5000 people have died from the flu this week. The press needs to shut up

In a population of 350,000,000??

Usually flu season (October thru February) can kill up to 35,000. Those that do die from it, and the 2 from this one all have compromised immune systems and/or underlying health problems to begin with.

It's good to practice precautions, wash your hands, cover your sneezes & coughs and don't stand in the way of someone who does. That's just common sense at any time, with or without a virus.

It's not panic worthy until thousands of otherwise healthy people start dropping like flies.
I dont think you understand the math. The virus is new. The flu has been around for decades. We know what the flu is going to do. No one knows what this new virus is going to do. Think of it like this. You have 100 guys shooting at you but you know exactly where they and you can pretty much avoid them because you know their patterns. Thats the flue. This virus is like a sniper that no one knows the location of and they have an unlimited and unknown suppy of ammo. Eventually that lone sniper is going to start killing more people quantity wise. Right now he is just killing them more efficiently.

I'm not sure you understand...….this is a virus, we call it flu but has also been called a pneumonia, and while SOME factors are not yet known about this strain or how it has mutated and/or spread we do know people aren't turning into zombies to eat your brain. We also know, for a fact there are more people that have already, currently are and will soon all SURVIVE than will die from it. We also know those who do survive, do so because of A)healthy immune systems to naturally combat this or any disease or infection. B.) practice good hygiene and other precautions to avoid being infected in the first place. AND we all know those that have died, didn't have those things going for them.

Can we possibly agree on even this one major thing??? That the worst possible reaction to any given situation is PANIC. Because when people panic, they lose all reason, common sense and decision making skills...….and that can get them killed.
Pretty sure I understand. Its not the flu and I have no idea where you got that idea from. Its a totally different and unknown virus. The only real similarity with the flu that it has is that its a respiratory attacking virus. My coach used to tell us to be quick but not in a hurry. Being in a panic is similar to being in a hurry. Taking this virus seriously is like being quick. I'll stop talking and let you educate yourself. Here you go.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu

.......and???? It's still comes down to 'beware & be aware' and taking precautions and wash your hands....because there are more similarities than there are differences
As far as you know. This is exactly what I mean. Not enough is known about the virus for someone to be certain there arent other transmission methods. How do you think the virus got loose in the US in the first place? Simple. Because they didnt know what the fuck they were doing and they didnt take it seriously enough. We even have a fool on this site claiming only Asians get it..

It got here, way back in January when a traveler that had been to Wuhan had sought treatment......right here in my state and was the first confirmed case in the US. HE did NOT die from it. Nor had the others of the first group(s) to get it here. So far, those that have died from it, right here in my state, have been the elderly in a nursing home, whose immune systems were compromised to begin with.

We are learning more about this virus everyday.....and for the most part, those that are healthy are surviving it with little more than some degree of symptoms. So far, nobody has grown 3 heads or morphed into unrecognizable creatures from it and thereby should be seen for what it is......a flu-like virus.

What should be most worrisome is China and their questionable responses to the outbreak. Questions such as why did they (government & WHO) ignore it for over a month, while their people were dropping in the streets, giving the virus more of a foothold to be spread beyond their borders? Why have 'whistleblowers' of any information disappeared or mysteriously died? Why has China refused US help & support early on? Why has their state run media outlets and all social media outlets all been shut down??? And why have the people been allowed to drop in the streets, without medical attention in a Communist country that has a 'top rate' healthcare system?????

All of those questions and more besides, should be the warning signs we need to look at when considering who we vote into office this cycle because the candidates we have to chose from are wanting to implement that same/similar system here. Instead of deciding on 'anyone but Trump', why not more on the issues and promises and their own track records? No, Trump may not win 'President of the Year' award, but hopefully by 2024, we'll get better candidates to chose from, instead of the idiots we have now.
In a population of 350,000,000??

Usually flu season (October thru February) can kill up to 35,000. Those that do die from it, and the 2 from this one all have compromised immune systems and/or underlying health problems to begin with.

It's good to practice precautions, wash your hands, cover your sneezes & coughs and don't stand in the way of someone who does. That's just common sense at any time, with or without a virus.

It's not panic worthy until thousands of otherwise healthy people start dropping like flies.
I dont think you understand the math. The virus is new. The flu has been around for decades. We know what the flu is going to do. No one knows what this new virus is going to do. Think of it like this. You have 100 guys shooting at you but you know exactly where they and you can pretty much avoid them because you know their patterns. Thats the flue. This virus is like a sniper that no one knows the location of and they have an unlimited and unknown suppy of ammo. Eventually that lone sniper is going to start killing more people quantity wise. Right now he is just killing them more efficiently.
Is that what msnbc told you? The flu is different every time.
No you retard. Thats what epidemiologists have stated.
There are plenty of links on the internet that have a wealth of data concerning the flu. If youre too dumb to know that its been around for a long time I suggest you start reading instead of listening to Drumpf.

You are a true know nothing...
It's not the same Flu every year you putz.

Pismo on Twitter

Interesting paradox that so many say trump knows nothing, but the press reporting this knows less
Drumpf doesnt know shit. He thinks the flu is more fatal than this new disease even though the numbers show the new virus is about 19 times more lethal.
1+1= Donuts.
Flu Kills 646,000 People Worldwide Each Year: Study
Seasonal flu kills 291,000 to 646,000 people worldwide each year.
For asclepias that would be one tooth plus the other
I think Trump should be impeached, again. It is more than obvious that this virus is all his fault.
I think Trump should be impeached, again. It is more than obvious that this virus is all his fault.
They can't, nobody wants to be in an enclosed crowded room forced to shake Pelosi's dirty never washed hands or sit next to the slob blob Nadler.
Pismo on Twitter

Interesting paradox that so many say trump knows nothing, but the press reporting this knows less
Drumpf doesnt know shit. He thinks the flu is more fatal than this new disease even though the numbers show the new virus is about 19 times more lethal.
1+1= Donuts.
Flu Kills 646,000 People Worldwide Each Year: Study
Seasonal flu kills 291,000 to 646,000 people worldwide each year.
I understand now. You flunked math and/or you have no idea what a kill rate is. :rolleyes:
Pismo on Twitter

Interesting paradox that so many say trump knows nothing, but the press reporting this knows less
Drumpf doesnt know shit. He thinks the flu is more fatal than this new disease even though the numbers show the new virus is about 19 times more lethal.
1+1= Donuts.
Flu Kills 646,000 People Worldwide Each Year: Study
Seasonal flu kills 291,000 to 646,000 people worldwide each year.
I understand now. You flunked math and/or you have no idea what a kill rate is. :rolleyes:
Sorry but the people that have died in the US so far are the very old they are pretty much susceptible to anything. I posted real numbers and a link. You didn't do shit.
Pismo on Twitter

Interesting paradox that so many say trump knows nothing, but the press reporting this knows less
Drumpf doesnt know shit. He thinks the flu is more fatal than this new disease even though the numbers show the new virus is about 19 times more lethal.
1+1= Donuts.
Flu Kills 646,000 People Worldwide Each Year: Study
Seasonal flu kills 291,000 to 646,000 people worldwide each year.
I understand now. You flunked math and/or you have no idea what a kill rate is. :rolleyes:

The kill rate is directly related to the number of democratic suicides following Trump's
Landslide victory in November.


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