200,000 dead Americans are "virtually nobody" according to Trump

Forgive me but I don't trust the media. And no one is talking about how unhealthy we were as a country prior to COVID. Funny how you always dodge that topic. Uncomfortable? Dr. Trollfax.
Not dodging anything, there's nothing to discuss.

You don't trust anything that tells you what you don't want to hear which is cowardly. Just like Trump.
You just dodged it again. And you use my own verbiage. "Cowardly"; "troll"...come one Trollfax, you can do better than that. You are a little leftist liar aren't you. LOL
Feel free to make your point, or are you too afraid of doing that? I'm not dodging anything, you're just being evasive, vague and trolling with your pointless replies that lead to no discussion, just more childish name calling.

Either make a point like an adult or move on.

How many patients you seeing today "Doc"?
You mean the CDC? Again if you don’t agree that we are one of the unhealthiest countries in the world and rely too much on prescription drugs then I cannot help you. My doctor told me the reason I didnt have it worse is because of the shape I am in. I believe him. I do Not believe you.

Thank you for being one of the very few people here to even mention that. The fact that the crooks behind this scam never talk about building one's immune system, eating right, exercising, and taking ownership of one's own health… but instead only push masks, hand sanitizers, drugs, vaccines, etc. should be a red flag for anyone with two brain cells to rub together. They don't care about true health, what they care about is taking control over all of our medical decisions, like the authoritarian tyrants they are.

Anthony Fauci is 79 years old and runs 4 miles a day, with a mask.

Trump eats fast food and watches 8-16 hours of TV a day while playing with his cell phone.

What a surprise, another football mentality partisan who assumes I'm a Trump supporter.
Nope. You’re a conspiracy nutter.

Tell us how Bill Gates is going to use a vaccine to sterilize people!

I didn't say anything about Bill Gates. It's pretty pathetic that you have no argument whatsoever. ALL you have is regurgitated propaganda and ad hominems. No original thought whatsoever, just parroting what you're spoon-fed. Turn off the idiot box.

You’ve started entire threads about Bill Gates even veering into flirting with the vaccine using nanobots to track people.

You’re a nutter. There is nothing I can say to you that will change your mind.

I've started ONE thread about Bill Gates, and it was not about nanobots, liar. It was about his track record with vaccines.

And since he's one of the main players behind this whole scam, I'd say his track record is relevant. I pity people like you, who still trust everything they're spoon-fed by controlled MSM and have no clue what is actually going on in this world.
Ha! I love the sense of confidence conspiracy theorists have. It’s so fundamental to maintaining the belief. Like there’s a serious mental comfort in feeling so special.

You mentioned nanotechnology and tracking. It’s bizarre.

You need to get out more. You are pitifully ignorant.

Nah, man. I know plenty about the nutter conspiracy theories out there among people like yourself. The difference between us is that you can’t tell reality from fantasy.
You’re a fraud. Trollfax.
I find internet misinformation and conspiracy theories fascinating. This as much as anything is going to be a threat to functional society.

I watched a lot of Plandemic and more of Plandemic 2, which your fellow traveler seems to be skimming from, not that they’ll admit it if they are. People out there think COVID was manufactured as a means for governments and billionaires to seize control. It’s bonkers.
No. There is lab in Wuhan and they were lax with their safety measures. It wasn’t anything more than that. You’re just a dolt, Trollfax.
Oh, buddy. You should ask you’re friend buttercup about this because that nutter believes this would make you an ignorant and naive person.

Oh, and Mikovitz is in both Plandemic videos and also pops up in your little OANN report. She’s also a nutter, used to be a reasonable researcher but lost her marbles after her career was trashed due to fabricating data. Now she makes her living feeding off the right wing conspiracy industry.
Is there a lab in Wuhan? Yes or no?
Yes. Is there a lab in Boston?
Only a dick would answer a question with a question. Grow up, Trollfax.
Do you understand how you sound? Are you truly willing to destroy the National/World Economy based on a bug that frankly isn't nearly as "deadly" as Progs want to make it sound? If you are then God help you because you can't see past the end of your nose. Go ahead, crash it and then see what happens to people.
No one is willing to destroy the world economy. This is idiotic alarmist hyperbole.

The sad fact is that the shutdown would have been shorter and more effective if more people had been engaged and on board with it, rather than having Trump telling his followers that it was no big deal.

That's why Trump downplaying the virus was such a big deal. Because it made our response to it that much less effective.

Blah, blah, blah. Stuff your Prog crap. The shutdown will destroy the world economy. We've already lost THOUSNDS of businesses, do you want to lose more? It ISN"T a big deal unless you are over 60 with underlying chronic conditions. Secure THEM not the entire nation. You can't really be that obtuse. Of course you can

Wah! Stop saying things I don't want to hear Prog!

Give me a break.

If the Trump supporting idiots would have taken this seriously, we'd be through this by now.

You're just another liar son. Here are the CDC's stats.

0-19 years: 99.997%
20-49 years: 99.98%
50-69 years: 99.5%
70+ years: 94.6%


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
CDC provides credible COVID-19 health information to the U.S.
And what do you think this proves?
That healthy people are not dying of COVID........which we all know the 200,000 is a lie....they count every death if you have COVID...imagine doing that with the common cold....it would kill millions
Great. So if you happen to be older or have underlying conditions, sucks to be you? Of course not. The 200,000 is far from a lie. You're buying into the right wing narrative about "dying with COVID and not dying from COVID". This is not a serious argument given how it's clear when you're dealing with actual people who is dying of what. Furthermore, the odds of coincidentally dying at the same time as contracting COVID is not high. This would represent a small percentage of error even if true.
No, they actually came out and said if you die while in a car wreck with COVID, they count that as a COVID death....that's not right wing, that's how the number is calculated, but they don't do that for any other infection...If you have AIDS and die in a plane crash, they don't count that as an AIDS death....nor should they, but they do for COVID.

And yes people dying with COVID is pretty high considering you state 7 million cases since it started in the US alone? And as we've seen almost all the deaths are old people with preexisting conditions that kill them, not the COVID.....
You mean the CDC? Again if you don’t agree that we are one of the unhealthiest countries in the world and rely too much on prescription drugs then I cannot help you. My doctor told me the reason I didnt have it worse is because of the shape I am in. I believe him. I do Not believe you.

Thank you for being one of the very few people here to even mention that. The fact that the crooks behind this scam never talk about building one's immune system, eating right, exercising, and taking ownership of one's own health… but instead only push masks, hand sanitizers, drugs, vaccines, etc. should be a red flag for anyone with two brain cells to rub together. They don't care about true health, what they care about is taking control over all of our medical decisions, like the authoritarian tyrants they are.

