After Disgusting Assault On US AG, DOJ Tells Nader What He Can Do With His Request For Others To Appear


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The last time US AG Barr agreed to appear before House Coup Co-Conspirator TOAD Gerry Nadler for Democrats to 'air grievances', Barr and the DOJ learned that 'air grievances' meant a PR stunt consisting of Nadler and other Democrats personally attacking Barr for hours. The entire 'hearing' was an onslaught of insults being hurled at the US AG while they asked questions only to cut him off and refused to allow him to answer. At ne point, were I him I would have gotten up and walked out after declaring the entire 'hearing' was conduct unbecoming of members of Congress.

“Democrat after Democrat posed questions to Mr. Barr only to cut him off when he tried to reply, substituting their own replies for his”

At one point Barr shamed the Committee Democrats attacking him, only making them madder and more determined to insult him and attack his character:

"What makes me concerned for the country is this is the first time in my memory that the leaders of one of our two great political parties, the Democratic party are not coming out and condemning mob violence and the attack on federal courts," Barr said. "Why can't we just say, you know, violence against federal courts has to stop? Could we hear something like that?"

This disgusting 'bitch, whine, and insult' ambush event, by the way, came AFTER Nadler, Chairman of the 'Judicial Committee', led the CENSURE of US AG Barr, the top law enforcement officer in the country, for REFUSING TO BREAK US LAW.

Nadler evidently did not have enough PR time and decided to go after other DOJ members, but this time US AG Barr and the DOJ have had ENOUGH.

The DOJ, in a very polite and professional manner, told Nadler he can go FU@K HIMSELF and that when he and his fellow tantrum-throwing children can grow up and behave like adults the DOJ would be more than happy to work with them in the future!

Bwuhahahahaha! Way to go, DOJ!

The conduct of the Democratic Party has been appalling for at least the last 4 years, more in keeping with a pack of rabid mongrel dogs that elected national leaders. They point the finger at Trump for some of his tweets or things he says , but many of the Dems are as bad or worse. Given the non-stop attacks on Trump from before he even took office, some of us can understand his petulance at times, but the democrats have no such excuse. In a word, the Dems have been utterly deplorable. If I were Trump, I wouldn't have any of my administration appear before the House either.
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