3.7 GDP Growth

Obama never had an ANNUAL GDP of at least 3% and was the FIRST POTUS in history to "achieve" this dubious distinction.
Tramp has never had an ANNUAL GDP of at least 3% and is the FIRST POTUS in history to "achieve" this dubious distinction after having been handed an economy that was NOT in a major recession.
Liar, you're talking about Obama.
Nope, Obama was handed an economy that was in the worst recession since the Great Republican Depression. Tramp was handed an economy at full employment, with a rising stock market and rising wages, and yet Tramp has STILL been completely unable to produce an ANNUAL GDP of 3%.
Obama is the only POTUS to never get a 3% GDP. Even the ones who died in their first term. :laughing0301:
Now you are just lying, Obama has had 5.2% GDP, something Tramp has never even gotten close to.

Annual GDP never touched 3% under Hoperychangy.

Only POTUS in history with that title.
Economy growing........Under TRUMP.....

Poor Liberals.............now go and say your daddy Obama did it. LOL
OK Eagle Obama was over 3% for 8 quarters during his presidency...now the schmuck has 7 to go
You upset that our economy is growing under policies that you say are BAAAAD.

These two definitions are false: "Actual liberals support laissez-faire economic policy and the Democratic party supports totalitarian economic interventionism." Neither Dems nor Pubs are totlitarian economic interventionists, and while libertarians support "laizzez-faire economic policy," liberals do not.
You are full of shit, jackass. I know that people like you tend to avoid books like the plague and get all of your information from kleptocratic purple Flavoraid mongering slavemasters who you foolishly believe have your best interests at heart even though they disrespectfully snicker and evilly cackle like Hillary at your kind behind your back because they can so easily brainwash your simplistic feeble mind.

However, if you ever decide to unchain your mind and want to become educated about liberal philosophy, I suggest that you visit a local library and obtain a library card. There are many public libraries where you can get one for free and they will let you borrow books. And other libraries will give you a card for a small fee. For instance, you can obtain a library card at the University of Michigan for only about $350/year.

Check out some enlightenment era tomes by liberal philosophers such as Emmerich de Vattel, John Locke, Hugo Grotius. And of course, Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations.

Economics writers from the 18th century are positing ideas have little to no bearing on the 21st Century world economics. The “Wealth of Nations” in a era of slavery, when there was no mass manufacturing, robotics, or instant world wide communications and commerce serves as an interesting historical document, but is not pertinent to anything that has happened since the Industrial Revolution.
Economy growing........Under TRUMP.....

Poor Liberals.............now go and say your daddy Obama did it. LOL
OK Eagle Obama was over 3% for 8 quarters during his presidency...now the schmuck has 7 to go
It almost sounds like you're rooting for economic failure just so you can point at Trump.
No gramps I'd love seeing him succeed Drug pricing tax reform and I'm doing far better in in the markets than I would be with hillary But I believe his downside is worse than his up side And he is a vile skunk of a man
These two definitions are false: "Actual liberals support laissez-faire economic policy and the Democratic party supports totalitarian economic interventionism." Neither Dems nor Pubs are totlitarian economic interventionists, and while libertarians support "laizzez-faire economic policy," liberals do not.
You are full of shit, jackass. I know that people like you tend to avoid books like the plague and get all of your information from kleptocratic purple Flavoraid mongering slavemasters who you foolishly believe have your best interests at heart even though they disrespectfully snicker and evilly cackle like Hillary at your kind behind your back because they can so easily brainwash your simplistic feeble mind.

However, if you ever decide to unchain your mind and want to become educated about liberal philosophy, I suggest that you visit a local library and obtain a library card. There are many public libraries where you can get one for free and they will let you borrow books. And other libraries will give you a card for a small fee. For instance, you can obtain a library card at the University of Michigan for only about $350/year.

Check out some enlightenment era tomes by liberal philosophers such as Emmerich de Vattel, John Locke, Hugo Grotius. And of course, Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations.

Economics writers from the 18th century are positing ideas have little to no bearing on the 21st Century world economics. The “Wealth of Nations” in a era of slavery, when there was no mass manufacturing, robotics, or instant world wide communications and commerce serves as an interesting historical document, but is not pertinent to anything that has happened since the Industrial Revolution.
Whatever. :rolleyes:

Yes, The Wealth of Nations was written in the era of black slavery. However, men who were morally outraged by the practice formed the Republican party to ban slavery in the USA. And they succeeded in banning slavery despite staunch opposition from the Democratic party.

