24,000 Red Light Camera Tickets Voided by Court

Corruption and Paybacks aside...

It's pretty difficult to Subpoena an Electronic Camera to Testify in Court. The Camera can't be sworn in as a witness. There goes the case.

That's how you beat these kinds of tickets in ANY State.
The solution to ticket cameras is, was, and remains a match-grade rifle, some steel-cored match ammo, a properly-calibrated sight, and a good rifle rest. Maybe try for a thousand-yard patch...
It was not about your safety anyway, it was always about the income.

Ruling puts brakes on red-light cameras in most Fla. cities

4th District Court of Appeal: 3rd-party vendors cannot determine who gets prosecuted for red-light violations
Two Florida judges dismiss 24,000 red-light camera tickets in one county

Two Florida judges dismiss 24 000 red-light camera tickets in one county

I hate those cameras. They are not only at stop lights but at school zones too.

They are all over in the city next door to where I live. Everyone I know avoids driving through that city because of those cameras.

The previous mayor of our town wanted to put them in here. The people of our town got together and wrote up a petition which said:

The only way cameras can be installed is if it's put to a vote of the people and is passed with a super majority. If it passes the tickets can't be more than the cheapest ticket the city writes. Which in my town is a 20 dollar parking ticket.

The initiative passed with a overwhelming majority. I think it was something like 70%. I would have to go back and look to find the exact number.
One of the best get even schemes I heard of with these cameras was when a group of students, found out the mayor's license plate number then went to ACME License Maker and created paper copies of the mayor's plate to tape over their own. They then proceed to run the light numerous times. Resulting in the mayor getting numerous red light violations through the mail.

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