3 Reasons Why The Economy Has Done Better Under Democratic Presidents


Dec 29, 2013
Democratic presidents tend to preside over better economies than Republican ones, but that may be down to pure luck, according to a recent paper from Alan Blinder and Mark Watson at Princeton.

Since the end of World War II, the U.S. economy has grown at an average real rate of 4.35% under Democratic presidents and only 2.54% under Republicans. So what gives?

"Democrats would no doubt like to attribute the large D-R growth gap to better macroeconomic policies, but the data do not support such a claim," they write. "It seems we must look instead to several variables that are mostly 'good luck.'"

Three factors can explain 46-62% of the growth gap, according to the paper. Here are the reasons (via James Hamilton):

Oil shocks. With the exception of Jimmy Carter, oil price shocks tend to dog Republican administrations more. The 1956-57 Suez Crisis, early-70s OPEC embargo, 1980 Iran-Iraq War, and the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990 all happened during Republican administrations.

Productivity. It's hard to say that a U.S. president is responsible here, but Democrats tend to see bigger gains in productivity. Bill Clinton, for example, enjoyed a big boost in U.S. productivity during the 1990s.

Consumer confidence. Consumers tend to have a rosier outlook on the U.S. economy in the first year a Democrat is in the White House. "Yet the superior growth record under Democrats is not forecastable by standard techniques, which means it cannot be attributed to superior initial conditions," they write. Chalk this one up to luck again, but it does come "tantalizingly close to a self-fulfilling prophecy in which consumers correctly expect the economy to do better under Democrats, then make that happen by purchasing more consumer durables."
I no I'm just rosy after a trillion dollars was taken from us and didn't bring any shovel ready jobs and we still have over 7% unemployment after 5 years of Democrats in office....we now have a brand new government agency to pay for (Oscamcare) with taxes and fines, gas has been over $3 a gallon for over 5 years...Steak prices? forget it can't afford them....So all rosy....How about all of you, rosy? confident we are going to have lives or money in our pockets to take care of our families after this administration gets done with us?

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There is a simpler explanation.

In each case (with the exception of Nixon/Ford), the economy during Democrat Presidencies happens because of the policies and actions of the previous administration.

Clinton benefited from the Reagan/Bush rebuilding of the Military and economy from the Carter debacle. After 8 years of Clinton (one of the better Democrats, btw) the shrinking economy and lack of coherent foreign policy led to a shrinking economy, a weaker defense; and coupled with a terror attack of unprecedented magnitude, our economy was in dire circumstances. A Republican (albeit, a liberal one) managed to stop a recession and brought about 6 years of prosperity. As soon as the policy of the GOP was hindered, the economy began to turn down and then crash. After six years, we still have not recovered.

In each case....the left cuts our defenses and leaves us open to destruction and the right has to repair that failed policy. In each case, this creates a cycle of ups and downs in the economy.

Democrats benefit from GOP policy while GOP members suffer from Democrat policies....
Yeah.....it's all due to luck......the GOP just happens to be so "unlucky" they muck up the economy, but it's not their fault....:eusa_boohoo:

Those two worthless wars that drained our coffers.....that was just bad luck on the part of GW.....hey wait......it turned out to be bad luck for all of us.....poor GOP, they get blamed for everything.....
There is a simpler explanation.

In each case (with the exception of Nixon/Ford), the economy during Democrat Presidencies happens because of the policies and actions of the previous administration.

Bwahahahaha....of course, that couldn't possibly be true with Obama......the previous president's policies had nothing to do with the economic meltdown we went through....oh, that's right, that was just bad luck for Georgie.
Democratic presidents tend to preside over better economies than Republican ones

Yes they have rode the coattails of the good economies they were handed. How is this news?
Democratic presidents tend to preside over better economies than Republican ones

Yes they have rode the coattails of the good economies they were handed. How is this news?

Ha,ha, you must have been in a coma during the Bush Administration.......:lol::lol:
Simple. Republicans have to clean up all the corruption the previous Democrat administration left.
There is a simpler explanation.

In each case (with the exception of Nixon/Ford), the economy during Democrat Presidencies happens because of the policies and actions of the previous administration.

Bwahahahaha....of course, that couldn't possibly be true with Obama......the previous president's policies had nothing to do with the economic meltdown we went through....oh, that's right, that was just bad luck for Georgie.
Up until he lost the 2006 midterms, the economy, while not great, was pretty damn good. Much better than the current fucking bozo and his inability to focus on more than his teleprompter.

Bush took a recession and one of the worst attacks on this country in its history, and still managed to get the economy moving along.

If Obama is suffering a bad economy, it is of his own making. And it will be yet another mess that someone will have to fix.

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