Anthony Fauci is 79 years old and runs 4 miles a day, with a mask.

Trump eats fast food and watches 8-16 hours of TV a day while playing with his cell phone.

What a surprise, another football mentality partisan who assumes I'm a Trump supporter.
Nope. You’re a conspiracy nutter.

Tell us how Bill Gates is going to use a vaccine to sterilize people!

I didn't say anything about Bill Gates. It's pretty pathetic that you have no argument whatsoever. ALL you have is regurgitated propaganda and ad hominems. No original thought whatsoever, just parroting what you're spoon-fed. Turn off the idiot box.

You’ve started entire threads about Bill Gates even veering into flirting with the vaccine using nanobots to track people.

You’re a nutter. There is nothing I can say to you that will change your mind.

I've started ONE thread about Bill Gates, and it was not about nanobots, liar. It was about his track record with vaccines.

And since he's one of the main players behind this whole scam, I'd say his track record is relevant. I pity people like you, who still trust everything they're spoon-fed by controlled MSM and have no clue what is actually going on in this world.
Ha! I love the sense of confidence conspiracy theorists have. It’s so fundamental to maintaining the belief. Like there’s a serious mental comfort in feeling so special.

You mentioned nanotechnology and tracking. It’s bizarre.

You need to get out more. You are pitifully ignorant.

Nah, man. I know plenty about the nutter conspiracy theories out there among people like yourself. The difference between us is that you can’t tell reality from fantasy.
You’re a fraud. Trollfax.
I find internet misinformation and conspiracy theories fascinating. This as much as anything is going to be a threat to functional society.

I watched a lot of Plandemic and more of Plandemic 2, which your fellow traveler seems to be skimming from, not that they’ll admit it if they are. People out there think COVID was manufactured as a means for governments and billionaires to seize control. It’s bonkers.
No. There is lab in Wuhan and they were lax with their safety measures. It wasn’t anything more than that. You’re just a dolt, Trollfax.
Oh, buddy. You should ask you’re friend buttercup about this because that nutter believes this would make you an ignorant and naive person.

Oh, and Mikovitz is in both Plandemic videos and also pops up in your little OANN report. She’s also a nutter, used to be a reasonable researcher but lost her marbles after her career was trashed due to fabricating data. Now she makes her living feeding off the right wing conspiracy industry.
Is there a lab in Wuhan? Yes or no?
Yes. Is there a lab in Boston?
Only a dick would answer a question with a question. Grow up, Trollfax.
Do you understand how you sound? Are you truly willing to destroy the National/World Economy based on a bug that frankly isn't nearly as "deadly" as Progs want to make it sound? If you are then God help you because you can't see past the end of your nose. Go ahead, crash it and then see what happens to people.
No one is willing to destroy the world economy. This is idiotic alarmist hyperbole.

The sad fact is that the shutdown would have been shorter and more effective if more people had been engaged and on board with it, rather than having Trump telling his followers that it was no big deal.

That's why Trump downplaying the virus was such a big deal. Because it made our response to it that much less effective.

Blah, blah, blah. Stuff your Prog crap. The shutdown will destroy the world economy. We've already lost THOUSNDS of businesses, do you want to lose more? It ISN"T a big deal unless you are over 60 with underlying chronic conditions. Secure THEM not the entire nation. You can't really be that obtuse. Of course you can

Wah! Stop saying things I don't want to hear Prog!

Give me a break.

If the Trump supporting idiots would have taken this seriously, we'd be through this by now.

You're just another liar son. Here are the CDC's stats.

0-19 years: 99.997%
20-49 years: 99.98%
50-69 years: 99.5%
70+ years: 94.6%


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
CDC provides credible COVID-19 health information to the U.S.
And what do you think this proves?

You continue to be bitc* slapped kid.

I've already stated the issues with "locking down" the elderly. It doesn't work. It's not practical.

But if that's the route you wanted to go down, Trump could have made this happen but this would have required him to be a leader, which he isn't. He failed you.
"He"....versus they...meaning the Governors.

Got it. Let's blame one man.
Supposedly he's supposed to be a leader of the country. Apparently he prefers leading from behind. We need a real leader instead if this one can't handle it.
I agree. We should have reopened around Easter. He caved to the cowardly Leftists.

Like I said, Trump is not a leader. He's too scared to be one. He doesn't want to be held accountable because he's scared.

That's not the kind of person that we need in the most powerful position.
It was an unprecedented event and he has stepped up since. We will see in November what happens. The alternative is Joe Biden. LOL.

He hasn't stepped up since, he's hiding from it, pretending that it's no longer an issue. Practically refuses to talk about it after his train wreck interview with Swan.

Trump isn't a leader. He never will be.
Really? He talks about it constantly. He is pushing for vaccines to be rushed. How exactly is he hiding? You have him confused with basement Joe. Just admit you're biased. If not for COVID you would find other reasons to trash the man. You're a Leftist.

He's hiding from any serious discussion. He never answers the actual question. Answering questions is hard. Trump is a coward so he doesn't do it. He talks, but he doesn't say anything. Seriously, look at his statements. They're vague nonsense. There's very little in his responses that is actually concrete. What this country lacks is the ability to tell who is bullshitting.

There's lots of reasons to trash this man, but none so clear as his handling of COVID, which was perfectly predictable if you actually look at who he is. This is pretty much exactly what we told you would happen. You should have listened to us in 2016.
Forgive me but I don't trust the media. And no one is talking about how unhealthy we were as a country prior to COVID. Funny how you always dodge that topic. Uncomfortable? Dr. Trollfax.
Not dodging anything, there's nothing to discuss.

You don't trust anything that tells you what you don't want to hear which is cowardly. Just like Trump.
You just dodged it again. And you use my own verbiage. "Cowardly"; "troll"...come one Trollfax, you can do better than that. You are a little leftist liar aren't you. LOL
Feel free to make your point, or are you too afraid of doing that? I'm not dodging anything, you're just being evasive, vague and trolling with your pointless replies that lead to no discussion, just more childish name calling.

Either make a point like an adult or move on.

How many patients you seeing today "Doc"?
None in person, I'm on vacation but I'm still at home calling people and updating them on test results and fielding pages every once in a while.

There is no day off.
Forgive me but I don't trust the media. And no one is talking about how unhealthy we were as a country prior to COVID. Funny how you always dodge that topic. Uncomfortable? Dr. Trollfax.
Not dodging anything, there's nothing to discuss.

