4 Chan says The $hit is about to hit the fan.

The official ballots have watermarks, unbeknownst to the cheating DemNazi Party, and this is why the election has not been called for Biden. They can’t call it.

it’s going to take weeks to sort all this out and go through the ballots.

View attachment 411868
Interesting claim.

Care to 'splain how they worked out the logistics of doing this, throughout the thousands of precincts, counties, and burghs in the nation?
By being very sneaky...
Don't need your input, butthead.

Please, butthead is a loved character. Moonie is just a troll.
There are martians on Uranus
Dudes in your ass, in other words. "Your anus" -- nothing to do with ancient Greek mythology, of course.

The ancients reportedly were unaware of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, which the Dems at a recent convocation demoted from planethood despite its having a moon, and otherwise qualifying as being the most distinct object in its area of the solar system.
If Biden wins this, I am cool with that. Most of us are. We don't riot and loot Bestbuy for big screen TVs or smash up historical statuary. That's what democrats do.,

Just because I ain't out stealing tv's, burning churches or kicking little bitty kittens in the head like any pro-lefty, doesn't mean I'm cool with it.
I voted for Trump over immigration issues. I hate illegal aliens and those that hire them, and unfortunately things have not gotten much better. If Biden and his ilk actually are elected, its like the Vichy French collaborators are in control. The Democrat liberals sponsor riots and mayhem and practically want to destroy us, liberty and freedom so they want to gain power...Ok, if that is what you want, that's what you get.
The official ballots have watermarks, unbeknownst to the cheating DemNazi Party, and this is why the election has not been called for Biden. They can’t call it.

it’s going to take weeks to sort all this out and go through the ballots.

View attachment 411868

Now they're cheating in GA too. Did Xi order the democrat Party to Martyr itself?

They cannot win at the end so they will cheat -- to the max, only to have it all unwound.

Then the mindless zombies are ordered to burn America down

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