13 Times the Scientific Consensus Was WRONG

You obviously don't understand my question or you are perhaps talking to your audience. Please review my last few posts and try to catch up.

ernie, the Earth called and it wants us to stop pushing the temperature higher.

We have thru man-made burning of fossil fuels already have decided that the Earth's temp should be higher. Why have YOU decided that is your decision?

Modern economies need cheap, reliable energy.

Feel free to cook your food over a dung fire.

Modern economies need reliable energy that doesn't pollute and cause healthcare related illnesses.

I can cook food over less expensive and cleaner renewable energy than your higher priced carbon based coal.


I can cook food over less expensive and cleaner renewable energy

Is that why rates are so much higher in Germany?

Because their renewable energy is cheaper?

Doesn't bother the Germans, why should it bother you?


Germany's economy and power grid is in a shambles...it is estimated that if they continue with their pledged change to renewables...the average power bill for german familes will be in the neighborhood of 850 euros per month...you really think they won't mind?
Modern economies need cheap, reliable energy.

Feel free to cook your food over a dung fire.

Modern economies need reliable energy that doesn't pollute and cause healthcare related illnesses.

I can cook food over less expensive and cleaner renewable energy than your higher priced carbon based coal.


I can cook food over less expensive and cleaner renewable energy

Is that why rates are so much higher in Germany?

Because their renewable energy is cheaper?

Doesn't bother the Germans, why should it bother you?


Doesn't bother the Germans, why should it bother you?

You're right, Germany's renewable energy stupidity doesn't bother me.
Neither does your confusion about the cost of renewables.
Feel free to make a similar expensive mistake with your own money.

Leave me, and taxpayer dollars, out of it.

First, YOU don't live in Germany.

YOU live in America where coal costs more than renewable energy.

So, YOU claiming to speak for taxpayers is laughable.

Additionally, you have no concept of total cost of ownership.

Do you coal boy.

You really don't have a clue...do you?


CLIP: "Covering the entire German energy demand of 2500 billion kwh per year – that includes heating, transportation and a large part of industry – with green technology would be impossible says the expert of the University of Konstanz. That would entail additional costs of 800 euros per household per month, and that is unaffordable,’ says Ganteför.”

CLIP: " …considerable change of lifestyle for every individual. Individual transportation and business production would have to be massively scaled back.”

Die Sonne im April 2019 und der € 4500 Milliarden Flop | Die kalte Sonne

CLIP: "In this case, the installed capacity of wind power and photovoltaics would have to be increased sevenfold compared to today (with the same energy consumption).”

CLIP: "The buffer capacity of the electric fleet is in the range of a few hours"

CLIP: "So the parents of Fridays for the future understand the 4600 billion: 153 billion are in the year, at 40 million households in Germany every household paid €319 per month in the month - net. And when it comes to Gretl and their followers, namely 15 years 100% to reach renewable energy, then €628 would be the month - when it is because not previously come to a collapse of the German energy, what is very likely. €628 are 33% at a monthly average salary in Germany NET €1890. So, then, these households fall below the poverty threshold (60% of the average net income). Brave new world."

It is clear that you aren't really interested in science, but here is an analysis of what renewables would actually cost for poorer service.

Are renewables affecting income distribution and increasing the risk of household poverty? - ScienceDirect


It is possible to go on and on and on with article and study after article and study on the extreme cost and inefficiency of renewables...how much more would you like to see? Or is there any amount of analysis of the failure of renewables that would alter your suicidal wish to go green? Are you completely determined to see all world economies go over the cliff like a bunch of lemmings?
I can cook food over less expensive and cleaner renewable energy

Is that why rates are so much higher in Germany?

Because their renewable energy is cheaper?

Doesn't bother the Germans, why should it bother you?


Doesn't bother the Germans, why should it bother you?

You're right, Germany's renewable energy stupidity doesn't bother me.
Neither does your confusion about the cost of renewables.
Feel free to make a similar expensive mistake with your own money.

Leave me, and taxpayer dollars, out of it.

First, YOU don't live in Germany.

YOU live in America where coal costs more than renewable energy.

So, YOU claiming to speak for taxpayers is laughable.

Additionally, you have no concept of total cost of ownership.

Do you coal boy.

First, YOU don't live in Germany.

German renewable energy is more expensive, but American renewable energy is cheaper? Link?

YOU live in America where coal costs more than renewable energy.

Can you prove that? Or are you just repeating a talking point?

The Coal Cost Crossover: 74% Of US Coal Plants Now More Expensive Than New Renewables, 86% By 2025

When pigs fly....anyone who believes that sort of bullshit is an absolute idiot and even more gullible than anyone who believes in AGW...
Doesn't bother the Germans, why should it bother you?

