£20 trillion stashed away in tax havens by super rich

£13tn hoard hidden from taxman by global elite

A global super-rich elite has exploited gaps in cross-border tax rules to hide an extraordinary £13 trillion ($21tn) of wealth offshore – as much as the American and Japanese GDPs put together – according to research commissioned by the campaign group Tax Justice Network.

This is what its all about. Surely this should unite right and left ?

Why? Fix the laws......and if they earned the money they shouldn't be paying anymore than 15% anyway.....I am not jealous that some people have more money than I do....what annoys me are politicians who use government to get rich, since they didn't earn the money.
£13tn hoard hidden from taxman by global elite

A global super-rich elite has exploited gaps in cross-border tax rules to hide an extraordinary £13 trillion ($21tn) of wealth offshore – as much as the American and Japanese GDPs put together – according to research commissioned by the campaign group Tax Justice Network.

This is what its all about. Surely this should unite right and left ?

I guess taxes are too high, eh comrade?
I guess you are too stupid to know that if those people paid the taxes as they should, your tax rate might be lower.

What they pay will have no bearing on the tax rate. The tax rate is high because politicians are greedy.....and see our money, that we earn as theirs, to do with what they want to accumulate their own power........

Flat tax....15% or less for everyone.....
Aw there are people who don't want whst they have stolen from them.
This is a crime and they should be imprisoned for life. Just a guess but I'm assuming you are ok with this type of crime but not thugs mugging ppl or getting caught with some weed.

They are going to do this regardless of what taxes are. It needs to be punished accordingly.

Punish them for what? Have they broken any laws?
Tax evasion, likely. But hey let's just start the investigation based on public discontent. Then after awhile get the emails and if nothing related to tax evasion sticks, I'm sure we'll find some other punishable transgression.

So use the tax system as punishment for success? How enlightened.

Chances are pretty good that there have been no laws broken, and so nothing to prosecute them with. Unless it is illegal to put your money in a bank in another country, there is nothing to be done.
They always have the option to permanently relocate somewhere more tax friendly. Some island in the middle of nowhere. But then...they may not be able to benefit as well from their original first world economy. Which is the catch 22 of the tax is theft argument.

They want all the benefits of a humming economy, trained and secure labor pool, favorable market conditions and infrastructure, affordable and well defended land, things that come a great public and private cost, generations of effort. But they don't want to pay for it. The greatest winners in society don't want to pay for the conditions that were necessarily required to win so hard.

Hmmm...Trump paid 38 million in taxes in just one year....I say he is pretty much paid up for life. How much did you pay in taxes....and does it come close to that?
I guess taxes are too high, eh comrade?
I guess you are too stupid to know that if those people paid the taxes as they should, your tax rate might be lower.

Why would an African dictator impact my tax rate?
Seriously ?

You think this is all money from America and Europe? Seriously?
Where did I say that ? Heres the thing. When these bastards rob their countries and salt it all away in Switzerland and Panama they cause poverty and instability in their country. And that breeds all sorts of issues that you and I end up paying for. When the super rich dodge taxes you and I pay more.
Its at an epic level in the UK and we have a government that facilitates it and diverts attention by demonising the poor.

No...the ones causing the poverty and instability are the politicians who raise taxes so high, these people hide their money....the U.S. doesn't have a tax revenue problem...we have a politician spending money problem....

The U.K. needs to lower their taxes so Paul McCartney, and Bono can keep their money in the country....instead of hiding it over seas.......if you want people to stop hiding their money, lower the tax rates.....
£13tn hoard hidden from taxman by global elite

A global super-rich elite has exploited gaps in cross-border tax rules to hide an extraordinary £13 trillion ($21tn) of wealth offshore – as much as the American and Japanese GDPs put together – according to research commissioned by the campaign group Tax Justice Network.

This is what its all about. Surely this should unite right and left ?
---------------------------------------------------------------- cross border tax rules , does that mean that these super rich are doing this LEGALLY Tommy !!
They set the rules so there is no problem.

