20 accomplishment's of obama


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Yes obama has accomplished much sadly it's been failure
Now if you think what obama has done is great or good care too address these?

1.42 straight months of 8% or higher unemployment

2.RECORD number of 64.7 million Americans on food stamps

3.Americas credit rating down graded not once but twice.

4.Gave aid to America's enemy in Libya


6.Extended the patriot act

7.Had an American citizen assassinated without due process

8.Fast and the Furious cover up

9. Had an ambassador killed by the people he gave aid to in Libya

10.Wasted billions of dollars on the stimulus

11.GM built plants and sent jobs outside the U.S.

12.Gas cost more now than when he first became president.

13.Reinstated off shore drilling ban.

14.Killed the keystone pipeline (reported by the request of Nebraska Governor)

15.Afghan troops killing American troops on the rise.

16.Black unemployment at 14.1 percent

17.obama loses black supporter over his gay marriage stance.

18.obama's cooked labor department unemployment numbers.

19. Signed into law largest tax called obamatax

20. Shovel ready wasn't as shovel ready as he claimed it was.

21.obama give amnesty to 20 million illegals. Even thouigh Congress did not pass the dream act.

22.Used America's military in Libya without congressional approval

23.Gave aid to America's enemy in Libya

Looks like this will be an on going growing list.
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Bin Laden is dead.......General Motors is alive

Nuff said
What have Republicans accomplished in four years?

Oh yea..,.....they protected tax cuts for billionaires
Bin Laden is dead.......General Motors is alive

Nuff said

Do those two things balance the scales of the 20?
Let's see

1. Bin Laden is dead.......
2. General Motors is alive

1.42 straight months of 8% or higher unemployment

2.RECORD number of 64.7 million Americans on food stamps

3.Americas credit rating down graded not once but twice.

4.Gave aid to America's enemy in Libya


6.Extended the patriot act

7.Had an American citizen assassinated without due process

8.Fast and the Furious cover up

9. Had an ambassador killed by the people he gave aid to in Libya

10.Wasted billions of dollars on the stimulus

11.GM built plants and sent jobs outside the U.S.

12.Gas cost more now than when he first became president.

13.Reinstated off shore drilling ban.

14.Killed the keystone pipeline (reported by the request of Nebraska Governor)

15.Afghan troops killing American troops on the rise.

16.Black unemployment at 14.1 percent

17.obama loses black supporter over his gay marriage stance.

18.obama's cooked labor department unemployment numbers.

19. Signed into law largest tax called obamatax

20. Shovel ready wasn't as shovel ready as he claimed it was.
What have Republicans accomplished in four years?

Oh yea..,.....they protected tax cuts for billionaires

I was not aware Repubs were in power for the past 4 years........I blame Bush for my ignorance.

What is your excuse?

Isn't is convenient how they distort things and sidestep? Like when you criticize something Biden says they will come back with, "Well Biden isn't the President"!

Same idea. Now Obama's failures are Republicans's fault.

They wanted Romney's returns.

Now we get, "He only donated money because he knew he was running for President".

They do keep the laughs coming.
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To be fair, he is the first US president to receive a Nobel prize for something that stills seems to be a secret. He has proven conclusively that the presidential idea of the "buck stops here" is out-dated and has now been updated by "I'm not responsible". He successfully demonstrated to the Japanese the proper way to bow - touching the forehead to the knees. He proved to the world that the US is a bad place, earning him the respect and admiration of the whole world. He is the gift that keeps on giving.
Conservanazi wake up! You went along with that dumbshit Bush's $10TRILLION spending spree murdering thousands upon thousands of people worldwide and now you're pissed because the new guy can't figure out how to fix your fat old white racist inbred problems? How addicted to deep-fried twinkies are you? Do you really think that if you elect yet another inbred racist conservanazi like yourself that somehow Jesus will shower you with his golden urine and make all your owies go away? Put down the banjo, stop touching your sister-mother, and turn off faux news. We're never going back to your fascist "good ol days." So, either get with the program and be a useful cog in MY America or, eat a bullet. Because YOUR America is dead and buried.
Conservanazi wake up! You went along with that dumbshit Bush's $10TRILLION spending spree murdering thousands upon thousands of people worldwide and now you're pissed because the new guy can't figure out how to fix your fat old white racist inbred problems? How addicted to deep-fried twinkies are you? Do you really think that if you elect yet another inbred racist conservanazi like yourself that somehow Jesus will shower you with his golden urine and make all your owies go away? Put down the banjo, stop touching your sister-mother, and turn off faux news. We're never going back to your fascist "good ol days." So, either get with the program and be a useful cog in MY America or, eat a bullet. Because YOUR America is dead and buried.

Conservanazi wake up! You went along with that dumbshit Bush's $10TRILLION spending spree murdering thousands upon thousands of people worldwide and now you're pissed because the new guy can't figure out how to fix your fat old white racist inbred problems? How addicted to deep-fried twinkies are you? Do you really think that if you elect yet another inbred racist conservanazi like yourself that somehow Jesus will shower you with his golden urine and make all your owies go away? Put down the banjo, stop touching your sister-mother, and turn off faux news. We're never going back to your fascist "good ol days." So, either get with the program and be a useful cog in MY America or, eat a bullet. Because YOUR America is dead and buried.

Blaming Buoooooooooosh
Bin Laden is dead.......General Motors is alive

Nuff said

Osama bin Laden is ALIVE in the hearts and minds of terrorists/protesters who shout "We are all Osama now!".

General Motors, the incompetent company that needed tax-payer bailout, is DEAD in the hearts and minds of people who want to own a quality vehicle that was not built by union freeloaders.

Nuff said!

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