60% of Americans Fear Gov't Corruption of Officials

So then that settles that. That means 60% of Americans will not be voting for the Hildabeast.
Fear it? We have been living "with it" for 8 straight years for sure. Probably more well hidden way before that. Now the internet makes it harder to hide. Word gets out.

The only way you are going to return your Government to not being corrupt and rotten, is if you return it to how it was when Jefferson, Lincoln, Grant, Jackson etc were American President.

For this you have to remove the Corporate Lobbyists and the Corporate money completely from your entire election process, because they're purchasing not only politicians, but they're purchasing your entire system of Government and those who are elected Head Puppet, which is President, are beholden to only the Corporate Paymasters, the American people mean little in such situations.

You have a document written that begins We The People, your Government is supposed to be Of The People and For The People, not of Goldman Sachs/Exxon Mobile/J.P. Morgan/The Soros Foundation etc and for Goldman Sachs/Exxon Mobile/J.P. Morgan/The Soros Foundation etc.
The only way you are going to return your Government to not being corrupt and rotten, is if you return it to how it was when Jefferson, Lincoln, Grant, Jackson etc were American President.

For this you have to remove the Corporate Lobbyists and the Corporate money completely from your entire election process, because they're purchasing not only politicians, but they're purchasing your entire system of Government and those who are elected Head Puppet, which is President, are beholden to only the Corporate Paymasters, the American people mean little in such situations.

You have a document written that begins We The People, your Government is supposed to be Of The People and For The People, not of Goldman Sachs/Exxon Mobile/J.P. Morgan/The Soros Foundation etc and for Goldman Sachs/Exxon Mobile/J.P. Morgan/The Soros Foundation etc.
Absolutely right. All election contributions should go into one hat and campaign funds distributed equally among the candidates. Then, former public office holders should be prohibited from lobbying, Congress should have term limits and then we may get to the point that a large portion of corruption would be taken out of our government.

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