When It Comes To These People, I Am very Much Not Pro Life

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Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
"Adam," she continues, "being pro-life doesn’t mean you hurt women by jailing the victims of rape and incest. Your vote was shameful." Timmons himself closes out the commercial by saying he approves his message "because I am pro-life."

These people are a clear and present danger to the secular human rights that this country is based upon, and the time will come for real life scenarios of assassination squads all over the country taking these clowns out. Their misguided and twisted, perverted religious beliefs do not take precedent over anything, any one, or any right.

Keep pushing you freaks. Keep pushing.
"Adam," she continues, "being pro-life doesn’t mean you hurt women by jailing the victims of rape and incest. Your vote was shameful." Timmons himself closes out the commercial by saying he approves his message "because I am pro-life."

These people are a clear and present danger to the secular human rights that this country is based upon ,and the time will come for real life scenarios of assassination squads all over the country taking these clowns out. Their misguided and twisted, perverted religious beliefs do not take precedent over anything, any one, or any right.

Keep pushing you freaks. Keep pushing.

Prior to Roe V. Wade, jailing women for getting abortions was simply not done. The pro-life states went after the abortionists.

There is so much hate coming from the Right these days. So much hate.

And it is costing them.
These people are a clear and present danger to the secular human rights that this country is based upon, and the time will come for real life scenarios of assassination squads all over the country taking these clowns out.
Would you like a list of abortion clinic murders and bombings going back decades?

I'm guessing not.

Jane's Revenge is, what, two years old?

I know of those, we all know of those. You on the other hand just like to point out rightist "violence" as part of your TDS.
I have been saying for years that both sides of this issue have been allowing the extremists to control the dialog.

Which is precisely why there has been a stalemate the entire time. A Mexican standoff, if you will.

Think about this. I've explained this hundreds of times:

About half of Americans self-identify as pro-life, myself included.

The other half self-identify as pro-choice.

So stalemate, right?

But there is the fact that 2/3 of Americans are opposed to abortion after the first trimester.

This means a significant number of people who call themselves pro-choice are opposed to abortion after the first trimester.

Now here's the freaky part.

Roe V. Wade allows for abortion on demand all the way through the SECOND trimester.

In other words, a lot of people who think they are pro-choice are actually OPPOSED to Roe V. Wade's permissiveness.

So what does al this mean?

It means there is a vast middle ground upon which both sides can meet.

We just have to shut out the extremists from the conversation.

Say what you will about Trump, and I've said a LOT, the man can read the room like nobody else, and he has come out in favor of banning abortions beyond...drum roll please...the first trimester.

I predicted for years and years on this forum that if Roe V. Wade was overturned, the number of abortions would not decline. I stand by that prediction.

Nevertheless, I have always been in favor of repealing Roe on simple moral grounds.

But once again, the extremists are trying to hijack the conversation, like the guy in the OP who wants to imprison rape and incest victims for getting an abortion.

Since abortions won't come down as a result of this repeal, it's time to meet on middle ground and find an actual solution which has been proven to work.

And that solution is...birth control. Specifically, birth control education.

Half of all abortions are the result of women not using birth control. Another fifth are due to the improper or inconsistent use of birth control. These are statistics from the pro-choice Guttmacher Institute. They openly admit we have a birth control usage problem.

So let's get together and work on a real solution that works.

I'm G5000, and I approve this message.
I have been saying for years that both sides of this issue have been allowing the extremists to control the dialog.

Which is precisely why there has been a stalemate the entire time. A Mexican standoff, if you will.

Think about this. I've explained this hundreds of times:

About half of Americans self-identify as pro-life, myself included.

The other half self-identify as pro-choice.

So stalemate, right?

But there is the fact that 2/3 of Americans are opposed to abortion after the first trimester.

This means a significant number of people who call themselves pro-choice are opposed to abortion after the first trimester.

Now here's the freaky part.

Roe V. Wade allows for abortion on demand all the way through the SECOND trimester.

In other words, a lot of people who think they are pro-choice are actually OPPOSED to Roe V. Wade's permissiveness.

So what does al this mean?

It means there is a vast middle ground upon which both sides can meet.

We just have to shut out the extremists from the conversation.

Say what you will about Trump, and I've said a LOT, the man can read the room like nobody else, and he has come out in favor of banning abortions beyond...drum roll please...the first trimester.

I predicted for years and years on this forum that if Roe V. Wade was overturned, the number of abortions would not decline. I stand by that prediction.

Nevertheless, I have always been in favor of repealing Roe on simple moral grounds.

But once again, the extremists are trying to hijack the conversation, like the guy in the OP who wants to imprison rape and incest victims for getting an abortion.

Since abortions won't come down as a result of this repeal, it's time to meet on middle ground and find an actual solution which has been proven to work.

And that solution is...birth control. Specifically, birth control education.

Half of all abortions are the result of women not using birth control. Another fifth are due to the improper or inconsistent use of birth control. These are statistics from the pro-choice Guttmacher Institute. They openly admit we have a birth control usage problem.

