3.7 GDP Growth

As I have pointed out so many times before, when the worthless lying scum Right get caught lying, the worthless lying scum Right just keep on lying.
Thank you for proving me correct yet again.
I did NOT get caught lying, because I wasn't, and I proved it in Post # 117, and reiterated that in Post # 118.

And after that, the fact that you keep saying I was lying, is just more proof of what I say, that liberalism is a mental disorder.

Geez, protectionist, that is a one quarter not an annual number.

Good heavens. We all want the Trump years to be better than Obama's, but it is not there. It may not be.

So, if you are not lying, then you do not understand the graphs. Either or, buddy.
The numbers do not support you. Your numbers were rebuttaled. Easily.
The numbers most certainly DO support me, and there they are in Post # 117 (among other posts). No question about it. Shown clearly in both of these graphs. Obama decline. Trump recovery. Ho hum. yawn*****

Economy growing........Under TRUMP.....

Poor Liberals.............now go and say your daddy Obama did it. LOL
/——/ Libtards now lamenting a possible overheating economy. Not since Reagan have Libs been whining about this. Is the economy in danger of overheating?
An overheated economy should be everyone's concern.

The real issue here, which you are trying to hide, is that Trump's economy is not adding up to the last two years of Obama's administration.
It's ironic that the Trumpbots are doing the same thing the Hillary supporter did: The economy is great, look at the new growth, new employment and stock market. But hadn't "trickled down."

There are predictions of rising inflation rates that, if it comes to pass, will be ruinous. Even for us who are doing pretty good now ... despite the losses from the Great Recession that a lot of people will never recover from, and that includes some of us who are doing pretty good now. But the thing is ... inflation isn't behaving like it used to. It may be productivity. I dunno.

But there's no getting around the interest we pay on the still increasing debt. Blame Obama if you want, but the GOP owns this.
/——/ I take Trumpanomics over Obozonomics any day.
Geez, protectionist, that is a one quarter not an annual number.

Good heavens. We all want the Trump years to be better than Obama's, but it is not there. It may not be.

So, if you are not lying, then you do not understand the graphs. Either or, buddy.
Stop talking nonsense, and trying to confuse the issue. There's no confusion, I posted 2 graphs. A short term and a long term. Where they overlap, they show the same numbers. Obama 2016 decline. Trump 2017 upsurge/recovery. :biggrin:
You do not grasp the numbers, protectionist.

The Obama years of 2015 and 2016 each had a better GDP year than 2017. If you deny that, then you are mentally feeble, woefully uneducated, or mentally malignant. Those are accurate terms, not ad homs. If you deny the numbers, then there is a reason why you are and I have posted them.

WillHaftawaite, please take a look at the graphs at the misguided claims of protectionist.
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So how did an "idiot" catch you lying with your dishonest clearly labeled ANNUAL graph that you used to accuse me of lying when I said that Obama's Q3 2014 GDP growth was 5.2%?????
You apparently can't even deceive an idiot, so what does that make you???
OK. we'll go through it again and again and again, if that's what it takes to keep the TRUTH intact. Note: it doesn't matter if a graph is annual graph or not. They come from the same source, and they cover the same time, and unless you're blind, you can read them. the annual graph shows Obama's Q3 2014 GDP growth at about 3%, and NO GDP GROWTH EVER at 5.2% during Obama's reign, or ever even reaching 4%, for that matter. His top of his whole 8 years was 3.8%, and don't give me that annual vs whatever crap, anymore.

AGAIN here are the graphs. (if I have to post them 100 times) >>



And since you like to talk about 2014 so much (but I don't see any 5.2), here's 2014 for ya >>

Looks like your Q3 is 3.2. Maybe you got your 3s and your 5s mixed up ? Whatever it is, that's YOUR problem.
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Now you are just lying, Obama has had 5.2% GDP, something Tramp has never even gotten close to.
FALSE! The highest GDP quarter Obama ever recorded was 3.8, and that was rare.

Hey you pathological liar, that is an ANNUAL graph, NOT quarterly, and it says so right at the top of your OWN chart, so you can't pretend you were too STUPID to know you were deliberately LYING.
This is why I keep saying the Right are the most worthless lying scum POSs to ever crawl out of a sewer.
Here is the graph of the actual QUARTERLY GDP data:

As I have pointed out so many times before, when the worthless lying scum Right get caught lying, the worthless lying scum Right just keep on lying.
Thank you for proving me correct yet again.
I did NOT get caught lying, because I wasn't, and I proved it in Post # 117, and reiterated that in Post # 118.

And after that, the fact that you keep saying I was lying, is just more proof of what I say, that liberalism is a mental disorder.

