2020 Trump Wins Bigly and it won't be close


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
The Left totally and completely lost their marbles after St Hillary the Inevitable's defeat. Unable to handle it gracefully, they went well, just fucking insane: Russia, Impeachment, Collusion, Covid, tearing down statues, burning US cities and (finally!) openly embracing the Marxism that has been festering in the DNC since the Reagan victory in 84.

The American people have seen how the democrat Party operates it and will reject it with a full throated ROAR this November. It's not just that minorities no longer feel good about democrat Party, it's that every American has seen our culture trashed, our statues pulled down and our great American cities laid low.

Trump will be swept back into office with a massive, historic mandate to turn the government back over to the people. Trump pulled the mask off of not only the democrats, but the peeled back the layers to reveal the ugly globalism of the Bush wing of the Republican Party.

I write this now because I had a friend call me panicked about Trump's chances. I told him exactly what I'm telling you now. This will be EPIC!

I suspect that Soros is behind this Thelma and Louis ending of the democrat Party. Hillary was supposed to put an end to the America we knew. The 5th gun grabbing Justice, completely deplatformed from social media, Southern Border throw open with "Texas that way -->" signs turning it into the next CA. Once they realized that Trump was not a "go along get along globalists" they panicked! They tried to pull America down around their ears and all they succeeded in was showing the American people what mad, sick, power hungry people they really were.


The Left totally and completely lost their marbles after St Hillary the Inevitable's defeat. Unable to handle it gracefully, they went well, just fucking insane: Russia, Impeachment, Collusion, Covid, tearing down statues, burning US cities and (finally!) openly embracing the Marxism that has been festering in the DNC since the Reagan victory in 84.

The American people have seen how the democrat Party operates it and will reject it with a full throated ROAR this November. It's not just that minorities no longer feel good about democrat Party, it's that every American has seen our culture trashed, our statues pulled down and our great American cities laid low.

Trump will be swept back into office with a massive, historic mandate to turn the government back over to the people. Trump pulled the mask off of not only the democrats, but the peeled back the layers to reveal the ugly globalism of the Bush wing of the Republican Party.

I write this now because I had a friend call me panicked about Trump's chances. I told him exactly what I'm telling you now. This will be EPIC!

I suspect that Soros is behind this Thelma and Louis ending of the democrat Party. Hillary was supposed to put an end to the America we knew. The 5th gun grabbing Justice, completely deplatformed from social media, Southern Border throw open with "Texas that way -->" signs turning it into the next CA. Once they realized that Trump was not a "go along get along globalists" they panicked! They tried to pull America down around their ears and all they succeeded in was showing the American people what mad, sick, power hungry people they really were.


HAHAHAHA :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
One would think they coould come up with a candidate who could beat Trump without all the shenanigans. Dems represent what people really wamt in America, and Trump is a Nazi...then how come JOE BIDEN is the best they could find? The progressive party could only find a 77 year old white millionaire?
The Left totally and completely lost their marbles after St Hillary the Inevitable's defeat. Unable to handle it gracefully, they went well, just fucking insane: Russia, Impeachment, Collusion, Covid, tearing down statues, burning US cities and (finally!) openly embracing the Marxism that has been festering in the DNC since the Reagan victory in 84.

The American people have seen how the democrat Party operates it and will reject it with a full throated ROAR this November. It's not just that minorities no longer feel good about democrat Party, it's that every American has seen our culture trashed, our statues pulled down and our great American cities laid low.

Trump will be swept back into office with a massive, historic mandate to turn the government back over to the people. Trump pulled the mask off of not only the democrats, but the peeled back the layers to reveal the ugly globalism of the Bush wing of the Republican Party.

I write this now because I had a friend call me panicked about Trump's chances. I told him exactly what I'm telling you now. This will be EPIC!

I suspect that Soros is behind this Thelma and Louis ending of the democrat Party. Hillary was supposed to put an end to the America we knew. The 5th gun grabbing Justice, completely deplatformed from social media, Southern Border throw open with "Texas that way -->" signs turning it into the next CA. Once they realized that Trump was not a "go along get along globalists" they panicked! They tried to pull America down around their ears and all they succeeded in was showing the American people what mad, sick, power hungry people they really were.


I think the election will be very close
Bumpin Bumpin Bumpin

I keep pointing out much of the Trump cult has undergone a psychotic break with reality. This is another thread confirming it.

It's not crazy to say you think Trump can squeak out an electoral college win, while losing the popular vote bigly.

It's absolutely nuts to say that Trump will win in a landslide.
I keep pointing out much of the Trump cult has undergone a psychotic break with reality. This is another thread confirming it.

It's not crazy to say you think Trump can squeak out an electoral college win, while losing the popular vote bigly.

It's absolutely nuts to say that Trump will win in a landslide.

The massive numbers of illegal votes in big cities do not count.

