$175 premium for a young, healthy student? Thanks, Obamacare!

Take a look at the FB page, healthcare.gov Welcome to Obamacare

Troy Russell So I just received my 2014 coverage and costs from by health care provider. They informed me that they have transitioned my current coverage that I have had for the past 4 years to a comparable ACA certified coverage plan. My MONTHLY premium went up by $200.00 and my coverage out of pockets costs increased by 30%. So answer me this, how is this a "Affordable Health Care Act"? I can now no longer afford my health insurance premium for my family and do not qualify for assistance based on the guidelines. I compared my new rate to the ones on the Marketplace and they are the same or higher, so that is not an option either. I feel like my government has again lied and cheated me into a corner - now what?


Samantha LeSarge If I want a low deductible $1500 then it is $1177 per month, for a fine total of $15,624 per year. But if I want it to actually be affordable each month spending only $640 then I would have a $12,600 deductible. For a fine total of $20,380 per year. This is truly "affordable"...really?

I love this from Healthcare.gov facebook page

"Roger Filips: I got notice that my blue cross was being canceled. The cheapest Obamacare replacement is $160 per month more and my total risk increases from $5000 to $12,500. The good news is that my menopausal wife and I now have maternity, pediatric dental and vision! Thanks a lot."

"Ipso Phakto: Obama said "if you like your plan, you can keep it, no matter what. period.". I got a letter from my insurer saying that due to the ACA my plan will discontinue! Obama lied. I now pay $525 per month. The ACA estimate is $1078 per month! How the heck am I supposed to afford that? This is insanity. Obamacare is a lifetime of ransom payments I can't make. How is this "affordable"? Why did Obama lie to the whole country, repeatedly?"
All part of the plan. Completely crash the system, then people will clamor for single-payer socialized medicine.

What -- you folks didn't REALLY think ACA was the desired end result, did you?
$175 premium for a young, healthy student? Thanks, Obamacare!
American media outlets were finally able to track down a mythical creature — a person who actually signed up for the Obamacare exchanges online.

But that person, Chad Henderson, admitted to the Washington Post that the premium for the plan he enrolled in was $175. Ouch! Wasn’t Obamacare supposed to lower premiums?

Henderson’s going to pay a $175 premium and he won’t even receive vision or dental insurance. He has contacts, so not having vision insurance is kind of a bum deal.

Henderson, as far as we know a healthy, 21-year-old college student at Chattanooga State Community College who lives in Flintstone, Ga., and works part-time at a day-care center, did not qualify for tax credits to purchase insurance, according to the Post.

Without Obamacare, Henderson could have received health insurance for as little as $44.72 on eHealthInsurance.com, according to Michael F. Cannon of the Cato Institute.

“I can’t yet say whether Chad’s $175 premium is the lowest-cost plan available to him through the Obamacare Exchange,” Cannon said. “[I’m in the process of researching that, and it’ll probably take a few hours.] But it’s probably close.”

Thanks to Obamacare’s community-rating price controls that take effect in 2014, Henderson’s cheapest plan option on eHealthInsurance jumped up to $190.23.

“So it appears that Obamacare quadrupled Chad’s premiums, and Enroll America thinks this is a success story,” Cannon said.​

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm................... Seems you left out some relevant information. What is his income? What does eHealthInsurance cover, and what is their record concerning claims?

Subsidy Calculator | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Read the rest of the thread. Kid's an OFA plant. He didn't even buy the insurance. :lol:

Kid's an OFA plant.

team obama has had so many of em

that now it is considered customary
Greg Hovey So after 5 days of trying to set up an account and log in to healthcare.gov to look at plans, rates and a subsidy calculator, I broke down and called their tollfree number 1-800-F1UCKYO (not kidding, that is the number). The "Navigator" would not proceed until I gave her all my contact information. Once I gave it to her, and asked for information, she said she would mail me an application. That was my only option. I asked her to send me information on plans, rates and subsidies, and she said she could not. So get this, you have to actually apply for coverage, giving them your SSN, bank information--everything confidential, before you can even see what's in the plans, what it costs, and whether you will qualify for a subsidy. On what planet would this make any sense? What product would you buy--what service would you purchase, under these circumstances? I can only guess what they are going to do with all my personal info if I decide not to go through with buying a plan. Obviously one major reason they have set things up this way is that so that can claim "Look how many people have applied for Obamacare" when the fact is that people just want to see what's in it. I choose not to participate in this mess.

a kid was bitching to me about the cost and that he would have to buy insurance

i laughed at him --LOL

and said dont bitch to me

you voted for this stuff

not once but twice
And he can't say he wasn't warned. Well, he could, because obviously he wasn't paying attention. Typical low-information Obama voter.

