56% of US families are worried about being able to feed their family.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
This is why the shutdown must end except for those urban hot spots. The economic disaster is already surpassing the outbreak in terms of negative impact.

People don't understand what a Great Depression actually means for their families..........and the democrat party members of the press won't tell them....the destruction of the economy works for the democrat party on multiple levels. They think they can get rid of Trump. If they get biden in, with a democrat house and senate or a cowed Republican senate, they can start passing their laundry list of economy crushing Green Deal crap. The democrats know that the 1st Great Depression gave them immense power......the 2nd Great Depression could seal the deal.........this is what people do not understand.......crushing the economy isn't something the democrats are afraid of.....they want it, they need it...........and the virus gives them the excuse and ability they need to get it done............

People don't know.....they don't understand........ their families will have no money, no jobs, for years if Trump wins, decades or longer if the democrats take control......and it is all unnecessary..........

POLL: Most people unimpressed with their 30-day free trial of Communism

This is why the shutdown must end except for those urban hot spots. The economic disaster is already surpassing the outbreak in terms of negative impact.

Boy, this Communism stuff is GREAT. Look how fast it works. :thup:
Yes, even Walmart is rationing supplies and customers:

Customer limit in stores

Walmart’s new limitation on customers allowed into stores will start Saturday, April 4. According to the company, customers will be let into the store one by one at a single entrance on the grocery side. The new rule allows for five people in the store per 1,000 square feet, which comes out to around 20% of the usual number of people in a typical Walmart.

Customers will be asked to wait in line outside the store, remaining six feet apart from one another. The company said many stores have already marked spots on the ground outside indicating where to stand while waiting.

Additionally, all aisles will be marked as one-way thoroughfares. The company indicated some stores may begin selling only the essentials.

This is why the shutdown must end except for those urban hot spots. The economic disaster is already surpassing the outbreak in terms of negative impact.

Sadly, they'll force it to get worse.

Government wants people to become dependent solely upon government.

The only way government can achieve that goal is to use its power to force said dependency. They'll have the electorate literally begging for more government.

And it'll give em another manufactured excuse to inflate the money supply, further devaluing the dollar. Putting us all on the hook for it, of course.
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This is why the shutdown must end except for those urban hot spots. The economic disaster is already surpassing the outbreak in terms of negative impact.

Boy, this Communism stuff is GREAT. Look how fast it works. :thup:
Yes, even Walmart is rationing supplies and customers:

Customer limit in stores

Walmart’s new limitation on customers allowed into stores will start Saturday, April 4. According to the company, customers will be let into the store one by one at a single entrance on the grocery side. The new rule allows for five people in the store per 1,000 square feet, which comes out to around 20% of the usual number of people in a typical Walmart.

Customers will be asked to wait in line outside the store, remaining six feet apart from one another. The company said many stores have already marked spots on the ground outside indicating where to stand while waiting.

Additionally, all aisles will be marked as one-way thoroughfares. The company indicated some stores may begin selling only the essentials.

I shopped at a smaller food chain .......small business. It wasn't crowded and shopping there keeps them from going under..........I recommend everyone support small business whenever possible in these days. Walmart can survive this.......Mom and Pop stores .......CAN'T.
This is why the shutdown must end except for those urban hot spots. The economic disaster is already surpassing the outbreak in terms of negative impact.

Sadly, they'll force it to get worse.

Government wants people to become dependent solely upon government.

The only way government can achieve that goal is to use its power to force said dependency. They'll have the electorate literally begging for more government.

And it'll give em another manufactured excuse to inflate the money supply further devaluing the dollar. Putting us all on the hook for it, of course.
I personally would like to piss on Nixon's Grave before I'm done on this earth.........Globalism is out of control...........and they are using this to DESTROY SMALL BUSINESS..........INSANE.
Liberals being the least prepared, I fail to see any downside to the lockdown going on for months. We who did prepare and survive will count this as "The Great Cleansing".
This is why the shutdown must end except for those urban hot spots. The economic disaster is already surpassing the outbreak in terms of negative impact.

People don't understand what a Great Depression actually means for their families..........and the democrat party members of the press won't tell them....the destruction of the economy works for the democrat party on multiple levels. They think they can get rid of Trump. If they get biden in, with a democrat house and senate or a cowed Republican senate, they can start passing their laundry list of economy crushing Green Deal crap. The democrats know that the 1st Great Depression gave them immense power......the 2nd Great Depression could seal the deal.........this is what people do not understand.......crushing the economy isn't something the democrats are afraid of.....they want it, they need it...........and the virus gives them the excuse and ability they need to get it done............

People don't know.....they don't understand........ their families will have no money, no jobs, for years if Trump wins, decades or longer if the democrats take control......and it is all unnecessary..........

You really need to go apply at Fox News. They could use a spin master like you. So far, theirs is a bit weak.
Last I looked around and saw, there's been a Republican in the White House and a Republican majority in the Senate since 2016. From January 2017 to January, 2019, Republicans controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency...and got what done exactly?..other than dismantling and gutting the agencies and groups that could have helped deal with this outbreak.

Why do Democrats need to explain anything when it is Republican policies and actions that have largely brought us to this point?
If it lasts another month or two we are finished. War in the streets, a democrat utopia.

It will not end as a democrat utopia. God help them when the people have finally had enough and get a chance to get at their tormentors.

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