Who is the "they"?

And do I need a tinfoil hat like you to see the "they"?
This is a crime and they should be imprisoned for life. Just a guess but I'm assuming you are ok with this type of crime but not thugs mugging ppl or getting caught with some weed.

They are going to do this regardless of what taxes are. It needs to be punished accordingly.

Punish them for what? Have they broken any laws?
Tax evasion, likely. But hey let's just start the investigation based on public discontent. Then after awhile get the emails and if nothing related to tax evasion sticks, I'm sure we'll find some other punishable transgression.

So use the tax system as punishment for success? How enlightened.

Chances are pretty good that there have been no laws broken, and so nothing to prosecute them with. Unless it is illegal to put your money in a bank in another country, there is nothing to be done.
They always have the option to permanently relocate somewhere more tax friendly. Some island in the middle of nowhere. But then...they may not be able to benefit as well from their original first world economy. Which is the catch 22 of the tax is theft argument.

They want all the benefits of a humming economy, trained and secure labor pool, favorable market conditions and infrastructure, affordable and well defended land, things that come a great public and private cost, generations of effort. But they don't want to pay for it. The greatest winners in society don't want to pay for the conditions that were necessarily required to win so hard.

Hmmm...Trump paid 38 million in taxes in just one year....I say he is pretty much paid up for life. How much did you pay in taxes....and does it come close to that?
Are you kidding me man? You think there's a finite value that an individual could pay regardless of what they've gotten out of the economy?

Here's a question. What do you think it costs for the American economy to operate? This value may not be entirely separable from transactions within the economy, but certainly there are activities which cost money that are required for the whole thing to run. Is there a cost? Who pays for it if there is and how would it be distributed?
LWNJ's fail to understand that their inane and insane policies have consequences. When people feel taxes are too high, and unfair, they will hide their money and engage in all manner of tax avoidance/ evasion. DUH!!

When tax rates are lower and fairer, people don't feel the need to risk any problems or incur complications so they pay the tax and move on.

LWNJ's have absolutely no clue...they're clueless fools.
Aw there are people who don't want whst they have stolen from them.
This is a crime and they should be imprisoned for life. Just a guess but I'm assuming you are ok with this type of crime but not thugs mugging ppl or getting caught with some weed.

They are going to do this regardless of what taxes are. It needs to be punished accordingly.

Punish them for what? Have they broken any laws?
Tax evasion, likely. But hey let's just start the investigation based on public discontent. Then after awhile get the emails and if nothing related to tax evasion sticks, I'm sure we'll find some other punishable transgression.

So use the tax system as punishment for success? How enlightened.

Chances are pretty good that there have been no laws broken, and so nothing to prosecute them with. Unless it is illegal to put your money in a bank in another country, there is nothing to be done.
They always have the option to permanently relocate somewhere more tax friendly. Some island in the middle of nowhere. But then...they may not be able to benefit as well from their original first world economy. Which is the catch 22 of the tax is theft argument.

They want all the benefits of a humming economy, trained and secure labor pool, favorable market conditions and infrastructure, affordable and well defended land, things that come a great public and private cost, generations of effort. But they don't want to pay for it. The greatest winners in society don't want to pay for the conditions that were necessarily required to win so hard.

Oh? So you think they are paying no taxes, simply because they have money stashed outside the country?

The simple fact is that they made the money. They broke no laws putting it into overseas banks. As for the benefits they receive from being in our 1st world, would you say they receive 100x more benefits than the average person?
£13tn hoard hidden from taxman by global elite

A global super-rich elite has exploited gaps in cross-border tax rules to hide an extraordinary £13 trillion ($21tn) of wealth offshore – as much as the American and Japanese GDPs put together – according to research commissioned by the campaign group Tax Justice Network.

This is what its all about. Surely this should unite right and left ?

How are you deserving of any of it?
Aw there are people who don't want whst they have stolen from them.
This is a crime and they should be imprisoned for life. Just a guess but I'm assuming you are ok with this type of crime but not thugs mugging ppl or getting caught with some weed.

