$175 premium for a young, healthy student? Thanks, Obamacare!

HC insuracnce companies can no longer CHERRY PICK their clients.

ERGO...healthier (often younger) clients are now in the same risk poor with sicker (often older) clients.

This has the effect of costing the healthier/younger clients more money.

One thing is for sure, this is going to punch democrats large young voter base right in the gut. :lol:

Hell Obama's rock solid lock step demographic [Young, Black, Female, Mother] attacked the Whitehouse soon after Obamacare went live & she discovered he lied & she had to pay a lot more. :lol:

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Just de-funding Obamacare is stupid. It will make the mandatory rate we MUST now pay go up even more than they have already. It is a tax increase on everyone who pays for insurance.

Remove the mandate, the mass pooling or the entire law before defending it.

I hate the one size fits all pooling rules under Obamacare. If you never use or abuse the health insurance but must have it just in case, are & stay healthy, you should not be penalized by having to subsidize the user & abuser lazy fat slobs. By penalizing healthy people to subsidize unhealthy ones you will get fewer healthy ones & more unhealthy ones. Obamacare's rules have already forced insurance companies to raise rates on healthy people by 400%. Just defunding without fixing it will make it even worse.
as it turns out

he is a fraud working for "organizing for America" volunteer

which is pretty much how all of the leftists poster children turn out

what a douche bag

Sarah Kliff: So your dad says you haven’t purchased health insurance.

Chad Henderson: Here’s my response. Most reporters, I’m not calling anyone out especially you, they haven’t had access to the web site. They weren’t very clear as to how the process went. Most people have no understanding that it’s a two step process. One is you fill out an application. It sends you a notification received successfully.

The next step is comparing the prices, comparing all the plans. And that’s when you purchase the plan. I said I enrolled in the marketplace. I never said I chose a specific plan. But the number I gave you, the $175 or $200 or whatever, that is the plan I am choosing. My dad is choosing a different plan. So, enrollment meant that my application was sent and approved. That’s what I meant by enrollment. I have not purchased a specific plan. That’s what’s confusing people.

My dad was right. I have chosen mine. He hasn’t chosen his yet.

Sarah Kliff: So let me make sure I understand things right here. You went through the part of the website where you entered in your information and found out what you qualified for, and that’s done. And you got to the part where you can compare plans, but you have not purchased a plan?

Chad Henderson: We have not purchased a specific.The application has information and once you submit it, it reviews eligibility. Obviously I’m not eligible for Medicaid because our governor isn’t expanding it. And that’s what I meant by enrollment. I had assumed that I never said I purchased a plan or enrolled in marketplace. I’m not backing down on my comments. I have not misled anyone.

Sarah Kliff: I think where a lot of us got confused is you said you had enrolled in a plan when you haven’t purchased a health plan. You told us the amount of the premium you were going to pay.

Chad Henderson: I understand that. I was giving you guys a number as to what I’m choosing

Is Obamacare?s celebrity enrollee actually signed up?

No fraud that I can see. Not his fault that people didn't understand what he meant.
HC insuracnce companies can no longer CHERRY PICK their clients.

ERGO...healthier (often younger) clients are now in the same risk poor with sicker (often older) clients.

This has the effect of costing the healthier/younger clients more money.

That was a wonderful display of ignorance.

What he said is 100% truthful. What is your issue with it?
This idea that we're gonna 20 somethings to pay for the pool is a plan that is doomed..

First of all, they can stay on their parents plans until 26 and will be a minimal addition to a family policy.
But the ones in college, living off mom and dad and surviving on Ramen noodles??

I've heard anecdotes that these kids are going on a MEDICAID adventure.. Yup.. Not into the pool as worthy noble PAYING CITIZENS --- but on the public doles as a welfare case..

Gonna happen.. It's a huge entitlement bump -- funding by redistribution of taxes.. You think the tax tables are progressive NOW --- just wait for the bill to come in for all these "tax credits"..

Another anecdote to worry about.. These youngins are gonna get a quote for both the "full premium amount" and the amount of "premium after tax rebate".. Do they know they are gonna have to wait for April 15th for a check to pay them back for the FULL PREMIUM amount that was paid in the previous year.. Not many 20 somethings have the discipline to DEPOSIT that check to offset next years premiums.

Total FUBAR.. Wait for the screams. They will be audible with the windows closed...
as it turns out

he is a fraud working for "organizing for America" volunteer

which is pretty much how all of the leftists poster children turn out

what a douche bag

Sarah Kliff: So your dad says you haven’t purchased health insurance.

Chad Henderson: Here’s my response. Most reporters, I’m not calling anyone out especially you, they haven’t had access to the web site. They weren’t very clear as to how the process went. Most people have no understanding that it’s a two step process. One is you fill out an application. It sends you a notification received successfully.

The next step is comparing the prices, comparing all the plans. And that’s when you purchase the plan. I said I enrolled in the marketplace. I never said I chose a specific plan. But the number I gave you, the $175 or $200 or whatever, that is the plan I am choosing. My dad is choosing a different plan. So, enrollment meant that my application was sent and approved. That’s what I meant by enrollment. I have not purchased a specific plan. That’s what’s confusing people.

My dad was right. I have chosen mine. He hasn’t chosen his yet.

Sarah Kliff: So let me make sure I understand things right here. You went through the part of the website where you entered in your information and found out what you qualified for, and that’s done. And you got to the part where you can compare plans, but you have not purchased a plan?

Chad Henderson: We have not purchased a specific.The application has information and once you submit it, it reviews eligibility. Obviously I’m not eligible for Medicaid because our governor isn’t expanding it. And that’s what I meant by enrollment. I had assumed that I never said I purchased a plan or enrolled in marketplace. I’m not backing down on my comments. I have not misled anyone.

