11 things the Bible bans, but you do anyway

Thus the Ten commandments is Horseshit to you?

Let us not forget, the Laws of the OT outline what is considered a sin. If these laws are abolished, then what is a sin?? Try arguing this without referring to Judaism/(OT) and Christianity comes off as a "not well thought out" cult.

No laws have been 'abolished'.
They're covered by Jesus' 2 simple commandments.

These 2 simple commandments are?

If you don't know, you have no business in this thread.
Well, if you really did, then it was obviously a wasted couple of decades because you apparently didn't learn anything.

Debating the meaning of scripture is what Christians do. You're a Christian and BDBoop is a Christian, you just understand the scripture differently from each other.

What I look for is who has an open heart?

Does you heart feel open or closed when you post on this thread?

If you feel closed, then this may not be a good thread for you.

I think I'm perfectly capable of determining what is good for me or not good for me without any help from you. ;)

OK. I'm just trying to help you recognize how you feel. Do you feel open or closed to your debate opponents?
11 Things The Bible Bans, But You Do Anyway - 11Points.com

There shouldn't be a thread because HEY! It's the Bible and everybody knows it's just like the Pope.


It always amuses me when a modern person brings up 5000 or so, y/o guides to living.

did you know that you also can't eat rabbit?


The reasons for these rules are never ever listed, just paraded out by god haters to mock people of faith.

Nobody would need to 'mock people of faith' if people of faith would stop making a mockery of the teachings of Christ.

Not true. The bible makes it very clear that the unsaved will mock people of the faith, and it has nothing to do with whether or not we *make a mockery* of the teachings of Christ. Look at II Tim 3. It is Satan who drives them..not those who are saved.

"12 In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13 while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

What did JESUS command? I know you know, and you're either going to deny it, or twist it. But what is the biggest commandment of Christ?

John 15:12 This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

NOTE: "Love one another" means "love all people," not just "love other Christians."

This is what I've been 'harping on' ever since I got here. You call yourself a Christian? I should be able to see it from this chair. "By their fruits you shall know them."

Yes, you harp on that. You also attack fellow Christians, you lie, and you support behavior that is in direct opposition to what the bible dictates. The bible has strong words to say about that, as well.
I'm waiting to see the Christian whose faith is strong enough to admit some of these outdate laws in the Bible appear pretty silly for modern times.

Why would laughing at round haircuts admonishment harm a Christian of strong faith?

What happened to being able to laugh at what is really silly? Can't we laugh without people think it's mocking them?
Christians say that all the time...that the laws of Leviticus were for a specific group of people, at a certain time.

But we don't laugh at the bible. That would be exceedingly foolish.
I'm waiting to see the Christian whose faith is strong enough to admit some of these outdate laws in the Bible appear pretty silly for modern times.

Why would laughing at round haircuts admonishment harm a Christian of strong faith?

What happened to being able to laugh at what is really silly? Can't we laugh without people think it's mocking them?

The Christian faith is not a faith for modern times. It is a faith for all times and all peoples.
Christians say that all the time...that the laws of Leviticus were for a specific group of people, at a certain time.

But we don't laugh at the bible. That would be exceedingly foolish.

I'm sorry but the round haircuts thing cracks me up. So does thinking that a little girl wearing patent leather shoes are an "occasion of sin".

(Our nuns claimed that patent leather shoes were an occassion of sin, because they were so shiny the boys could look up the girls skirts)
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Christians say that all the time...that the laws of Leviticus were for a specific group of people, at a certain time.

But we don't laugh at the bible. That would be exceedingly foolish.

I'm sorry but the round haircuts thing cracks me up. So does thinking that a little girl wearing patent leather shoes are an "occasion of sin".

(Our nuns claimed that patent leather shoes were an occassion of sin, because they were so shiny the boys could look up the girls skirts)

I think muslim women covering up their entire body so only their eyes show is really funny stuff. Muslim men must get aroused if they see bare skin. That cracks me up.
Christians say that all the time...that the laws of Leviticus were for a specific group of people, at a certain time.

But we don't laugh at the bible. That would be exceedingly foolish.

I'm sorry but the round haircuts thing cracks me up. So does thinking that a little girl wearing patent leather shoes are an "occasion of sin".

(Our nuns claimed that patent leather shoes were an occassion of sin, because they were so shiny the boys could look up the girls skirts)

I think muslim women covering up their entire body so only their eyes show is really funny stuff. Muslim men must get aroused if they see bare skin. That cracks me up.

I'm glad you have the ability to laugh at something.
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I'm sorry but the round haircuts thing cracks me up. So does thinking that a little girl wearing patent leather shoes are an "occasion of sin".

(Our nuns claimed that patent leather shoes were an occassion of sin, because they were so shiny the boys could look up the girls skirts)

I think muslim women covering up their entire body so only their eyes show is really funny stuff. Muslim men must get aroused if they see bare skin. That cracks me up.

I'm glad you have the ability to laugh at something.

I'm no different than you or anyone. I laugh at what I think is funny. Do you find anything funny about Islam? I think Islam is the funniest religion of all.
John 15:12 This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

NOTE: "Love one another" means "love all people," not just "love other Christians."

Wrong, shithead. "Love one another" means for Christians to love Christians. Take a reading comprehension class.
I'm waiting to see the Christian whose faith is strong enough to admit some of these outdate laws in the Bible appear pretty silly for modern times.

Why would laughing at round haircuts admonishment harm a Christian of strong faith?

What happened to being able to laugh at what is really silly? Can't we laugh without people think it's mocking them?

Name these "outdated laws".

Food laws are covered. 'Nothing is unclean if received in thanksgiving'.

Blood laws, or sacrificial laws, have been covered by His blood.

What else?
John 15:12 This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

NOTE: "Love one another" means "love all people," not just "love other Christians."

Wrong, shithead. "Love one another" means for Christians to love Christians. Take a reading comprehension class.

Boy, do YOU have an easy faith or what!

You really think Jesus only loves those who follow him?
John 15:12 This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

NOTE: "Love one another" means "love all people," not just "love other Christians."

Wrong, shithead. "Love one another" means for Christians to love Christians. Take a reading comprehension class.

Christians should love other Christians. And when Christians find people who disagree with them, they should call them "shitheads."


John 15:12 This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

NOTE: "Love one another" means "love all people," not just "love other Christians."

Wrong, shithead. "Love one another" means for Christians to love Christians. Take a reading comprehension class.

Christians should love other Christians. And when Christians find people who disagree with them, they should call them "shitheads."



Yes. Psalm 42:83 - So few know of that one, I'm surprised you picked up on it.

Yeah, listen to Betty, the self professed Bible expert who doesn't seem to understand anything in it. :lol:
John 15:12 This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

NOTE: "Love one another" means "love all people," not just "love other Christians."

Wrong, shithead. "Love one another" means for Christians to love Christians. Take a reading comprehension class.

Boy, do YOU have an easy faith or what!

You really think Jesus only loves those who follow him?

Every parent loves their child, but when that child does not live right and destroys their soul, it grieves the parent, and in the same way people who are disobedient grieve the Holy Spirit.
Christians should love other Christians. And when Christians find people who disagree with them, they should call them "shitheads."

How his calling someone a shithead different from Jesus calling the Jews vipers?

I wouldn't call a Christian a shithead. Someone who lies about what scripture says, or who has so little regard for scripture that they don't care what it really says, is not a Christian. Someone who twists scripture to promote something evil is not a Christian.

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