It’s been called “Organizing for Action” since January, so they go back a ways. Henderson’s bio on the page also lists some of his activities within the Democratic Party in Tennessee. None of those things are mentioned in articles such as this one in the Washington Post. Ditto for this HuffPo article about Henderson. “Reporters” can be incredibly incurious when they apply themselves.

You’d think these things might warrant at least a tiny “full disclosure” kind of mention in some of the many profiles of Henderson. If the Republicans were passing this guy off as a “Joe Sixpack” type who was being helped by one of their programs, and his bio mentioned an affiliation with, say, Crossroads GPS, not only would that get mentioned in MSM stories, it would be the story.

But let’s wipe all that off the table for a moment. Using Henderson as an Obamacare “success story” is a joke in and of itself regardless of his background, according to Michael Cannon at Cato:

Comment from poster named "Hangfire" to this article: :lmao:

vThe guy is obviously carefully chosen.
* * *
Hot to the chicks.
Non-threatening to real men.
Absolutely gorgeous for the gays.
Okay, he's white but not White-White.
Fresh-scrubbed but not religious-right.....


Michelle Malkin | The MSM?s not-so-surprising lack of curiosity about the new poster boy for Obamacare; Updated «
If Rod Stewart had a son.....
of he could under law force his parents to keep him on their Cadillac plan

instead of the shitty bronze 5000 dollar deductible one

letting his parents absorb the cost of insuring him

He couldn't force his parents to pay for his insurance.

His parents would have to agree to allowing him to stay on their policy.

Besides that he's an adult and should be paying his own way.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm................... Seems you left out some relevant information. What is his income? What does eHealthInsurance cover, and what is their record concerning claims?

Subsidy Calculator | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Read the rest of the thread. Kid's an OFA plant. He didn't even buy the insurance. :lol:

Kid's an OFA plant.

team obama has had so many of em

that now it is considered customary
I bet HE wasn't furloughed. :lol:
of he could under law force his parents to keep him on their Cadillac plan

instead of the shitty bronze 5000 dollar deductible one

letting his parents absorb the cost of insuring him

He couldn't force his parents to pay for his insurance.

His parents would have to agree to allowing him to stay on their policy.

Besides that he's an adult and should be paying his own way.

Q9: Does the adult child have to purchase an individual policy?
No. Eligible adult children wishing to take advantage of the new coverage will be included in the parents' family policy.

Q13: Why is there a special exception for group plans in existence on March 23, 2010?
Our goal is to cover as many young adults under the age of 26 as possible with the least amount of burden. If a young adult is eligible to purchase other employer-based health insurance such as through her job, the law does not require the parent or parents' plan to enroll that child if the parents' plan is a grandfathered health plan (i.e., in existence on March 23, 2010). Of course, all group plans have the option to cover all adult children until the age of 26 or beyond. In 2014, this exception will no longer apply.

Q14: What happens if a young adult under the age of 26 is not eligible for employer-sponsored insurance and both parents have separate plans that offer dependent coverage?
Neither parent's plan can deny coverage.

interesting read

Oklahoma Lawsuit Could Effectively Defund ObamaCare

Oklahoma Lawsuit Could Effectively Defund ObamaCare - Forbes

Very interesting indeed.
The liberals writing the law assumed the vast majority of states would create their own exchange. But just to make sure, they included a “carrot” that clearly says that the federal subsidies are available ONLY in the state-created exchanges, not in the federal-state partnerships or the federally created exchanges.

However, 34 states have decided not to play the ObamaCare game and opted for a federally created exchange or the partnership, which means the federal subsidies will not be available to millions of middle- and lower-income workers in those states.

And without the subsidies, insurance would become “unaffordable” under ObamaCare for the vast majority of those families. They would thus be exempted from the mandate to have coverage, and their employers would be exempted from the penalty for not providing it.

In other words, the most draconian part of ObamaCare would essentially be defunded. Bingo!

Oklahoma is suing the feds to establish this point.

For their part, administrtion officials claim that they always thought that the partnerships and federally created exchanges would get the same federal subsidies. But as Michael Cannon of the Cato CATO +0.88% Institute and Jonathan Adler of Case Western Reserve University have shown, that’s just posturing to cover their bureaucratic behinds.

