15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense

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The homo erectus had hundreds of thousands of years about the same size as we have today - he was very big: 1.45-1.80 meter = 1.6-2 yards! That human beings had been often smaller in the past is an effect of a lack of food (and/or a bad quality of food) and not really an effect of the biological evolution of the homo sapiens.
And that's part of evolution, our food evolves to better quality and so do our bodies. THAT'S THE VERY DEFINITION OF EVOLUTION.
15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense
By John Rennie - July 1, 2002
Editor-in-Chief, Scientific American

1. Evolution is only a theory. It is not a fact or a scientific law.

Many people learned in Elementary School that a theory falls in the middle of a hierarchy of certainty -- above a mere hypothesis but below a law.
Scientists do NOT use the terms that way, however.
According to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), a Scientific theory is "a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses." No amount of validation changes a theory into a law, which is a descriptive generalization about nature.
So when scientists talk about the theory of evolution -- or the atomic theory or the theory of relativity, for that matter -- they are NOT expressing reservations about its truth.

In addition to the theory of evolution, meaning the idea of descent with modification, one may also speak of the Fact of evolution."..."



Evolution exists and I'll prove it to you. Just look at houses and clothes from 300 years ago, everything was smaller, you can see that for yourself in old building and historical clothes. Meaning that as man goes forward in time, he's getting taller. That's man evolving into a taller being. That's what evolution is.
And that's part of evolution,

No! One problem with many atheists who argue in the name of evolution is it that they don't know how to seperate their beleif and their knowledge. The evolution of the homo erectus is different. People had been smaller in former times just simple because of an inadequate form of food and/or a lack of food.

or food evolves

Stupid idea! We need for example proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and so on and so on.

to better quality and so do our bodies.

What we eat exists much longer than our own evolution had been.


That's your idea about this what you call "evolution" - but this fits not with real science.
No! One problem with many atheists who argue in the name of evolution is it that they don't know how to seperate their beleif and their knowledge. The evolution of the homo erectus is different. People had been smaller in former times just simple because of an inadequate form of food and/or a lack of food.

Stupid idea! We need for example proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and so on and so on.

What we eat exists much longer than our own evolution had been.

That's your idea about this what you call "evolution" - but this fits not with real science.
Our food evolves in the sense that we went from hunter gatherers to farming and raising livestock, because our brains evolved to be bigger.
Our food evolves

Not really - compared with our very young species. It is Larifari what you say here ... one moment: no "Larifari" evolved not into the English language. You still near yourselve from nonsense.

in the sense that we went from hunter gatherers to farming and raising livestock, because our brains evolved to be bigger.

That's also nonsense. The hunter and gatherers had been perhaps more intelligent than we are now. For sure we don't have a very good idea how they had been able to build the first temples of mankind in Göbekli Tepe. I guess as a result of this unbelievable buildings and because more and more people liked to live in the near of their temples and their gods slowly agriculture and stock farming was developed. So first had existed religion and a high culture - then civilisation followed. To call this process "evolution" is relativelly insignificant. Evolution is more a kind of sorcerer who shakes his wand and in only some million years dinos become birds.

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I (= all human beings) - wipe out other species because of the own suicidal egocentrism and a deep lack of understanding of all real structures of the world. You are a good example for an "unreal" and "untrue" human being who speaks out a lot of superflous unreasonable bullshit about natural science and about the Christian religion (=rebound in god). If you would take serios god's creation then you would feel to be responsible for all living species of the whole living creation of god.

So, you're agreeing to a sin-filled world of humans only looking out for themselves as "survival of the fittest." We already had examples of it with social Darwinism, eugenics, and Hitler with the Holocaust. It usually means the atheists are to blame for their lack of education in believing in fake science such as evolution.
So, you're agreeing to a sin-filled world of humans only looking out for themselves as "survival of the fittest." We already had examples of it with social Darwinism, eugenics, and Hitler with the Holocaust. It usually means the atheists are to blame for their lack of education in believing in fake science such as evolution.
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So because it's not written down in a book of fiction, it never existed? That's a pretty ignorant comment. Evolution exists and I'll prove it to you. Just look at houses and clothes from 300 years ago, everything was smaller, you can see that fr yourself in old building and historical clothes. Meaning that as man goes forward in time, he's getting taller. That's man evolving into a taller being.
Of course, atheism and agnosticism is in the Holy Bible. You're the one who doesn't know because you're an ignorant POS.