Just because liberal philosophy is outdated doesn't mean that it isn't stupidly ridiculous to ignorantly pretend that all of these totalitarian economic interventionists that rule the Democratic party are liberals.
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Huh? Our entire economy was supposed to collapse if Trump got elected. Wha hoppen?

On a related matter- listen up you static forecasters - April tax revenues poured into Washington at a record rate. Hmmm...taxes cut but revenues increase? No wonder JFK described it as inexplicable.
The issue is not the platform, the issue is Tramp is a pathological liar so therefore any "platform" he promotes is meaningless.
That is pure >> :bsflag:Trump made quite a few promises and has kept them. Tax reduction, tariffs, immigration reform, reducing Muslim immigration, deregulation, etc.
So an ad hom demonstrates a poster does not have facts.
Nobody ad homs in USMB more than you Jake. Your average post is about 10 words or less. Like this one I'm responding to now. In contrast, I have thousands of very long posts, with lots of specific messages and links. Anyone can look it up, and verify.
Actually, I don't. I tell the truth. You ad hom quite a bit. DarkFury has been on a role the last 24 hours.
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Huh? Our entire economy was supposed to collapse if Trump got elected. Wha hoppen?

On a related matter- listen up you static forecasters - April tax revenues poured into Washington at a record rate. Hmmm...taxes cut but revenues increase? No wonder JFK described it as inexplicable.
It will! It will! There will be an Armageddon and a plague of locusts will descend upon us. Just wait.

Not only are the sheep bleating, but I can hear the footfalls of the Four Horseman in the distance already.

I heard it on CNN!
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Ad Hom: attacking a person's character. Some definitions also add "attack motiviation", but I don't see that. If one operates from a monarchist, democratic, fascistic, militaristic, communistic, eg. position, and that is truthful, then it is not ad hom. I know one who claims to be libertarian, but she cries "ad hom", when she is told that she is writing a particular way because she is libertarian. Good heavens, by her definition, one could ad hom a Christian by calling him or her a Christian.

Now, back to the GDP. The claim is 3.7%. We all know that won't happen, and those who are now defending the claim, will forget all about it after the end of the quarter.
Ad Hom: attacking a person's character. Some definitions also add "attack motiviation", but I don't see that. If one operates from a monarchist, democratic, fascistic, militaristic, communistic, eg. position, and that is truthful, then it is not ad hom. I know one who claims to be libertarian, but she cries "ad hom", when she is told that she is writing a particular way because she is libertarian. Good heavens, by her definition, one could ad hom a Christian by calling him or her a Christian.

Now, back to the GDP. The claim is 3.7%. We all know that won't happen, and those who are now defending the claim, will forget all about it after the end of the quarter.
Like you attacked my character by adding a Funny & Agree rating to Thought Crimes illegal and disgusting post about being a "sexual predator." You make your an equal low-life. And I don't need coaching from you about ad homs or anything else.
You are outside the OP, which by the way your stats do not help your cause.

Obama's GDP each of his final two years is higher than Trump's first year and will probably be higher than this year.

Now you ad hom me.

And, yes, you need much coaching on terms.
Economy growing........Under TRUMP.....

Poor Liberals.............now go and say your daddy Obama did it. LOL
/——/ Libtards now lamenting a possible overheating economy. Not since Reagan have Libs been whining about this. Is the economy in danger of overheating?
An overheated economy should be everyone's concern.

The real issue here, which you are trying to hide, is that Trump's economy is not adding up to the last two years of Obama's administration.
Proof is in the threads that you are wrong again, as you are usually. Anyone can look them up.
Proof is in the threads that I am right again, and I'll look them up right now.

Here's a list of posts I did IN THIS THREAD, almost all of them with graphs of GDP growth, and/or links to information. I>> 16.....22......24.....52......55......58.....89.....92......102
( I might have a couple of ad homs too, but very few relatively very few)

in contrast, here's list of your ad homs IN THIS THREAD >> Not a single one of which has a graph or link, or any substance at all >> 31....32.....34......65.....93....94......97
And the graphs don't add up.

The fact is this: the GDP in each of Obama's last two years (as posted above in the thread) were higher than Trump's first year and will be higher than his second year.


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