Sarah Kliff: I think where a lot of us got confused is you said you had enrolled in a plan when you haven’t purchased a health plan. You told us the amount of the premium you were going to pay.

Chad Henderson: I understand that. I was giving you guys a number as to what I’m choosing

Is Obamacare?s celebrity enrollee actually signed up?

No fraud that I can see. Not his fault that people didn't understand what he meant.

Yeah, right.
HC insuracnce companies can no longer CHERRY PICK their clients.

ERGO...healthier (often younger) clients are now in the same risk poor with sicker (often older) clients.

This has the effect of costing the healthier/younger clients more money.

That was a wonderful display of ignorance.

What he said is 100% truthful. What is your issue with it?

If I have to explain it you won't understand it, trust me on that.
of he could under law force his parents to keep him on their Cadillac plan

instead of the shitty bronze 5000 dollar deductible one

letting his parents absorb the cost of insuring him

We don't have a Caddy plan and our kids (23, 20, 16) are all still on our plan (hubs, through work). Has that changed via the ACA? We haven't heard anything about it.

i couldnt tell ya about your plan

he should ask his employer if their costs has risen

the mrs through her work has a very nice plan

it would be considered a caddy plan

both her and the employers costs has rose quite a bit

this last year employers have been required to state on the w-2 form

last year it was 8800 dollars between her and her employer

this year it will be around 12000
$175 premium for a young, healthy student? Thanks, Obamacare!
American media outlets were finally able to track down a mythical creature — a person who actually signed up for the Obamacare exchanges online.

But that person, Chad Henderson, admitted to the Washington Post that the premium for the plan he enrolled in was $175. Ouch! Wasn’t Obamacare supposed to lower premiums?

Henderson’s going to pay a $175 premium and he won’t even receive vision or dental insurance. He has contacts, so not having vision insurance is kind of a bum deal.

Henderson, as far as we know a healthy, 21-year-old college student at Chattanooga State Community College who lives in Flintstone, Ga., and works part-time at a day-care center, did not qualify for tax credits to purchase insurance, according to the Post.

Without Obamacare, Henderson could have received health insurance for as little as $44.72 on eHealthInsurance.com, according to Michael F. Cannon of the Cato Institute.

“I can’t yet say whether Chad’s $175 premium is the lowest-cost plan available to him through the Obamacare Exchange,” Cannon said. “[I’m in the process of researching that, and it’ll probably take a few hours.] But it’s probably close.”

Thanks to Obamacare’s community-rating price controls that take effect in 2014, Henderson’s cheapest plan option on eHealthInsurance jumped up to $190.23.

“So it appears that Obamacare quadrupled Chad’s premiums, and Enroll America thinks this is a success story,” Cannon said.​

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm................... Seems you left out some relevant information. What is his income? What does eHealthInsurance cover, and what is their record concerning claims?

Subsidy Calculator | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
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$175 premium for a young, healthy student? Thanks, Obamacare!
American media outlets were finally able to track down a mythical creature — a person who actually signed up for the Obamacare exchanges online.

But that person, Chad Henderson, admitted to the Washington Post that the premium for the plan he enrolled in was $175. Ouch! Wasn’t Obamacare supposed to lower premiums?

Henderson’s going to pay a $175 premium and he won’t even receive vision or dental insurance. He has contacts, so not having vision insurance is kind of a bum deal.

Henderson, as far as we know a healthy, 21-year-old college student at Chattanooga State Community College who lives in Flintstone, Ga., and works part-time at a day-care center, did not qualify for tax credits to purchase insurance, according to the Post.

Without Obamacare, Henderson could have received health insurance for as little as $44.72 on eHealthInsurance.com, according to Michael F. Cannon of the Cato Institute.

“I can’t yet say whether Chad’s $175 premium is the lowest-cost plan available to him through the Obamacare Exchange,” Cannon said. “[I’m in the process of researching that, and it’ll probably take a few hours.] But it’s probably close.”

Thanks to Obamacare’s community-rating price controls that take effect in 2014, Henderson’s cheapest plan option on eHealthInsurance jumped up to $190.23.

“So it appears that Obamacare quadrupled Chad’s premiums, and Enroll America thinks this is a success story,” Cannon said.​

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm................... Seems you left out some relevant information. What is his income? What does eHealthInsurance cover, and what is their record concerning claims?

Subsidy Calculator | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Read the rest of the thread. Kid's an OFA plant. He didn't even buy the insurance. :lol:
There is nothing made up. You fail.
Not really...but there you go again, making stuff up.

Meanwhile, back in reality, you fail in your laughable claims that you're a moderate Republican.

You're an Obamabot. Nothing more, nothing less.

Merely your incorrect opinion. You are entitled to it.
Yes, I am. You are even free to lie about your politics.

Not that it does you much good. Whenever you start crying about people criticizing Dear Reader, you give yourself away.
Take a look at the FB page, healthcare.gov Welcome to Obamacare

Troy Russell So I just received my 2014 coverage and costs from by health care provider. They informed me that they have transitioned my current coverage that I have had for the past 4 years to a comparable ACA certified coverage plan. My MONTHLY premium went up by $200.00 and my coverage out of pockets costs increased by 30%. So answer me this, how is this a "Affordable Health Care Act"? I can now no longer afford my health insurance premium for my family and do not qualify for assistance based on the guidelines. I compared my new rate to the ones on the Marketplace and they are the same or higher, so that is not an option either. I feel like my government has again lied and cheated me into a corner - now what?


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