Moreover, you're moronically ignorant as creationists and their creation science know that God created natural selection. No one is denying or arguing against that. We understand what causes the beaks of birds to be different. Why a chimpanzees hands are different from a gorilla. What's important is we know that God created humans, birds, and dinosaurs as separate species. They could not evolve from natural selection. We also know that a global flood caused a big change of the Earth and its inhabitants. Those who do not believe in God can't understand why the changes happened to the Earth and its inhabitants and made up evolution.
Basically, all the creationists want to do is teach the global flood in public schools. No mention of God nor creation has to happen. However, the global flood brings forth a new explanation of the way the Earth is in regards to many of the sciences related to the Earth such as all the dinosaurs died from it. It wasn't an asteroid or meteor from space. Thus, it will be a great contradiction to evolution.
LMAO:laughing0301:, Joe because you believe in fairy tales of atheism. Yours is not a true religion, but a delusion.

The common ancestor NEVER existed because no one has ever seen it, those people never wrote down any history such as their names, where they lived and who they were related to. They do not have a history of what they did and what kind of civilization they built and lived under. Thus, anyone who describes evolution is a BIG FAT LIAR. Your atheist scientists are LIARS! Otherwise, they would have the hard evidence and we'd see the actual evidence in museums. Mostly, it's made up exhibits. I wouldn't pay money to see that.
They just found another transitional link in Israel.
Not really - compared with our very young species. It is Larifari what you say here ... one moment: no "Larifari" evolved not into the English language. You still near yourselve from nonsense.

That's also nonsense. The hunter and gatherers had been perhaps more intelligent than we are now. For sure we don't have a very good idea how they had been able to build the first temples of mankind in Göbekli Tepe. I guess as a result of this unbelievable buildings and because more and more people liked to live in the near of their temples and their gods slowly agriculture and stock farming was developed. So first had existed religion and a high culture - then civilisation followed. To call this process "evolution" is relativelly insignificant. Evolution is more a kind of sorcerer who shakes his wand and in only some million years dinos become birds.

Whether we were smarter before and evolved to be dumber, it’s still evolution.
Of course, atheism and agnosticism is in the Holy Bible. You're the one who doesn't know because you're an ignorant POS.

Moreover, you're moronically ignorant as creationists and their creation science know that God created natural selection. No one is denying or arguing against that. We understand what causes the beaks of birds to be different. Why a chimpanzees hands are different from a gorilla. What's important is we know that God created humans, birds, and dinosaurs as separate species. They could not evolve from natural selection. We also know that a global flood caused a big change of the Earth and its inhabitants. Those who do not believe in God can't understand why the changes happened to the Earth and its inhabitants and made up evolution.
Man, you really are ignorant. Have fun.
So, you're agreeing to a sin-filled world of humans only looking out for themselves as "survival of the fittest." We already had examples of it with social Darwinism, eugenics, and Hitler with the Holocaust. It usually means the atheists are to blame for their lack of education in believing in fake science such as evolution.
There’s no reason to project your self-hate on others. Yes, you believe you are a sinner, evil, base and born with sins to be heaped on all humanity.

Not everyone shares your sociopathy.
Basically, all the creationists want to do is teach the global flood in public schools. No mention of God nor creation has to happen. However, the global flood brings forth a new explanation of the way the Earth is in regards to many of the sciences related to the Earth such as all the dinosaurs died from it. It wasn't an asteroid or meteor from space. Thus, it will be a great contradiction to evolution.
Basically, you are dishonest.
There’s no reason to project your self-hate on others. Yes, you believe you are a sinner, evil, base and born with sins to be heaped on all humanity.

Not everyone shares your sociopathy.
I don't have any self-hate to project, but must've hit a nerve with you as your response is over the top. How am I dishonest? I must be telling facts, history and scientific truth if the atheists and ags cannot respond.

>> james bond:

The common ancestor NEVER existed because no one has ever seen it, those people never wrote down any history such as their names, where they lived and who they were related to. They do not have a history of what they did and what kind of civilization they built and lived under.<<

You still cannot provide what happened after Lucy. My take is Lucy was a chimp.



If you look at the no nose, small braincase, very short height (~3 ft), arms are longer than legs and past the knee, face protrudes beyond the top of the skull and more. It's okay that you and JoeBlow know none of this.
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No, just want the global flood taught in public schools.
You're Going to have to give a date/year/decade or century for that fantasy if you want it taught.
Not to mention adding all the impossible Noah and Animal details. It's a laugher.

You're Going to have to give a date/year/decade or century for that fantasy if you want it taught.
Not to mention adding all the impossible Noah and Animal details. It's a laugher.

It isn't fantasy as the creationists know that it is through education that evolution was able to get a toehold. Prior to that there was a bigger majority of those who did not subscribe to evolutionary lies. The creationists still have a sizable majority holding to what is truth, but we would like to clear this creation science vs evolution lies through education once and for all. Then, we can start eliminating the atheist scientists as people would make fun of them just like we make fun of you and your weird beliefs.
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