You don't trust anything that tells you what you don't want to hear which is cowardly. Just like Trump.
You just dodged it again. And you use my own verbiage. "Cowardly"; "troll"...come one Trollfax, you can do better than that. You are a little leftist liar aren't you. LOL
Feel free to make your point, or are you too afraid of doing that? I'm not dodging anything, you're just being evasive, vague and trolling with your pointless replies that lead to no discussion, just more childish name calling.

Either make a point like an adult or move on.

How many patients you seeing today "Doc"?
None in person, I'm on vacation but I'm still at home calling people and updating them on test results and fielding pages every once in a while.

There is no day off.

LOL, you're here every day all day. Can I see your White Jacket and stethoscope?
You mean the CDC? Again if you don’t agree that we are one of the unhealthiest countries in the world and rely too much on prescription drugs then I cannot help you. My doctor told me the reason I didnt have it worse is because of the shape I am in. I believe him. I do Not believe you.

Thank you for being one of the very few people here to even mention that. The fact that the crooks behind this scam never talk about building one's immune system, eating right, exercising, and taking ownership of one's own health… but instead only push masks, hand sanitizers, drugs, vaccines, etc. should be a red flag for anyone with two brain cells to rub together. They don't care about true health, what they care about is taking control over all of our medical decisions, like the authoritarian tyrants they are.

Anthony Fauci is 79 years old and runs 4 miles a day, with a mask.

Trump eats fast food and watches 8-16 hours of TV a day while playing with his cell phone.

What a surprise, another football mentality partisan who assumes I'm a Trump supporter.
Nope. You’re a conspiracy nutter.

Tell us how Bill Gates is going to use a vaccine to sterilize people!

I didn't say anything about Bill Gates. It's pretty pathetic that you have no argument whatsoever. ALL you have is regurgitated propaganda and ad hominems. No original thought whatsoever, just parroting what you're spoon-fed. Turn off the idiot box.

You’ve started entire threads about Bill Gates even veering into flirting with the vaccine using nanobots to track people.

You’re a nutter. There is nothing I can say to you that will change your mind.

I've started ONE thread about Bill Gates, and it was not about nanobots, liar. It was about his track record with vaccines.

And since he's one of the main players behind this whole scam, I'd say his track record is relevant. I pity people like you, who still trust everything they're spoon-fed by controlled MSM and have no clue what is actually going on in this world.
Ha! I love the sense of confidence conspiracy theorists have. It’s so fundamental to maintaining the belief. Like there’s a serious mental comfort in feeling so special.

You mentioned nanotechnology and tracking. It’s bizarre.

You need to get out more. You are pitifully ignorant.

Nah, man. I know plenty about the nutter conspiracy theories out there among people like yourself. The difference between us is that you can’t tell reality from fantasy.
You’re a fraud. Trollfax.
I find internet misinformation and conspiracy theories fascinating. This as much as anything is going to be a threat to functional society.

I watched a lot of Plandemic and more of Plandemic 2, which your fellow traveler seems to be skimming from, not that they’ll admit it if they are. People out there think COVID was manufactured as a means for governments and billionaires to seize control. It’s bonkers.
No. There is lab in Wuhan and they were lax with their safety measures. It wasn’t anything more than that. You’re just a dolt, Trollfax.
Oh, buddy. You should ask you’re friend buttercup about this because that nutter believes this would make you an ignorant and naive person.

Oh, and Mikovitz is in both Plandemic videos and also pops up in your little OANN report. She’s also a nutter, used to be a reasonable researcher but lost her marbles after her career was trashed due to fabricating data. Now she makes her living feeding off the right wing conspiracy industry.
Is there a lab in Wuhan? Yes or no?
Yes. Is there a lab in Boston?
Only a dick would answer a question with a question. Grow up, Trollfax.
Do you understand how you sound? Are you truly willing to destroy the National/World Economy based on a bug that frankly isn't nearly as "deadly" as Progs want to make it sound? If you are then God help you because you can't see past the end of your nose. Go ahead, crash it and then see what happens to people.
No one is willing to destroy the world economy. This is idiotic alarmist hyperbole.

The sad fact is that the shutdown would have been shorter and more effective if more people had been engaged and on board with it, rather than having Trump telling his followers that it was no big deal.

That's why Trump downplaying the virus was such a big deal. Because it made our response to it that much less effective.

Blah, blah, blah. Stuff your Prog crap. The shutdown will destroy the world economy. We've already lost THOUSNDS of businesses, do you want to lose more? It ISN"T a big deal unless you are over 60 with underlying chronic conditions. Secure THEM not the entire nation. You can't really be that obtuse. Of course you can

Wah! Stop saying things I don't want to hear Prog!

Give me a break.

If the Trump supporting idiots would have taken this seriously, we'd be through this by now.

You're just another liar son. Here are the CDC's stats.

0-19 years: 99.997%
20-49 years: 99.98%
50-69 years: 99.5%
70+ years: 94.6%


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
CDC provides credible COVID-19 health information to the U.S.
And what do you think this proves?
That healthy people are not dying of COVID........which we all know the 200,000 is a lie....they count every death if you have COVID...imagine doing that with the common cold....it would kill millions
Great. So if you happen to be older or have underlying conditions, sucks to be you? Of course not. The 200,000 is far from a lie. You're buying into the right wing narrative about "dying with COVID and not dying from COVID". This is not a serious argument given how it's clear when you're dealing with actual people who is dying of what. Furthermore, the odds of coincidentally dying at the same time as contracting COVID is not high. This would represent a small percentage of error even if true.
No, they actually came out and said if you die while in a car wreck with COVID, they count that as a COVID death....that's not right wing, that's how the number is calculated, but they don't do that for any other infection...If you have AIDS and die in a plane crash, they don't count that as an AIDS death....nor should they, but they do for COVID.

And yes people dying with COVID is pretty high considering you state 7 million cases since it started in the US alone? And as we've seen almost all the deaths are old people with preexisting conditions that kill them, not the COVID.....
No, they don't count car wrecks as COVID deaths. Some of those numbers are included mistakenly in the data and weeded out. Data is never perfect when it's thousands upon thousands of sources and points. Any error represents a small fraction of the total.
Forgive me but I don't trust the media. And no one is talking about how unhealthy we were as a country prior to COVID. Funny how you always dodge that topic. Uncomfortable? Dr. Trollfax.
Not dodging anything, there's nothing to discuss.