View attachment 193040
Of course you got caught DELIBERATELY lying by trying to use a graph with a running ANNUAL average (clearly labeled as such at the top of YOUR OWN graph) to support your premeditated LIE that the highest quarter Obama ever got was 3.8% rather than the true Q3 2014 GDP of 5.2%.
What you actually proved was that Obama had an actual ANNUAL GDP of 3.8% by calendar years rather than fiscal years!!! That's right, your graph shows that for the calendar year ending with Q3 2014 Obama had an annual GDP growth rate of 3.8%.
Thank you :asshole:

BTW, CON$ervoFascism is a HATE religion.
So how did an "idiot" catch you lying with your dishonest clearly labeled ANNUAL graph that you used to accuse me of lying when I said that Obama's Q3 2014 GDP growth was 5.2%?????
You apparently can't even deceive an idiot, so what does that make you???
OK. we'll go through it again and again and again, if that's what it takes to keep the TRUTH intact. Note: it doesn't matter if a graph is annual graph or not. They come from the same source, and they cover the same time, and unless you're blind, you can read them. the annual graph shows Obama's Q3 2014 GDP growth at about 3%, and NO GDP GROWTH EVER at 5.2% during Obama's reign, or ever even reaching 4%, for that matter. His top of his whole 8 years was 3.8%, and don't give me that annual vs whatever crap, anymore.

AGAIN here are the graphs. (if I have to post them 100 times) >>


And the annualized growth rate began increasing in the third quarter of 2016...

2016Q2 1.2
2016Q3 1.5
2016Q4 1.9
2017Q1 2.0
2017Q2 2.2
2017Q3 2.3
2017Q4 2.6
2018Q1 2.9

And has not gone above 2.9 so far under Trump.
Of course you got caught DELIBERATELY lying by trying to use a graph with a running ANNUAL average (clearly labeled as such at the top of YOUR OWN graph) to support your premeditated LIE that the highest quarter Obama ever got was 3.8% rather than the true Q3 2014 GDP of 5.2%.
What you actually proved was that Obama had an actual ANNUAL GDP of 3.8% by calendar years rather than fiscal years!!! That's right, your graph shows that for the calendar year ending with Q3 2014 Obama had an annual GDP growth rate of 3.8%.
Thank you :asshole:

BTW, CON$ervoFascism is a HATE religion.
You're hanging yourself. See the bottom of the 3 graphs in Post # 132. Shows your illustrious 2014 Q3 >> it was 3.2. Look at the graph. See for yourself.

BTW, when you quit supporting racist Affirmative Action discrimination against Whites, THEN you can discuss "HATE"
2017Q1 2.0
2017Q2 2.2
2017Q3 2.3
2017Q4 2.6
2018Q1 2.9
And has not gone above 2.9 so far under Trump.
That statement is just as FALSE as your idiotic signature. Trump had 2 quarters higher than 2.9. July 2017 (3.1), and October 2017 (3.2). You lie a lot.

The issue is not the platform, the issue is Tramp is a pathological liar so therefore any "platform" he promotes is meaningless.
That is pure >> :bsflag:Trump made quite a few promises and has kept them. Tax reduction, tariffs, immigration reform, reducing Muslim immigration, deregulation, etc.

How’s that wall coming?

Where’s that “better, cheaper, health care for all”?

What about the “job creation on steroids”? Job creation is down. And the raises promised? Wages which were growing under Obama, are now declining.

Putin and Xi are now filling the vacuum created by US isolationism.

Iran is now shooting at Israel.
So how did an "idiot" catch you lying with your dishonest clearly labeled ANNUAL graph that you used to accuse me of lying when I said that Obama's Q3 2014 GDP growth was 5.2%?????
You apparently can't even deceive an idiot, so what does that make you???
OK. we'll go through it again and again and again, if that's what it takes to keep the TRUTH intact. Note: it doesn't matter if a graph is annual graph or not. They come from the same source, and they cover the same time, and unless you're blind, you can read them. the annual graph shows Obama's Q3 2014 GDP growth at about 3%, and NO GDP GROWTH EVER at 5.2% during Obama's reign, or ever even reaching 4%, for that matter. His top of his whole 8 years was 3.8%, and don't give me that annual vs whatever crap, anymore.

AGAIN here are the graphs. (if I have to post them 100 times) >>

No matter how many times you post that LIE, it will still be a LIE, each additional posting will only prove you are a serial LIAR who will NEVER admit the truth.

Notice what he is doing, he is trying to pretend he is too STUPID to know the difference between an ANNUAL graph and a QUARTERLY graph because the HATE religion of CON$ervoFascism's dogma is that if you pretend that you are too STUPID to know you are telling a LIE then you are not a LIAR. He is pretending he is STUPID by actually admitting his graph is an ANNUAL graph and not a QUARTERLY graph, even AFTER I posted the actual quarterly graph!!!