You're right, Germany's renewable energy stupidity doesn't bother me.
Neither does your confusion about the cost of renewables.
Feel free to make a similar expensive mistake with your own money.

Leave me, and taxpayer dollars, out of it.

First, YOU don't live in Germany.

YOU live in America where coal costs more than renewable energy.

So, YOU claiming to speak for taxpayers is laughable.

Additionally, you have no concept of total cost of ownership.

Do you coal boy.

First, YOU don't live in Germany.

German renewable energy is more expensive, but American renewable energy is cheaper? Link?

YOU live in America where coal costs more than renewable energy.

Can you prove that? Or are you just repeating a talking point?

The Coal Cost Crossover: 74% Of US Coal Plants Now More Expensive Than New Renewables, 86% By 2025

Let me know when Germany's prices are lower than ours, instead of three times ours.
Because they have tons of renewables.
First, YOU don't live in Germany.

YOU live in America where coal costs more than renewable energy.

So, YOU claiming to speak for taxpayers is laughable.

Additionally, you have no concept of total cost of ownership.

Do you coal boy.

First, YOU don't live in Germany.

German renewable energy is more expensive, but American renewable energy is cheaper? Link?

YOU live in America where coal costs more than renewable energy.

Can you prove that? Or are you just repeating a talking point?

The Coal Cost Crossover: 74% Of US Coal Plants Now More Expensive Than New Renewables, 86% By 2025


Cost analysis at the end of production is ghey…….and how do we know?

Because if renewables were so cost effective, why will they still be fringe by mid-century!!:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

Don't you understand?

The proof that renewables are cheaper is that every country that has a larger percentage of renewables pays much higher rates than we do.

Liberal math!!!

And when renewable here in the US are cheaper than polluted coal....I'm sure that you will gladly switch over to the future.

Can't wait. In the mean time, let's eliminate green subsidies and mandates.
Geez, only an extra $181 billion over just the last five years to install some of those
groovy, cheaper wind turbines. Extra. Not less.
Well gee, if i were stupid enough to argue from a position of tech never improvong or getting more.economical or of never learning from these projects, i might be disconverted. But, since I am not putting on a act for attention whereon a pretend to be very stupid, I am not disconcerted.

By the way, morons like you were doing the same thing over 100 years ago, when the wright brothers were failing.

I'd be more than happy to invest in more nuke plants.
Reliable and zero CO2.

Sure, we can we bury the waste in your backyard.

Doesn't bother the Germans, why should it bother you?


Doesn't bother the Germans, why should it bother you?

You're right, Germany's renewable energy stupidity doesn't bother me.
Neither does your confusion about the cost of renewables.
Feel free to make a similar expensive mistake with your own money.

Leave me, and taxpayer dollars, out of it.

First, YOU don't live in Germany.

YOU live in America where coal costs more than renewable energy.

So, YOU claiming to speak for taxpayers is laughable.

Additionally, you have no concept of total cost of ownership.

Do you coal boy.

First, YOU don't live in Germany.

German renewable energy is more expensive, but American renewable energy is cheaper? Link?

YOU live in America where coal costs more than renewable energy.

Can you prove that? Or are you just repeating a talking point?

The Coal Cost Crossover: 74% Of US Coal Plants Now More Expensive Than New Renewables, 86% By 2025

When pigs fly....anyone who believes that sort of bullshit is an absolute idiot and even more gullible than anyone who believes in AGW...

Are you always on the losing side of the future?
Doesn't bother the Germans, why should it bother you?

You're right, Germany's renewable energy stupidity doesn't bother me.
Neither does your confusion about the cost of renewables.
Feel free to make a similar expensive mistake with your own money.

Leave me, and taxpayer dollars, out of it.

First, YOU don't live in Germany.

YOU live in America where coal costs more than renewable energy.

So, YOU claiming to speak for taxpayers is laughable.

Additionally, you have no concept of total cost of ownership.

Do you coal boy.

First, YOU don't live in Germany.

German renewable energy is more expensive, but American renewable energy is cheaper? Link?

YOU live in America where coal costs more than renewable energy.

Can you prove that? Or are you just repeating a talking point?

The Coal Cost Crossover: 74% Of US Coal Plants Now More Expensive Than New Renewables, 86% By 2025

When pigs fly....anyone who believes that sort of bullshit is an absolute idiot and even more gullible than anyone who believes in AGW...

Are you always on the losing side of the future?

A look at my stock portfolio would show you that I have rarely been on the losing side of the future in my long life. I have always invested in technology stocks but have been very successful in separating good, practical ideas from pie in the sky wishes...

A bit of investment advice...if an idea can only maintain momentum by government subsidies, don’t waste your money on it.
IF we reduce our 10% to zero, how many trillions should we spend to try to fight against a natural cause?
An idiotic question, as we know it is much higher.