So let's get together and work on a real solution that works.

I'm G5000, and I approve this message.

All this guy is doing is running for office. Do you want to enact "position requirements" to do that?

How about we go the Venezuela route and just ban parties and people we don't like?
I know of those, we all know of those. You on the other hand just like to point out rightist "violence" as part of your TDS.
The far Left has been violent for a long time. Remember the Weathermen? The SLA?

They bombed police stations back in the 70s. One group even bombed the Capitol.

Now the extremists have traded places. There is far more right wing acts of terror these days than left wing acts of terror.

The rhetoric of the Trump Right even mirrors the rhetoric of the far left of the 70s to a freakish degree.

And that is why I speak more often about the problems from the Right. But I do that most especially because I have been a right winger my entire life and these asshole are stinking up MY house.
Orange man is running away at the polls.

It's neck-and-neck, which is amazing considering a real piece of shit in the form of Donald Trump is the GOP nominee.

If Biden wasn't a mere three years older than Trump, Biden would be leading by double digits.

Trump is recycling the successful hoax he pulled off in 2016.

Remember when his buddy Pecker ran this hoax?


If there is one thing Trump can take to the bank it is that the country bumpkins will fall for the same hoaxes over and over.

The far Left has been violent for a long time. Remember the Weathermen? The SLA?

They bombed police stations back in the 70s. One group even bombed the Capitol.

Now the extremists have traded places. There is far more right wing acts of terror these days than left wing acts of terror.

The rhetoric of the Trump Right even mirrors the rhetoric of the far left of the 70s to a freakish degree.

And that is why I speak more often about the problems from the Right. But I do that most especially because I have been a right winger my entire life and these asshole are stinking up MY house.

Have you ignored the lefty riots since 2020 intentionally or are you really that stupid?

It's neck-and-neck, which is amazing considering a real piece of shit in the form of Donald Trump is the GOP nominee.

If Biden wasn't a mere three years older than Trump, Biden would be leading by double digits.

Trump is recycling the successful hoax he pulled off in 2016.

Remember when his buddy Pecker ran this hoax?


If there is one thing Trump can take to the bank it is that the country bumpkins will fall for the same hoaxes over and over.


I wouldn't call orange man leading in all swing states and leading nationally by 4-5 points neck and neck. Lol, corn pops is losing to someone who has 91 indictments.
Have you ignored the lefty riots since 2020 intentionally or are you really that stupid?
Your propagandists feed your confirmation bias on a daily basis, accompanied by doom music to manipulate your emotions.

That's why I am constantly joking about the episodes of Blacks Behaving Badly on this forum. You are constantly being fed a steady diet of confirmation bias.

Pay attention. I bet you never have noticed the sound effects. It's old school shit used by propagandists everywhere for a long time now.

I used to observe that shit when I was stationed in Gitmo. I watched the communist broadcasts and noticed the martial music and sound effects.

Imagine my disgust when Fox News and other outlets started doing it.

Have I ignored left wing violence? Nope. But you have certainly been avoiding, or kept ignorant by the aforementioned MAG propagandists, of right wing violence.
Your propagandists feed your confirmation bias on a daily basis, accompanied by doom music to manipulate your emotions.

Pay attention. I bet you never have noticed the sound effects. It's old school shit used by propagandists everywhere for a long time now.

I used to observe that shit when I was stationed in Gitmo. I watched the communist broadcasts and noticed the martial music and sound effects.

Imagine my disgust when Fox News and other outlets started doing it.

Have I ignored left wing violence? Nope. But you have certainly been avoiding, or kept ignorant by the aforementioned MAG propagandists, of right wing violence.

No, you have blown it out of proportion to fit your TDS gummi brain.
No, you have blown it out of proportion to fit your TDS gummi brain.
Here's the thing. I've used this analogy a lot of times for people like you. I've probably even explained to you before.

If my neighbor allowed a guest into their home, and that guest proceeded to shit on their furniture and smash their flatware, I'd have a very poor opinion of that guest.

If my neighbor was too stupid to evict this guest, I would start to think very poorly of them, too.

Now, I invite a guest into my house. And that guest begins shitting on MY furniture, and smashing MY flatware, I would have a much more visceral opinion of that person than I did of my neighbor's guest. Right?

And if I failed to evict my guest, that would make me very stupid. A cuck. A submissive little bitch.

That's how I see the Democratic and Republican parties today.

I've always had a very low opinion of Democrats. All my life. They've allowed some evil guests into their house.

But now I see the GOP has allowed a real piece of shit into the house. And not only have they failed to evict him, they have joined him in shitting on the furniture and smashing dishes.

So I had no choice but to leave the house and live out here in the cold to preserve my integrity and honor.
Prior to Roe V. Wade, jailing women for getting abortions was simply not done. The pro-life states went after the abortionists.

There is so much hate coming from the Right these days. So much hate.

And it is costing them.
Thank goodness there is such a loving and peaceful alternative of anti-semites, warmongers, and babykillers.
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