11 of the first threads in Politics are compliments of leftists.

I never interacted with bonafide racists until I found this board.
We real Americans never get a chance to ridicule you stupid uneducated Moon Bats in real life because you mostly live in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes that we stay away from.
You're not a "liberal" lol

True liberals are all but extinct because the wacko left has taken over COMPLETELY
My positions, the liberal positions, are those held by mainstream America.

Yours are only held by a whackaloon-right-wing-fringe extremist cult.

Go on. Name one position I hold that isn't mainstream. You won't be able to do so without making up some strawman position that liberals don't actually hold.
My positions, the liberal positions, are those held by mainstream America.

Yours are only held by a whackaloon-right-wing-fringe extremist cult.

Go on. Name one position I hold that isn't mainstream. You won't be able to do so without making up some strawman position that liberals don't actually hold.
It's merely the deplorable habit of changing the meaning of words to suit their current assertion.

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