Sorry toddinator, your middle school trolling is just not effective with me. Bear, though...you can probably make him degenerate into an amorphous, drooling blob of anger and then get all the attention you desire. I wish you the best.

as we know it is much higher.


So what are the real percentages?
Irrelevant. Same as the first 500 times you tried to annoy people by asking it, so that you could, hopefully, get some attention from a stranger on the internet.

Of course it's irrelevant to you, because you will run away again.
I never said any of that. What I asked was, who are we as humans to decide what the earth's average temperature should be?

Moral people with common sense. A fast change in climate will cost trillions and make a lot of people suffer and die. Moral people with common sense try to avoid such situations.

Or are you so egotistical that you assume that the earth is here for your comfort?

You're kind of an evil Gaian, hoping that climate makes people suffer and die for the glory of your political cult.
You obviously don't understand my question or you are perhaps talking to your audience. Please review my last few posts and try to catch up.

ernie, the Earth called and it wants us to stop pushing the temperature higher.

We have thru man-made burning of fossil fuels already have decided that the Earth's temp should be higher. Why have YOU decided that is your decision?

Why today shouldn't the earth's temperature be higher when the earth was fine with it before?
Modern economies need cheap, reliable energy.

Feel free to cook your food over a dung fire.

Modern economies need reliable energy that doesn't pollute and cause healthcare related illnesses.

I can cook food over less expensive and cleaner renewable energy than your higher priced carbon based coal.


I can cook food over less expensive and cleaner renewable energy

Is that why rates are so much higher in Germany?

Because their renewable energy is cheaper?

Doesn't bother the Germans, why should it bother you?


Doesn't bother the Germans, why should it bother you?

You're right, Germany's renewable energy stupidity doesn't bother me.
Neither does your confusion about the cost of renewables.
Feel free to make a similar expensive mistake with your own money.

Leave me, and taxpayer dollars, out of it.

First, YOU don't live in Germany.

YOU live in America where coal costs more than renewable energy.

So, YOU claiming to speak for taxpayers is laughable.

Additionally, you have no concept of total cost of ownership.

Do you coal boy.

Coal cost more because of liberals 40 year war on coal you moron, next you will tell us smokes cost $12 bucks a pack in some US cities because of high shipping cost
Modern economies need reliable energy that doesn't pollute and cause healthcare related illnesses.

I can cook food over less expensive and cleaner renewable energy than your higher priced carbon based coal.


I can cook food over less expensive and cleaner renewable energy

Is that why rates are so much higher in Germany?

Because their renewable energy is cheaper?

Doesn't bother the Germans, why should it bother you?


Doesn't bother the Germans, why should it bother you?

You're right, Germany's renewable energy stupidity doesn't bother me.
Neither does your confusion about the cost of renewables.
Feel free to make a similar expensive mistake with your own money.

Leave me, and taxpayer dollars, out of it.

First, YOU don't live in Germany.

YOU live in America where coal costs more than renewable energy.

So, YOU claiming to speak for taxpayers is laughable.

Additionally, you have no concept of total cost of ownership.

Do you coal boy.

Coal cost more because of liberals 40 year war on coal you moron, next you will tell us smokes cost $12 bucks a pack in some US cities because of high shipping cost

Liberal do gooding invariably most hurts those who can least afford to be hurt.
One has to wonder what, exactly, abu afak finds funny about liberal do gooding hurting the poor. Very strange individual.
I never said any of that. What I asked was, who are we as humans to decide what the earth's average temperature should be?

Moral people with common sense. A fast change in climate will cost trillions and make a lot of people suffer and die. Moral people with common sense try to avoid such situations.

Or are you so egotistical that you assume that the earth is here for your comfort?

You're kind of an evil Gaian, hoping that climate makes people suffer and die for the glory of your political cult.
You obviously don't understand my question or you are perhaps talking to your audience. Please review my last few posts and try to catch up.

ernie, the Earth called and it wants us to stop pushing the temperature higher.

We have thru man-made burning of fossil fuels already have decided that the Earth's temp should be higher. Why have YOU decided that is your decision?

Why today shouldn't the earth's temperature be higher when the earth was fine with it before?
Exactly! Why should the temperature be compatible with human life? Why not dinosaurs or mastodons? What you people do is pick a random temperature and decide for the whole of nature, that that is the ideal. How utterly egotistical of you!
I never said any of that. What I asked was, who are we as humans to decide what the earth's average temperature should be?

Moral people with common sense. A fast change in climate will cost trillions and make a lot of people suffer and die. Moral people with common sense try to avoid such situations.

Or are you so egotistical that you assume that the earth is here for your comfort?

You're kind of an evil Gaian, hoping that climate makes people suffer and die for the glory of your political cult.
You obviously don't understand my question or you are perhaps talking to your audience. Please review my last few posts and try to catch up.

ernie, the Earth called and it wants us to stop pushing the temperature higher.

