6 promises Trump has made about health care

More psychotic hate speech from the left sponsored by Media Matters? Trump has only been President for six freaking months and he has to deal with obstructionist democrats and the mine field of Obamacare that is imploding daily. Maybe lefties need a remedial course in civics 101 but the President only signs a bill into law. It's impossible to fulfill a political promise if he doesn't get the bill on his desk and the best course of action so far is to drain the swamp to give him some room to work.
Lmao. How are the democrats obstructing when the R's have the White House and run both chambers of Congress?
You're an idiot.


Calling those promises lies is almost giving Trump too much credit - after all you have to have at least SOME idea about the subject to consciously elect to say false things about it.

The sad part is that his ignorance is worse than his lies.

More psychotic hate speech from the left sponsored by Media Matters? Trump has only been President for six freaking months and he has to deal with obstructionist democrats and the mine field of Obamacare that is imploding daily. Maybe lefties need a remedial course in civics 101 but the President only signs a bill into law. It's impossible to fulfill a political promise if he doesn't get the bill on his desk and the best course of action so far is to drain the swamp to give him some room to work.
Just how is Obamacare imploding daily, asshole?
The Right only has talking points.
Yes he is an embarrassment and a total liar... but the lies you point out about the healthcare bill are the same "lies" that obama told... "keep your doctor keep your plan" "save 2500 a year in premiums" etc.

Are you calling Obama a liar too?
Most people did keep their doctor and their plan

For the most part, the only people who were affected by ACA were the uninsured, Insurance companies were virtually out of the individual health insurance policy business. So the myth that people could not keep their old plan is simply not true.
Catostrophic plans and plans that didn't meet regulations were dropped and people lost them. Premiums also increased when it was said they would be reduced.

My 50 year career was as a health insurance executive, and again, only a few companies were still wring individual health policies when I retired in 2003
I'm not seeing your point

Very few companies wrote individual health policies by 2003, and very few people had individual health policies. Individual policies were very expensive to sell. One company I worked for gave 80% of the premium for one year, and 20% thereafter to the agent that sold the policy. In most cases, the policies premiums were locked in by law in each state, and could not be raised even if they started losing money. For these reasons, almost all companies had stopped selling them That being the case, very few people had to change plans or doctors, because very few people even owned individual policies.
There is a big difference between promising to put a bill before congress and promising that he will get it done. Trump never said that he was going to put any bill to congress. He promised that if the voters elected him, all of these things would happen.
Obama did the same thing... every politician does. Yes Trump is the most full of shot candidate that I've ever seen but don't have a double standard. Like I told the OP there are much better "lies" to point out that are actually lies

This thread has nothing to do with Obama. Read the thread title.
My responses have been right in line with the OP

The OP is about Trump's lies about healthcare. if you want to talk about Obama's lies about health care, feel free to start a thread about it.
I'm not trying to focus on Obama... I'm pointing out the inaccuracy in using the word "LIE" Trump made campaign promises about healthcare that it doesn't look like will make the bill. Obama did the same thing. I don't think Obama lied, I think they just failed to follow through with their projections for the plan. Trump is doing the same thing in that regard. He lies about almost everything else.

Constantly bring up "Obama's lies" in a thread on Trump's lies is a transparent deflection.
Be careful with the "lie" talk. Trump has plenty of those that can be pointed out but campaigning for a bill or policy and not hitting every mark isn't exactly a lie, as bills are designed and negotiated by congress. You probably don't consider Obamas missed marks on the healthcare bill lies, so don't claim that Trumps are. Or perhaps you think both Obama and Trump were lying.
I listed 6 Trump lies, and they are complete lies. This has nothing to do with Congress, only this lying piece of garbage
Yes he is an embarrassment and a total liar... but the lies you point out about the healthcare bill are the same "lies" that obama told... "keep your doctor keep your plan" "save 2500 a year in premiums" etc.

Are you calling Obama a liar too?
Most people did keep their doctor and their plan

For the most part, the only people who were affected by ACA were the uninsured, Insurance companies were virtually out of the individual health insurance policy business. So the myth that people could not keep their old plan is simply not true.
Catostrophic plans and plans that didn't meet regulations were dropped and people lost them. Premiums also increased when it was said they would be reduced.

Sorry, all those plans, if purchased before March 27, 2010, were grandfathered and yes they could have kept them if a few of the insurance companies had not have played a fast one and started cancelling them by the end of the first and second year after we started writing plans.
There is a big difference between promising to put a bill before congress and promising that he will get it done. Trump never said that he was going to put any bill to congress. He promised that if the voters elected him, all of these things would happen.
Obama did the same thing... every politician does. Yes Trump is the most full of shot candidate that I've ever seen but don't have a double standard. Like I told the OP there are much better "lies" to point out that are actually lies

This thread has nothing to do with Obama. Read the thread title.
My responses have been right in line with the OP

The OP is about Trump's lies about healthcare. if you want to talk about Obama's lies about health care, feel free to start a thread about it.

How convenient for you. You get to complain about lies, all the while refusing to address the multitude of times when it was OK by you.

That isn't how real life works nit wit.
what lies, kunt?
Obama did the same thing... every politician does. Yes Trump is the most full of shot candidate that I've ever seen but don't have a double standard. Like I told the OP there are much better "lies" to point out that are actually lies

This thread has nothing to do with Obama. Read the thread title.
My responses have been right in line with the OP

The OP is about Trump's lies about healthcare. if you want to talk about Obama's lies about health care, feel free to start a thread about it.

How convenient for you. You get to complain about lies, all the while refusing to address the multitude of times when it was OK by you.

That isn't how real life works nit wit.
what lies, kunt?

The 8 years of lies 0bama told. You know all about them, don't pretend you don't.
This thread has nothing to do with Obama. Read the thread title.
My responses have been right in line with the OP

The OP is about Trump's lies about healthcare. if you want to talk about Obama's lies about health care, feel free to start a thread about it.

How convenient for you. You get to complain about lies, all the while refusing to address the multitude of times when it was OK by you.

That isn't how real life works nit wit.
what lies, kunt?

The 8 years of lies 0bama told. You know all about them, don't pretend you don't.
Tell us what they are! You can't.
My responses have been right in line with the OP

The OP is about Trump's lies about healthcare. if you want to talk about Obama's lies about health care, feel free to start a thread about it.

How convenient for you. You get to complain about lies, all the while refusing to address the multitude of times when it was OK by you.

That isn't how real life works nit wit.
what lies, kunt?

The 8 years of lies 0bama told. You know all about them, don't pretend you don't.
Tell us what they are! You can't.

Done it a hundred times. Stop pretending you don't know liar.

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