4Chan Identifies One of the Portland Rioters Who Attempted to Kill Driver as ‘Keese Love’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
4Chan Identifies One of the Portland Rioters Who Attempted to Kill Driver as ‘Keese Love’

17 Aug 2020 ~~ By Cassandra Fairbanks
The anonymous message board 4Chan has once again proven to be one of the nations best intelligence services, as they have seemingly identified the man who dealt the final kick to a man who was savagely beaten by rioters in Portland on Sunday evening.
The rioters appeared to be attempting to murder the man after beating a white woman who may or may not have been with him.
As Gateway Pundit previously reported, the terrorist mob gathers round the man’s limp body as he bleeds from his head. Voices are heard saying “call 911. Another says a “medic” is there.
While the man laid unconscious, the mob robbed his truck.




The animal who ran up and punched the man after he had already been brutally beaten to the point of nearly losing consciousness has been identified by 4Chan users as Keese Love, whose Facebook profile lists him as a ramp agent at Portland International Airport. He also works as a DJ in the evenings.
His real name is believed to be Marquise Love.

Love is seen wearing the same vest as he wore during the assault in his Facebook profile photo.

Dollars to donuts NOT ONE Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat politician including Joey Biden and Kamala-toe Harris will condemn this violence. - They are ALL complicit in this heinous atrocity.
Keese Love AKA Marquise Love should be arrested, charged and convicted of attempted murder...
Indeed, IMHO, the Charlottesville debacle was orchestrated and produced by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists from the local to the national level. They bused in hundreds if not thousands of commie thugs. It was a huge success when someone was killed, just as this was orchestrated here.
4Chan Identifies One of the Portland Rioters Who Attempted to Kill Driver as ‘Keese Love’

17 Aug 2020 ~~ By Cassandra Fairbanks
The anonymous message board 4Chan has once again proven to be one of the nations best intelligence services, as they have seemingly identified the man who dealt the final kick to a man who was savagely beaten by rioters in Portland on Sunday evening.
The rioters appeared to be attempting to murder the man after beating a white woman who may or may not have been with him.
As Gateway Pundit previously reported, the terrorist mob gathers round the man’s limp body as he bleeds from his head. Voices are heard saying “call 911. Another says a “medic” is there.
While the man laid unconscious, the mob robbed his truck.




The animal who ran up and punched the man after he had already been brutally beaten to the point of nearly losing consciousness has been identified by 4Chan users as Keese Love, whose Facebook profile lists him as a ramp agent at Portland International Airport. He also works as a DJ in the evenings.
His real name is believed to be Marquise Love.
View attachment 376219
Love is seen wearing the same vest as he wore during the assault in his Facebook profile photo.
View attachment 376220

Dollars to donuts NOT ONE Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat politician including Joey Biden and Kamala-toe Harris will condemn this violence. - They are ALL complicit in this heinous atrocity.
Keese Love AKA Marquise Love should be arrested, charged and convicted of attempted murder...
Indeed, IMHO, the Charlottesville debacle was orchestrated and produced by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists from the local to the national level. They bused in hundreds if not thousands of commie thugs. It was a huge success when someone was killed, just as this was orchestrated here.

Of course this is terrible, and he should go to prison for a long time. I am not going to be an intellectual fraud and huge pussy, and blame the opposition for this event *cough cough*, like some people might...
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4Chan Identifies One of the Portland Rioters Who Attempted to Kill Driver as ‘Keese Love’

17 Aug 2020 ~~ By Cassandra Fairbanks
The anonymous message board 4Chan has once again proven to be one of the nations best intelligence services, as they have seemingly identified the man who dealt the final kick to a man who was savagely beaten by rioters in Portland on Sunday evening.
The rioters appeared to be attempting to murder the man after beating a white woman who may or may not have been with him.
As Gateway Pundit previously reported, the terrorist mob gathers round the man’s limp body as he bleeds from his head. Voices are heard saying “call 911. Another says a “medic” is there.
While the man laid unconscious, the mob robbed his truck.




The animal who ran up and punched the man after he had already been brutally beaten to the point of nearly losing consciousness has been identified by 4Chan users as Keese Love, whose Facebook profile lists him as a ramp agent at Portland International Airport. He also works as a DJ in the evenings.
His real name is believed to be Marquise Love.
View attachment 376219
Love is seen wearing the same vest as he wore during the assault in his Facebook profile photo.
View attachment 376220

Dollars to donuts NOT ONE Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat politician including Joey Biden and Kamala-toe Harris will condemn this violence. - They are ALL complicit in this heinous atrocity.
Keese Love AKA Marquise Love should be arrested, charged and convicted of attempted murder...
Indeed, IMHO, the Charlottesville debacle was orchestrated and produced by Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists from the local to the national level. They bused in hundreds if not thousands of commie thugs. It was a huge success when someone was killed, just as this was orchestrated here.

His Facebook page was there earlier.