Cornyn says he broke with Trump on deficit, border wall, but kept opposition private

Strange, why are GOP Senators jumping off the SS TRump-tanic if he's going to win so bigly?
John Cornyn is a finger wetter with no immutable position on any issue

I think Texas is turning purple and if so coryn will turn purple with it

so yes, I agree that the election will be close without a landslide for either candidate
One would think they coould come up with a candidate who could beat Trump without all the shenanigans. Dems represent what people really wamt in America, and Trump is a Nazi...then how come JOE BIDEN is the best they could find? The progressive party could only find a 77 year old white millionaire?
Joe is a very good candidate to change from stupidity. It is hard to believe even Q fuled Trumpers could vote for this moronic figurehead.
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One would think they coould come up with a candidate who could beat Trump without all the shenanigans. Dems represent what people really wamt in America, and Trump is a Nazi...then how come JOE BIDEN is the best they could find? The progressive party could only find a 77 year old white millionaire?
Joe is a very good candidate to change from stupidity. It is hard to believe even Q fuled Trumper could vote for this moronic figurehead.
View attachment 403652

I am talking about the Democratic Party. The PROGRESSIVES. I dont care if they were running against Abe Lincoln. Why is Joe Biden the best the left has to offer? Specifically why?
One would think they coould come up with a candidate who could beat Trump without all the shenanigans. Dems represent what people really wamt in America, and Trump is a Nazi...then how come JOE BIDEN is the best they could find? The progressive party could only find a 77 year old white millionaire?
Joe is a very good candidate to change from stupidity. It is hard to believe even Q fuled Trumper could vote for this moronic figurehead.
View attachment 403652

I am talking about the Democratic Party. The PROGRESSIVES. I dont care if they were running against Abe Lincoln. Why is Joe Biden the best the left has to offer? Specifically why?
I have told, and told you and told you, what Joe brings to the table and what an idiot your charlatan is but you don't listen or cannot learn. :spank:
One would think they coould come up with a candidate who could beat Trump without all the shenanigans. Dems represent what people really wamt in America, and Trump is a Nazi...then how come JOE BIDEN is the best they could find? The progressive party could only find a 77 year old white millionaire?
Joe is a very good candidate to change from stupidity. It is hard to believe even Q fuled Trumper could vote for this moronic figurehead.
View attachment 403652

I am talking about the Democratic Party. The PROGRESSIVES. I dont care if they were running against Abe Lincoln. Why is Joe Biden the best the left has to offer? Specifically why?
I have told, and told you and told you, what Joe brings to the table and what an idiot your charlatan is but you don't listen or cannot learn. :spank:

Why cant you talk to Joe without referring to Trump?

Maybe lets look at it a different way. Why was Joe the best candidate out of the primary? There were like 20 Dem candidates. Why was Joe the best of the Dem candidates in the primary?
The Left totally and completely lost their marbles after St Hillary the Inevitable's defeat. Unable to handle it gracefully, they went well, just fucking insane: Russia, Impeachment, Collusion, Covid, tearing down statues, burning US cities and (finally!) openly embracing the Marxism that has been festering in the DNC since the Reagan victory in 84.

The American people have seen how the democrat Party operates it and will reject it with a full throated ROAR this November. It's not just that minorities no longer feel good about democrat Party, it's that every American has seen our culture trashed, our statues pulled down and our great American cities laid low.

Trump will be swept back into office with a massive, historic mandate to turn the government back over to the people. Trump pulled the mask off of not only the democrats, but the peeled back the layers to reveal the ugly globalism of the Bush wing of the Republican Party.

I write this now because I had a friend call me panicked about Trump's chances. I told him exactly what I'm telling you now. This will be EPIC!

I suspect that Soros is behind this Thelma and Louis ending of the democrat Party. Hillary was supposed to put an end to the America we knew. The 5th gun grabbing Justice, completely deplatformed from social media, Southern Border throw open with "Texas that way -->" signs turning it into the next CA. Once they realized that Trump was not a "go along get along globalists" they panicked! They tried to pull America down around their ears and all they succeeded in was showing the American people what mad, sick, power hungry people they really were.



One would think they coould come up with a candidate who could beat Trump without all the shenanigans. Dems represent what people really wamt in America, and Trump is a Nazi...then how come JOE BIDEN is the best they could find? The progressive party could only find a 77 year old white millionaire?
Joe is a very good candidate to change from stupidity. It is hard to believe even Q fuled Trumper could vote for this moronic figurehead.
View attachment 403652

I am talking about the Democratic Party. The PROGRESSIVES. I dont care if they were running against Abe Lincoln. Why is Joe Biden the best the left has to offer? Specifically why?
I have told, and told you and told you, what Joe brings to the table and what an idiot your charlatan is but you don't listen or cannot learn. :spank:

Why cant you talk to Joe without referring to Trump?

Maybe lets look at it a different way. Why was Joe the best candidate out of the primary? There were like 20 Dem candidates. Why was Joe the best of the Dem candidates in the primary?

Hello? Hello?
Echo Echo

Now Batting for Pedro Barbone...Manny Mota Mota.
The Left totally and completely lost their marbles after St Hillary the Inevitable's defeat. Unable to handle it gracefully, they went well, just fucking insane: Russia, Impeachment, Collusion, Covid, tearing down statues, burning US cities and (finally!) openly embracing the Marxism that has been festering in the DNC since the Reagan victory in 84.

