of gestation - more than one?
It’s been a year . . do you still get the same thrill calling every pro-choice Christian who voted for Biden a baby murderer.
In 2020, women who
  • had not aborted in the past accounted for 58% of all abortions;
  • women with one or two prior abortions accounted for 34%, and women
  • with three or more prior abortions accounted for 8% (CDC).
U.S. Abortion Statistics
Why would any woman having one abortion just not be so ignorant to have sex unprotected?
To me any woman who has to have another abortion should be subject to tubal ligation, the fallopian tubes are cut, tied or blocked to permanently prevent pregnancy. Because fool me once shame on you ... fool me twice SHAME on ME!!!
In 2020, women who
  • had not aborted in the past accounted for 58% of all abortions;
  • women with one or two prior abortions accounted for 34%, and women
  • with three or more prior abortions accounted for 8% (CDC).
U.S. Abortion Statistics
Why would any woman having one abortion just not be so ignorant to have sex unprotected?
To me any woman who has to have another abortion should be subject to tubal ligation, the fallopian tubes are cut, tied or blocked to permanently prevent pregnancy. Because fool me once shame on you ... fool me twice SHAME on ME!!!

I worked for six months for a doctor who performed abortions, as well as doing a regular osteopathic general practice.

I'd estimate that he did two and sometimes three abortions a week. Some weeks, none.

In that six months, we saw two women who were repeat customers, and for one of them, her two abortions were numbers five and six! Please try to tell me that those two women were not using abortion as their primary method of birth control.

At least those two women were simply and obviously not interested in going to the trouble of using birth control.

Next time you serve up a word salad that big, please include a LARGE side of balsamic vinaigrette.
NFBW 23MAY30: Your response to my post #430 is it’s too many words. Duly Noted.

You can refer to #430 for backup to my points made through the use of language when you reply to my question:

Your argument { Ms Ohpleasjstqvt } is that a country that murders its unborn “cannot be far from self-destruction.”

Is that correct?
23MAY30 Think about what you are saying through a biological and neurological scientific examination of what is going on inside a woman’s body when she is 16 weeks pregnant.

If you need a picture, Mr protctnvst we can use one provided by your Mr redstrmrsng’s “SAVING BABY FETUS” propaganda campaign.

00044 Redstrmrsng #44 someone else’s body pavone y21m11d25

View attachment 790115

At 16 weeks gestation how many functional neurological systems are sustaining life in the image shown above.

Is it ever by this 25th week of gestation - more than one?
plenty of incubators to take the baby and let it live. Funny you don't know hospitals can do that.
In 2020, women who
  • had not aborted in the past accounted for 58% of all abortions;
  • women with one or two prior abortions accounted for 34%, and women
  • with three or more prior abortions accounted for 8% (CDC).
U.S. Abortion Statistics
Why would any woman having one abortion just not be so ignorant to have sex unprotected?
To me any woman who has to have another abortion should be subject to tubal ligation, the fallopian tubes are cut, tied or blocked to permanently prevent pregnancy. Because fool me once shame on you ... fool me twice SHAME on ME!!!
Cool then can we force men who refuse to pay child support to get vasectomies too.

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