I don't see it now.
Ah, great news! Now Portland has a name they can put on that statue the vermin will build to commemorate their latest Heroes.
I hope this animal is taught the proper way to service convicts for many years until it finally hangs itself or is beat to death. It looks malnourished and you can see the stupid in those rodent eyes - it will make a dutiful prison girlfriend.
There is no reason to arrest him,, we need a patriot step up.. Assassinate him . Slowly.
There is no reason to arrest him,, we need a patriot step up.. Assassinate him . Slowly.
arrest him and let the system take care of it. we've got enough people saying FUCK THE SYSTEM and if we're to keep our system, we need to start using it to go after these guys.
If we know where this shit bag works and what his name is it shouldn't take much time to arrest him and start his inexorable descent into prison.
If we know where this shit bag works and what his name is it shouldn't take much time to arrest him and start his inexorable descent into prison.

should be no problem. unless the person responsible for doing that, is a democrat.

then the officer of the court, who's job it is to have the violent, murderous criminal arrested?

would instead side with the murderous criminal and protect him from justice, instead of serving justice.
Be careful for what this ANDY NGO guy that you all seem to love to use for these kind of instances...says.

We are likely not getting the full story?? We might be, yes...but we not be....

But none of these labels get at who Ngo is. More importantly, they fail to define his role in far-right politics, media, and violence. An incident from October 2018 in Portland, Oregon, illustrates his role well.

It begins with Portland police killing Patrick Kimmons, a 27-year-old African-American male, in disputed circumstances. The Black Lives Matter–style activist group, Don’t Shoot Portland, called for a protest on October 6. Kimmons’s family members joined in what local media described as a “peaceful” and uneventful event.

There was one dicey moment during the march. A driver made an illegal right turn into protesters who were in a crosswalk and had the walk sign. A local TV station that recorded the incident wrote: “driver plows through protesters.” Video shows a man stopping in front of a silver Lexus that then strikes him and pushes him for more than thirty feet. Down the block, a brief confrontation ensues with a protester shoving the driver once and others hitting his vehicle. The driver left in his car without any more incident as protesters yelled, “Get out of here.”

It was unremarkable. But another video of the incident began circulating where it is difficult to see the protester being struck, enabling false claims such as, “#ANTIFA Anarchists Threaten Elderly Driver in Portland!” The story jumped to Fox News with Tucker Carlson replaying the obscured video, blaming everyone from Antifa and Occupy ICE to the Washington Post, Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, and protesters yelling at Trump officials in restaurants. Carlson’s guest was Andy Ngo playing an expert on lax law enforcement in Portland in an affected British accent. The Wall Street Journal gave Ngo a platform where he omitted crucial evidence that the driver deliberately struck a protester, while hyping outrage of a “mob” of “angry, agitated ingrates and criminals” marching for a dead black criminal, attacking a lone elderly white victim.

It’s farcical. The only significant lawbreaking was by the driver, who could have been charged with vehicular assault. But in a city that’s become an epicenter of far-right violence, the white nationalist friendly Patriot Prayer leaped on the faux outrage for a “Flash march for law and order in PDX” a week later. The march degenerated into street battles between right-wing fighters and masked antifascists as downtown bargoers looked on confused. At least one right-wing brawler was caught on video stomping a person on the ground, but no arrests were ever made. One reporter said they were maced by Antifa for no reason.

But it didn’t end there. The flash march created new viral moments. A video of a left-wing activist harassing a woman claiming to be a 9/11 widow was posted days later to The Daily Caller, which was cofounded by Tucker Carlson. (The woman appears to have lied about being a 9/11 widow.) Efforts to doxx the man hurling invective resulted in a professional skateboarder from Portland being falsely identified and inundated with death threats. Eventually the man in the video was identified, which started a new round of harassment. One source says the social service agency that fired him over the video “was flooded with hundreds of harassing calls and Facebook messages that were explicitly racist and threatening to harm and kill staff.”

Carlson credited Ngo with publicizing the videos. Ngo was a bit player, but the incident bolstered him. The incident was an example of a disturbing media model for the Trump era: opportunists using biased reporting, social media, and wild accusations inflame vigilante and digital mobs to target “enemies” such as the media, Democrats, and left-wing activists. Figures like Carlson and Ngo reap followers, prominence, and income from the outrage and threats of violence. But to keep the ratings and the money flowing, the outrage machine must be cranked ever louder, risking greater violence.

One political organizer in Portland who has received death threats stemming from Ngo’s work says, “It’s an arms race for money, and the narrative isn’t the point — the grift is. The larger, more offensive thing you can do, the system rewards it.”

This appears to be Ngo’s model. He uses social media to push biased opinions in conjunction with selectively edited videos that play to the bigotry of his audience. His followers get worked up, and this is often followed by a deluge of threats against his subject.

Jacobin has talked to six people in Portland, including journalists, political officials, and activists, who described harassing messages and threats of violence resulting from Ngo’s work or political involvement in Portland. Friends of two other activists claim they went into hiding after Ngo spread their names and they became targets of harassment. Some individuals who’ve tangled publicly with Ngo are reluctant to go on the record. They say they want to avoid the “trauma” of being subjected to a new round of death threats.
Be careful for what this ANDY NGO guy that you all seem to love to use for these kind of instances...says.

