" 10 Things Americans Consume That Are Banned in Other Countries"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
10 Things Americans Consume That Are Banned in Other Countries

"1. Hormones in Milk. In 1993, the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of bovine hormones in cows, which boosts milk production by about 10 percent. However, some cow hormones have been linked to breast, colon, and prostate cancers. Giving cows hormones makes them more susceptible to illness, which means greater amounts of antibiotics are used to keep them productive. Increased use of antibiotics promotes resistant bacteria that can be deadly to humans.

Where it's banned: Australia, New Zealand, Israel, the European Union (EU), and Canada.

2. Preservatives BHA and BHT. Manufactured from petroleum, these waxy solids are added to foods to prevent spoilage. The National Institutes of Health reports that BHA is "reasonably anticipated" to be a human carcinogen based on evidence of carcinogenicity in rats.

Where it's banned: The UK bans BHA from baby foods. BHA and BHT are banned completely in Japan and parts of the EU.

3. Olestra. Olestra is found in diet chips including Pringles Fat free, Ruffles Light, and Lays Wow. Studies show it blocks fat absorption. Along with unhealthy fats, olestra stops the body from taking in valuable vitamins and carotenoids. It can also cause stomach troubles.

Where it's banned: The UK and Canada."

other 7 at link. Old news but bears repeating.
I guess round up is not working so well anymore so Monsanto is adding an agent orange like product to it. Most will not take our meat either, too full of hormones.

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