15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense

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That's a good example of what I mean. You see the hyper-religious in this forum, but they are creationists into science and creation. They see intelligence behind the design of the creator and the MASSIVE EVIDENCE of the global flood such as the Himalayas and Mt. Everest forming from the fountains of the deep. The creation scientists dominate throughout history as they have the GREATEST SCIENTISTS such as Alfred Wegener discovering plate tectonics and the fountains of the deep.

OTOH, all you can see is your weak atheist scientists try to find evidence of evolution, but there is none. They tried to show the universe and Earth are billions of years old and FAILED MISERABLY. It is amazing to me that the atheists here continue to see this delusion when no evidence backs it up. Heck, our planet would be like Mars that had water on the surface, but its MAGNETIC FIELD DISSIPATING destroyed it with global warming. Our MF is dissipating now.
There is no evidence of a global flood. That’s why you ID creationers present none.

Pretty simple concept.

On the other hand, ID’iot creationers denying the evidence for evolution is typical for the hyper-religious.
Sorry. You are beating a dead horse. You reduce scripture to children's stories
A dead horse is a great description for you. You claim to read the Bible, but remain STUPID AS SHIT!

The Bible is not a children's story when it comes to the global flood. It killed even the innocent as the sinful outnumbered the good and the sinful would've killed the innocent. Today, we have the atheists, agnostics and evolution and I think it will bring about the second coming and death by global fire. I mean for God to be replaced by something IDIOTIC such as evolution would make our supernatural creator ANGRY. Evolution is a lie and the STUPIDEST THING I've ever heard, so God must be really ANGRY!

I feel sad for you as the global flood is the prime example of God's wrath against sin and humans. Jesus will come the second time as we are all doomed.
There is no evidence of a global flood. That’s why you ID creationers present none.

Pretty simple concept.

On the other hand, ID’iot creationers denying the evidence for evolution is typical for the hyper-religious.
Science backs up the global flood. We see the evidence everywhere. Just recently a civilization was found underwater. The atheist scientists can't explain it. Probably because it does not back up evolution lmao.
A dead horse is a great description for you. You claim to read the Bible, but remain STUPID AS SHIT!

The Bible is not a children's story when it comes to the global flood. It killed even the innocent as the sinful outnumbered the good and the sinful would've killed the innocent. Today, we have the atheists, agnostics and evolution and I think it will bring about the second coming and death by global fire. I mean for God to be replaced by something IDIOTIC such as evolution would make our supernatural creator ANGRY. Evolution is a lie and the STUPIDEST THING I've ever heard, so God must be really ANGRY!

I feel sad for you as the global flood is the prime example of God's wrath against sin and humans. Jesus will come the second time as we are all doomed.
The global flood is just another borrowed myth to teach with.
Science backs up the global flood. We see the evidence everywhere. Just recently a civilization was found underwater. The atheist scientists can't explain it. Probably because it does not back up evolution lmao.
Science does not back up the biblical flood. There is no evidence to support it. That explains your lack of evidence to support it.

Civilizations do not live underwater.
Science does not back up the biblical flood. There is no evidence to support it. That explains your lack of evidence to support it.

Civilizations do not live underwater.
Off the coast of Sweden, but no evidence for a flood.
The global flood is just another borrowed myth to teach with.
Haha. You have zero evidence for that while what I have could fill a state. What a cuckoo bird!

I know what happens to the good guys when they head into the horizon, but what happens to you?

Answer: We ALL get judged.
Civilizations do not live underwater.
Yep, until the global flood -- Mysterious Underwater Cities Discovered All Around the World.

They got even a Top 10:

I'll have to find a cuckoo bird site that you can live with. Here's one that can go on forever --

Jeez, I thought most people accepted the global flood, but what a revelation lol.
Haha. You have zero evidence for that while what I have could fill a state. What a cuckoo bird!

I know what happens to the good guys when they head into the horizon, but what happens to you?

Answer: We ALL get judged.
Sadly you turn people away from faith. We are not living in the bronze age.
Yep, until the global flood -- Mysterious Underwater Cities Discovered All Around the World.

They got even a Top 10:

I'll have to find a cuckoo bird site that you can live with. Here's one that can go on forever --

Jeez, I thought most people accepted the global flood, but what a revelation lol.

I see you have not tried to defend the biblical flood myth.
You reject science and education, but Christians aren't required to be stupid.
The Christians and I aren't stupid as the global flood was backed up. It's you and the stupid atheists who reject HARD EVIDENCE, science and education by believing in DUMB SHIT like evolution. This is why I keep saying we need to teach CREATION SCIENCE in ALL schools. Then we won't have stupid mofos like you who can't accept the global flood. What will you do when the global fire comes?
I see you have not tried to defend the biblical flood myth.
I challenge you, surada and the other atheists here to explain the underwater cities around the world. When people start making top ten lists, then they're really something and a lot of them. If it was a movie, then it would be sci-fi or some cheap evilution flick, but these are real. They're facts. I got acts and facts.

I challenge you, surada and the other atheists here to explain the underwater cities around the world. When people start making top ten lists, then they're really something and a lot of them. If it was a movie, then it would be sci-fi or some cheap evilution flick, but these are real. They're facts. I got acts and facts.

Are you kidding me? What asinine reasoning.
You're entitled to your opinion, but you're REALLY WRONG about me "intentionally ignore what you are able to see with your own eyes all around you?"

I don't know why you do this but who likes to be a natural scientist has first of all to be a good observer and measurer of the things which are all around. Your agitatoric political form to argue - which is by the way not wrong when you attack Nazis and other so called "Darwinists" (=racists) - has nevertheless not a lot to do with natural science and is a totally wrong form for a Christian when it is used to defame others.

What I see is THE EVIDENCE of the global flood and not evolution.

What I see is that such a sentence makes not a big sense or did you never think about which "flood" of fire, dirt and ice killed the Dinos or which "floods" of pestilences killed so many human beings or what a virus like "Corona" is able to teach us? But the flood of the bible is another thing because it was caused from god. In an analogy of natural history: 70,000 years ago we had been as intelligent as we are today. Nevertheless we died nearly out, because we did not fit any longer to god's creation, to the nature around. All mankind was lost - but something changed and very few people survived. Let me call them here now "the people of the tribe of Noah". And now? Today? Exist as many human beings as stars we see in the sky. ... Both stories which I combined here are totally different - but both stories teach us that we all should not be arrogant but thankful for our existence.

Evolution doesn't have any observable nor testable evidence and has been disproved.

What's wrong. But this is not a problem of the Christian religion. If someone lives in fear of people who argue in the name of Darwinism which transports the racism of the English empire then this is not any problem. But to "believe" or "not to believe" in evolution (or natural science at all) is not the faith of Christians. Truth is always true - independent from the person who speaks out this trtuth.

If the only prayer
We said, was thank you
That would be enough

Meister Eckhart
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