We are likely not getting the full story?? We might be, yes...but we not be....

But none of these labels get at who Ngo is. More importantly, they fail to define his role in far-right politics, media, and violence. An incident from October 2018 in Portland, Oregon, illustrates his role well.

It begins with Portland police killing Patrick Kimmons, a 27-year-old African-American male, in disputed circumstances. The Black Lives Matter–style activist group, Don’t Shoot Portland, called for a protest on October 6. Kimmons’s family members joined in what local media described as a “peaceful” and uneventful event.

There was one dicey moment during the march. A driver made an illegal right turn into protesters who were in a crosswalk and had the walk sign. A local TV station that recorded the incident wrote: “driver plows through protesters.” Video shows a man stopping in front of a silver Lexus that then strikes him and pushes him for more than thirty feet. Down the block, a brief confrontation ensues with a protester shoving the driver once and others hitting his vehicle. The driver left in his car without any more incident as protesters yelled, “Get out of here.”

It was unremarkable. But another video of the incident began circulating where it is difficult to see the protester being struck, enabling false claims such as, “#ANTIFA Anarchists Threaten Elderly Driver in Portland!” The story jumped to Fox News with Tucker Carlson replaying the obscured video, blaming everyone from Antifa and Occupy ICE to the Washington Post, Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, and protesters yelling at Trump officials in restaurants. Carlson’s guest was Andy Ngo playing an expert on lax law enforcement in Portland in an affected British accent. The Wall Street Journal gave Ngo a platform where he omitted crucial evidence that the driver deliberately struck a protester, while hyping outrage of a “mob” of “angry, agitated ingrates and criminals” marching for a dead black criminal, attacking a lone elderly white victim.

It’s farcical. The only significant lawbreaking was by the driver, who could have been charged with vehicular assault. But in a city that’s become an epicenter of far-right violence, the white nationalist friendly Patriot Prayer leaped on the faux outrage for a “Flash march for law and order in PDX” a week later. The march degenerated into street battles between right-wing fighters and masked antifascists as downtown bargoers looked on confused. At least one right-wing brawler was caught on video stomping a person on the ground, but no arrests were ever made. One reporter said they were maced by Antifa for no reason.

But it didn’t end there. The flash march created new viral moments. A video of a left-wing activist harassing a woman claiming to be a 9/11 widow was posted days later to The Daily Caller, which was cofounded by Tucker Carlson. (The woman appears to have lied about being a 9/11 widow.) Efforts to doxx the man hurling invective resulted in a professional skateboarder from Portland being falsely identified and inundated with death threats. Eventually the man in the video was identified, which started a new round of harassment. One source says the social service agency that fired him over the video “was flooded with hundreds of harassing calls and Facebook messages that were explicitly racist and threatening to harm and kill staff.”

Carlson credited Ngo with publicizing the videos. Ngo was a bit player, but the incident bolstered him. The incident was an example of a disturbing media model for the Trump era: opportunists using biased reporting, social media, and wild accusations inflame vigilante and digital mobs to target “enemies” such as the media, Democrats, and left-wing activists. Figures like Carlson and Ngo reap followers, prominence, and income from the outrage and threats of violence. But to keep the ratings and the money flowing, the outrage machine must be cranked ever louder, risking greater violence.

One political organizer in Portland who has received death threats stemming from Ngo’s work says, “It’s an arms race for money, and the narrative isn’t the point — the grift is. The larger, more offensive thing you can do, the system rewards it.”

This appears to be Ngo’s model. He uses social media to push biased opinions in conjunction with selectively edited videos that play to the bigotry of his audience. His followers get worked up, and this is often followed by a deluge of threats against his subject.

Jacobin has talked to six people in Portland, including journalists, political officials, and activists, who described harassing messages and threats of violence resulting from Ngo’s work or political involvement in Portland. Friends of two other activists claim they went into hiding after Ngo spread their names and they became targets of harassment. Some individuals who’ve tangled publicly with Ngo are reluctant to go on the record. They say they want to avoid the “trauma” of being subjected to a new round of death threats.
keese love was part of a group that dragged a dude out of his truck and beat the shit out of him. end of story. keese went back for a final shot to solve humanities problems. he broke several laws and needs to be arrested. END OF FUCKING STORY.

fuck the rest of your sideshow bob shit. arrest him and let him tell a judge why.
It will probably have to be Feds who arrest him; Democrats consider the killer a Hero. He could run for Mayor and win in a landslide in that shithole suburb of California.
It will probably have to be Feds who arrest him; Democrats consider the killer a Hero. He could run for Mayor and win in a landslide in that shithole suburb of California.

if the local dems won't arrest him trump needs to step in, like when the feds stepped in to squash the kkk.
It will probably have to be Feds who arrest him; Democrats consider the killer a Hero. He could run for Mayor and win in a landslide in that shithole suburb of California.

if the local dems won't arrest him trump needs to step in, like when the feds stepped in to squash the kkk.

I would like to see the statutes that allow Trump to do so.....and, if there are, what is he waiting for?

NYC, the same.

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