10 month old gets gun permit


Active Member
Dec 30, 2006
10-month-old gets gun permit in the US


Posted : Thu, 17 May 2007 14:42:00GMT
Author : Ryan Jones
Category : US (World)
US World News

CHICAGO - Howard David Ludwig of Chicago owns a gun permit and was even presented with a shotgun by his grandfather despite the fact that he is just 10 months old. His father, a 30-year-old columnist, revealed that his grandfather had gifted the 12-gauge shotgun to his son intending that they would one day be shooting clay targets.

He said he filled an online application form and shelled out $6 after which the permit was issued. Howard Sr. said he was not expecting the permit to be issued to the infant nicknamed Bubba.

However he said he would be happy if this incident encouraged debate on the ease of acquiring firearms in the United States. The Chicago Daily Southtown reported that the ID card bore a picture of a smiling Bubba and the scrawled signature typical of a 10 month old baby.

An Illinois Government official revealed there were no restrictions as far as age was concerned for people to apply for gun permits in the state.

Copyright © 2007 Respective Author
10-month-old gets gun permit in the US


Posted : Thu, 17 May 2007 14:42:00GMT
Author : Ryan Jones
Category : US (World)
US World News

CHICAGO - Howard David Ludwig of Chicago owns a gun permit and was even presented with a shotgun by his grandfather despite the fact that he is just 10 months old. His father, a 30-year-old columnist, revealed that his grandfather had gifted the 12-gauge shotgun to his son intending that they would one day be shooting clay targets.

He said he filled an online application form and shelled out $6 after which the permit was issued. Howard Sr. said he was not expecting the permit to be issued to the infant nicknamed Bubba.

However he said he would be happy if this incident encouraged debate on the ease of acquiring firearms in the United States. The Chicago Daily Southtown reported that the ID card bore a picture of a smiling Bubba and the scrawled signature typical of a 10 month old baby.

An Illinois Government official revealed there were no restrictions as far as age was concerned for people to apply for gun permits in the state.

Copyright © 2007 Respective Author

Well the State has a problem with federal law if they do not enforce the law about handguns. It IS legal to have in your possession and to own long guns and shotguns at just about any age. It is federal law however that no one under 18 can own or legally possess as their own a handgun.
Badass. This is the America I know and love.

The day my children are old enough to have longarms and handguns legally transferred to them, their father will be subsidizing a high-end rifle and a high-end m1911, respectively, for each and every one of them...

... Provided, of course, that Creature Pelosi doesn't orchestrate the repealment of the Second Amendment long before that.
States are free to restrict by age, as their Constitution and laws dictate. I would strongly suggest you CHECK age requirements in your area.

Further a lot of States may allow young people to own weapons BUT an adult may be held accountable if an accident or crime occurs with said weapon to that youngster or others. Some States make it technically illegal if ammunition and weapons are both accessable with ease by non adults.
Excellent advice. Living in The Glorious People's Republic of KKKalifornistan has taught me that gun owners must know the ins and outs of our state's gun laws like the back of one's hand... Especially with a state DOJ as vehemently and aggressively anti-gun as ours.

Of course, I plan on emigrating to America as soon as I can :razz:
Excellent advice. Living in The Glorious People's Republic of KKKalifornistan has taught me that gun owners must know the ins and outs of our state's gun laws like the back of one's hand... Especially with a state DOJ as vehemently and aggressively anti-gun as ours.

Of course, I plan on emigrating to America as soon as I can :razz:

Montana, snowman, Montana. My wife and I have been talking about moving, everytime we suggest a state, I use the Brady web site to check the gun laws. Montana. Virginia is a good one too.
Well the State has a problem with federal law if they do not enforce the law about handguns. It IS legal to have in your possession and to own long guns and shotguns at just about any age. It is federal law however that no one under 18 can own or legally possess as their own a handgun.

His birth date's right on the card. Whoever processed the application would have known how old the kid was if they were paying attention. Obviously it's not safe for a 10 month old to be in possession of a firearm. And I guess from the looks of it he had to sit for his permit picture too. I'm not sure about that signature though.
His birth date's right on the card. Whoever processed the application would have known how old the kid was if they were paying attention. Obviously it's not safe for a 10 month old to be in possession of a firearm. And I guess from the looks of it he had to sit for his permit picture too. I'm not sure about that signature though.

I'd feel a whole lot better with a 10 month old than a 36 month old, but that is neither here nor there. Bottom line, problem, which one would hope there were rational parents to deal with.
Montana, snowman, Montana. My wife and I have been talking about moving, everytime we suggest a state, I use the Brady web site to check the gun laws. Montana. Virginia is a good one too.

I'm looking at medical schools in the Midwest and South.

The ten states with the lowest crime rates all received a grade of "D" or lower from the Brady whackos. As such, any state with a "D" or an "F" grade will be perfectly fine - I'll be more free and more safe.

How shameful it must be to be a gun-snatcher, knowing that the extent to which your policies are implemented is inversely proportional to the well-being of your countrymen. How do Sarah Brady, Rudy Giuliani, Michael Bloomberg, Rosie O'Fatass, Carolyn McCarthy, Hitlery KKKlinton, B. Hussein Osama, et al. sleep at night, much less look at themselves in the mirror each morning?

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