40 more years till whites are a minority


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Time to start BREEDING boys!

White Americans' majority to end by mid-century - Yahoo! News

The total population should climb to 399 million by 2050, under the new projection, with whites making up 49.9 percent of the population. Blacks will make up 12.2 percent, virtually unchanged from today. Hispanics, currently 15 percent of the population, will rise to 28 percent in 2050.

Asians are expected to increase from 4.4 percent of the population to 6 percent.
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Time to start BREEDING boys!

White Americans' majority to end by mid-century - Yahoo! News

The total population should climb to 399 million by 2050, under the new projection, with whites making up 49.9 percent of the population. Blacks will make up 12.2 percent, virtually unchanged from today. Hispanics, currently 15 percent of the population, will rise to 28 percent in 2050.

Asians are expected to increase from 4.4 percent of the population to 6 percent.

The United States has 308 million people today; two-thirds are non-Hispanic whites.
Here is what doesn't make sense to me. There are currently 205 mil non-hispanic Whites. If that number didn't increase or decrease (which is not going to happen), then by their calculations of 399 mil people 51% will be white.

But say the White population only grows by a mimim 9% you have 225 million whites. In order for the Whites to fall under the 50% mark the population needs to grow to 450K (plus a few people). Right now minorities make up 103 mil. Minorities would need to add 122 mil people. That would be 118% increase

Come on this is a libtard fantasy.
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Time to start BREEDING boys!

White Americans' majority to end by mid-century - Yahoo! News

The total population should climb to 399 million by 2050, under the new projection, with whites making up 49.9 percent of the population. Blacks will make up 12.2 percent, virtually unchanged from today. Hispanics, currently 15 percent of the population, will rise to 28 percent in 2050.

Asians are expected to increase from 4.4 percent of the population to 6 percent.

Well in that case lets keep affirmative action on the books :rofl:
I would jail these idiot white yuppie couples who don't have kids "because it's bad for the environment."

Or who say, "really, our dogs are our children."

Actually, I think I would just shoot them. But that would lower the white population even more.
I would jail these idiot white yuppie couples who don't have kids "because it's bad for the environment."

Or who say, "really, our dogs are our children."

Actually, I think I would just shoot them. But that would lower the white population even more.

I am doing my part, I have 3! Wait, do my kids count as white because they are Jewish? Scratch that.
I would jail these idiot white yuppie couples who don't have kids "because it's bad for the environment."

Or who say, "really, our dogs are our children."

Actually, I think I would just shoot them. But that would lower the white population even more.

Face it , in 1000 years time there will be no races...we'll all be coffee-coloured people...
I would jail these idiot white yuppie couples who don't have kids "because it's bad for the environment."

Or who say, "really, our dogs are our children."

Actually, I think I would just shoot them. But that would lower the white population even more.

Face it , in 1000 years time there will be no races...we'll all be coffee-coloured people...

Good because I hate sun burns!
How is this suppose to be a good thing?

I hope we don't have to wear those stupid ass clothes that hang down past your ass and 10 pounds of metal around your neck on a chain. It's the loud bass music that will drive me nuts. I'm sure glad I'll be long dead before 2050.:confused:
Time to start BREEDING boys!

White Americans' majority to end by mid-century - Yahoo! News

The total population should climb to 399 million by 2050, under the new projection, with whites making up 49.9 percent of the population. Blacks will make up 12.2 percent, virtually unchanged from today. Hispanics, currently 15 percent of the population, will rise to 28 percent in 2050.

Asians are expected to increase from 4.4 percent of the population to 6 percent.

Well in that case lets keep affirmative action on the books :rofl:

Whites are going to need it. Remember all those initiatives to make English the official language?
What is going to happen when Spanish becomes the official language? Hey...majority rules
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Don't worry, in a thousand years, the oceans will have warmed enough to release the stored up methane, which in turn, will wipe out 95% of life on the earth. There is still time for a new race to evolve before the moon moves far enough away that life on earth ends.
Time to start BREEDING boys!

White Americans' majority to end by mid-century - Yahoo! News

The total population should climb to 399 million by 2050, under the new projection, with whites making up 49.9 percent of the population. Blacks will make up 12.2 percent, virtually unchanged from today. Hispanics, currently 15 percent of the population, will rise to 28 percent in 2050.

Asians are expected to increase from 4.4 percent of the population to 6 percent.

The United States has 308 million people today; two-thirds are non-Hispanic whites.
Here is what doesn't make sense to me. There are currently 205 mil non-hispanic Whites. If that number didn't increase or decrease (which is not going to happen), then by their calculations of 399 mil people 51% will be white.

But say the White population only grows by a mimim 9% you have 225 million whites. In order for the Whites to fall under the 50% mark the population needs to grow to 450K (plus a few people). Right now minorities make up 103 mil. Minorities would need to add 122 mil people. That would be 118% increase

Come on this is a libtard fantasy.

Most of the whites will be killed off in the Islamofascist riots of 2012.

but seriously look at the age groups of whites vs minorities?
I would jail these idiot white yuppie couples who don't have kids "because it's bad for the environment."

Or who say, "really, our dogs are our children."

Actually, I think I would just shoot them. But that would lower the white population even more.

Face it , in 1000 years time there will be no races...we'll all be coffee-coloured people...
More likely we'll all be Asians and the few whites left will be treated like shit. What goes around comes around.
I would jail these idiot white yuppie couples who don't have kids "because it's bad for the environment."

Or who say, "really, our dogs are our children."

Actually, I think I would just shoot them. But that would lower the white population even more.

I'm encouraging them to adopt chinese babies.:razz:

Well in that case lets keep affirmative action on the books :rofl:

Whites are going to need it. Remember all those initiatives to make English the official language?
What is going to happen when Spanish becomes the official language? Hey...majority rules

If there is any justice those would fail just like the "english only" laws did....but we all know there is no justice for certain things ;).

When I'm 70 i'll get to claim special status :lol:
When I'm 70 i'll get to claim special status :lol:

Who'll recognize that claim?

Do you not understand that only WHITES grant "special status" to those they feel sorry for?

Nonwhites just barbecue their enemies. You'll be a tough piece of shit on the roaster. But before they cut you up, you'll be able to say that you posted against William Joyce. Of course, they won't have any idea what you're talking about, or care.
When I'm 70 i'll get to claim special status :lol:

Who'll recognize that claim?

Do you not understand that only WHITES grant "special status" to those they feel sorry for?

Nonwhites just barbecue their enemies. You'll be a tough piece of shit on the roaster. But before they cut you up, you'll be able to say that you posted against William Joyce. Of course, they won't have any idea what you're talking about, or care.

Man you sure know how to rain on a guy's parade :)
When I'm 70 i'll get to claim special status :lol:

Who'll recognize that claim?

Do you not understand that only WHITES grant "special status" to those they feel sorry for?

Nonwhites just barbecue their enemies. You'll be a tough piece of shit on the roaster. But before they cut you up, you'll be able to say that you posted against William Joyce. Of course, they won't have any idea what you're talking about, or care.

That is very true. Look at Zimbabwe, they took away all White property to give to the black majority. South Africa has affirmative action for the majority. Just to name a few.
Time to start BREEDING boys!

White Americans' majority to end by mid-century - Yahoo! News

The total population should climb to 399 million by 2050, under the new projection, with whites making up 49.9 percent of the population. Blacks will make up 12.2 percent, virtually unchanged from today. Hispanics, currently 15 percent of the population, will rise to 28 percent in 2050.

Asians are expected to increase from 4.4 percent of the population to 6 percent.

Well in that case lets keep affirmative action on the books :rofl:


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