19.5% of America is on Welfare?

That's probably fuzzy math. Okay, then make it only $5000 per employee Deal?


$11.68 billion net income.

2.3 million employees.

$5078 per employee.

It's only fuzzy for stupid liberals, but I repeat myself.
Republicans, I will agree with you that this is unacceptable.

Overall: In 2019, 19.5 percent of the total population received or lived with a family member who received a benefit in any amount from TANF, SNAP, or SSI at any point during the year.

Glad to read this

With some exceptions, non-citizens entering the United States after August 22, 1996, the date of enactment of the welfare reform legislation, are not eligible for most welfare benefits, including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), SSI, Medicaid, and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), ...
Resurrecting the Keystone Pipeline; the southern border wall; America's coal mines; and America's steel mills would go a long way in reversing the trend.
In the UK it is the same. The reason is that wages are too low and that people in work cant survive on their wages.
In effect it is a handout for shit employers.
74% of working age adults in families that receive SNAP work but the work is mostly low pay or unstable employment or both.
Ladies, if you want your son to have ten times the chance to go to prison, have him out of wedlock with you as a single parent.

That is not love by you.
I agree. However, for most young girls today, that is not the problem it use to be. The availability of birth control, the day after pill, and abortion serves as a solution.
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Neither is SSI, but they’ll lump it in too.
Unlike SNAP, SSI is hard to get. To be eligible you must have:
  1. Little or no income, less that $1900 a month and
  2. Little or no resources, assets less than $2,000 and
  3. A disability, blindness, or age 65 or older.
The last one is the kicker for most people looking at SSI. Getting acceptable evidence of your disability can be difficult and the time getting it approved can be a year or longer. Also, you are subject to revaluation yearly if you are declared partially disabled and every 3 years if you are totally disable.

SSI benefits are $914 a month. If you have more than $2,000 in the bank, you lose benefits. If you make more than $1400 dollars a month income, you lose $1 of benefits for ever dollar you earn. You can also lose benefits from non-earned income such as retirement benefits, social security disability, gifts from family or friends, interest, or dividends, insurance payments, inheritance, etc. Just about any money you recieve can reduce or eliminate SSI.
That's probably fuzzy math. Okay, then make it only $5000 per employee Deal?
Those figures may include stores outside the US. Walmart has a total of 10,623 retail stores worldwide, about half of them operate outside the US.
It isnt a good look for supposed advance economies. Nobody seems interested in sorting it out.
Every time, they touch the system it gets worse. The people at the state DHS don't understand the system. In my state there are 4 different Medicaids.

I have a good friend that was inured badly in a car accident years ago when he was young. He lost both legs plus he is schizophrenic. He is a great person except when he become psychotic, then he ends up in the hospital psycho ward. He lost his Medicaid last year because his income was $23,000 and the state put him on a Medicaid plan that cost $190 month and has a $15,000 deductible. He just came out of 6 mos in a psych ward with a bill of $825,000 bill. He only has to pay the $15,000 deductible but he told his social worker that he couldn't pay $100. The social worker told him not to pay a single cent. The hospital will write off the $15,000 and apply for money from the state to recoup most of the $15,000. If he agreed to pay anything, the state would not pay the hospital anything and they would sell the debt to a bill collector for a few hundred dollars and they would hound him the rest of his life. He will have hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills every year. He will not pay a cent toward any of them. He will pay his primary care doctor and his demist because they will not see him if he does not pay them.

This is one Fucked UP system.
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Every time, they touch the system it gets worse. The people at the state DHS don't understand the system. In my state there are 4 different Medicaids.

I have a good friend that was inured badly in a car accident years ago when he was young. He lost both legs plus he is schizophrenic. He is a great person except when he become psychotic, then he ends up in the hospital psycho ward. He lost his Medicaid last year because his income was $23,000 and the state put him on a Medicaid plan that cost $190 month and has a $15,000 deductible. He just came out of 6 mos in a psych ward with a bill of $825,000 bill. He only has to pay the $15,000 deductible but he told his social worker that he couldn't pay $100. The social worker told him not to pay a single cent. The hospital will write off the $15,000 and apply for money from the state to recoup most of the $15,000. If he agreed to pay anything, the state would not pay the hospital anything and they would sell the debt to a bill collector for a few hundred dollars and they would hound him the rest of his life. He will have hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills every year. He will not pay a cent toward any of them. He will pay his primary care doctor and his demist because they will not see him if he does not pay them.

This is one Fucked UP system.
It sounds like a nightmare. The only cost we re asked to pay in hospital is a parking charge. But as a regular visitor I have a pass so I dont have to pay that anymore.
It sounds like the system is working against his mental well being by creating pressure. He has my sympathy.
That's a pretty bad strategy when you take into account

Poorer Americans have much lower voting rates in national elections than the nonpoor, a study finds.​

And how many of them voted for Trump because they saw him on the Apprentice? And why were so many of them white? Did Trump blow his dog whistle? Yup.

only 46 percent of potential voters with family incomes less than twice the federal poverty line voted in the 2016 presidential election, compared with 68 percent of those with family incomes above twice the poverty line.

Not only does voter turnout decrease with lower income voters but there interest in national issues falls with income level.

It sounds like a nightmare. The only cost we re asked to pay in hospital is a parking charge. But as a regular visitor I have a pass so I dont have to pay that anymore.
It sounds like the system is working against his mental well being by creating pressure. He has my sympathy.
Yep, it is a nightmare that never ends. One of the saddest things about serious mental illness is the public sees their antisocial acts as just bad behavior. The mentally ill often feel intense loneliness but they can't establish personal connections with others because they don't how.

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