The American people have seen how the democrat Party operates it and will reject it with a full throated ROAR this November. It's not just that minorities no longer feel good about democrat Party, it's that every American has seen our culture trashed, our statues pulled down and our great American cities laid low.

Trump will be swept back into office with a massive, historic mandate to turn the government back over to the people. Trump pulled the mask off of not only the democrats, but the peeled back the layers to reveal the ugly globalism of the Bush wing of the Republican Party.

I write this now because I had a friend call me panicked about Trump's chances. I told him exactly what I'm telling you now. This will be EPIC!

I suspect that Soros is behind this Thelma and Louis ending of the democrat Party. Hillary was supposed to put an end to the America we knew. The 5th gun grabbing Justice, completely deplatformed from social media, Southern Border throw open with "Texas that way -->" signs turning it into the next CA. Once they realized that Trump was not a "go along get along globalists" they panicked! They tried to pull America down around their ears and all they succeeded in was showing the American people what mad, sick, power hungry people they really were.

Woo ... spot on.

Fascism is the easiest way to impose and maintain the global BORG. Desperation, destitution, dependency and chaos are the Alinsky Plan of the Democrat Socialist Party. Divide & control:

1) Healthcare — Control the people’s healthcare and you control the people;

2) Poverty — Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you give them what they need to live;

3) Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you can increase taxes, which in turn will generate even more poverty;

4) Gun Control — Remove the ability of people to defend themselves from the Government. That way you can create a police state.

5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of a person’s life (Food, Housing, Jobs and Income).

6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children study in school.

7) Religion — Remove the belief in God from government and schools.

8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into wealthy and poor. This will cause discontent and make it easier to increase taxes across the board without loosing the support of the poor by making everyone think you will only tax the rich!

One would think they coould come up with a candidate who could beat Trump without all the shenanigans. Dems represent what people really wamt in America, and Trump is a Nazi...then how come JOE BIDEN is the best they could find? The progressive party could only find a 77 year old white millionaire?
Joe is a very good candidate to change from stupidity. It is hard to believe even Q fuled Trumper could vote for this moronic figurehead.
View attachment 403652

I am talking about the Democratic Party. The PROGRESSIVES. I dont care if they were running against Abe Lincoln. Why is Joe Biden the best the left has to offer? Specifically why?
I have told, and told you and told you, what Joe brings to the table and what an idiot your charlatan is but you don't listen or cannot learn. :spank:

Why cant you talk to Joe without referring to Trump?

Maybe lets look at it a different way. Why was Joe the best candidate out of the primary? There were like 20 Dem candidates. Why was Joe the best of the Dem candidates in the primary?
He had the most experience in terms of years. He had the maturity and name recognition. He projected as the most centrist instead of extremist. Most people are sickened by the extremists on both sides after 4 years of Trump faithful. He had the experience of working across the aisle, back when it was OK to work across the aisle, unlike today. He had the experience of working in the White House and working on and consulting on White House level problems, policy and implementation of policy that actually did bring us cautiously out of the Bush crash years in a way that did not lead to runaway inflation, but a steady growth economy. Two others were somewhat centrist and I looked at them as backups in case something blew. One had charisma and logical centrist ideas, but baggage that the country was not ready for. The other was centrist, had Senate experience, smart and tough enough, but something about her always looked like the backup plan. I would have preferred her for VP, but understand to an extent the politics of the final choice. Understanding policy is important and one was a true policy wonk, but nobody including me planned to hear her lecture policy for 4 months, much less 4 years. She would make a hell of a professor, but not somebody I would want to follow unless ordered. The rest were the not ready for prime time players, Kamala included. We will see more of some of them.
That overall package that Joe brings to the table and who he was running against is why he was, is, and will be the last man standing. Kamala is getting and will be getting crash course hands-on training and experience. She will be fine as VP and will get better.
I know you do not believe and will not change your vote, but does that give you a respectable, even handed answer to the questions you asked? Have nothing against you. I just didn't vote your way because what you perceive as important to you, is not what is important to me.
I agree with Frank- Trump is going to win in a massive red wave/ blue flush. Lefty commie progs will be screaming at the moon again. Stock up on popcorn folks, it's gonna be wildly entertaining. We are looking at over a $2 billion in property damage from the "peaceful protesters" who rampaged through Democrat run shitholes so far this year, I expect that number to grow massively after the SPANKING they're about to get.

If you can’t stand Trump and can’t possibly fathom why anyone would vote for him, let me fill you lefttwits in. We can’t stand you. You’ve done everything in your power to destroy this country. Tearing down our police, opening our borders, changing our history, systematically destroying our schools, brainwashing children into thinking socialism is the answer, demonizing religion and faith, glorifying abortion, violence and thug culture, all while calling anyone who disagrees - RACISTS!!!

We are voting for Trump because of you! You are not woke, you are just annoying!!!

Trump 2020 Muthafucka! Fukoutahere!!

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