14 Wacky "Facts" Kids Will Learn in Louisiana's Voucher Schools

I believe you missed the guy's point

The guy, "Right Winger" is what we commonly term a "fucking liar." What he claims is utterly false, but he doesn't care. He formulates what he says to serve his shameful party, and has no regard for whether it happens to be true or not.

The demographics of California are a matter of choice. We choose to encourage illegal immigration. We are not getting Mexico's best and brightest - quite the opposite.

To liberals they are the brightest....which is all you need to know

I suppose it depends on the test of which there are several standardized tests...

Every test has a different standard...

Yep...that's why most States don't rely on IQ tests alone. They use observational tests too. They look at conceptual skills, functional skills, etc.

Conceptual skills would include thing like the concept of money and what it's used for.

Functional skills would include basic ADL(activities of daily living) skills. Like dressing bone's self, putting your shoes on the right feet, and correcting it if the person gets it wrong(knowing that it feels wrong).

There's more to it than just an IQ test. I'm not a Psychologist, so I don't know everything that goes into it, but as an aide, I have assisted in many of them.

So do gays fail the observational tests? I mean they cant put the right things in the right holes.
You know why liberals hate vouchers. They dont want black kids comming in their precious schools with the rich white folks. Why do they try so hard to deny minorities and the economically disavantaged to be able to attend a decent school?

so liberals why do you have black kids so much?
"God used the Trail of Tears to bring many Indians to Christ."—America: Land That I Love, Teacher ed., A Beka Book, 1994

Gay people "have no more claims to special rights than child molesters or rapists."—Teacher's Resource Guide to Current Events for Christian Schools, 1998-1999, Bob Jones University Press, 1998

Thus Louisiana will remain a Third World country.
Crazy, next thing you know they'll be singing "mmm mmm mmm Barack Hussein Obama"......

As bad as that or as bad as "mmm mmmm mmm . . . Willard Mitt Romney". . . far worse is "Jesus and Dinosaurs were buddies in pre-school."
I believe you missed the guy's point

The guy, "Right Winger" is what we commonly term a "fucking liar." What he claims is utterly false, but he doesn't care. He formulates what he says to serve his shameful party, and has no regard for whether it happens to be true or not.

The demographics of California are a matter of choice. We choose to encourage illegal immigration. We are not getting Mexico's best and brightest - quite the opposite.

wasn't that his point?

Is this from a textbook or are you being dishonest?
Here is another useful tool of the progressive and statist Far Right: redistribution of taxes for religious schooling.

19 out of 119. SO DON'T SEND YOUR KIDS THERE FUCKHEAD! Jesus h christ...liberals bitch and moan fest.

Tax monies in vouchers should not be going to religious private schools.

The money goes to fund an education that less fortunate people to which said quality education is financially out of reach.
I believe you missed the guy's point

The guy, "Right Winger" is what we commonly term a "fucking liar." What he claims is utterly false, but he doesn't care. He formulates what he says to serve his shameful party, and has no regard for whether it happens to be true or not.

The demographics of California are a matter of choice. We choose to encourage illegal immigration. We are not getting Mexico's best and brightest - quite the opposite.

i cant argue with that.....and i know plenty of Mexicans who would agree with that.....
I believe you missed the guy's point

The guy, "Right Winger" is what we commonly term a "fucking liar." What he claims is utterly false, but he doesn't care. He formulates what he says to serve his shameful party, and has no regard for whether it happens to be true or not.

The demographics of California are a matter of choice. We choose to encourage illegal immigration. We are not getting Mexico's best and brightest - quite the opposite.

wasn't that his point?

whenever i have said that as a reason Cal has gone downhill in Education.....many here on the left have insinuated im a .......bigot.....and have something against the Brown folk.....RW says it.....those same people dont say shit.....
Here is another useful tool of the progressive and statist Far Right: redistribution of taxes for religious schooling.

Tax monies in vouchers should not be going to religious private schools.

The money goes to fund an education that less fortunate people to which said quality education is financially out of reach.
What is your objection to offering poor and middle class kids an extraordinary educational opportunity? And please spare me the separation of church and state bullshit.
Wow, Loiusiana can't go much lower on the education rating scale, so what do they have to loose?

The anti-Christian bigotry of you morons is astounding.

Of course you are RIGHT to fear, because what REALLY happened is that parents have CHOICE. Parents can choose the best education for their children, and that sure the fuck won't help the failed public schools.

If your kid has your attitude, be prepared for the public school, the place where private schools send their problems. This is called competition?

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