They are going to do this regardless of what taxes are. It needs to be punished accordingly.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
£13tn hoard hidden from taxman by global elite

A global super-rich elite has exploited gaps in cross-border tax rules to hide an extraordinary £13 trillion ($21tn) of wealth offshore – as much as the American and Japanese GDPs put together – according to research commissioned by the campaign group Tax Justice Network.

This is what its all about. Surely this should unite right and left ?

Why? Fix the laws......and if they earned the money they shouldn't be paying anymore than 15% anyway.....I am not jealous that some people have more money than I do....what annoys me are politicians who use government to get rich, since they didn't earn the money.

Neither did the super rich. Most inherited their wealth, including Trump.
£13tn hoard hidden from taxman by global elite

A global super-rich elite has exploited gaps in cross-border tax rules to hide an extraordinary £13 trillion ($21tn) of wealth offshore – as much as the American and Japanese GDPs put together – according to research commissioned by the campaign group Tax Justice Network.

This is what its all about. Surely this should unite right and left ?

Why? Fix the laws......and if they earned the money they shouldn't be paying anymore than 15% anyway.....I am not jealous that some people have more money than I do....what annoys me are politicians who use government to get rich, since they didn't earn the money.

Neither did the super rich. Most inherited their wealth, including Trump.

How much did Trump inherit? Link?
£13tn hoard hidden from taxman by global elite

A global super-rich elite has exploited gaps in cross-border tax rules to hide an extraordinary £13 trillion ($21tn) of wealth offshore – as much as the American and Japanese GDPs put together – according to research commissioned by the campaign group Tax Justice Network.

This is what its all about. Surely this should unite right and left ?

Why? Fix the laws......and if they earned the money they shouldn't be paying anymore than 15% anyway.....I am not jealous that some people have more money than I do....what annoys me are politicians who use government to get rich, since they didn't earn the money.

Neither did the super rich. Most inherited their wealth, including Trump.

Why do you have a problem with people inheriting money?.....besides you are wrong, the most rich people did not inherit anything, they worked for their money....and once they earned the money, it is theirs to do with what they want........

And it is better that a family member get the money than the government getting it....since it's damn sure that the policiticans didn't do anything for the money....
This pretty much destroys the "trickle down" theory of taxation. They dont spend it or invest it, they send it to Bermuda.

By avoiding taxation on such a grand scale the super rich unbalance our society.
Why do poor and middle class folks support those who hide $trillions offshore? Is a puzzlement.

I don't know that anyone is supporting people hiding trillions offshore. The support is for people who do not break the law to not be prosecuted. The fact that our gov'ts have become bloated is a problem. But the fact that someone has money does not make them the culprit. It also does not justify our taking people's money simply because they have lots of it.
Why do poor and middle class folks support those who hide $trillions offshore? Is a puzzlement.

I don't know that anyone is supporting people hiding trillions offshore. The support is for people who do not break the law to not be prosecuted. The fact that our gov'ts have become bloated is a problem. But the fact that someone has money does not make them the culprit. It also does not justify our taking people's money simply because they have lots of it.

This pretty much destroys the "trickle down" theory of taxation. They dont spend it or invest it, they send it to Bermuda.

By avoiding taxation on such a grand scale the super rich unbalance our society.

Do you have a problem with Eli Musk getting 4.9 billion dollars in subsidies? That is the real problem.....and the bigger problem.......greedy politicians who go to Washington with nothing, and come out millionaires....that is the bigger problem since they don't get that money with their own effort.....
£13tn hoard hidden from taxman by global elite

A global super-rich elite has exploited gaps in cross-border tax rules to hide an extraordinary £13 trillion ($21tn) of wealth offshore – as much as the American and Japanese GDPs put together – according to research commissioned by the campaign group Tax Justice Network.

This is what its all about. Surely this should unite right and left ?

Spoken like a true leftist. You think what I have belongs to you and I should be happy with what you let me keep.

The left truly are an immoral people.

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