1981 PATCO Strike


Diamond Member
Dec 16, 2020
For me to know and you not to find out.
The Wiki article just gives a basic description. However, here's my take on it. The striking ATCs were in clear violation of the Hatch Act, which forbade public service workers from striking. This works the same way as New York's Taylor Law, which expressly prohibits public sector unions from striking, especially police and firefighters. Reagan's 48 hour ultimatum was reasonable and his subsequent actions to shitcan those who refused to return were well within his Constitutional authority, That being said, I ask. If there were no Hatch Act or Taylor Law for those of you in NY, would you want to see public safety workers striking? I wonder how you would feel about that if say for example, you live in Rochester, NY and RFD firefighters were striking? Depending on where it was the City would have to call Volunteer companies from Irondequoit, Henrietta, Greece, etc. to respond under mutual aid agreements. By that time your house is completely destroyed and possibly your family dead. Hence the Taylor Law at the NY State level and especially the Hatch Act at the Federal Level.
(disclaimer: I used NY's Taylor Law as a relatable example)
why?....do their workers get treated great?.....were i worked management treated us like shit,the union was the only one who got in their way...

The problem with public sector unions is the power balance between owner and employee isn't really there. The politicians can basically cave, kick the can down the road, and then earn themselves the votes of said employees so they can stay in power.
The problem with public sector unions is the power balance between owner and employee isn't really there. The politicians can basically cave, kick the can down the road, and then earn themselves the votes of said employees so they can stay in power.
when my union went to the bargaining table there were no politicians there....
why?....do their workers get treated great?.....were i worked management treated us like shit,the union was the only one who got in their way...
Public employee unions work with the politicians to fleece the taxpayers who pay the bills. In normal labor unions, there is balance with the union protecting the workers and management protecting the stockholders. In government, the politicians (management) pander to the union for political contributions and the union protects the workers. Nobody protects the taxpayers. Public employee unions should be banned. Public employees are public servants, the only reason for their jobs to exist is to serve the public.
Reagan initiated the war on workers unions, and it has been downhill for unions ever since.

This was the Ft. Sumpter of the assault on unions. You do your own research and see how union busting has gone since 1981, or you can stay ignorant.
So you think jeopardizing the public's safety so that a bunch of people, already making mint, could siphon off more from our tax dollars? Hence the need for the Hatch Act and the various anti-strike laws that all 50 states enacted.
they signed the same paper i had to about striking.....they knew that they could be fired,they foolishly listened to their union......dont feel sorry for them.....
I work in public transit and we are also covered under the Taylor Law. If we struck, our entire union board would be jailed! And again I ask, would you want your cops, paramedics (if employed by the City) or firefighters striking?
Reagan targeted unions, and the white, working poor cheered.

Funny how people also forget he was the President of one of the most powerful unions in the nation for over 6 years. Elected not once but twice.

So this would be a first, a former Union leader targeting Unions. But that is the narrative some want people to believe.
I spent 29 years in a labor union, not some bloodsucking public sector union. Those unions can give every union a bad name, depending on their level investment.

I've seen police, firefighter and government pensions almost bankrupt a nearby Republican city, infact, they had a yearly payment that everyone had to pay, it was something like $30-40 yearly, for three years, and all those payments went to the public sector unions until they figured out a way to restructure the raises so that over 80% of property taxes were not going to pay for these union retirements.
The striking ATCs were in clear violation of the Hatch Act, which forbade public service workers from striking.

I am actually neutral towards positive when it comes to Unions. However, I also believe that a lot of them abuse their power to strike in ways that are against the public interest. And I am a large believer that government unions should not be allowed to strike.

Imagine if the largest group of Government Employees was to suddenly unionize and decide to strike. There is actually a segment of Government Employees that is over 2 million strong, and does not have a Union. But imagine if they got one, what the result could be. And that government organization with over 2 million direct employees without a union is of course the US Military.

I have also seen the chaos when transit workers go on strike. And we have been impacted because suddenly critical employees could no longer get into work. And that is why I have never relied upon public transit, I simply do not trust it. Damned near every time their contract is up for renewal, it is guaranteed they will strike.

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