You don't trust anything that tells you what you don't want to hear which is cowardly. Just like Trump.
You just dodged it again. And you use my own verbiage. "Cowardly"; "troll"...come one Trollfax, you can do better than that. You are a little leftist liar aren't you. LOL
Feel free to make your point, or are you too afraid of doing that? I'm not dodging anything, you're just being evasive, vague and trolling with your pointless replies that lead to no discussion, just more childish name calling.

Either make a point like an adult or move on.
I have made my point. We were unhealthy prior to COVID. The 200k, 95% of them were old and or very unhealthy and majority of the deaths were in NY, MA and NJ...blue states.
Forgive me but I don't trust the media. And no one is talking about how unhealthy we were as a country prior to COVID. Funny how you always dodge that topic. Uncomfortable? Dr. Trollfax.
Not dodging anything, there's nothing to discuss.

You don't trust anything that tells you what you don't want to hear which is cowardly. Just like Trump.
You just dodged it again. And you use my own verbiage. "Cowardly"; "troll"...come one Trollfax, you can do better than that. You are a little leftist liar aren't you. LOL
Feel free to make your point, or are you too afraid of doing that? I'm not dodging anything, you're just being evasive, vague and trolling with your pointless replies that lead to no discussion, just more childish name calling.

Either make a point like an adult or move on.

How many patients you seeing today "Doc"?
None in person, I'm on vacation but I'm still at home calling people and updating them on test results and fielding pages every once in a while.

There is no day off.

LOL, you're here every day all day. Can I see your White Jacket and stethoscope?
Don't be creepy.
You mean the CDC? Again if you don’t agree that we are one of the unhealthiest countries in the world and rely too much on prescription drugs then I cannot help you. My doctor told me the reason I didnt have it worse is because of the shape I am in. I believe him. I do Not believe you.

Thank you for being one of the very few people here to even mention that. The fact that the crooks behind this scam never talk about building one's immune system, eating right, exercising, and taking ownership of one's own health… but instead only push masks, hand sanitizers, drugs, vaccines, etc. should be a red flag for anyone with two brain cells to rub together. They don't care about true health, what they care about is taking control over all of our medical decisions, like the authoritarian tyrants they are.

Anthony Fauci is 79 years old and runs 4 miles a day, with a mask.

Trump eats fast food and watches 8-16 hours of TV a day while playing with his cell phone.

What a surprise, another football mentality partisan who assumes I'm a Trump supporter.
Nope. You’re a conspiracy nutter.

Tell us how Bill Gates is going to use a vaccine to sterilize people!

I didn't say anything about Bill Gates. It's pretty pathetic that you have no argument whatsoever. ALL you have is regurgitated propaganda and ad hominems. No original thought whatsoever, just parroting what you're spoon-fed. Turn off the idiot box.

You’ve started entire threads about Bill Gates even veering into flirting with the vaccine using nanobots to track people.

You’re a nutter. There is nothing I can say to you that will change your mind.

I've started ONE thread about Bill Gates, and it was not about nanobots, liar. It was about his track record with vaccines.

And since he's one of the main players behind this whole scam, I'd say his track record is relevant. I pity people like you, who still trust everything they're spoon-fed by controlled MSM and have no clue what is actually going on in this world.
Ha! I love the sense of confidence conspiracy theorists have. It’s so fundamental to maintaining the belief. Like there’s a serious mental comfort in feeling so special.

You mentioned nanotechnology and tracking. It’s bizarre.

You need to get out more. You are pitifully ignorant.

Nah, man. I know plenty about the nutter conspiracy theories out there among people like yourself. The difference between us is that you can’t tell reality from fantasy.
You’re a fraud. Trollfax.
I find internet misinformation and conspiracy theories fascinating. This as much as anything is going to be a threat to functional society.

I watched a lot of Plandemic and more of Plandemic 2, which your fellow traveler seems to be skimming from, not that they’ll admit it if they are. People out there think COVID was manufactured as a means for governments and billionaires to seize control. It’s bonkers.
No. There is lab in Wuhan and they were lax with their safety measures. It wasn’t anything more than that. You’re just a dolt, Trollfax.
Oh, buddy. You should ask you’re friend buttercup about this because that nutter believes this would make you an ignorant and naive person.

Oh, and Mikovitz is in both Plandemic videos and also pops up in your little OANN report. She’s also a nutter, used to be a reasonable researcher but lost her marbles after her career was trashed due to fabricating data. Now she makes her living feeding off the right wing conspiracy industry.
Is there a lab in Wuhan? Yes or no?
Yes. Is there a lab in Boston?
Only a dick would answer a question with a question. Grow up, Trollfax.
Do you understand how you sound? Are you truly willing to destroy the National/World Economy based on a bug that frankly isn't nearly as "deadly" as Progs want to make it sound? If you are then God help you because you can't see past the end of your nose. Go ahead, crash it and then see what happens to people.
No one is willing to destroy the world economy. This is idiotic alarmist hyperbole.

The sad fact is that the shutdown would have been shorter and more effective if more people had been engaged and on board with it, rather than having Trump telling his followers that it was no big deal.

That's why Trump downplaying the virus was such a big deal. Because it made our response to it that much less effective.

Blah, blah, blah. Stuff your Prog crap. The shutdown will destroy the world economy. We've already lost THOUSNDS of businesses, do you want to lose more? It ISN"T a big deal unless you are over 60 with underlying chronic conditions. Secure THEM not the entire nation. You can't really be that obtuse. Of course you can

Wah! Stop saying things I don't want to hear Prog!

Give me a break.

If the Trump supporting idiots would have taken this seriously, we'd be through this by now.

You're just another liar son. Here are the CDC's stats.

0-19 years: 99.997%
20-49 years: 99.98%
50-69 years: 99.5%
70+ years: 94.6%


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
CDC provides credible COVID-19 health information to the U.S.
And what do you think this proves?

You continue to be bitc* slapped kid.

I've already stated the issues with "locking down" the elderly. It doesn't work. It's not practical.

But if that's the route you wanted to go down, Trump could have made this happen but this would have required him to be a leader, which he isn't. He failed you.
"He"....versus they...meaning the Governors.

Got it. Let's blame one man.
Supposedly he's supposed to be a leader of the country. Apparently he prefers leading from behind. We need a real leader instead if this one can't handle it.
I agree. We should have reopened around Easter. He caved to the cowardly Leftists.

Like I said, Trump is not a leader. He's too scared to be one. He doesn't want to be held accountable because he's scared.

