The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
The Ranks Of Defectors from The DemNazi Radical Party are Growing as they realize The Party they Represent, does not represent them.

We already have a Democrat Lawmaker so disgusted by Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler that he has vowed to join The GOP flipping one seat in The House, we have two others vowing to vote No, and we have 31 Conservative Dems in Trump Districts whose seats are in jeopardy if they vote for Impeachment.

Now a group of 10 more Democrats are officially opposing The Impeachment Vote seeing it for The Hoax it is. There are also rumblings other Democrats are considering joining The GOP automatically flipping more seats in the house before the 2020 election.

#WalkAway is Real. Ask Candice Owens.

Full Story At The Link Below:

Democrat breaks ranks on Trump's impeachment | The New Daily Democrat breaks ranks on Trump's impeachment

Cracks are appearing in the Democrats’ resolve to impeach President Donald Trump, with dissident Congress members expressing reservations about proceeding to a Senate trial.

The latest fissure in the formerly united front to oust the President from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue came on Friday (US time) when first-term Democrat Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey discussed switching parties in a meeting with President Donald Trump, an administration official says.

Earlier in the week, a group of some 10 Democrats urged party leaders to scrap the impeachment effort and pass a milder censure motion instead.

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It seems some democrats still have American blood left, they will have a problem with the party.
The question to ask any Democrat in Congress is who they voted for Speaker or Senate Majority Leader. Every other vote is a meaningless charade.
I hope the fact that the USSC took the Trump vs House on Trump's tax records case shows the House that they do not have any power over the Executive, unless the courts agree.
So when there is a disagreement between the House and President the courts break the tie, not impeachment, Trump going to court is NOT "Obstruction" as Nancy claimed.
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It seems some democrats still have American blood left, they will have a problem with the party.

I’ve always a thought there were still
some honest Democrats left that are in there trying to fight for sanity and more
Traditional values, but there cannot be too many of them.

It’s time for Moderate, and Conservative Democrats to speak out like they are doing now. They should not be silenced.

Why Republicans should drag out Trump's Senate trial
I hope the fact that the USSC took the Trump vs House on Trump's tax records shows the House that they do not have any power over the Executive, unless the courts agree.
So when there is a disagreement between the House and President the courts break the tie, not impeachment, Trump going to court is NOT "Obstruction" as Nancy claimed.

The Judicial Branch is supposed to settle all disputes between the other two branches.

By doing what The Democrats did, they denied The President DUE Process both in The Sham Hearing and in The Courts.

I think America sees that and I think The GOP should continue to educate The Public about Due Process and Executive Privilege, & Separation of Powers.
I also heard Pelosi is threatening a lot of The Freshmen Democrats with being primaried and with holding campaign funds. So it’s a lie she isn’t pressuring everyone.

This is why some of these Freshmen want to leave The Democrat Party.

The question to ask any Democrat in Congress is who they voted for Speaker or Senate Majority Leader. Every other vote is a meaningless charade.
So with the possibility of 44 turning cheek...… there any Dems left????? Other than the dingbats pushing to oust Trump?
I also heard Pelosi is threatening a lot of The Freshmen Democrats with being primaried and with holding campaign funds. So it’s a lie she isn’t pressuring everyone.

This is why some of these Freshmen want to leave The Democrat Party.

The question to ask any Democrat in Congress is who they voted for Speaker or Senate Majority Leader. Every other vote is a meaningless charade.

Isn't that breaking some kind of law? Blackmail or something? :dunno:
It’s time for Moderate, and Conservative Democrats to speak out

Moderate and Conservative Democrats do not exist in Congress. They vote for their corrupt Party leadership and are given permission to cast phony votes on specific legislation in order to hoodwink their constituents. Let's stop pretending otherwise.
Bribery & Extortion yet she is getting away with it.

I also heard Pelosi is threatening a lot of The Freshmen Democrats with being primaried and with holding campaign funds. So it’s a lie she isn’t pressuring everyone.

This is why some of these Freshmen want to leave The Democrat Party.

The question to ask any Democrat in Congress is who they voted for Speaker or Senate Majority Leader. Every other vote is a meaningless charade.

Isn't that breaking some kind of law? Blackmail or something? :dunno:
It seems some democrats still have American blood left, they will have a problem with the party.
Or, they see a bloodbath on the horizon and are scared shitless.

The others are too stupid to get it.

The 31 democrats in districts won by Trump need to make a decision:
1. Stay a democrat, vote to impeach Trump, and really piss the voters off in their district knowing Trump will win in 2020, and lose your seat
2. Do not vote to impeach and piss Nancy off and lose your democrat money needed for re-election and get primaried, and lose your seat
3. Turn Republican, vote to not impeach and negotiate a deal with Republicans, if that's even doable?
My count is a minimum of 13 already publicly stating or inferring that they will vote it down.

There could be more.

It seems some democrats still have American blood left, they will have a problem with the party.
Or, they see a bloodbath on the horizon and are scared shitless.

The others are too stupid to get it.
The Ranks Of Defectors from The DemNazi Radical Party are Growing as they realize The Party they Represent, does not represent them.

We already have a Democrat Lawmaker so disgusted by Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler that he has vowed to join The GOP flipping one seat in The House, we have two others vowing to vote No, and we have 31 Conservative Dems in Trump Districts whose seats are in jeopardy if they vote for Impeachment.

Now a group of 10 more Democrats are officially opposing The Impeachment Vote seeing it for The Hoax it is. There are also rumblings other Democrats are considering joining The GOP automatically flipping more seats in the house before the 2020 election.

#WalkAway is Real. Ask Candice Owens.

Full Story At The Link Below:

Democrat breaks ranks on Trump's impeachment | The New Daily Democrat breaks ranks on Trump's impeachment

Cracks are appearing in the Democrats’ resolve to impeach President Donald Trump, with dissident Congress members expressing reservations about proceeding to a Senate trial.

The latest fissure in the formerly united front to oust the President from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue came on Friday (US time) when first-term Democrat Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey discussed switching parties in a meeting with President Donald Trump, an administration official says.

Earlier in the week, a group of some 10 Democrats urged party leaders to scrap the impeachment effort and pass a milder censure motion instead.

Wow, 10 out of ???
My count is a minimum of 13 already publicly stating or inferring that they will vote it down.

There could be more.

The outcome has already been determined by Pelosi. She still knows how to count. The only question is whether she has decided to keep the impeachment charade going or let it become a motion to censure the President. Letting a few Democrats vote against impeachment isn't going to save their seats.
It’s time for Moderate, and Conservative Democrats to speak out

Moderate and Conservative Democrats do not exist in Congress. They vote for their corrupt Party leadership and are given permission to cast phony votes on specific legislation in order to hoodwink their constituents. Let's stop pretending otherwise.
Ever heard of projection?
I thought you were talking about trumpanzees
My count is a minimum of 13 already publicly stating or inferring that they will vote it down.

There could be more.

The outcome has already been determined by Pelosi. She still knows how to count. The only question is whether she has decided to keep the impeachment charade going or let it become a motion to censure the President.
And the senate hasn't been determined?
The leader agreeing with the accused?
The hate from democrats is crazy! They are domestic terrorist by the definition

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