1948 war


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2020
In Israel we call it our War of Independence. Arabs cal it al Nakba the disaster. This video does not tell all the story but it will introduce you to it if you are interested.
it began when Palestinian leadership rejected the UN Partition plan which would have given them most of the land because they were promised all of it by the Arab League. The ALA was just one of the Arab forces made up of volunteers and mercenaries most from Arab countries but some not. Moselm Brotherhood fought apart from the regular Egyptian army. Those are things the video left out but it does given detail on the battles.

It was a civil war in ways because all Jews born in Palestine during the Ottoman era and the British mandate era were considered Palestinians.
I suppose what I hate about war is how it reveals that everything we lawyers do to resolve conflict peacefully: negotiations, arbitrations, jury trials, is so much bullshit. Ultimately, when the chips are done, everything is decided by people picking up guns and shooting each other.
I suppose what I hate about war is how it reveals that everything we lawyers do to resolve conflict peacefully: negotiations, arbitrations, jury trials, is so much bullshit. Ultimately, when the chips are done, everything is decided by people picking up guns and shooting each other.
..there have always been wars and always will be......most are contained and not total.....
....look at all these nasty divorces=at one time, those people '''loved'' each other--they they hate each other/etc
In Israel we call it our War of Independence. Arabs cal it al Nakba the disaster. This video does not tell all the story but it will introduce you to it if you are interested.

Anyone who does not know the history of Israel by now is a clueless liberal who will never see the facts anyway

the Jews are back home to stay
I suppose what I hate about war is how it reveals that everything we lawyers do to resolve conflict peacefully: negotiations, arbitrations, jury trials, is so much bullshit. Ultimately, when the chips are done, everything is decided by people picking up guns and shooting each other.
I hate lawyers. I hate lawyers with a passion. Lawyers ruined my life, wrecked my home, and trashed my career many, many times over with their zealous Communist Party gun control agenda. “Why can't we just all get along peacefully?” after they revoked our rights and threw us out of the courthouse.
I suppose what I hate about war is how it reveals that everything we lawyers do to resolve conflict peacefully: negotiations, arbitrations, jury trials, is so much bullshit. Ultimately, when the chips are done, everything is decided by people picking up guns and shooting each other.
I hate lawyers. I hate lawyers with a passion. Lawyers ruined my life, wrecked my home, and trashed my career many, many times over with their zealous Communist Party gun control agenda. “Why can't we just all get along peacefully?” after they revoked our rights and threw us out of the courthouse.
I'm sorry you had such a bad thing happen in your life.

But the vast majority of lawyers aren't Communists.

The fact is, what many of us do is fight to preserve and protect the United States Constitution.

The reason the Supreme Court recently decided cases that brought the Second Amendment back into favor was because lawyers worked so hard to get those cases to court.

Also, the First Amendment is constantly preserved by lawsuits filed by lawyers.

Due process, that's another thing lawyers fight for constantly.
Don't worry, Biden will make fix it.
He is bringing back Barry Obammy's Iran Nuke program.
Why do the Democrats hate the Israelis so much?

Ilhan Omar, AOC, Bernie, and Rashida Tlaib are the democratic party.

People don't face it.

The real question;

Why do American Jews hate Israel so much? [ 80 percent of them. ( Jews by name only ) ]
6000 jews died in the war. For the number of people it was equal to more than two million American dead or 500k British dead. Much sacrifice.

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