That's not the kind of person that we need in the most powerful position.
It was an unprecedented event and he has stepped up since. We will see in November what happens. The alternative is Joe Biden. LOL.
The alternative is president Xi through his communist administrators.
This isn't apples and oranges. This is explaining clearly how the right uses fear as a means to drive their agenda.
ohhhhhhh as Lurch would say. yeah, cause rioting looting and killing innocent people who don't cowtie to the BLM views are not in fear. gotcha. son, what a waste of oxygen you are.
Forgive me but I don't trust the media. And no one is talking about how unhealthy we were as a country prior to COVID. Funny how you always dodge that topic. Uncomfortable? Dr. Trollfax.
Not dodging anything, there's nothing to discuss.

You don't trust anything that tells you what you don't want to hear which is cowardly. Just like Trump.
You just dodged it again. And you use my own verbiage. "Cowardly"; "troll"...come one Trollfax, you can do better than that. You are a little leftist liar aren't you. LOL
Feel free to make your point, or are you too afraid of doing that? I'm not dodging anything, you're just being evasive, vague and trolling with your pointless replies that lead to no discussion, just more childish name calling.

Either make a point like an adult or move on.
I have made my point. We were unhealthy prior to COVID. The 200k, 95% of them were old and or very unhealthy and majority of the deaths were in NY, MA and NJ...blue states.
Okay, so what do you want to discuss?
You mean the CDC? Again if you don’t agree that we are one of the unhealthiest countries in the world and rely too much on prescription drugs then I cannot help you. My doctor told me the reason I didnt have it worse is because of the shape I am in. I believe him. I do Not believe you.

Thank you for being one of the very few people here to even mention that. The fact that the crooks behind this scam never talk about building one's immune system, eating right, exercising, and taking ownership of one's own health… but instead only push masks, hand sanitizers, drugs, vaccines, etc. should be a red flag for anyone with two brain cells to rub together. They don't care about true health, what they care about is taking control over all of our medical decisions, like the authoritarian tyrants they are.

Anthony Fauci is 79 years old and runs 4 miles a day, with a mask.

Trump eats fast food and watches 8-16 hours of TV a day while playing with his cell phone.

What a surprise, another football mentality partisan who assumes I'm a Trump supporter.
Nope. You’re a conspiracy nutter.

Tell us how Bill Gates is going to use a vaccine to sterilize people!

I didn't say anything about Bill Gates. It's pretty pathetic that you have no argument whatsoever. ALL you have is regurgitated propaganda and ad hominems. No original thought whatsoever, just parroting what you're spoon-fed. Turn off the idiot box.

You’ve started entire threads about Bill Gates even veering into flirting with the vaccine using nanobots to track people.

You’re a nutter. There is nothing I can say to you that will change your mind.

I've started ONE thread about Bill Gates, and it was not about nanobots, liar. It was about his track record with vaccines.

And since he's one of the main players behind this whole scam, I'd say his track record is relevant. I pity people like you, who still trust everything they're spoon-fed by controlled MSM and have no clue what is actually going on in this world.
Ha! I love the sense of confidence conspiracy theorists have. It’s so fundamental to maintaining the belief. Like there’s a serious mental comfort in feeling so special.

You mentioned nanotechnology and tracking. It’s bizarre.

You need to get out more. You are pitifully ignorant.

Nah, man. I know plenty about the nutter conspiracy theories out there among people like yourself. The difference between us is that you can’t tell reality from fantasy.
You’re a fraud. Trollfax.
I find internet misinformation and conspiracy theories fascinating. This as much as anything is going to be a threat to functional society.

I watched a lot of Plandemic and more of Plandemic 2, which your fellow traveler seems to be skimming from, not that they’ll admit it if they are. People out there think COVID was manufactured as a means for governments and billionaires to seize control. It’s bonkers.
No. There is lab in Wuhan and they were lax with their safety measures. It wasn’t anything more than that. You’re just a dolt, Trollfax.
Oh, buddy. You should ask you’re friend buttercup about this because that nutter believes this would make you an ignorant and naive person.

Oh, and Mikovitz is in both Plandemic videos and also pops up in your little OANN report. She’s also a nutter, used to be a reasonable researcher but lost her marbles after her career was trashed due to fabricating data. Now she makes her living feeding off the right wing conspiracy industry.
Is there a lab in Wuhan? Yes or no?
Yes. Is there a lab in Boston?
Only a dick would answer a question with a question. Grow up, Trollfax.
Do you understand how you sound? Are you truly willing to destroy the National/World Economy based on a bug that frankly isn't nearly as "deadly" as Progs want to make it sound? If you are then God help you because you can't see past the end of your nose. Go ahead, crash it and then see what happens to people.
No one is willing to destroy the world economy. This is idiotic alarmist hyperbole.

The sad fact is that the shutdown would have been shorter and more effective if more people had been engaged and on board with it, rather than having Trump telling his followers that it was no big deal.

That's why Trump downplaying the virus was such a big deal. Because it made our response to it that much less effective.

Blah, blah, blah. Stuff your Prog crap. The shutdown will destroy the world economy. We've already lost THOUSNDS of businesses, do you want to lose more? It ISN"T a big deal unless you are over 60 with underlying chronic conditions. Secure THEM not the entire nation. You can't really be that obtuse. Of course you can

Wah! Stop saying things I don't want to hear Prog!

Give me a break.

If the Trump supporting idiots would have taken this seriously, we'd be through this by now.

You're just another liar son. Here are the CDC's stats.

0-19 years: 99.997%
20-49 years: 99.98%
50-69 years: 99.5%
70+ years: 94.6%


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
CDC provides credible COVID-19 health information to the U.S.
And what do you think this proves?
That healthy people are not dying of COVID........which we all know the 200,000 is a lie....they count every death if you have COVID...imagine doing that with the common cold....it would kill millions
Great. So if you happen to be older or have underlying conditions, sucks to be you? Of course not. The 200,000 is far from a lie. You're buying into the right wing narrative about "dying with COVID and not dying from COVID". This is not a serious argument given how it's clear when you're dealing with actual people who is dying of what. Furthermore, the odds of coincidentally dying at the same time as contracting COVID is not high. This would represent a small percentage of error even if true.
No, they actually came out and said if you die while in a car wreck with COVID, they count that as a COVID death....that's not right wing, that's how the number is calculated, but they don't do that for any other infection...If you have AIDS and die in a plane crash, they don't count that as an AIDS death....nor should they, but they do for COVID.