We have thru man-made burning of fossil fuels already have decided that the Earth's temp should be higher. Why have YOU decided that is your decision?

Why today shouldn't the earth's temperature be higher when the earth was fine with it before?
Exactly! Why should the temperature be compatible with human life? Why not dinosaurs or mastodons? What you people do is pick a random temperature and decide for the whole of nature, that that is the ideal. How utterly egotistical of you!

Yeah! We don't want to eat!
Moral people with common sense. A fast change in climate will cost trillions and make a lot of people suffer and die. Moral people with common sense try to avoid such situations.

You're kind of an evil Gaian, hoping that climate makes people suffer and die for the glory of your political cult.
You obviously don't understand my question or you are perhaps talking to your audience. Please review my last few posts and try to catch up.

ernie, the Earth called and it wants us to stop pushing the temperature higher.

We have thru man-made burning of fossil fuels already have decided that the Earth's temp should be higher. Why have YOU decided that is your decision?

Why today shouldn't the earth's temperature be higher when the earth was fine with it before?
Exactly! Why should the temperature be compatible with human life? Why not dinosaurs or mastodons? What you people do is pick a random temperature and decide for the whole of nature, that that is the ideal. How utterly egotistical of you!

Yeah! We don't want to eat!

Why won't you ?

You obviously don't understand my question or you are perhaps talking to your audience. Please review my last few posts and try to catch up.

ernie, the Earth called and it wants us to stop pushing the temperature higher.

We have thru man-made burning of fossil fuels already have decided that the Earth's temp should be higher. Why have YOU decided that is your decision?

Why today shouldn't the earth's temperature be higher when the earth was fine with it before?
Exactly! Why should the temperature be compatible with human life? Why not dinosaurs or mastodons? What you people do is pick a random temperature and decide for the whole of nature, that that is the ideal. How utterly egotistical of you!

Yeah! We don't want to eat!

Why won't you ?


The last time the planet warmed, everything starved.
Moral people with common sense. A fast change in climate will cost trillions and make a lot of people suffer and die. Moral people with common sense try to avoid such situations.

You're kind of an evil Gaian, hoping that climate makes people suffer and die for the glory of your political cult.
You obviously don't understand my question or you are perhaps talking to your audience. Please review my last few posts and try to catch up.

ernie, the Earth called and it wants us to stop pushing the temperature higher.

We have thru man-made burning of fossil fuels already have decided that the Earth's temp should be higher. Why have YOU decided that is your decision?

Why today shouldn't the earth's temperature be higher when the earth was fine with it before?
Exactly! Why should the temperature be compatible with human life? Why not dinosaurs or mastodons? What you people do is pick a random temperature and decide for the whole of nature, that that is the ideal. How utterly egotistical of you!

Yeah! We don't want to eat!

So what is the ideal temperature for life on earth. I have asked you several times but you don't seem to be able to say. You clearly believe that it isn't the present temperature or a warmer temperature...so what is the ideal...and what evidence do you have to support the claim? It would be very surprising to me to see any scientifically valid claim that the ideal temperature for life on earth could be found within an ice age..
You obviously don't understand my question or you are perhaps talking to your audience. Please review my last few posts and try to catch up.

ernie, the Earth called and it wants us to stop pushing the temperature higher.

We have thru man-made burning of fossil fuels already have decided that the Earth's temp should be higher. Why have YOU decided that is your decision?

Why today shouldn't the earth's temperature be higher when the earth was fine with it before?
Exactly! Why should the temperature be compatible with human life? Why not dinosaurs or mastodons? What you people do is pick a random temperature and decide for the whole of nature, that that is the ideal. How utterly egotistical of you!

Yeah! We don't want to eat!

Why won't you ?


Guess he thinks food crops like the cold temperatures and short growing seasons associated with ice ages...what might farming look like with a growing season that stretched from late February to mid December...maybe there would be no more starving people..
ernie, the Earth called and it wants us to stop pushing the temperature higher.

We have thru man-made burning of fossil fuels already have decided that the Earth's temp should be higher. Why have YOU decided that is your decision?

Why today shouldn't the earth's temperature be higher when the earth was fine with it before?
Exactly! Why should the temperature be compatible with human life? Why not dinosaurs or mastodons? What you people do is pick a random temperature and decide for the whole of nature, that that is the ideal. How utterly egotistical of you!

Yeah! We don't want to eat!

Why won't you ?


Guess he thinks food crops like the cold temperatures and short growing seasons associated with ice ages...what might farming look like with a growing season that stretched from late February to mid December...maybe there would be no more starving people..
And what kind of catastrophy would it be if you could suddenly grow food in the Sahara? Or Siberia?

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