An annual graph is the plot of the running average of each quarter and the 3 preceding quarters, not a plot of each individual quarter like the graph I have posted repeatedly.
So what you have actually shown is that the Q3 2014 quarter along with the three preceding quarters averaged 3.8% GDP growth for the calendar year ending with Q3 2014.

This is an actual quarterly graph, and clearly labeled as such:
So how did an "idiot" catch you lying with your dishonest clearly labeled ANNUAL graph that you used to accuse me of lying when I said that Obama's Q3 2014 GDP growth was 5.2%?????
You apparently can't even deceive an idiot, so what does that make you???
OK. we'll go through it again and again and again, if that's what it takes to keep the TRUTH intact. Note: it doesn't matter if a graph is annual graph or not. They come from the same source, and they cover the same time, and unless you're blind, you can read them. the annual graph shows Obama's Q3 2014 GDP growth at about 3%, and NO GDP GROWTH EVER at 5.2% during Obama's reign, or ever even reaching 4%, for that matter. His top of his whole 8 years was 3.8%, and don't give me that annual vs whatever crap, anymore.

AGAIN here are the graphs. (if I have to post them 100 times) >>


And the annualized growth rate began increasing in the third quarter of 2016...

2016Q2 1.2
2016Q3 1.5
2016Q4 1.9
2017Q1 2.0
2017Q2 2.2
2017Q3 2.3
2017Q4 2.6
2018Q1 2.9

And has not gone above 2.9 so far under Trump.
That statement is just as FALSE as your idiotic signature. Trump had 2 quarters higher than 2.9. July 2017 (3.1), and October 2017 (3.2). You lie a lot.


Now you're switching between annualized growth and quarterly growth.

Obama had 8 quarters over 3% ...

2009Q4 3.9
2010Q2 3.9
2011Q4 4.6
2013Q3 3.1
2013Q4 4.0
2014Q2 4.6
2014Q3 5.2
2015Q1 3.2

But annualized, which you pointed out how Obama peaked at 3.8%, has been no higher than 2.9% under Trump. And again, that figure began growing under Obama and the trend continued under Trump.

2016Q2 1.2
2016Q3 1.5
2016Q4 1.9
2017Q1 2.0
2017Q2 2.2
2017Q3 2.3
2017Q4 2.6
2018Q1 2.9

And my signature is just as true as always, no matter how much it irritates you.

2017Q1 2.0
2017Q2 2.2
2017Q3 2.3
2017Q4 2.6
2018Q1 2.9
And has not gone above 2.9 so far under Trump.
That statement is just as FALSE as your idiotic signature. Trump had 2 quarters higher than 2.9. July 2017 (3.1), and October 2017 (3.2). You lie a lot.

Now wait just a minute there Slick, Faun is using YOUR annual graph for her numbers, not the quarterly graph you have now shifted to for a convenient deception.

Here is the same graph with the running annual numbers at the top.

2017Q1 2.0
2017Q2 2.2
2017Q3 2.3
2017Q4 2.6
2018Q1 2.9
And has not gone above 2.9 so far under Trump.
That statement is just as FALSE as your idiotic signature. Trump had 2 quarters higher than 2.9. July 2017 (3.1), and October 2017 (3.2). You lie a lot.

Now wait just a minute there Slick, Faun is using YOUR annual graph for her numbers, not the quarterly graph you have now shifted to for a convenient deception.

Here is the same graph with the running annual numbers at the top.

Hey, and look at that ^^^ 2015Q2 is 3.3% growth. And 2015Q1 was 3.8% growth...

.... but the lying right has been claiming Obama never had a year with GDP reaching 3%. :ack-1:

Just goes to show -- never believe the lying right.
You do not grasp the numbers, protectionist.

The Obama years of 2015 and 2016 each had a better GDP year than 2017. If you deny that, then you are mentally feeble, woefully uneducated, or mentally malignant. Those are accurate terms, not ad homs. If you deny the numbers, then there is a reason why you are and I have posted them.

WillHaftawaite, please take a look at the graphs at the misguided claims of protectionist.
First of all the first quarter of 2017 is on Obama. It is his economic lag time, while Trump was just getting acquainted with the office of the presidency.

So Trump's 2017 is actually 3.2.....3.1......and 2.9, for a mean of 3.06.

In 2016, Obama had these (awful) numbers >> 1.4.......1.2.....1.5......and 1.8, for a mean (average) GDP of 1.47

You are proven WRONG. This is fun. You guys are making my day.


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