And yes people dying with COVID is pretty high considering you state 7 million cases since it started in the US alone? And as we've seen almost all the deaths are old people with preexisting conditions that kill them, not the COVID.....
No, they don't count car wrecks as COVID deaths. Some of those numbers are included mistakenly in the data and weeded out. Data is never perfect when it's thousands upon thousands of sources and points. Any error represents a small fraction of the total.
YES they do

Forgive me but I don't trust the media. And no one is talking about how unhealthy we were as a country prior to COVID. Funny how you always dodge that topic. Uncomfortable? Dr. Trollfax.
Not dodging anything, there's nothing to discuss.

You don't trust anything that tells you what you don't want to hear which is cowardly. Just like Trump.
You just dodged it again. And you use my own verbiage. "Cowardly"; "troll"...come one Trollfax, you can do better than that. You are a little leftist liar aren't you. LOL
Feel free to make your point, or are you too afraid of doing that? I'm not dodging anything, you're just being evasive, vague and trolling with your pointless replies that lead to no discussion, just more childish name calling.

Either make a point like an adult or move on.

How many patients you seeing today "Doc"?
None in person, I'm on vacation but I'm still at home calling people and updating them on test results and fielding pages every once in a while.

There is no day off.

LOL, you're here every day all day. Can I see your White Jacket and stethoscope?
Don't be creepy.
Are you talking to yourself? You refuse to admit that the reason we have so many deaths is because we were unhealthy to begin with. Rarely does COVID-19 kill fairly healthy people who aren't overweight. You keep dancing around it like some prancing Nancy boy. Trump didn't make us fat. Our bad eating habits did. You are not a doctor. You are a liar.
No, they don't count car wrecks as COVID deaths. Some of those numbers are included mistakenly in the data and weeded out. Data is never perfect when it's thousands upon thousands of sources and points. Any error represents a small fraction of the total.
they're counting every death as Wuhan/ china flu.
You mean the CDC? Again if you don’t agree that we are one of the unhealthiest countries in the world and rely too much on prescription drugs then I cannot help you. My doctor told me the reason I didnt have it worse is because of the shape I am in. I believe him. I do Not believe you.

Thank you for being one of the very few people here to even mention that. The fact that the crooks behind this scam never talk about building one's immune system, eating right, exercising, and taking ownership of one's own health… but instead only push masks, hand sanitizers, drugs, vaccines, etc. should be a red flag for anyone with two brain cells to rub together. They don't care about true health, what they care about is taking control over all of our medical decisions, like the authoritarian tyrants they are.

Anthony Fauci is 79 years old and runs 4 miles a day, with a mask.

Trump eats fast food and watches 8-16 hours of TV a day while playing with his cell phone.

What a surprise, another football mentality partisan who assumes I'm a Trump supporter.
Nope. You’re a conspiracy nutter.

Tell us how Bill Gates is going to use a vaccine to sterilize people!

I didn't say anything about Bill Gates. It's pretty pathetic that you have no argument whatsoever. ALL you have is regurgitated propaganda and ad hominems. No original thought whatsoever, just parroting what you're spoon-fed. Turn off the idiot box.

You’ve started entire threads about Bill Gates even veering into flirting with the vaccine using nanobots to track people.

You’re a nutter. There is nothing I can say to you that will change your mind.

I've started ONE thread about Bill Gates, and it was not about nanobots, liar. It was about his track record with vaccines.

And since he's one of the main players behind this whole scam, I'd say his track record is relevant. I pity people like you, who still trust everything they're spoon-fed by controlled MSM and have no clue what is actually going on in this world.
Ha! I love the sense of confidence conspiracy theorists have. It’s so fundamental to maintaining the belief. Like there’s a serious mental comfort in feeling so special.

You mentioned nanotechnology and tracking. It’s bizarre.

You need to get out more. You are pitifully ignorant.

Nah, man. I know plenty about the nutter conspiracy theories out there among people like yourself. The difference between us is that you can’t tell reality from fantasy.
You’re a fraud. Trollfax.
I find internet misinformation and conspiracy theories fascinating. This as much as anything is going to be a threat to functional society.

I watched a lot of Plandemic and more of Plandemic 2, which your fellow traveler seems to be skimming from, not that they’ll admit it if they are. People out there think COVID was manufactured as a means for governments and billionaires to seize control. It’s bonkers.
No. There is lab in Wuhan and they were lax with their safety measures. It wasn’t anything more than that. You’re just a dolt, Trollfax.
Oh, buddy. You should ask you’re friend buttercup about this because that nutter believes this would make you an ignorant and naive person.

Oh, and Mikovitz is in both Plandemic videos and also pops up in your little OANN report. She’s also a nutter, used to be a reasonable researcher but lost her marbles after her career was trashed due to fabricating data. Now she makes her living feeding off the right wing conspiracy industry.
Is there a lab in Wuhan? Yes or no?
Yes. Is there a lab in Boston?
Only a dick would answer a question with a question. Grow up, Trollfax.
Do you understand how you sound? Are you truly willing to destroy the National/World Economy based on a bug that frankly isn't nearly as "deadly" as Progs want to make it sound? If you are then God help you because you can't see past the end of your nose. Go ahead, crash it and then see what happens to people.
No one is willing to destroy the world economy. This is idiotic alarmist hyperbole.

The sad fact is that the shutdown would have been shorter and more effective if more people had been engaged and on board with it, rather than having Trump telling his followers that it was no big deal.

That's why Trump downplaying the virus was such a big deal. Because it made our response to it that much less effective.

Blah, blah, blah. Stuff your Prog crap. The shutdown will destroy the world economy. We've already lost THOUSNDS of businesses, do you want to lose more? It ISN"T a big deal unless you are over 60 with underlying chronic conditions. Secure THEM not the entire nation. You can't really be that obtuse. Of course you can

Wah! Stop saying things I don't want to hear Prog!

Give me a break.

If the Trump supporting idiots would have taken this seriously, we'd be through this by now.

You're just another liar son. Here are the CDC's stats.

0-19 years: 99.997%
20-49 years: 99.98%
50-69 years: 99.5%
70+ years: 94.6%


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
CDC provides credible COVID-19 health information to the U.S.
And what do you think this proves?

You continue to be bitc* slapped kid.

I've already stated the issues with "locking down" the elderly. It doesn't work. It's not practical.

But if that's the route you wanted to go down, Trump could have made this happen but this would have required him to be a leader, which he isn't. He failed you.

He isn't my leader, nothing you say has any merit. You've been shown your hysteria is misguided.
He's the president of the United States so his lack of leadership is precisely why he shouldn't be in that position.
Says you. We have elections for a reason. Let the people decide. You're such a Leftist troll.
The people will decide, sort of. The electoral college isn't exact the people but it's closish.