The Obama administration has signaled that it intends to provide subsidies in the federally created exchanges, regardless of what the law says. As in so many other areas, Obama has no intention of letting the rule of law stand in his way. Which is why Oklahoma and its supporters hope the court rules soon, before the end of the year. Whether Obama would obey a court order to stand down until the issue is resolved is another question.​
interesting read

Oklahoma Lawsuit Could Effectively Defund ObamaCare

Oklahoma Lawsuit Could Effectively Defund ObamaCare - Forbes

Very interesting indeed.
The liberals writing the law assumed the vast majority of states would create their own exchange. But just to make sure, they included a “carrot” that clearly says that the federal subsidies are available ONLY in the state-created exchanges, not in the federal-state partnerships or the federally created exchanges.

However, 34 states have decided not to play the ObamaCare game and opted for a federally created exchange or the partnership, which means the federal subsidies will not be available to millions of middle- and lower-income workers in those states.

And without the subsidies, insurance would become “unaffordable” under ObamaCare for the vast majority of those families. They would thus be exempted from the mandate to have coverage, and their employers would be exempted from the penalty for not providing it.

In other words, the most draconian part of ObamaCare would essentially be defunded. Bingo!

Oklahoma is suing the feds to establish this point.

For their part, administrtion officials claim that they always thought that the partnerships and federally created exchanges would get the same federal subsidies. But as Michael Cannon of the Cato CATO +0.88% Institute and Jonathan Adler of Case Western Reserve University have shown, that’s just posturing to cover their bureaucratic behinds.

The Obama administration has signaled that it intends to provide subsidies in the federally created exchanges, regardless of what the law says. As in so many other areas, Obama has no intention of letting the rule of law stand in his way. Which is why Oklahoma and its supporters hope the court rules soon, before the end of the year. Whether Obama would obey a court order to stand down until the issue is resolved is another question.​

The Obama administration has signaled that it intends to provide subsidies in the federally created exchanges, regardless of what the law says.

what new about not following the law with this guy

plus he best be asking for a lot more money to fund the non affordable care act
of he could under law force his parents to keep him on their Cadillac plan

instead of the shitty bronze 5000 dollar deductible one

letting his parents absorb the cost of insuring him

He couldn't force his parents to pay for his insurance.

His parents would have to agree to allowing him to stay on their policy.

Besides that he's an adult and should be paying his own way.

Q9: Does the adult child have to purchase an individual policy?
No. Eligible adult children wishing to take advantage of the new coverage will be included in the parents' family policy.

Q13: Why is there a special exception for group plans in existence on March 23, 2010?
Our goal is to cover as many young adults under the age of 26 as possible with the least amount of burden. If a young adult is eligible to purchase other employer-based health insurance such as through her job, the law does not require the parent or parents' plan to enroll that child if the parents' plan is a grandfathered health plan (i.e., in existence on March 23, 2010). Of course, all group plans have the option to cover all adult children until the age of 26 or beyond. In 2014, this exception will no longer apply.

Q14: What happens if a young adult under the age of 26 is not eligible for employer-sponsored insurance and both parents have separate plans that offer dependent coverage?
Neither parent's plan can deny coverage.


The parents cannot be forced to keep him on.

Just because they can keep him on does not mean they have to.

It ain't rocket science.
He couldn't force his parents to pay for his insurance.

His parents would have to agree to allowing him to stay on their policy.

Besides that he's an adult and should be paying his own way.

Q9: Does the adult child have to purchase an individual policy?
No. Eligible adult children wishing to take advantage of the new coverage will be included in the parents' family policy.

Q13: Why is there a special exception for group plans in existence on March 23, 2010?
Our goal is to cover as many young adults under the age of 26 as possible with the least amount of burden. If a young adult is eligible to purchase other employer-based health insurance such as through her job, the law does not require the parent or parents' plan to enroll that child if the parents' plan is a grandfathered health plan (i.e., in existence on March 23, 2010). Of course, all group plans have the option to cover all adult children until the age of 26 or beyond. In 2014, this exception will no longer apply.

Q14: What happens if a young adult under the age of 26 is not eligible for employer-sponsored insurance and both parents have separate plans that offer dependent coverage?
Neither parent's plan can deny coverage.


The parents cannot be forced to keep him on.

Just because they can keep him on does not mean they have to.

It ain't rocket science.

certainly they can

Q9: Does the adult child have to purchase an individual policy?
No. Eligible adult children wishing to take advantage of the new coverage will be included in the parents' family policy.

does not say can be included

only "children" who can get their own insurance from an employer

are exempt

If a young adult is eligible to purchase other employer-based health insurance such as through her job, the law does not require the parent or parents' plan to enroll that child
The law allows you to keep them on it does not force you to keep them on.

An insurance company cannot remove an adult child (oxymoron) from a policy as they used to when said adult child graduated college.

There is nothing forcing parents to keep their "adult children" on their policy

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