Just giving my opinion, sorry if that upsets you.
You mean the CDC? Again if you don’t agree that we are one of the unhealthiest countries in the world and rely too much on prescription drugs then I cannot help you. My doctor told me the reason I didnt have it worse is because of the shape I am in. I believe him. I do Not believe you.

Thank you for being one of the very few people here to even mention that. The fact that the crooks behind this scam never talk about building one's immune system, eating right, exercising, and taking ownership of one's own health… but instead only push masks, hand sanitizers, drugs, vaccines, etc. should be a red flag for anyone with two brain cells to rub together. They don't care about true health, what they care about is taking control over all of our medical decisions, like the authoritarian tyrants they are.

Anthony Fauci is 79 years old and runs 4 miles a day, with a mask.

Trump eats fast food and watches 8-16 hours of TV a day while playing with his cell phone.

What a surprise, another football mentality partisan who assumes I'm a Trump supporter.
Nope. You’re a conspiracy nutter.

Tell us how Bill Gates is going to use a vaccine to sterilize people!

I didn't say anything about Bill Gates. It's pretty pathetic that you have no argument whatsoever. ALL you have is regurgitated propaganda and ad hominems. No original thought whatsoever, just parroting what you're spoon-fed. Turn off the idiot box.

You’ve started entire threads about Bill Gates even veering into flirting with the vaccine using nanobots to track people.

You’re a nutter. There is nothing I can say to you that will change your mind.

I've started ONE thread about Bill Gates, and it was not about nanobots, liar. It was about his track record with vaccines.

And since he's one of the main players behind this whole scam, I'd say his track record is relevant. I pity people like you, who still trust everything they're spoon-fed by controlled MSM and have no clue what is actually going on in this world.
Ha! I love the sense of confidence conspiracy theorists have. It’s so fundamental to maintaining the belief. Like there’s a serious mental comfort in feeling so special.

You mentioned nanotechnology and tracking. It’s bizarre.

You need to get out more. You are pitifully ignorant.

Nah, man. I know plenty about the nutter conspiracy theories out there among people like yourself. The difference between us is that you can’t tell reality from fantasy.
You’re a fraud. Trollfax.
I find internet misinformation and conspiracy theories fascinating. This as much as anything is going to be a threat to functional society.

I watched a lot of Plandemic and more of Plandemic 2, which your fellow traveler seems to be skimming from, not that they’ll admit it if they are. People out there think COVID was manufactured as a means for governments and billionaires to seize control. It’s bonkers.
No. There is lab in Wuhan and they were lax with their safety measures. It wasn’t anything more than that. You’re just a dolt, Trollfax.
Oh, buddy. You should ask you’re friend buttercup about this because that nutter believes this would make you an ignorant and naive person.

Oh, and Mikovitz is in both Plandemic videos and also pops up in your little OANN report. She’s also a nutter, used to be a reasonable researcher but lost her marbles after her career was trashed due to fabricating data. Now she makes her living feeding off the right wing conspiracy industry.
Is there a lab in Wuhan? Yes or no?
Yes. Is there a lab in Boston?
Only a dick would answer a question with a question. Grow up, Trollfax.
Do you understand how you sound? Are you truly willing to destroy the National/World Economy based on a bug that frankly isn't nearly as "deadly" as Progs want to make it sound? If you are then God help you because you can't see past the end of your nose. Go ahead, crash it and then see what happens to people.
No one is willing to destroy the world economy. This is idiotic alarmist hyperbole.

The sad fact is that the shutdown would have been shorter and more effective if more people had been engaged and on board with it, rather than having Trump telling his followers that it was no big deal.

That's why Trump downplaying the virus was such a big deal. Because it made our response to it that much less effective.

Blah, blah, blah. Stuff your Prog crap. The shutdown will destroy the world economy. We've already lost THOUSNDS of businesses, do you want to lose more? It ISN"T a big deal unless you are over 60 with underlying chronic conditions. Secure THEM not the entire nation. You can't really be that obtuse. Of course you can

Wah! Stop saying things I don't want to hear Prog!

Give me a break.

If the Trump supporting idiots would have taken this seriously, we'd be through this by now.

You're just another liar son. Here are the CDC's stats.

0-19 years: 99.997%
20-49 years: 99.98%
50-69 years: 99.5%
70+ years: 94.6%


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
CDC provides credible COVID-19 health information to the U.S.
And what do you think this proves?

You continue to be bitc* slapped kid.

I've already stated the issues with "locking down" the elderly. It doesn't work. It's not practical.

But if that's the route you wanted to go down, Trump could have made this happen but this would have required him to be a leader, which he isn't. He failed you.

He isn't my leader, nothing you say has any merit. You've been shown your hysteria is misguided.
He's the president of the United States so his lack of leadership is precisely why he shouldn't be in that position.
Says you. We have elections for a reason. Let the people decide. You're such a Leftist troll.
The people will decide, sort of. The electoral college isn't exact the people but it's closish.

Just giving my opinion, sorry if that upsets you.

Show proof that I am "upset"...EC is closish. IMO my vote should count more than yours but unfortunately no system is perfect. We do agree on something. You are sorry.
Forgive me but I don't trust the media. And no one is talking about how unhealthy we were as a country prior to COVID. Funny how you always dodge that topic. Uncomfortable? Dr. Trollfax.
Not dodging anything, there's nothing to discuss.

You don't trust anything that tells you what you don't want to hear which is cowardly. Just like Trump.
You just dodged it again. And you use my own verbiage. "Cowardly"; "troll"...come one Trollfax, you can do better than that. You are a little leftist liar aren't you. LOL
Feel free to make your point, or are you too afraid of doing that? I'm not dodging anything, you're just being evasive, vague and trolling with your pointless replies that lead to no discussion, just more childish name calling.

Either make a point like an adult or move on.

How many patients you seeing today "Doc"?
None in person, I'm on vacation but I'm still at home calling people and updating them on test results and fielding pages every once in a while.

There is no day off.

LOL, you're here every day all day. Can I see your White Jacket and stethoscope?
Don't be creepy.
Are you talking to yourself? You refuse to admit that the reason we have so many deaths is because we were unhealthy to begin with. Rarely does COVID-19 kill fairly healthy people who aren't overweight. You keep dancing around it like some prancing Nancy boy. Trump didn't make us fat. Our bad eating habits did. You are not a doctor. You are a liar.
That's one reason. It would be childishly simplistic to say that's the only reason.

Given we know that the country has a high proportion of overweight, hypertension, diabetics, and elderly it makes sense that we would take something like COVID very seriously rather than downplaying it.

Trump isn't a leader. Remember that when you go into vote this year.
You mean the CDC? Again if you don’t agree that we are one of the unhealthiest countries in the world and rely too much on prescription drugs then I cannot help you. My doctor told me the reason I didnt have it worse is because of the shape I am in. I believe him. I do Not believe you.

Thank you for being one of the very few people here to even mention that. The fact that the crooks behind this scam never talk about building one's immune system, eating right, exercising, and taking ownership of one's own health… but instead only push masks, hand sanitizers, drugs, vaccines, etc. should be a red flag for anyone with two brain cells to rub together. They don't care about true health, what they care about is taking control over all of our medical decisions, like the authoritarian tyrants they are.

Anthony Fauci is 79 years old and runs 4 miles a day, with a mask.

Trump eats fast food and watches 8-16 hours of TV a day while playing with his cell phone.

What a surprise, another football mentality partisan who assumes I'm a Trump supporter.
Nope. You’re a conspiracy nutter.

Tell us how Bill Gates is going to use a vaccine to sterilize people!

I didn't say anything about Bill Gates. It's pretty pathetic that you have no argument whatsoever. ALL you have is regurgitated propaganda and ad hominems. No original thought whatsoever, just parroting what you're spoon-fed. Turn off the idiot box.

You’ve started entire threads about Bill Gates even veering into flirting with the vaccine using nanobots to track people.

You’re a nutter. There is nothing I can say to you that will change your mind.

I've started ONE thread about Bill Gates, and it was not about nanobots, liar. It was about his track record with vaccines.

And since he's one of the main players behind this whole scam, I'd say his track record is relevant. I pity people like you, who still trust everything they're spoon-fed by controlled MSM and have no clue what is actually going on in this world.
Ha! I love the sense of confidence conspiracy theorists have. It’s so fundamental to maintaining the belief. Like there’s a serious mental comfort in feeling so special.

You mentioned nanotechnology and tracking. It’s bizarre.

You need to get out more. You are pitifully ignorant.

Nah, man. I know plenty about the nutter conspiracy theories out there among people like yourself. The difference between us is that you can’t tell reality from fantasy.
You’re a fraud. Trollfax.
I find internet misinformation and conspiracy theories fascinating. This as much as anything is going to be a threat to functional society.

I watched a lot of Plandemic and more of Plandemic 2, which your fellow traveler seems to be skimming from, not that they’ll admit it if they are. People out there think COVID was manufactured as a means for governments and billionaires to seize control. It’s bonkers.
No. There is lab in Wuhan and they were lax with their safety measures. It wasn’t anything more than that. You’re just a dolt, Trollfax.
Oh, buddy. You should ask you’re friend buttercup about this because that nutter believes this would make you an ignorant and naive person.

Oh, and Mikovitz is in both Plandemic videos and also pops up in your little OANN report. She’s also a nutter, used to be a reasonable researcher but lost her marbles after her career was trashed due to fabricating data. Now she makes her living feeding off the right wing conspiracy industry.
Is there a lab in Wuhan? Yes or no?
Yes. Is there a lab in Boston?
Only a dick would answer a question with a question. Grow up, Trollfax.
Do you understand how you sound? Are you truly willing to destroy the National/World Economy based on a bug that frankly isn't nearly as "deadly" as Progs want to make it sound? If you are then God help you because you can't see past the end of your nose. Go ahead, crash it and then see what happens to people.
No one is willing to destroy the world economy. This is idiotic alarmist hyperbole.

The sad fact is that the shutdown would have been shorter and more effective if more people had been engaged and on board with it, rather than having Trump telling his followers that it was no big deal.

That's why Trump downplaying the virus was such a big deal. Because it made our response to it that much less effective.

Blah, blah, blah. Stuff your Prog crap. The shutdown will destroy the world economy. We've already lost THOUSNDS of businesses, do you want to lose more? It ISN"T a big deal unless you are over 60 with underlying chronic conditions. Secure THEM not the entire nation. You can't really be that obtuse. Of course you can

Wah! Stop saying things I don't want to hear Prog!

Give me a break.

If the Trump supporting idiots would have taken this seriously, we'd be through this by now.

You're just another liar son. Here are the CDC's stats.

0-19 years: 99.997%
20-49 years: 99.98%
50-69 years: 99.5%
70+ years: 94.6%


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
CDC provides credible COVID-19 health information to the U.S.
And what do you think this proves?

You continue to be bitc* slapped kid.

I've already stated the issues with "locking down" the elderly. It doesn't work. It's not practical.

But if that's the route you wanted to go down, Trump could have made this happen but this would have required him to be a leader, which he isn't. He failed you.

He isn't my leader, nothing you say has any merit. You've been shown your hysteria is misguided.
He's the president of the United States so his lack of leadership is precisely why he shouldn't be in that position.
Says you. We have elections for a reason. Let the people decide. You're such a Leftist troll.
The people will decide, sort of. The electoral college isn't exact the people but it's closish.

Just giving my opinion, sorry if that upsets you.

Show proof that I am "upset"...EC is closish. IMO my vote should count more than yours but unfortunately no system is perfect. We do agree on something. You are sorry.
You're upset because you keep losing and instead resort to childish name calling rather than make coherent points.

Why should your vote count more than mine? Let's be honest. Your vote won't count at all. You live in a blue state. Thank the EC for taking away the power of your vote.
Forgive me but I don't trust the media. And no one is talking about how unhealthy we were as a country prior to COVID. Funny how you always dodge that topic. Uncomfortable? Dr. Trollfax.
Not dodging anything, there's nothing to discuss.

You don't trust anything that tells you what you don't want to hear which is cowardly. Just like Trump.
You just dodged it again. And you use my own verbiage. "Cowardly"; "troll"...come one Trollfax, you can do better than that. You are a little leftist liar aren't you. LOL
Feel free to make your point, or are you too afraid of doing that? I'm not dodging anything, you're just being evasive, vague and trolling with your pointless replies that lead to no discussion, just more childish name calling.

Either make a point like an adult or move on.
I have made my point. We were unhealthy prior to COVID. The 200k, 95% of them were old and or very unhealthy and majority of the deaths were in NY, MA and NJ...blue states.
Okay, so what do you want to discuss?
That you're a troll who won't admit that our unhealthy culture is why COVID is impacting us as such. But that doesn't fit your narrative that its all Trumps fault.

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